Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ I Want to Be Freed ❯ One Shot ( One-Shot )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Karenu-anime: Nothing much, just a one shot ficcie, inspired by Celine Dion and LeAnn Rimes. Not a song-ficcie though. ^.~

Disclaimer: Karenu-anime does not own Yu-Gi-Oh!!!!


I Want To Be Freed

My soul feels trapped, the nothingness consuming me as I continue going on the road of life. My mou hitori no boku has been trying to be helpful, as much as he can, but he cannot help me. I feel trapped as the despair lingers and I barely stay light. I feel so helpless. I feel so utterly hopeless. Why won't my darkness come, pick me up, and lift my spirits? I shouldn't be asking stupid questions. He can't………


I feel so unloved. Mou hitori no boku has been abusive towards me. Why? I don't know. I rarely see my family anymore. I'm alone in the world. Nobody will sit by my side and share my pain. There is no one there I can trust. People say I'm innocent, but surely I'm not. So is my bright amethyst eyed friend. We both feel pain, different pain, but pain nonetheless. I wish to share our pain together, but I do not want to put my troubles on my already troubled friend. What should I do………?

**********************^^^^^^^^*********************^^^^^******** **

I feel like nothing matters. My silver haired friend feels pain too. I haven't seen him much lately. All of my family has died; all I have left is my darkness, my love. Although he is in love with another, a slut named Anzu Mazaki (A/N: No offense to Anzu/Tea fans!!!). I feel so incomplete without my love. Why isn't he here to comfort me?! Am I too weak for him? That's it………he doesn't want to be with his weak hikari. Maybe my existence in this world is nothing, but an illusion……………?


Who is there? I know I heard something. Perhaps I am so lonely that my mind is playing with me? I surely hope not. Why can't my ending pain stop? Does it really matter that I'm hear on earth. Perhaps hell or heaven will have better use for me……………….?


Nobody's here with me right now. The soft rain on the window pane is comforting sometimes. It helps very little, though, most of the time. Why can't the wind just scatter my soul? It's so fragile, and it's already broken. My soul is not innocent anymore; it has been corrupted by the shallow depths of shadows, darkness, and selfish beings. How I envy the happy people, not knowing my troubles. Why can I not be happy? Am I not meant for happiness?


Why have the depths of hell reached me? My wonderful love who continues to torture me so. Don't you know I love you? How come you hate me so? Am I really that pathetic?? I love that song from LeAnn Rimes, it's so refreshing. Life Goes On, what a lovely title. How come people have felt happiness more then one week? It's so cold and lonely………..

***************My Point of View***********************

Ryou sat looking out of the window. He decided to visit his friend Yugi. Five minutes later he was entering the Game Shop. Unfortunately, it was a bad time entering the shop. All of his friends were there.

Yami was speaking to his friends, Tristan, Joey, and girlfriend, Anzu. Yami stopped though when he saw all their attention was focused at the doorway of the living room. He slowly turned the way they were staring and was speechless.

Ryou knew how much Yugi loved Yami, so he decided to do a favor for Yugi. He went up to Yami and slapped him. The sound resounded in the whole room.

Yami jumped up defiantly when he got slapped by Ryou. "Why did you do that, Ryou?" Yami asked, "You don't just come in here and slap people!!" Ryou stared at Yami for a moment and started walking upstairs to Yugi's room, but he stopped when he was at the beginning of the stairs. Ryou then spoke. "If you don't pay attention to your neglected gift," Ryou spoke slowly to figure out the right words to use, "then by midnight you will no longer find your gift and he will be gone forever." Then Ryou went upstairs.

Yugi was looking out the window his reflection on the window pane. He wanted to cry, but he had used up all his tears. He heard a knock on the door. "Go away!" Yugi shouted. The person outside paused, but then resumed knocking. Yugi finally gave up after ten knocks. He wondered who could be so persistent. "Come in!!" Yugi said. The door opened, and Yugi was very surprised to see who was at the door. It was Ryou. Now what was he doing here, Yugi wondered. "Yugi, we need to talk." Ryou said. "What, Ryou," Yugi asked, "What do you want to talk about?" "Commit suicide with me at midnight." Ryou said without emotion. Yugi was shocked feeling very small. "If you commit suicide with me, you and I won't have to feel pain anymore." Ryou said in a pleaded voice. After a few minutes of thinking, Yugi agreed.

*******************Yami's Point of View************************

^What did he mean, I'll lose my gift? ^ Yami wondered. Then he heard a slam of a door and down bolted Yugi and Ryou out the front door. ^Wonder where their going. ^

((((((((((11:00 pm)))))))))

^I have an hour left, before something happens to my "gift" ^ Yami thought. Bang!!!! Bakura came in through the door. "What do you want?!" Yami demanded. A silence soon followed that question. Finally Bakura spoke. "I think our lights are trying to commit suicide." Everybody gasped, except for Bakura. "Why do you think that, Tomb Robber?" Yami asked.

&&&Flashback/Talking Mode&&&

Bakura walked in a store. The store's cashier yelled, "Hey, Ryou!!" Bakura quickly whirled around and snarled, "I'm not Ryou!!" Then something came to a shock. ^Why would Ryou have been in a weapons store? ^ "Tell me," Bakura asked, "What did Ryou buy?" The store cashier started to speak after a few minutes of silence. "He bought a knife and a friend with tri-colored hair boy came in with him, he said, "and said that they were going to go to a long rest and never return." The store cashier just shrugged. With those words, everything clicked for Bakura. ^ By Ra, they're going to commit suicide!! ^ "Shit!!" Bakura said and ran out of the store to the Pharaoh no Baka's house.

&&&End Flashback/ Talking Mode&&&

Everybody was silent after Bakura stopped talking. After a few moments of silence, they started to annoy Bakura. "Pharaoh what are you doing?" Bakura shouted, "Your light is about to commit suicide!!" With those words they all snapped out of their trances and bolted.


Yami and Bakura followed their lights aura and it led them to Domino Pier. They saw two figures near the pier dock and they looked like they were about to slit something and jump to the ocean with anchors on their ankles. Bakura and Yami quickly ran over there. "Stop, Yugi, Ryou!!!" yelled Yami.

Ryou and Yugi stopped. Ryou felt joy course through his body. Yami had come for Yugi, and had brought Bakura along with him. He turned around, and he felt rage course through him, even when he didn't know why. Only one thing popped in his head. He had brought the traitor friends with him too!!!

Finally Yami and Bakura had gotten to Ryou and Yugi. Yami pulled Yugi into an embrace. "Never do that to me again, my light." Yami murmured to Yugi. Bakura just looked at Ryou. "You sure have a lot of guts pulling a stunt like that." Bakura said. Ryou and Yugi just looked at each other. They thought that after this moment things would be back the same. "We'll come follow you, but we need to do something first." Yugi stated. Yami and Bakura trusted them and walked away. With that, Ryou and Yugi plunged a hidden knife under their coats into their heart. Bakura and Yami quickly felt the pain and whirled around. They quickly rushed back to them. Bakura was crying silently. "Why, Yugi?!" Yami asked, sobbing. All Yugi could say trough silent tears was sorry and the forbidden words. Ryou and Yugi looked at each other through their tears and both said to their counterparts, "I love you." With that said they both plunged down deep to the ocean, in eternal peace.

((((((((((((Next Day))))))))))))))))))))

Bakura and Yami stood at the base of the Domino Pier and they threw sakura petals in the ocean. It was a sunny bright day, but they felt sad and regret. Soon the pull of their millennium items pulled them back to their items trapping them in eternal darkness until the awakening. The Millennium Puzzle and Millennium Ring floated in the air and plunged into the ocean and joined with the graves of their lights. Their souls now freed.