Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ In the Palace ❯ Home Sweet Home ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!, but I DO own some cards...

Just so you know, I think that both Yugi and Yami are WAY to short so I made them taller. Yugi is about 4 foot 6 (the average height of a 10 year old) and Yami is about 6 feet (pretty tall, I'm not sure, but probably almost as tall as Joey)


*1 Hour Later...*

"These chains are cutting into my neck, Yugi!" Ryou complained.

"Deal with it." I said grumpily. I didn't like this any better than he did but complaining won't solve anything.

"Look, Yugi!" Ryou was looking out of the little barred window in our 'moving cell'. As I moved to the window to look, we came to a halt and Ryou and I were slammed into the front.

"Ow!" I exclaimed and pushed myself back into a sitting position. Shakily, I went over to the small window and peered out. I gasped. "Wow..." was all I could say as I gazed at the Palace. It had to be 1,000 times bigger than any building I've ever seen! "Wow..." I said again. We started again, and this time we were thrown to the back.

"Why do they keep doing that?!?" said Ryou indignantly.

The door slammed open and the sudden bright light dazzled me. "Come out, laves. You have to wash up before you enter the Palace. Follow me."

"We have names you know." Ryou muttered so only I could hear. I struggled o
stifle my giggle as we approached a small building next to the Palace wall. As e entered the guard said, "We will be waiting outside for you when you finish. Change into these clothes while you're at it." he handed us each a whited outfit.

As we entered, I saw a spring inside, obviously we were supposed to clean ourselves before we set foot in the Palace. I looked at my feet and realized that this made sense. They were caked with dirt and mud and made me look VERY tan. I blushed when I realized that Ryou and I would have to bathe together. (This is NOT YAOI you sickos!) We turned away from each other and got ready. I, at least, didn't turn around until I was in the water. I looked at Ryou and laughed.

"What are you laughing at?" he asked

"Your *giggle* hair! It's covered in dirt and mud!" his hair, instead of its usual white, was almost black! He looked at his reflection in the water and started to laugh too.

"I _do_ look silly, don't I! Let's see your hair. What can it hurt to show me! And besides, it is probably dirty and you should wash it."

I considered it, and it was very rational. My hair even felt dirty. "Sure, why not! Just don't tell anyone else, k?" I unwrapped my hair and he gasped.

"It's so pointy! Can I touch it, please?" I was a bit astonished with his question, but agreed all the same.


"It's so...soft. You wouldn't expect it to be."

"I know." I put my spare wrap on and washed my other, which was as dirty as Ryou's hair. We both turned around and put on our new clothes quickly. I was
relieved as I noticed that it was not revealing, the perverts you get in Egypt. This was obviously so we didn't get burns from hot food. We also got sandals, at which Ryou said 'Oh goodie! Sandals at last!' We walked back outside and the guards led us to a door, lower than the main entrance, obviously for slaves. They led us up corridors and stairs before we came upon the kitchen. It was one of the largest kitchens I had seen in my life, scratch that. THE largest kitchen, by far. A girl, about 16 by the looks of it, came up to us.

"Hello. You must be the new cooks." she looked us over "A bit young, but who am I to judge?" she sounded neither happy nor sad. She walked across the kitchen and through a door that led to a hall. One of the doorways led to stairs, and others to small rooms with several mats on the floor, obviously bedrooms. At the end of the hall was a larger doorway, but we didn't get to see what was on the other side as she turned and entered a doorway on the right. There was three mats in here. One for me, one for Ryou, and one for someone else, who wasn't there.
"This is your room. Get settled and be in the kitchen as soon as possible" she said in a calm voice, yet it had athority. Ryou and I laid our things on the
mats that weren't being used.

"Well. Home Sweet Home." Ryou said sarcastically

"We should go. It is almost dinner time as it is." we both walked down the hallway and back to the kitchen. "What should we do?" I asked the girl that led us down the hall before.

"Go and help with the fires." she said as if it was obvious

We went to the fire and looked in. "It looks done..." said Ryou, confused.

"What do we do?" I asked. A boy with golden hair came up and looked in the large pot.

"Not done yet." said the boy "I'll stay with you today. By the way, my name is Malik" he probably would of held out his hand, but he seemed busy at the moment. "Help me with this pot." he grunted and Ryou and I went to help. We talked as we finished dinner and when we were finished., we went back to our room. Soon Ryou and I discovered that Malik was the other person that was in our room.

"So you're our roommate." I said.

"No kidding." said Ryou sarcastically

"Shut up"

Malik giggled. "Sorry, I haven't laughed in months."

"Been depressed?" I guessed, seeing the look in his eyes.

"Yah..." said Malik "I was separated from my sister, Isis, three months ago."

Ryou looked at me "Neither of us have families anymore. Yugi's mum died two years ago, as did mine, two years ago from the same disease."

Malik looked at us with pity "As far as I know, my parents are both working on the Pharaohs pyramid... But I have no idea where my sister is... Anyways," he said obviously wanting to change the subject, "We should go to bed...the cooks have to get up early to make breakfast for everyone..." he laid down on his mat and went to sleep.

"G'night, Ryou" I said, for the first time I noticed new blankets at the bottom of their beds. There certainly were perks to working here...

"G'night, Yugi. Oh lookie! New blankets!!!" Ryou exclaimed like he had gotten a big treat.

I giggled "Yah...Night!" I laid down and was asleep in seconds....it had been a long day...


*Yami's POV*

I couldn't sleep. Don't ask why, but I felt as though something important had happened. I had always had this sixth sense, weather it had something to do with my dark powers, I do not know. I feel like something important was going to happen to me soon, but I don't know if it will be good or bad... I shook myself. I was being silly, or was I...


Hope you liked that chapter >.< there goes Malik, hope I got him ok, since all I know about him is from other fan-fics. + ) <- my one eyed alien says hi!