Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ In the Palace ❯ Lost! ( Chapter 4 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! or the part in Yami's flashback that is based off Yahiko in Rurouni Kenshin.

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*Yugi's POV*

It was a normal day in the kitchens, making bread, blah, blah, blah. Until, during lunch break, a tall blond haired boy came in.

"Hey, kid." he said to me. "Can I have some grub, I'm starvin' here!"

"Sure, I can give you some leftovers" I said, noticing that his stomach was growling and that you could almost see his ribs.

"Thanks-uh what's your name?"

"Yugi." I said, bringing as much food as I could carry.

"Thanks Yugi" he said, shoveling the food in his mouth like he hadn't eaten in a month.

"Yugi, who's your new friend?" asked Ryou.

"I don't know his name yet"

"Jou" said Jou in between bites

"Ryou, nice to meet you"

"When was the last time HE ate?" said Malik sarcastically

"Last week." said Jou, who was now finished.

"Are you serious!?!?!?!?!?"

"Yah, only kitchen and personal slaves eat meals daily, didn't you know?" he asked incredulously.

"No" we said in unison.

"I better go. I have to clean the floors. See yah!"

*sweatdrops* "He cleans floors?!?!?!?!" said Malik "You'd think he cleans ceilings!"

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*Yami's POV*

I gazed affectionately at the golden Pyramid with the eye of Horos in the front. It was the last thing my mother gave to me...

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"Mother, what's wrong?" I said. I was only 12. Two years ago, now. (notice a connection?)

"I have a disease and will see Anubis very soon."

"No, mother, you mustn't die! How can I become Pharaoh without anyone to guide me?"

"Take this, little Yami-"

"For the last time I'M NOT LITTLE!!!!"

"Put this together and when you do, make a wish. It will come true, just wait. Remember, as long as you have this, I am with you. Remember, my little Yami"


"I would like to see your Father now. Goodbye, Yami"

*End Flashback*

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*Yami's POV*

That was the last time I ever saw my mother. It was also the first time my mother ever said my name without the little in front of it. Now I see why she did that. She knew that what I really wanted was her acceptance. I just hope that my wish does come true...

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*Yugi's POV*

We are outside near the slave entrance having a great time! We had some free time at the end of the day and are watching Ra descend. Ryou decided to tell us he was happy and annoy us at the same time "Happy happy joy joy, happy hap-"

"Shut up!" yelled Malik, who's hand was over Ryou's mouth and had a vein pulsing wildly on his head.

"We should go back." I said.

"But we just got here!!!" Ryou whined.

"If a certain person" he glared at me at this point "hadn't gotten us lost, we would of spent more time outside!"

"But I thought it was a short cut!!!" I said as we walked back up.

"This time I'M leading the way." said Malik.

*1 hour later*

"Your even worse!!!" yelled Ryou "We've been lost for FOREVER!!!"

"You lead the way then!" Malik shouted back.

"Ok then, I will." We were back in the kitchens within 10 minutes. "There!" he stuck his tongue out at Malik.

"Oh, shout up!" he said, hitting Ryou lightly on the back of the head, obviously annoyed and slightly put-out.

I chuckled. "Good night" we all said simultaneously and I, at least, was out like a light.

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I think that was a funny chapter!!!! What is that one song that Dory sings... "Just keep swimming..." Anyways, same as last chapter, if you know a situation that shows Yami's connection with the Millennium Puzzle OR Yugi having fun, please contact me at: bonnieisthebest@aol.com . Thank you!!!!

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