Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Indescribable Sin ❯ Raindrops and Puzzles ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

360 Down Turn
By Yami Yuugi
Summary: Yuugi lives a happy life with his mother and father, though after one incident at the age of six, his father mysteriously disappears. What happens when he then finds him ten years later after losing someone close to him and a fight ensues for the custody of Yuugi Mutou?
Disclaimer: If I owned Yu-Gi-Oh! would I seriously be writing fan fiction?
Warnings: Alternate Universe, Yami in the role of Yuugi's father, and Yuugi in the role of Yami's son. More warnings will be mentioned when needed.
Chapter One
Rain pounded against the cool glass of the window, splattering stray raindrops across the slick surface, slithering down in the formation of a snake. Curious amethyst eyes watched this action of engaged trailing rain with great interest as he smiled.
The small boy giggled excitedly as he pressed his tiny hands onto the window, tracing the patterns of the flowing water. His all natural curious antics took a hold of his actions as he continued his imaginative game.
“Aww come back raindrops!” he squealed in utter disappointment. The water had finally ended its journey down the window's glass surface, now coming into the form of almost invisible mist.
A chuckle echoed through the scene of the boy's moment. His large amethyst eyes blinked as he cocked his head to the side, catching a view of lean black leather covered legs..
The said owner of legs smiled, walking over towards the small six-year old that stood by the window.
“What's wrong Aibou?” the male's baritone voice questioned, sending chills down little Yuugi's back.
Yuugi pouted adorably as he watched the man in front of himself bend down on his knees, meeting Yuugi at his eye level.
“The raindrops stopped falling on the window.”
Crimson eyes blinked thoughtfully as a grin spread across the man's face.
“I'm sorry Aibou, but that's how mother nature is, she is very unpredictable. You never know what she is going to do next.” The man's bronze colored fingers ruffled through the younger's already messy tri-colored hair.
“I know, but there isn't anything else to do when it rains.” Yuugi pouted, holding his arms up in invitation to be picked up.
The man smiled as he lifted his boy onto his hip, holding him close as he patted the young one on the back.
“Out of all of your toys, you couldn't find anything that entertained you?”
“No, I've already played with all them, and I solved all da puzzles you gave me.”
Crimson eyes flickered as the man fell into deep thought, desperately trying to think of something for his boy's entertainment.
Yuugi could only gaze into those captivating crimson eyes as he watched the man think for a few moments. Well until blinked his eyes, smiling happily as something struck his mind.
“I know something you might like.”
He continued to smile as he carried the six-year old out of the living room, trailing up the small set of stairs.
“Daddy, what are yous gonna show me?” Yuugi asked, only to find himself and his father in a spacious bedroom.
“You'll see Aibou. You'll see.”
Yuugi was placed gingerly on the soft bed as his father entered the large walk-in closet, digging through its contents.
Though by now, the small boy had become quite interested with a set of cards on the nightstand table.
His large amethyst eyes widened with his naive innocence as he crawled across the bed, reaching out for a set of shiny playing cards.
An ambience of colored pictures made themselves known as the boy's small hands sifted through the deck of cards. From shiny foil encrusted cards to that of golden lettered rare oddities, the cards were very entertaining, or in this case quite rare.
Yuugi squealed as he struck gold in his search. He had found the one card that always seemed to brighten his attitude on even the rainiest of days.
“Yay I found you Dark Mad'gician!” he squealed, nuzzling the piece of paper to his chest.
The said card was that from the game of Duel Monsters. The boy's father held a deck that was unstoppable to that of many in their hometown of Domino City. After all, he did hold the title “Yugioh, the king of games.”
The boy smiled and squealed in delight as he gazed at the shimmering holographic card in his hands.
While Yuugi entertained himself with the Dark Magician card, the boy's father continued his excavation through his closet.
Things of unusual shape and matter flew across the room, landing on the large bed where Yuugi sat.
“Dang it, where is it? Wait is this it?”
The man gripped a rectangular box of pure gold as he exited the confines of his closet, smiling happily as he recognized the item within his grip.
“Ah I have finally found it. Yuugi-chan, where...” He turned around, blinking his exotic crimson eyes as he was met with the adorable sight of his young son playing with his Dark Magician card for the fifth time that week.
“Aibou, come here. Look what I have for you.”
Curious amethyst eyes met those of his fathers, sparkling with innocence and mirth as another shimmering light challenged his own inner spark. His eyes then fell onto the rather large golden box that his father held. The box itself held a great sense of power, and durability for pure gold. Hieroglyphics were etched in straight lines surrounded the bordering sides, connecting to a large stylized version of the eye of Re.
Yuugi fell into a trance, staring at the golden box with a great sense of familiarity. He felt a tug within his heart as it beat rapidly within his chest. It almost reminded him of a natural instinct, or a call to the small boy's soul. Something odd was at work with not only the box but with Yuugi and his father as well.
The six-year old was pulled free from his dream-like state as he blinked, feeling a great deal of warmth as noticed the touch of his father. The man had pulled him into his arms yet again.
Sadness, and distress plagued through crimson eyes as he questioned his boy. “Aibou? Aibou, are you okay?” his large dusky hands trailed through the boy's spiky strands of tri-colored hair, attempting to calm him.
“Daddy, w, what is that box?” Yuugi whispered, continuing his gaze upon the intriguing item beheld on the soft bed.
Said man chuckled. “Aibou this is what I was going to give you.” He walked over towards the bed, gently placing his little one in his lap as he drew the box towards them.
“What is it?”
“Patience Little One.”
The father removed the lid of the golden box, revealing thousands of small pieces.
Fascination between Yuugi and the box increased as the boy reached out towards it, touching the thousands of pieces as he grinned.
“Is it a puzzle? Is it a new puzzle Daddy?!” he squealed.
Yami could only watch his young son with a smile as he nodded. “Yes Yuugi, this is a new puzzle for you. I had not intended on giving it to you until you were a bit older but it seems you need something to occupy your time at the moment.”
Yuugi pulled himself free from his father's grasp as he situated himself into a comfortable position on the bed. “What's it called?”
“This is a very special puzzle Yuugi, this is one that has been passed down through our family for generations. It comes from Egypt, and it's called the Millennium Puzzle.”
The boy nodded in understanding as he then turned towards his father, smiling happily as he wrapped his small arms around Yami's waist.
“Thank you Daddy.”
“You're welcome Aibou.”
Yami smiled once more as he stood up, stretching as he noticed his son's curious expression.
“Where you going?”
“I'm going to get some groceries for tonight's dinner. I'll be right back Aibou.”
Yuugi looked at his father with pleading eyes as tears glistened down his cherubic face.
“Why can't I go with you?”
The father frowned as he crossed the room, wrapping his arms around the boy, pulling him into a loving embrace as he cooed sweet words to him.
“Because I think Mommy needs some help making her famous chocolate chip cookies in the kitchen.”
Yuugi's eyes lit up as though a new bulb had gone off in his mind. “You mean the ones that she hardly ever makes?”
“Yes, and I bet she would love your help.”
Yuugi didn't need any other hints as he jumped from his father's embrace, sprinting out of the room and heading towards the kitchen.
Yami chuckled as he stood up, car keys in hand. “The things that please my son in the simplest of ways.”
He then walked down the stairs, kissing his wife as he headed out of the house, embarking on his journey of getting groceries.
Though no one seemed to notice the darkening charcoal colored clouds that embedded that of the once gray ones as thunder echoed across the city.
To be continued.....