Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Insanity and Egotism ❯ Target: Yami ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Malik looked nervously at Bakura who was currently shining his Uzi as he walked just ahead of him.

'He seems a little weird…'


Bakura put his Uzi back in his trench coat, not noticing that several people had suddenly disappeared when he had first pulled out his gun.


"…Did you hear Isis and I's conversation?"

"About the," he snickered, "Rod?"

"No… after that."

"I cut off the connection after I heard you tearing up Isis's house. Awful racket."

'Then that's not why… I thought he heard Isis and now he was uncomfortable. So, why is he acting so weird?'

"Bakura, are you okay?"

Bakura tensed a bit.

"Fine, just fine. We're getting closer to the game shop."

Malik, suddenly forgetting about the strangely acting Bakura, danced in front of the grumpy spirit.


Bakura raised an eyebrow.

"That anxious for the puzzle?"


"That a question or a statement?"

Bakura folded his arms.

"Just, go through with the plan, eh, Bakura?"

Bakura had forgotten about it. He'd rather not get close to the… Pharaoh, but he owed Malik. Poor guy knocked out his sister, she may have been such a sister, but she cared for him.

'Almost as much as I do…'

Bakura blushed slightly at that comment.

'Crap, I'm getting soft.'

Bakura threw a knife at an unsuspecting squirrel perched on a tree branch. The poor little guy came flying down.

'Ah, I feel better now.'

"Show time."

Bakura looked up to notice that he and Malik were standing right in front of Su… So… Yugi's grandfather's game shop. Yeah.

"Now, I'll be the one hiding in the bushes, and you give me a good show."

Malik winked at him.

"If I knew any better, I'd think you were enjoying the idea of this."

'I sure am…'

Malik dismissed the statement and ducked behind a few shrubs. Bakura wrinkled his eyebrows and eyed the doorbell.

'What the hell am I supposed to say?'

"Hi Yugi, I want to screw your dark spirit," and just as Bakura uttered those words, Yugi, clad in his usual leather-bondage-king outfit, opened the door.

What surprised Bakura even more was how fast Yami suddenly appeared from the puzzle.

"Why, hello there, " Yami purred.

Bakura could say nothing but stare at the young Pharaoh in shock. Then, his eyes lowered to the puzzle, and he was reminded of his mission. Meanwhile, nearby, hidden in shrubs and popcorn in hand was Malik. He was currently hitting his rod repeatedly against the ground.

"Damnit, I want good reception!"

"What are you waiting for, step inside."

Yami turned around and disappeared into the room, Bakura sauntered in after him.

"You know how long it's been since I got laid?"

"3,000 years?"



"I almost tried Anzu…"

"You were desperate," Bakura choked with laughter.

Yami glared at Bakura and sat on the couch, patting the cushion next to him and his eyes suddenly turned to into fire. Bakura caved in and sat down on the couch, but closer to the arm and farther away from Yami.

"I don't here any 'mmphs'," hissed Bakura's Ring.

Bakura smacked the Ring and was pleased to hear Malik howl in pain.

"Um, are you alright?"

Bakura didn't turn to face Yami, but eyed him through the corner of his eyes.

"Yes, I'm a masochist, I smack myself all the time."


Yami smacked the cushion of the couch for emphasis.

"Could you say that any more sleazier?"

"Don't think so."

Yami scooted closer to Bakura, who scooted further away.

"I'd think you were going back on your word."

Bakura rolled his eyes, and suddenly grabbed Yami's face pulling him into a crushing kiss. Yami pounced on Bakura and sat on him, grinning wildly down at him. He bent down and let his hands sneak up Bakura's shirt, feeling him all over, as he leaned down and nipped at Bakura's neck. As much as Bakura hated to admit it, he was actually enjoying himself. He looked down and could see the chain that held the puzzle on the back of Yami's neck. Bakura reached for Yami's shoulders and started to pull of the blue jacket of his school uniform.

Yami lifted his head up from his licking and whispered hotly in Bakura's ear, "A little anxious aren't we?"

Again, Bakura hated to admit, he had enjoyed that, too.

"Sweet jeebus, this is better than porn!"

Malik listened closely to the Rod, when suddenly it went static.

"NO! Not now!"

Malik banged the Rod against the ground again, when he noticed a shadow hovering over him. It was none other than Seto Kaiba.

"What… exactly are you doing here, Malik?"

"You know my name?"

"I've heard of you from Yami."

Malik laughed bitterly, "Whatever that guy said, it's a lie."

"He said you were sexy and Egyptian. And here you are, hiding in the bushes looking sexy and Egyptian."

Malik raised an eyebrow.

'So the Pharaoh thinks I'm sexy? Hm, the guy's got some smarts.'

Malik, suddenly reminded of the steamy actions going on in the game shop, snapped and thrusted his Rod toward Seto.

"Once you got here my Rod went all crazy!"

Seto showed off his best hentai grin, "Of course, I'm Seto Kaiba."

"UGH! Not THAT Rod, and don't flatter yourself."

Seto returned to his usual stoic face.

"Where's Yami?"

Malik looked around nervously.

'Is he with the Pharaoh? I bet he's crazier than him, I sure can't let him see Bakura licking him down.'

Malik suddenly lost his trail of thought when he spotted a window.

'I could see great from there!'

Malik bolted for the window, forgetting the tall blue eyed white coat wearing man the following him.

Malik drooled at the sight of Bakura and Yami caught in strong kisses. Seto peered over his shoulder, his eyes widened in shock.


This suddenly let Malik know that Seto was behind him, which was a no-no.


"Why… is your psychotic boyfriend making out with my-enemy? Enemy."

Seto looked nervous for a brief second then returned to his usual glaring.

"He's not my boyfriend," Malik tried to make it sound like a defense, but it came out with more of a distraught sigh.

Seto patted him on the shoulder.

"Alright… Yami's not my boyfriend… but I'd like him to be."

"That was so," Malik said in between sniffles, "freaking obvious."

"Yeah," whatever emotion was left in Seto had suddenly drained out of him, "So, what are you and bat-head doing here?"

"Trying to take over the world," Malik, too, had made a full recovery.


Malik nodded.

"I'll be back later."

"You're leaving? Why?"

"Because, I'll either end up being sexual harassed, physically harmed, or drugged, and I'm not in the mood," the tall bishounen walked off. Malik watched him, wondering if he could get a spiffy coat like that, then decided to continue to watch the show.

Bakura then flipped his other so he was on top and he quickly pulled out his Uzi in a swift blow, crushing it against Yami's neck.

Bakura smirked slightly as he bent down and blew his words into Yami's ear, "I'm going to take the puzzle, now. Try and stop me and say bye to Mr. Horsie."