Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Insanity and Egotism ❯ Target: Shadi, Part 1 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
And as we have it, more ficcy goodness. Grab some popcorn, and don't forget to review before you leave. I see those visits. *eyes accusingly*

Bakura lowered his gun and patted him with it there, for emphasis. Yami only panted and glared. Bakura raised an eyebrow and shrugged.

"I'd guess I'd be kind of desperate after 3, 000 years. The difference between you and me, Yami, is the first thing I did when I was free was..."

Bakura pulled lost his train of thought as he pulled the puzzle off Yami, still holding the Uzi to him as he ran out the door.

Bakura turned around when he noticed the blonde Egyptian who was waiting for him eagerly. They ran quickly, to a nearby park. It was empty, it being around a cold wintry day.

"So the plan went well?" Malik sat on a bench and crossed his legs.

"Sure did," Bakura panted.

"Was it that good?" Malik raised an eyebrow.

'Yeah… and I'd like to do the same to you.'



"Shadi's turn."

Bakura groaned and fell on the grass with a thump.

"I take it that you're not thrilled."

"You would be right."

"So, what's the plan, boy?"

Bakura turned to him and glared at his other, "I'm thousands of years older than you, boy."

"Oh, I forgot you were touchy about your age. Don't hurt me, Grandpa," Malik raised his hands in defeat and snickered.

Bakura chuckled, then suddenly, his oh so famous, 'I'm about to kick your butt' grin graced his hard features.

"Crap," Malik whispered as he made a dive to get away from the homicidal spirit.

Bakura grabbed the boy from behind, a firm arm around Malik's waist, and another around the his neck, making it so Bakura could rest his chin on the boy's shoulder.

"You think you could escape from the King of Thieves?" Bakura resisted the urge to lick Malik's ear as his whispered his empty threat.

Malik shivered, and whipered, "Let go," even though he wouldn't have minded to be in Bakura's arms forever.

"Let's see, no, I don't think so," Bakura grinned as he was intoxicated by the handsome Egyptian's smell.

As Malik squirmed, his hip brushed against Bakura who resisted a moan.

Malik took the initiative, "Are you going somewhere with this, Bakura?"

Bakura blushed slightly as he turned Malik loose. Malik blinked in confusion.

"I should ask you the same."


"It's not everyday you ask your friend to screw your enemy."

Malik narrowed his eyes, "What are you getting at?"

"I just wanted to know… did you get some kind of kick from that?"

Malik, who had his back to Bakura, turned around and eyed the boy with intensity.

"Why do you care?"

Bakura looked pass Malik, "I don't…"


Bakura growled at Malik, "What? Do you want me to say, 'Malik, I want you so badly! Take me!'"

Bakura did a slight 'swoon' for emphasis. Malik rolled his eyes and asked the white-haired boy, again, for their next plan against Shadi.

"I have a plan for them…" He whispered to Malik the plans that the audience shall not know about until it happens because the authoress is an evil wench. Muahaha.

Bakura and Malik walked to a wide open space with a lot of shops.

"I'm going to get at taxi," said Bakura as he waved his arms for one, but they just kept passing.

Bakura growled and pulled out his knife waving it, and the taxis went by even faster.

"Uh, Bakura, leave it to me."

The world seemed to stop for Bakura as Malik walked out to the sidewalk, twisting and moving his body gracefully. He waves his arms and yawned, he purple top rising and showing even more of his stomach. Bakura gaped, drool starting to leak from his mouth. A taxi pulled by in a matter of milliseconds.

Malik turned back at Bakura and snickered, "Close your mouth. The taxi's here."

Bakura did so and glared at the pretty boy in front of him. They both slipped into the taxi, it wasn't until the taxi driver turned around to ask directions did they get a surprise.

"Where to-Gah! MALIK! And," he squinted at the pale boy next to the Egyptian, "Eeeeeeevil Bakura!"

Malik suddenly looked up to see none other Katsuya Jounouchi.

"Jou," he spat.

"Aw, and here I thought I got a hottie," Jou sighed.

"Well, let's see. How many dark skinned men with blonde hair wearing jewelry are there in Japan?"

Bakura snickered and Jou said, "Yeah, yeah. Now, where you headed?"

"Take us to Shadi's hideout," Bakura instructed.

Jou then pulled off in a rush and Malik and Bakura clutched the seat for dear life.

"JOU! Slow down, idiot!" Bakura yelled.

"No can do--Get the HELL out the way, Grandma!"

Bakura blinked to see the same woman who had hit him repeatedly earlier right in front of the taxi.

He leaned closer to Jou and shouted, "Hit her! Hit the bitch!"

Malik pulled Bakura back and told him to, "Shut up!"

Bakura blushed at their position. His head was in Malik's lap and whose arms were around his neck. Bakura looked up at Malik and he was glaring at Jou. Screams dashed around them, as Malik turned to the window to see a man giving him the finger.

"Jou! We're here you can stop now-CRAP!"

The car stopped right there, and Malik and Bakura were currently plastered to the back of the passengers seat. Jou looked back at them and sighed, "No hanky panky in the back of my taxi, eh?"

Malik reached for the door and Jou grabbed his arm, "Pay up."

Malik winked at Bakura who flashed his uzi.

"Uh… on the house, guys," Jou let free a nervous smile.

Bakura and Malik slipped out of the taxi and walked to the large gate of the ancient Egyptian museum. The gate opened and the two boys stared at each other.

"So, an invite. Well, let's take it," Bakura said as he walked in.

Malik shook his head and followed the dark spirit. The boys sneaked in and discovered the faintly lit museum. Bakura's Ring glowed and pointed in the darkness to the scales which glowed as well.

"That was easy," Bakura snorted as he took the scales down. Suddenly an array of alarms and flashing lights were signaled.

"Should've known… damnit!"

Malik motioned for the white haired boy to move on.

"I'll distract him, get going," Malik whispered.

Bakura slipped back out through the gate in stealth proving that he was indeed the King of Thieves.

"Welcome," came a soft voice, and Shadi appeared from the shadows, "I've been expecting you."

Malik narrowed his eyes, "How did you know I was coming?"

"I saw you walking here."

Malik raised an eyebrow at him, "That it?"

Shadi dismissed the question, "But I remember the tomb robber was with you. Where did he go?"

Malik fidgeted and whistled. Shadi glared at him and looked around the museum, noticing the scale was gone.

"He stole… He stole the scales! Damn him!"

Malik changed the subject, "My sister thinks you're hot."

The anger seemed to drain from Shadi and he had a lazy grin, "What?"

"Yes, Shadi, a sex god, indeed," Malik hated those words and Shadi to be so close in sentence.

"Well, I thought she was checking me out lately," Shadi said thoughtfully.

Malik resisted the urge to make a disgusted face.

"Nice try, Malik, but," the turban wearing man hardened his face, "you're plan won't work."

"Uh… listen, Shadi, can't we… er, come on now, just forget this," Malik looked around nervously at the Psycho-looking Egyptian.

"I think… not. Tell me where Bakura is and I won't hurt you."

"No," Malik reached into his pocket and pulled out his ice pick.

"Die you crazy mother--" Malik said raising it.

Shadi gasped and grabbed it out of Malik's hand, "Shut your mouth. Is this the new one? How did you get it so early?"

Malik gaped at Shadi who glared at him, "W-wha?"

"I wanted this one! The new quick-stab model. You must have special connections to get it so early," Shadi's face hardened again as he said, "Last chance. Where's Bakura?"

"Not here, idiot."

Malik fell to the ground unconscious. Shadi had hit him with the handle of the ice pick.

"Now, now, don't want to get the museum dirty."

Shadi pulled out his ankh and held it to Malik's head, "Looks like I'll have to find out myself."

Shadi found himself in a hallway, he looked around and walked to the nearest door that read, 'Fantasy.'

Shadi decided to open it, and he peered in. He gaped at what he saw next. Bakura wearing nothing but boxers, chained to a wall.

"Tomb robber?"

Bakura raised his eyes and then hissed, "This is a figment of your imagination."

Shadi laughed, "I wish I had those more often, then."

Bakura growled at him, then another appeared from the shadows. Malik clad in leather and carrying a whip looked at Shadi with emotionless eyes, "You've reached the chamber of the dominatrix. What the HELL are you doing in my mind?"

"Trying to find out where he is," Shadi said, poking Bakura who writhed and panted in reply, "Niiiiiice fantasies."

"What was that? And stop poking him," Malik hit Shadi with the whip and held Bakura protectively.

"You will tell me where Bakura is," Shadi knew Malik was about to point to the flushed one beside them, "Not him. The real, homicidal one we all know and love."

Malik looked thoughtfully as he patted Bakura on the head, who growled, yet flushed in reply, "Well, Shadi, I don't know of the outside world, you'll have to go to another room."

Shadi put his hand on his chin in thought, 'Probably right. I mean, all he does is dream about Bakura in here,' Shadi seemed somewhat amused by all the everyday shots of Bakura plastered across the walls.

"I'll be back," Shadi turned away and left the room, eyeing a door that was not that far down the hall.

It read 'Knowledge.'

"I think this is the place," Shadi whispered with a smirk playing on his lips.

He opened the door with caution, watching for any flying whips this time. He could rubbed his eyes in disbelief. Malik… sitting in a desk in the dim lit room, dressed in somewhat of a preppy student way, wearing glasses, with a book in hand. He turned to face Shadi, his face stoic and cold, "How does the evening find you?"

Shadi could hold it in no longer; he roared with laughter. The intellectual Malik turned and glared at Shadi.

"Do you see something amusing? Please, point it out to me."

Shadi, ignoring the obvious sarcasm in his voice, asked his own question, "Oh Great Knowledgeable One," he bowed for emphasis, "Where is Bakura before I slit your throat?"

Malik raised an eyebrow at him, "Let's see, you're in *my* mind and your demanding things. I think not."

"We'll see."


Malik put his book down and leaned in, not believing Shadi.

Shadi waved Malik's millenium rod in his face. Malik gasped and patted himself down, he had to have it, he just had to.

"I can always make him come here."


The end! Huzzah! Eeeeeevil cliffhanger. >D Um, okay guys, you're not imagining things, Dusk isn't updated. Why? Because I've been having *major* writing blocked-ness with that because it's my first serious ficcy, and I don't want to screw it up. =/ *sniff* Well, back to this, Jou was fun to input! =D I wanted to put him into Dusk, but gah, I just couldn't fit him in, and who wants a *normal* taxi driver? Not me! XD