Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Into the Darkness ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Into the Darkness- Darkshipping
The newly appointed Pharaoh of Egypt is poisoned and lies in his chamber inches from death. There is no known cure for this poison and there is no other heir. So when he receives an offer to keep his life and keep Egypt from chaos, what can he do but accept?
Fast forward to present day Japan where the fallen monarch re-surfaces, with no memory except of one thing- and two people.
When he meets the man who saved him all hell breaks loose, and Blood Debt is about to be collected.
And this time… there's no-one to save him.
Extracts from the diaries of (name missing- appears to be burnt(?)_ off the page)
*Note- the italicised text is what appears to be quotes directly from a medieval manuscript, along with the medieval spelling of vampire (vampyre)
Vampires are super human beings. One bite is sufficient to paralyse you and if you're not sucked dry, you join the legions of the undead due to the poison in their fangs…
The vampyre is unnaturally beautiful- one particular race of vampyre is more powerful than the others and not only does sunlight not affect them, neither does garlic though tis said blood containing garlic can cause sickness in even the most powerful of these godlike beings…
Crosses and holy water will only protect you from an evil vampire, though odds are you're not going to be attacked by a friendly one. Upon their master race, however these holy items only have a limited effect on even the most evil of them…
All vampyres are said to be exceptionally attractive both physically and in most other ways as part of their `feeding mechanism' like a carnivorous flower…
To become a full vampire, your `sire' needs only to bite you- `Turning' is the name of this extremely painful process and once it is completed your blood no longer flows and becomes a dark substance…
The master race of the vampyres is always less than one hundred in number and as such are called the `Lords of Darkness'…
The only things that can successfully penetrate the flesh of a Lord of Darkness is the teeth or nails of another Lord, and the only way to ensure the death of these creatures of the night is to rip them to shreds and then burn the pieces, scattering the ashes to the winds…
In the rare case of vampyre venom being sucked out by another of this kind, but still leaving trace amounts, the person bitten gains the added lifespan of the vampyre removing this venom and does not age before time re-sets itself.
At this point the only way to be saved from death is to be fully `Turned' -(this part is heavily highlighted)
Seawater is like acid to both vampires and Lords…