Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ It's All in the Cards ❯ It's All in the Cards ( Prologue )

[ A - All Readers ]

"Your finished Yugi, I lay down my Blue Eyes white dragon in attack mode!" Kaiba shouted, laying the card on the electronic reader board. Suddenly the panel in front of him lit up and a very large dragon filled the area. Yugi looked at the dragon, then at his hand. He had his dark magician card, but couldn't play it against Kaiba's blue eyes without it being destroyed. What he needed was to stall for time...

"I put out Celtic Guardian in defense mode!" Yugi yelled as he put down his card. His space lit up and the elfish warrior appeared in front of the dragon kneeling. It's almost like my guardian is bowing to the dragon... Yugi thought to himself. His thoughts were immediately cut short when suddenly the lights went off in the entire arena.

"What the?" Kaiba said, seeing the holograph of his Blue Eyes disappear along with Yugi's Celtic Guardian. "What's going on here?" Kaiba asked one of his nearby officials.

"Power generator malfunction." The official asked. "Might take a little while to fix, we're going to have to postpone the duel and start over tomorrow." Both Kaiba and Yugi sighed and took their cards off the board. When Kaiba touched his Blue Eyes however, a slight tingle of pain shot up his arm. He quickly pulled his arm back and looked at it, then reached down and grabbed his card, putting it back in his deck. The exact same thing happened to Yugi on the other end, feeling the jolt of pain after touching his Celtic Guardian.

"Consider that a lucky break Yugi." Kaiba said as they got off the platforms.

"You don't know what I had up my sleeve Kaiba." Yugi said. "So maybe you better be the one to call it a lucky break." The two shook hands, as duelers are supposed to do, and went their separate ways, Yugi walking home to his grandpa's place and Kaiba getting in his car to go home.

"Yugi, dinner is ready!" Yugi's grandfather called up the stairs. Yugi got up and put away the cards he had been looking at and got up to eat. As he did he felt slightly strange, as if it was easier to get up then before. He shrugged it off as sitting in one position for to long and went to the bathroom to wash up. As soon as he looked in the mirror he gasped in shock.

"What... how..." He managed to say as he stared at himself. The first thing he noticed was his ears, which had become longer and pointy. After getting over that he noticed his hair had straightened and become blond and his eyes were more almond shaped.

I look exactly like the celtic guardian! Yugi thought, looking over the rest of his body. How weird is that...

"Yugi, what's taking so long?" His grandpa yelled. "Stop playing with your cards and come on down for some dinner."

"I'm coming Grandpa." He yelled back. Even his voice sounded different then before, deeper and more melodic then before. He opened the door and walked downstairs, ready to break the news to his awaiting grandfather. As he did so, he couldn't help but wonder if something was happening to Kaiba.

Meanwhile, in the Kaiba mansion Seto and Mokuba were sitting in the dining room eating a quiet dinner.

"You would have beat Yugi that time for sure. I had a feeling you would have." Mokuba said as he ate, grinning at his brother. Kaiba nodded in silent reply and continued playing around with his food on his plate. "Is something wrong Seto?" He asked.

"I'm not feeling to well." Seto replied, getting up from the table. "I think I'm going to lie down for a bit to see if I can sleep this off." He left the dining table and went to his room, which consited of a bed and desk, upon which was scattered many technological gizmos of various sorts.

I could have beaten him this time... Seto thought as he lied there. I had all the cards in all the right places, I had him cornered. As he thought about this he fell asleep, holding onto his cards.

Seto Kaiba was suddenly awakened by the scream of his brother. He looked up to see Mokuba in the doorway, face contorted into that of horror.

"GAHHHH!!!" Mokuba screamed. "What did you do to my big brother?!" Kaiba was wondering what was possibly going on and bolted upright, hitting his head on the ceiling. He roared and rubbed his head, suddenly feeling the smooth blue scales underneath his claws. Mokuba screamed again and ran down the hallway, shutting the door behind him. Kaiba got off the bed, which he found had been crushed underneath his enormous weight, and looked in his wall mirror, seeing the blue eyes white dragon staring back at him.

"NO!" Kaiba tried to shout, but only getting a roar. He fired a stream of his white lightning breath and shattered the mirror into pieces, most of the glass vaporizing before it even hit the ground.

I... must... escape... Kaiba thought to himself. Looking around, he saw his huge windows and smashed through them without a second thought. Letting loose another mighty roar he flew off into the horizon.

"And finally after three days of searching the dragon was caught and brought into confinement." The news announcer said. "He will be transported to the local zoo where he will be closely watched until further not-" Yugi's grandfather turned off the tv before the announcer could finish, much to the dismay of Yugi and his friends.

"Hey, why did you turn it off for?" Joey shouted. "That was just getting interesting!"

"You five have watched enough TV for today." Mr. Moto replied. "You need to get outside and enjoy the day!"

"He's probably right, why don't we all go out to the zoo?" Yugi suggested.

"Your courage amazes me Yugi." Bakura said, getting up and stretching out. "Even though you've changed so much you still want to live your life as if nothing happened."

"Of course Bakura." He replied, laughing. "Besides, I think it's time we visit an old friend of ours..."