Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Joey's Big Brother ❯ The First Night ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Don't own yugioh, probably never will, so I'll stop staying it….

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* The First Night *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*

*Beep* "Yes, this is Kaiba speaking, who are you and what do you want?"

"Yo, rich boy, open the door, I need to get in!!"

Kaiba opened the door, and Joey, who had been leaning on it, fell in, and knocked Kaiba over with him. The fall instantly forgotten, Joey sprang up, and looked around wonderingly.

"WOW… So this is what your house looks like, pretty sweet pad, for a rich jerk…"

Sighing, Kaiba said, "Why did you bring a sleeping bag?"

"So I could sleep somewhere, I don't want to sleep on the floor of your room!!"

"And…Where did you get the idea that you would be sleeping in my room at all?"

Joey blushed. "I didn't know your house would have guest bedrooms."

Kaiba shook his head despairingly, "You've no hope Wheeler."

"WHAT?? Why you big ugly rich bastard, I'll kill you for that…"

"Hey, get `em off, GET `EM OFF!!" Two bodyguards had grabbed him.

"It's Ok, the weakling couldn't hurt me anyway."

"Owwww…." Joey said, rubbing his arms gingerly.

"Well I suppose you'll be wanting to come in."

"Is it too much to ask?"

"For you it is!"

"I'm warning you Kaiba," Joey said nothing further, as the bodyguards had taken a step toward him.

"You're dismissed."

"Well, where do I dump my stuff?"

"If I had my way…the trashcan."

"Lay off me, Kaiba."

"Fine…I'll show you a room."

"And I'm hungry…"

"I'm afraid that we're fresh out of Kibbles `n Bits..."

"Shut up, Kaiba!!!"

"And why would I ever do that? Here, you can stay in this room."

"Cool, sweet… a TV in my room, and a phone-hey, is there room service?"

"Not for you there isn't, you're hungry 24/7, I'm rich, but I'm not stupid."

"OK, fine, suit yourself…"

"Dinner's ready, why don't you follow me, you'll loose your way… And that won't have been the first thing you lost…"

"Damn it Kaiba, are you this mean to all your guests?"

"No, just the ones I don't like."

"Woooowwww… Your Dining room is HUGE, and look at all the food!!"

"Joey's here? Seto, why didn't you tell me Joey was coming?"

"Because I hoped if I didn't say it, he might not."

Joey threw a scowl at Kaiba, and said, "Well, Mokuba, it's nice to see one friendly face!"

Mokuba was planning all the things they would do, "…and we can play videogames, and watch movies, and stay up late, and eat popcorn, and it'll be so much fun!!!"

: * : * : * : * : * : * : * : Hours Later : * : * : * : * : * : * : * :

"Well, that was fun, Mokuba, but it's time for bed…"

"Awww… Pllleeeaasseeeee…Can't we stay up just a LITTLE longer???"

"No, I'm afraid we all have gotta go to bed."

"Well, alright," Mokuba said, stifling a yawn, "I guess it is a little late… `Night Joey, `Night Seto…"
