Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Joey's Mixed-Up Fairytales ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
         Title: Joey's Mixed-Up Fairytales 1/?

         Author: Niu Shiy-Ue

         Rating: PG-13 (just in case)

         Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh belongs to me! <gets tapped on the shoulder, turns around and sees the Dark Magician pointing his staff at her> Or maybe not . . .

         AN: I'm going to alternate between English and Japanese names. Why? Because it amuses me.


          Once upon a time, a long, long, really long time ago, in a land far, far, really far away from here, named Domino, there was a young knight named Joey. Joey had always wanted to become a knight, for the adventures, for the fame, for the glory, for the hot chicks who swooned over the armour, but mostly for the money. Not for himself, naturally, no proper applicant to Sir Karimu's Knight Academy would be in it for the greed of treasure, but like all true knights, he needed it for the noble cause of saving the eyesight of his wonderful sister, Lady Shizuka. Of course, being in such desperate need of cash, he couldn't actually afford to attend Sir Karimu's Knight Academy, but instead had to settle for Sir Pandora's Correspondence Course Supplemented With Knightly Sessions. But the results were just as good!

         Joey stopped and considered. Now that he had finally graduated, it was time to start raking in the moolah. To do that, he had several options. One, he could go and become a vassal to one of the many lords about the countryside. Unfortunately, that would mean working very hard for very long with very little hope of gaining enoough of the lord's gratitude so that the lord would fund his sister's operation. Option number two, he could go about the countryside, competing in various tournaments. The problem with that, however, was that he needed a horse to enter a tourney. And he had spent the last of his cash on the chainmail, helmet, sword and guantlets (he had considered getting iron shoes as well, but decided if he was going to be walking everywhere anyway, he might as well be comfortable while doing so). So that left his third and final choice, going on a quest and hoping to strike it big. Sure, it might take three or four before he hit paydirt, but heck, it's gotta be faster than being an attack dog to some overweight lordling for years and years. So he pulled out his trusty cellphone and dialed the toll-free number he had memorized.

         <ring, ring>

         "Hello, welcome to Noa's Fairy Godmother Network. For English, press one, por Espanol, apreta dos, pour Francais, accule trois-"


         "If you are a customer seeking to contact your Fairy Godmother, please press one. If you are parents seeking a local fairy for your upcoming Christening, press two. If you are a knight looking for a quest, press three. If-"


         "Quests for Glory, press one. Quests for eligable maidens, press two. Quests for money, press three. Que-"
