Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Joey's Slumber Party ❯ DoL vs. Dartz ( Chapter 38 )
Joey's Slumber Party
Chapter 38
DoL vs. Dartz
DoL: Let's duel, Dartz.
Do-8000 Da-8000
DoL: I'm moving first. I play Protector of the Gate of Atlantis* (4/1300/600) and set 1 card. Go.
Dartz: I summon Oriechalcos Geigos and play The Seal of Oriechalcos!
OG: 900/1500
Dartz: Geigos, attack.
Do-8000 Da-7600
OG: 1400 ATK
Dartz: Attack!
Do-7900 Da-7600
DoL: My turn. I play Fusion Charge, allowing me to fusae 2 monsters if 1 of them is a Spellcaster. I fuse Blaze Mage* and Oni-Tank T-37 to summon Flame Tank Cannon Magic* (9/3300/2650). I also summon Blitzkrieg Boy. His special ability is that his lightning increases my Machine's power. (FTCM: 3600/2950). My cannon charges and I fire my Blitzkrieg Boy at your Oriechalcos Geigos!
OG: 1400/1500 --> -100/1500 (0/1500)
FTCM: 3300/2650
DoL: Cannon, attack!
Do-7900 Da-4300
OG: 400 ATK
Dartz: My turn. I play Oriechalcos Diges (sp?). This adds another layer to my Seal. I also get 500 Life Points for every monster I have every turn.
Do-7900 Da-4800
Dartz: Now I play Crystal Shell* (4/0/0) This protects my Life Points from overflow damage. This card also can't be destroyed in battle. (CS: 500/0). Oriechalcos Geigos, attack!
OG destroyed and revived
OG: 900 ATK
Dartz: Keep attacking.
OG: 900 --> 1400 --> 1900 --> 2400 --> 2900 --> 3400 ATK
Do-7800 Da-4800
Dartz: Crystal Shell, attack. By the way, my monster gains 100 ATK and DEF whenever a monster is revived.
CS: 1100/600
Do-6700 Da-4800
DoL: My turn. I play Small Fire Phoenix* (4/2200/0) and play Silent Ambition*. This card allows me to roll a die. *rolls a 4* Now my monster gains 400 ATK.
SFP: 2600 ATK
DoL: Also, I don't have to pay Life Points for a card or effect if it would target Small Fire Phoenix.
Dartz: My move.
Do-6700 Da-4800 --> 5800
Dartz: Oriechal…
DoL: During Both Standby Phases, I get to roll another die to raise my monster's power. *rolls a 3*
SFP: 2600/0 --> 2900/0
Dartz: Oriechalcos Gaigos, attack!
Do-6200 Da-5800
DoL: I don't have to pay to revive my Phoenix because it targets itself. My turn. I play Reconstruct Replay*. I gain 1000 Life Points whenever a monster is revived. Anyway, I rolled a 1 for my Phoenix.
SFP: 2900 --> 3100 --> 3200 ATK
DoL: My Replay is only useful 1 time for every empty Monster Zone on the beginning of the turn. This turn, I can use it 11 times. My Phoenix will just keep attacking until it can't anymore.
SFP: 4000/0
OG: 4400/1500
Do-11,600 Da-5800
DoL: Go.
Dartz: I play Scapegoat, 3 in back, 1 in front.
Da's Back row: Sheep Token x3, Oriechalcos Diges
Da's Front row: Oriechalcos Geigos, Crystal Shield (1600/1100), Sheep Token
Dartz: I set 1 card. Go. There are 6 open Monster Zones.
Do-11,600 Da-6800
DoL: I draw. I summon Ankh Warrior* (4/200/0). I revive as many monsters to my field as I con hold into attack mode. That's 3 monsters:
Protector of the Gate of Atlantis (1300/600)
Flame Tank Cannon Magic (3300/2650)
Blaze Mage (6/2250/1000)
Do-14,600 Da-12,800
Crystal Shield: 1900/1400
DoL: Unfortunately, you gain 2000 Life Points per revived monster. I activate Blaze Mage to obliterate all other monsters in play. Oh, and I rolled a 3 on your turn and a 6 on mine.
Remaining Cards:
Dartz- The Seal of Oriechalcos, Oriechalcos Geigos (4900/1500), Oriechalcos Diges, 1 facedown card.
DoL- Small Fire Phoenix (5100/0), Blaze Mage (2250/1000), Reconstruct Replay, Silent Ambition.
Do-16,600 Da-12,800
DoL: Phoenix, attack!
Do-17,600 Da-12,600
OG: 5400 ATK
DoL: At the end of my turns, all of my FIRE monsters gain 500 ATK and DEF due to my Blaze Mage.
SFP: 5600/500
BM: 2750/1500
Dartz: My turn.
Do-17,600 Da-13,100
DoL: You can't draw due to your Geigos, and I roll a die. *rolls a 2*
SFP: 5800/500
Dartz: Gaigos, attack!
Do-15,450 Da-13,100
DoL: My turn. I play Level Charge and roll a die. *rolls a 5*
SFP: 6300/500
DoL: My Level Charge gives me 100 times the total number of stars on my field. Right now, it's 4. This happens on my standby phases, also. Phoenix, attack.
Do-16,850 Da-12,700
OG: 6400/1500
Dartz: Go.
DoL: You're trapped, you won't be able to draw for the rest of the duel. I play Salamandra, and roll a die for your turn, and 1 for mine. *rolls a 6 and a 1*
SFP: 6300 --> 6900 --> 7000 --> 7700 ATK.
DoL: Phoenix, attack!
Do-17,850 Da-11,400
OG: 6900 ATK
Darts: I switch my monster to defense.
DoL: I play Pot of Greed. I've rolled a 3 and a 2.
SFP: 8200 ATK
DoL: I play Excalibur and Fairy Meteor Crush!
SFP: 16,400 ATK
OG: 1500 DEF
DoL: Attack!
Do-17,850 Da-11,400 --> 0
Dartz's soul is taken my the Oriechalcos; LS is released
LS: *awakens*
Yugi: *looks up* Forget the Leviathan, we've got bigger trouble!
DoL: The Ultimate Life Form Prototype, Biolizard? But how?
Valon: The Oriechalcos musta shredded a hole between dimensions.
DoL: I'm too tired after the duel, and I've only gotten 30 minutes of sleep out of the 1 hour I… *falls asleep* Zzzzzzzzzz…
Joey: It's 2:15 in the morning! When dis I start wearing a watch?
Karen: DoL will wake up at 2:45 AM
LS/YF: Chaos Blazer! *shoots a Y-shaped beam at Biolizard*
Biolizard: *destroyed; reappears*
Hellfire: He's stronger now! He's the Finalhazard!
LS: I knew that was too easy.
Erika: I'll help.
Hellfire: We'll need a lot of help.
To Be Continued…