Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Joey ❯ Track 4 - Breathe ( Chapter 4 )
By Alecto Perdita
Track 4 - Breathe
Rating: PG-13
Posted: August 15, 2004
Revised: June 22, 2005
Warning(s): Shonen-ai & Kaijou
Email: alecto.perdita@gmail.com
Website: http://cocytus.eternity-inc.net
Mailing list: http://groups.yahoo.com/subscribe/cocytus/
Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh is the intellectual property of Takahashi Kazuki, and is being used in this fanfiction for fan purposes only. All situations, opinions and characters not belonging to Takahashi Kazuki are the intellectual property of Alecto Perdita.
They started walking
Started talking bout better days
One says to the other
We do it all again
Seems I knew I would
And now I found it
Found I got it
I didn't want this
- "Breathe" by Nickelback
I needed a break. I had been staring at this computer screen for hours then. The system was only half-way through translating the anarchic writing on the God Card. I leaned back in the thick leather seat and considered getting at least an hour of rest. I shook my head. No. I wouldn't be able to sleep anyway.
I glanced over to the other side of the darkened room. Mokuba had fallen asleep. I rose from the chair and made my way over to my little brother. I caressed the soft bangs over the boy's forehead. He really resembled our father. I took after our mother. I removed the white trench coat off my back and placed it over him. I didn't want him to catch a cold. I would have moved him into a bed but I didn't want to risk awakening him.
Looking back at the computer, I knew it would still be translating for at least another two hours. I left the room. I really needed to stretch my legs or I was going to be sore in the morning. The hallways were still brightly lit at three in the morning. The rest of the duelists were already in bed, asleep and resting for the next day to come. I wished could join them in slumber. I worked too much for my own good. I knew this and I'll pay for it with my health but it was not something for me to worry about then.
I found myself on the observatory deck, with its spacious view of the dark ocean below and the velvet night sky. It was quiet and peaceful. The only thing was I was not the only person there. Jounouchi was there also. He leaned against the railing, as if trying to peer into the depths below. I wondered if I should stay or just leave. I didn't want to fight with him today. Then again, I never really wanted to fight with him.
He looked like he was deep in thoughts. He closed his eyes and ran a hand through his tousled hair. A strange sense of foreboding hung about him. He tensed. I thought he felt my presence. He turned around very slowly and our eyes met. My gaze swept over his features. Dark haunted eyes... A frown like it was embedded in stone... And there was that purple colored denim jacket in his hands.
I glared at the innocent piece of clothing. It was not its fault. It couldn't choose its master. Still I wished the jacket would burn, just burn. Why did he care so much for that woman anyway? It's not like she would have ever made an ideal girlfriend, certainly not tramping around like the slut she was dressed like.
"Jounouchi." I regarded him carefully.
He turned away from me. "I'm not in the mood for this, Kaiba. Just say what you have to say and get out of here." His hand was still absently caressing the jacket.
I snorted. It was a strange sound now that I thought about it. "Still pining after that two-bit blondie? I must say you two are truly two of a kind. Very noble of you to jump out and try and protect her but look at what good that did in the end." I knew there was that horrible sneer on my face that my brother hates so much.
He whirled around. Angry. Furious at my words.
"Fuck you, Kaiba. It's more than anything you did. You just stood there! Like always!"
I can't blame him though. I would be furious with me too. Okay Kaiba, open mouth and insert foot. Too bad I was not that smart. For someone supposedly as brilliant as Einstein, I just didn't know when to shut my mouth.
I ignored him though and continued. I couldn't stop then. There were just so many things that needed to be said. I admit it. I was jealous. I was as jealous as hell. I was incredibly jealous of the affection and care Jounouchi has shown to the other blonde duelist and how she reciprocated in turn. And I'm still jealous. I was angry at the fact that the other Yugi had leapt in front of Jounouchi without a second thought. I had been worried about him when both he and the imposter who posed as Malik were struck down by lightning. I was tired of the fact that he accepted everyone but me. I was only a step ahead of Malik on Jounouchi's list and frankly, I didn't like that fact. Not that behavior ever helped.
"Unlike some people, I'm smarter than to go rushing forward into danger without any preparation just because I got the 'hots' for someone. For your information, I was gathering information on Malik's God Card so we can find a clue as to how to defeat it."
He simply scoffed. "It's always about those damn God Cards. That's why you held this tournament in the first place, right? Just when I begin to think there's more to you then these fucking stupid power trips, you go and blow it. You know what Kaiba? Fuck you and your God Cards. All that matters now is that Mai wakes up again. I will defeat Malik."
I turned away then. He would never accept me. Why did I waste such effort on him?
"You don't have what it takes, Jounouchi. You're nothing but a third-rate duelist."
He struck me. Never mind the fact that he was always trying to hit me, but he actually landed a punch this time. I could only think of one other time something like this had happened. It was when I had first kissed him almost a year before this happened.
A nice black and blue bruise bloomed the next morning where his fist had connected with my jaw. Everyone had stared at it then and it even followed me into Noa's virtual world but that is beside the point. Once again, I admit I deserved it. I was losing control of the situation… But I am Kaiba Seto and Kaiba Seto did not lose control of anything. Nothing! And yet there I stood, blinded by my envy and he by his rage.
A subtle hatred burned in his eyes. No, it was not outright, not blazing. That alone had been reserved for Malik at that time. He opened and closed his fist, shifted uneasily, as if itching to take another swing. I probably would have let him if he did try.
"Has anyone ever told you how fucked up you are, Kaiba? You should seriously consider a shrink."
He had no more to say to me apparently. He left me. He was the first to walk away. That must have been a first also. I didn't move. I only stared at his back and continued to damn that infernal denim jacket in my mind. I even considered buying an identical one just to have the pleasure of seeing it fed to flames…
Jounouchi allowed Mai to pull him away from the party. She led him up a flight of stares to the balcony overlooking the spacious front yard and the circular driveway. The night was somewhat cool but not chilly at all. Mai left him by the French door and moved to lean against the railing.
"How long has it been, Jounouchi?"
Her words were so quiet that they were almost lost in the noise of the music and party below.
Jounouchi took a deep breath. He had left Domino almost eleven years ago. When was the last time he had seen Mai? Was it in America, when she had willingly gone over to the side of the enemy in her search for respite from haunting nightmares?
"Twelve, thirteen years now, Mai?"
"Yes." She breathed.
She patted the spot on the railing next to her, signaling for him to join her. Jounouchi moved over to her side.
She continued. "We've been through a lot together, haven't we?"
Jounouchi nodded mutely.
"Duelist Kingdom… Malik… DOOM… But we've always been there for each other."
Jounouchi shook his head. He didn't feel like thinking so much about their shared convoluted pasts. "How have you been these last ten years? What are you doing in Domino? I thought you would never give up your wanderings."
She pushed back a few strands of her hair. "Actually, I have a little boutique in Tokyo where I sell the line of clothing I design. I'm here for the opening of a new one here in Domino next week."
"Congratulations! I'm glad how everyone has been doing so good."
Mai chuckled. "Not as well as you," she turned to face him fully. "Look at you now, Jounouchi Katsuya, big bad movie star and teenage heart throb."
"You know you want me too." Jounouchi winked.
Mai rolled her eyes. "I'm going to hurt you if you turn out like Jean Claude Magnum. Looks like all American movie stars do grow large heads."
"As long as you don't go jumping from a kite six stories high again. You fell on me like a ton of bricks."
The laughter in Mai's eyes died suddenly. There was a strange expression on her face, unlike any he had ever seen before. "Thank you Jounouchi. I've never thanked you in all these years for everything you've done for me. I've never had the courage to say this and then you vanished."
She moved to close the distance between them. A pair of headlights drove up the driveway before coming to a stop at the front door. Jounouchi found himself unable to move as he felt her soft lips against his. When she tried to deepen the kiss, he jumped away as if burned.
"I loved you, Jounouchi," she declared. "And I still do."
He turned away. She had kissed him and declared her practically undying love for him. He had never thought of her as more than a friend, a very important one, but never more. Jounouchi didn't know how to respond to her advances without breaking her heart or losing her friendship.
His heart sunk further as he continued to examine the kiss in his mind. Kissing her had felt like how it would be to kiss Shizuka. It wasn't like kissing…Kaiba… He buried his hand in his face. Not at all.
He lifted his head but not to face Mai. He looked out toward the gates and met with something worse. Standing right below the balcony was Kaiba Seto, staring at him with a strange fire in his eyes. Mokuba looked confused next to his older brother.
"I'm sorry, Mai. I can't…"
Kaiba tore his gaze away and vanished into his house.
Yami left Anzu with Shizuka and Michi. It had been a long time since he had control of Yugi's body. He had never asked in the years past but the interesting developments of the last few weeks demanded his attention unlike many other things in this modern life. He was glad that Jounouchi had finally returned home. Jounouchi had always been a valued ally and a most important friend. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he found the fact that Jounouchi played such a similar role to him and Yugi quite amusing.
He wondered what Jounouchi had experienced in these long years. He had grown up a bit. Jounouchi appeared to have kept most of his humor and temperament from his teenage years. He didn't seem quite as reckless as before. To get a full understanding of the present Jounouchi, he thought it best to consult the person who had been by his side since the man left Domino.
Just as Yami was about to approach Sophia, everyone stopped at the sound of a door slamming shut somewhere else in the mansion. It was very eerie how noise resonated in this house sometimes. Moments later, an exasperated Mokuba entered the room and was immediately pulled aside by his girlfriend.
"Seems like Kaiba's upset about something. I wonder what Katsuya did to rattle him." A sadistically cheerful voice laughed in glee.
Yami smirked at Sophia's word. "Quite."
"So you're that other Yugi dude, right? The dead pharaoh guy?"
Yami blinked. She was certainly blunt but that seem to be the general impression of Americans, a tactless people. Though he didn't like others to know of his existence, he was not paranoid about preserving the "secret." "How do you know?"
She giggled. "You can learn a lot when you get Katsuya drunk. Poor boy can't drink either."
"That's an interesting fact."
"So what do you say, Mister Alter Ego? Wanna help me in my plans to get Katsuya and Kaiba together?"
A grin, reminiscent of his old dueling days, crept slowly across his lips. "Sounds like fun."
It looked like he was about to have the most fun in entirety of his afterlife. As much as Yami rather Kaiba and Jounouchi "get together" and stop dancing around each other, he knew it would not be without its mishaps. But perhaps that would be the most amusing aspect of this ordeal.
"So where do we start?"
Mokuba scowled at the cup of punch Rebecca shoved into his hand.
"Oh, stop pouting like that. As cute as that is, it might get stuck that way." Rebecca teased. She latched onto his arm and smiled.
"I know Jounouchi could be a real bastard sometimes when he was younger but so was Nii-sama. You would think that after ten years, they could at least be civil with each other," he huffed. "Especially since Shizuka-san is like a sister to Nii-sama."
Rebecca shook her head sadly. "There's a lot of history between Jounouchi and your brother. None of it can be as easily put behind as you'd like. Seto-san must have been really hurt by Jounouchi-baka's rejection. I don't think your brother has ever even admitted his feelings to anyone before Jounouchi."
"What do you mean…Nii-sama was rejected by Jounouchi for what?"
Rebecca looked at him very carefully. "Surely you know about…" she trailed off.
He grabbed her wrist. "What? Tell me. Tell me it's not true!"
She looked away from him. "I'm sorry, I thought you knew Seto-san was in love with Jounouchi."
"You and Jounouchi!"
Kaiba fought the urge to look up and meet his little brother's eyes. No, Mokuba wasn't so little anymore. The other man had simply barged into his study without as much as a knock on the door.
"Answer me, Nii-san!"
Kaiba could make out the form of Rebecca creeping into the room. Her expression was apologetic, guilty even, but he couldn't care less. "I have no idea what you're talking about."
"Why didn't you tell me?"
"Am I required to report everything to you now, Mokuba?"
"No, but-"
"Leave. I still have a lot of work to be done tonight."
"You hate him, Nii-san. The pathetic dog. The mediocre duelist. He's beneath you. How could this be possible?"
"Get out," Kaiba all but growled. He did not need to be interrogated by his younger brother of all people. "There's nothing between Jounouchi and me."
"You called him by his name… You never call him by his name!"
Kaiba cursed softly under his breath. "It is not your concern."
"Like hell it is!" Mokuba spat. "How could have…have…a thing for Jounouchi of all people. How could you be…"
"What? Gay? Homosexual? Queer?"
Mokuba winced.
"You don't seem to have a problem with Ishtar and Bakura."
"But that's Bakura and Malik," Mokuba protested. "They could never be called normal under any circumstance."
"And I suppose I was ever normal? I never was. Then again, I suppose that you would believe that to be the cause of my," Kaiba paused for a second to think. "Affliction."
Mokuba's expression hardened. "You sicken me." He turned on his heels and slammed the door behind him on his way out.
"I'm sorry. I really thought he knew already," Rebecca would not lift her gaze up from the carpet. "After everything…"
Kaiba leaned back in is seat and squeezed his eyes shit. The evening had only gotten progressively worse. He hadn't needed to see Jounouchi and Kujaku in lip-lock on his balcony. "Don't, Rebecca. He's a grown man now. He has made his choice and his opinions quite clear."
"He doesn't hate you," the woman insisted. "He's just mad about not knowing, about being the last to know."
He hated the tone of desperation in her voice.
"Stop it, Rebecca. You don't have to make excuses for him. It doesn't matter how he feels about me now." He knew he was lying by saying that. He really did care. He really was hurt by his little brother's words. Mokuba's approval had always meant the world to him.
Jounouchi wasn't sure what had happened between Kaiba and Mokuba. Mokuba had suddenly come storming into the room with the doors slamming loudly in his footfall. All the guests at the party had stopped to look at the young man with questioning and concerned gazes. Mokuba only graced Jounouchi with a patented Kaiba death glare before storming out of the room again. Kaiba never even left his study for the entire duration of the party.
As the attendants of the party left the Kaiba mansion together, they gathered on the steps of the Kaiba Mansion. All of them were just the slightest bit tipsier than when the party started, except for Anzu and Yugi. Anzu was pregnant and Yugi wasn't going to put either his wife or his child in danger by driving with alcohol in his system.
Jounouchi watched with a light heart as Yugi helped Anzu into the passenger's seat of the car. He promised to visit both his mother and his sister sometime soon. He had not felt this much at peace for such a long time.
As Bakura got ready to leave as well, the white-haired man pressed a card into Jounouchi's hand. Jounouchi turned it over. It was Bakura's business card- Bakura Ryou, Clinical Psychologist. He looked at the other man with a questioning expression.
"You should come by sometime," Bakura brushed a strand of hair out of his amber eyes. "I'll listen to whatever you want to say. I won't tell the others anything- doctor-patient confidentiality."
Jounouchi felt his own hackles rising. "I'm not crazy, Bakura."
Bakura laid a hand on Jounouchi's shoulder. It was a surprisingly strong grip. "I didn't mean it that way. You ran for a reason, Jounouchi-kun. Until you confront that reason and your demons, you're going to keep running. I owe it to you as a friend and Yugi-tachi to help you stop running."
Jounouchi tore himself out of Bakura's grip and looked away. "I don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
A ghost of a small smile graced Bakura's lip. That sounded a bit more like the old Jounouchi. "You're doing it again. You're running. You're going to have to stop at one point."
Jounouchi would not say anymore.
"Just keep it, Jounouchi-kun. I hope you'll at least think about my words."
Bakura still received no reaction from Jounouchi. The white-haired man stepped forward and hugged Jounouchi. Jounouchi tensed under Bakura's embrace.
"It's alright, you know?" Bakura whispered in his eyes. "It's okay to be gay or homosexual or whatever you want to call it. No one's going to hate you for it."
Jounouchi pushed Bakura away more roughly than he intended just as Sophia pulled up with the car. "Mind your own damn business, Bakura. Even if I was, which I'm not, I could never let it out. I'd be letting down Sophie and Jessica." Jounouchi turned to make his way to the waiting car.
Bakura sighed. "We're glad to have to back," Bakura called after him. "We won't care, Jounouchi-kun. We'll support you in whatever you want to pursue. It's more important to remain true to yourself."
Jounouchi was sure. He knew there was no worse evil in the world than this. No ingenious and diabolical plan of either of Bakura's or Malik's other insane personas could possibly compare to this horror.
He cursed the first girl that jumped a celebrity and started this tradition of harassment. He had seen lots of celebrities mobbed, especially in Hong Kong when he did stunts for movies but he had never imagined that he would amass such a large following of adolescent hormones.
He had never really considered himself to be handsome, at least not by any means of the classical definition. Certainly not like any of the bishonen that his female peers had drooled over in his teenage years. No, that kind of…praise…was reserved for someone like…Kaiba… He guessed he was attractive in the rugged semi-bad-boy way. This was ridiculous.
Sophia's plan had worked. Of course, Sophia's plan would work. They always did. It was her methods that Jounouchi found most disconcerting- and dangerous to his health. His popularity in Japan had skyrocketed in a matter of weeks. His movie wasn't even out yet. His name, his face, his very being was invariably associated with Shizuka's work.
He winced. By God, he was already beginning to acquire a nickname.
More girlish squeals of excitement echoed through the hotel lobby. A myriad of hands shoved papers, napkins, those damn postcards, and anything else that could be written on in his face. The other patrons of the hotel watched the gathering with disdain.
He thanked God for the hotel staff. They were the only obstacle standing between him and the pillaging hands of raving fans. Sophia looked extremely harassed, which was completely ridiculous in Jounouchi's opinion. He was the one being hunted here. She did look ready to kill something or someone. That was never a good sign, as he learned very quickly early in their acquaintance with each other.
He reluctantly took a few of the objects offered to him and signed them. After all, good PR was always essential.
The crowd of fangirls parted suddenly for a man in his mid 30's and dressed in a business suit. To say he was somewhat out of place would be a grand understatement. He looked nervous- hesitant before he approached Jounouchi. He extended a book forward. "Please sign this."
Jounouchi took the book and began to pen his signature across the blank space right over the author's name. "So…is this for your wife or daughter?"
A small but genuine smile fluttered across the other man's lips. "Actually, it's for my girlfriend."
Jounouchi found himself grinning as well as he signed off the last curve of his signature. There was something so very sweet about the man's actions. He had, in a way, swallowed his pride to ask for the autograph of a teenage idol. "Here," he handed the book back to the other man. "I wish you the best of luck."
Sophia pulled him back, away from the mob. "Come, Katsuya. We have to leave now."
He nodded and apologized to his fans. Fans… What an odd thought. He really had fans now. They groaned and protested his leaving. He took a step backwards and they followed in kind. He turned and ran, with Sophia hot on his trail and leaving the hotel staff to deal with the mob. He couldn't resist the urge to look back.
Under the archway that served as the entrance to the hotel's five star restaurant, the businessman who had just asked for his autograph stood across from a girl- no, a young woman in her mid-twenties. She shifted somewhat uncertainly under the arch, glancing back as if to check on their dining table. Shaking her head, she launched herself at him and they nearly tumbled to the ground in a mutual embrace.
"There's such a huge age gap between them." Jounouchi muttered to himself.
"Not really," Sophia surprised him. He didn't even think she could hear him over the roar of the fangirls. "Probably a ten years difference at most. Besides, just as love knows no gender, love knows no age too." She gave him a meaningful glance.
Jounouchi thought about her words for a second. She was right. If Bakura and Malik could find something with each other... He couldn't help but smile at the thought of the couple now. He turned to Sophia, still making a mad dash for the car waiting out front. "Tell the hotel staff to put that couple's lunch on my tab."
Sophia's grin widened in approval as she fished out her cell phone to make the call while they sprinted down the front steps of the hotel.
Jounouchi stood still at the door to the apartment. His hand was poised to knock but the fist refused to fall against the door. Sophia had run off to some meeting with the head of some TV station. Jounouchi was glad that his presence was not required for once. He stood there for another few seconds without moving. Just as his fist began to descend upon the wood, the door flew open.
Jounouchi froze and Honda stared at him in anticipation. Jounouchi had never seen such a wild and desperate expression in his friend's eyes before. Not in all the many years he had known Honda. The man's clothing was a mess and his hair was tousled. It wasn't even in his usual style.
"Jounouchi…" Honda attempted to smile but failed. "How-"
Jounouchi cut him off. "I asked Yugi. I was sure he still had the game shop so I called him."
"Oh," Honda stepped back and out of the hallway. "Come in."
Jounouchi studied the room he had just stepped into. The living room was like a studio. Canvas, both filled and empty, littered the room. An easel was set up on the balcony. To one side of the room, a drawing table was set up next to the computer desk. Jounouchi could see the hints of a beginning of a manga.
"So this is where you live," Jounouchi said to no one in particular. "It's more classier than I would have imagined for you."
"You're just the classic comedian, aren't you?"
He made his way over to the balcony. The apartment had a nice view of the ocean not far off. "Shizuka must come here to paint a lot. The view's great."
Jounouchi heard a slight choking noise. He became alarmed and twirled around to meet Honda's desperate gaze. Upon closer examination, his best friend really did look like crap. There were bags under Honda's eyes and dark rings around them. It looked like the man hadn't slept in days now.
"You okay, Honda?"
Honda ran a hand through his hair and squeezed his eyes shut. "I'll live."
"What are you hiding from me?" Jounouchi advanced on Honda. He didn't like secrets.
Honda looked sadly out the window. "Shizuka-chan loved the view. She picked this place especially because of it."
Jounouchi froze. He allowed the words to sink in. Shizuka, his baby sister, picked this apartment for Honda. He looked around the room. No, Shizuka picked this apartment for Honda and herself. Without a second thought, he crossed the room in just five strides and grabbed the collar of Honda's shirt.
Wait, a button-up shirt? Since when did Honda dress so cleanly? He shook his head to clear it and growled. "How dare you put the moves on my sister like that?!"
Honda knocked his hand away. "You're the one who left her behind. What say do you have in who she dates or lives with? You left her."
"I don't care," Jounouchi gritted his teeth. It took all his willpower not to hit Honda right there. Honda's words hurt. Jounouchi hadn't meant to abandon anyone. "You have no right-"
"Shut up," Honda's eyes flashed in a way that reminded Jounouchi of their old fighting days. "You left us all behind without a word. Now you just come waltzing back into our lives like nothing has happened and just expect us to welcome you with open arms?"
"I had to leave!" Jounouchi clenched his fist. "You don't understand. You can't possibly understand."
"Then help me to try and understand."
Jounouchi shook his head. "Oh no, you're trying to steer me off course. This is about Shizuka-"
"Don't worry," Honda dug into the pocket of his trousers- neat work pants- and threw something onto the coffee table. It hit the surface with a slight ping before falling to the carpet without another sound. "Shizuka and I are over with."
Jounouchi bent down to pick up the object Honda had thrown. It was a beautiful gold engagement ring with little diamonds set in the band. Jounouchi felt numb inside. An engagement ring. He would have missed his baby sister's marriage to his best friend if he had never returned. There was only one question on Jounouchi's mind now. "Why?"
Honda glared at him with the barest hint of loathing. "You came back." That was all he had to say and for that one moment, Jounouchi really could believe that Honda hated him.
The burden of guilt on his shoulder was the heaviest he had ever had to carry in his life.
He should have never come back.
Well I'd hope that since we're here anyway
That we could end up saying
Things we've always needed to say
So we could end up staying
Now the story's played out like this
Just like a paperback novel
Let's rewrite an ending that fits
Instead of a Hollywood horror
- "Someday" by Nickelback
I'm so sorry this took so long to get out. Summer has been really busy for me with my job and all. Next week, I'm leaving New York and moving to Pittsburgh. I will be attending my first year of college there. Hopefully, I'll get settled in soon. Wish me luck.
All reviews are whole-heartedly appreciated. I thank everyone ahead of time,