Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Joey ❯ Track 1 - Love Song For No One ( Chapter 1 )
By Alecto Perdita
Track 1 - Love Song For No One
Rating: PG-13
Revised: June 22, 2005
Warning(s): Shonen-ai & Kaijou
Email: alecto.perdita@gmail.com
Website: http://cocytus.eternity-inc.net
Mailing list: http://groups.yahoo.com/subscribe/cocytus/
Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh! is the intellectual property of Takahashi Kazuki, and is being used in this fanfiction for fan purposes only. All situations, opinions and characters not belonging to Takahashi Kazuki are the intellectual property of Alecto Perdita.
Flat on the floor looking back
On old love
Or lack thereof
After all the crushes are faded
And all my wishful thinking was wrong
I'm jaded
I hate it
- "Love Song For No One" by John Mayer
My head hit the desk with a slight thud. I couldn't believe how boring English Literature was. Why did I chose this elective in the first place? Oh, right, I didn't chose this class. I was late in applying and this was the last class with any open spots. Just my luck that he should be in this class too. At least Anzu was in the class too, so I wasn't completely alone. She was also the only one keeping me from strangling Kaiba.
"Shakespeare raises some interesting questions in this play. When are moral choices personal? Desire, lust, love; what are the boundaries between these, and how and when are they blurred? Does power corrupt?" The teacher droned on. Half the class was asleep at their desks too. How boring could this woman be? Like me, most of the students were not in this class by choice. "Let's pick up where we left off yesterday. Turn to Act 2, Scene 4, line 151. We're going to need an Angelo and an Isabella."
The class was quiet. Not a single hand was in the air. The teacher frowned at us. "Don't make me pick on someone again," she warned. Still, no one raised his or her hand. She furrowed her brow. She pulled out the attendance sheet. She closed her eyes and placed her finger on a name on the paper. She stared at the name. "Kaiba-kun, Angelo if you please."
He stared at our teacher with calm eyes. Most of the class was awake now. He calmly waited for an Isabella to be chosen. The hand of every girl except for Anzu shot up in the air. They would give anything to play the part of Isabella to Kaiba's Angelo, especially in the scene where Angelo confessed his love to Isabella. What a bunch of bimbos! Except for Anzu.
Our teacher's scowl deepened. She closed her eyes again and picked another name. "Jounouchi-kun, Isabella."
"What?!" I was now wide awake as well. My fists slammed into the surface of the table as I shot out of my seat.
The boys in the class immediately burst into laughter. This was not cool. This was utterly humiliating! I refused to play out this scene with Kaiba of all people.
"Come on, Isabella." One of the boys jeered in a lusty tone.
I bit down on my lower lip. I didn't want to do this. Why in hell would I want to do something like this? But I couldn't afford to fail this class. I was barely passing as it was, even with Anzu's help. My eyes met Kaiba's but it was only for a second before the other boy turn away.
Our teacher nodded toward Kaiba. "If the two of you could please come to the front of the room."
He stood and swiftly walked to the front of the room, without expression. I dragged his feet. I must have looked like I was on the way to the gallows. For me, I really did feel like it.
"You may begin, Kaiba-kun." Our teacher smirked slightly. Damn sadistic old hag.
"Plainly conceive I love you." His voice was monotonous and emotionless. His English, however, was perfect. I didn't expect anything less from him anyway. Every word was clearly punctuated.
The entire class burst into laughter again. It was the kind of phrase you would never believe Kaiba Seto to say even if the world was ending. I could feel my face beginning to turn red. Our teacher glared at the rest of the class before she turned back to him. "A little more emotion please, Kaiba-kun."
"My brother did love Juliet, and you tell me that he shall die 't." My reading was both quick and forced. My English was no where as good as his at that time. I sincerely hope mine is better after living in America these past few years. It was a jumbled mess. Most of his class snickered at my poor attempt at English. I just thanked God that this scene mostly consisted of Angelo pretty much rambling.
"He shall not, Isabel, if you give me love."
There was a roar of laughter again.
"I know your virtue hath a license in 't which seems a little fouler than it is to pluck on others."
"Believe me, on mine honor, my words express my purpose."
"Ha!" My laughter was genuine and bitter. I laughed at the irony of the situation. Kaiba was as about sincere as Angelo was. "Little honor to be much believed, and most pernicious purpose. Seeming, seeming! I will proclaim thee, Angelo, look at 't. Sign me a present pardon for my brother or with an outstretched throat I'll tell the world aloud what man thou art."
"Who will believe thee, Isabel?" He sneered, locking eyes with me for the first time since this started. He took a step forward and closed the distance between him and me. His face was inches away from mine. I took an unconscious step backwards. "My unsoiled name, th' austereness of my life, my vouch against you, and my place i' th' state will so your accusation overweigh that you shall stifle in your own report and smell of calumny.”
I wanted to punch him for his smug tone. This was, indeed, bitterly ironic.
“I have begun, and now I give my sensual race the rein. Fit thy consent to my sharp appetite; lay all nicety and prolicious blushes that banish what they sue for." He ended in a husky whisper.
The class was strangely quiet now, mesmerized by his performance. They had no idea he could act so well. I had no idea… My breath was caught in my throat as I saw a whole cluster of strange emotions flash through his eyes. The bell rang; shattering whatever was between the two of us.
It was gone. The icy facade had fallen back into place. His eyes were lifeless now but that gray blue still left a burning impression on me. I shivered.
What was this feeling?
There was an abnormally large amount of dead space in this painting. It was different from all her other artwork. All of her paintings were always full of color and life. She utilized every space available. No part of her canvas was ever left so strangely blank and white. Something was missing and it tugged at the viewer's heart uneasily. There were so many unresolved feelings and issues.
Kaiba turned away from the painting. He lifted the glass of champagne to his dry lips and drained the last of it. People in formal nightdress milled about him. He loosened his tie. He was going to choke to death at this rate. A waiter passed him with a tray of glasses. Kaiba suppressed the urge to grab another. He had had enough already. He rarely drank alcohol because he believe it to the nectar of brain-dead fools. But tonight... He looked back at the painting. Screw it. He signaled to the waiter.
Shizuka glanced at Kaiba from her position among the reporters. She placed on another one of those half-hearted grins. She tugged uncomfortably at her silk dress. She hated dealing with the press but it was important for her to maintain good relations with these people.
Kaiba turned and was greeted by the sight of Jounouchi Michi in a modest black dress. She had grown older but she was still the same strong-willed and loving woman she had always been. He bowed slightly and stiffly in his tuxedo. "Michi-san." He turned back toward the painting.
She noted sadly that Kaiba was gripping the glass to the point where he might crack it. The boy was tense. No. He was no longer a boy. She had watched the boy grow into the man before her. She cared for him like he was her own son, especially since the poor child had none.
"It's beautiful, isn't it?" She commented on the painting.
Kaiba nodded his head but didn't reply. She chewed on her bottom lip. Oh, how all these children had grown up. "To tell you the truth, I was very surprised when Shizuka told me about your relationship with Katsuya." She wasn't sure what had compelled her to talk about this. "I had no idea. I thought you and Katsuya hated each other."
Kaiba would not answer.
"I've never thanked you for being so good to Shizuka. You helped pay her through art school and set her on track with a successful career. I don't know how to thank you."
"Shizuka has an incredible talent. She would have been successful with or without my help." He still wouldn't face her.
"But you saved her years of hardship in a career area that so often fails to recognize talent such as hers. I...I had even thought you were interested in my daughter for the longest time. I didn't have to worry about her future. I thought she would always be financially secure. I feel like such an idiot now. You do love her, but it's the love a brother has for a younger sister." Michi smiled in an unsure manner.
"She is important to me, like Mokuba."
Michi shook her head. "I know. I've been so blind..." She turned to watch her daughter and Honda interact with the reporters. "I don't have anything against Honda-san. He does love Shizuka a lot."
"Honda would give his life for her."
"I certainly hope it'll never come to that." She scowled. Her expression softened as she watched Honda peck Shizuka on the cheek. "Honda-san has done quite well for himself. They're such a cute couple. I'm glad they're happy together." She raised warm amber eyes to meet Kaiba's gaze. "I hope you can find that same happiness. I know you will. Please don't give up on Katsuya." She then left the young man to his thoughts.
Shizuka looked back toward Kaiba. She noticed that he looked even sourer than before, if that was even possible, after talking to her mother. Her eye caught with Honda's.
Her fiancé pulled her out of the circle and gestured in the direction of the depressed CEO. "I'll take care of them. Go talk to Kaiba."
Shizuka smiled sweetly. Honda always knew what she was thinking. "Arigato." She leaned up and pecked the man on the cheek.
She stopped her mother along the way and pulled her to the side. "Okaa-san, what did you say to Kaiba-san? He's in an even worse mood than before."
Michi waved her daughter away. "I was just talking about Katsuya."
"Okaa-san," Shizuka said. "You know what a sensitive subject Onii-chan is."
"It's been almost eleven years. It's time Kaiba-san faced this."
"He can't though. We have no idea where Onii-chan has been all these years. Even Kaiba-san can't find him."
Michi sighed and steered her daughter in Kaiba's direction. "Shizuka, that's because he didn't want to find Katsuya. Neither of them wanted to face each other so they pushed each other further and further away until they were running from each other. They can't keep running like this. Talk some sense into him, dear. He listens to you." She gave her daughter an encouraging smile and a nudge.
Shizuka went hesitantly. She weaved her way in and out of Domino's social elite with a nod here and there. She stopped besides the man she had come to think of as an older brother. Kaiba continued to stare at the painting hanging under the bright studio lights.
"Why did you paint this?"
Shizuka jumped. "I thought you didn't notice I was here."
"I always know." He breathed quietly.
She looked up at the painting. "I've always liked it the best." She glanced at him out of the corner of her eye. "I know you've always liked it best."
He tore his gaze away from the art, reaching for another glass of champagne. A soft hand gripped his own and moved it away from the alcohol. He met her soft emerald eyes.
Her voice was barely above a whisper. "You've had enough, Kaiba-san. We can't change the past or the choices that he made."
He snorted. "He ran away from everything. His mistakes are not of my concern."
"Jounouchi-san, the press conference is about to begin." An exhibition worker tugged on her sleeve.
Shizuka took one last glance at Kaiba before moving toward the chairs set up. Kaiba scowled as he reached for another glass and drained its content.
The light bulbs flashed with a sudden intensity as the sound of camera shutters echoed through the room.
"Jounouchi-san! I would like to ask you a question about the featured painting of this exhibit, Sleeping Brother. It seems relatively uncompleted. Is there some kind of aesthetic purpose behind doing so?"
Shizuka cleared her throat. She truly hated doing this. Honda's grip over hands tightened. She felt his warmth and support seep into her skin. "Sleeping Brother is a painting based off the first sketch I did after I regained my eyesight about ten years ago. Most of the paintings in this exhibit revisit those early sketches. I'm sure you'll recognize the teenage portraits of Mutou Yugi, Mazaki Anzu, my fiancé, my brother, and even one of Kaiba-san there."
Camera suddenly whipped in Kaiba's direction where he lingered in the back of the room with another glass in hand. He scowled at them and they turned away.
"The reason why it looks unfinished is because it is unfinished," she took a deep breath. "I think that you can sense there is something missing in the painting. Until certain issues are resolved and brought to a close, the painting won't be finished. However, it seems that that will most likely be the case."
Another reporter was practically jumping up and down. "Jounouchi-san! Would you give us some comments on your upcoming manga? It's rare that a successful artist such as yourself would move into the realm of drawing mangas."
"The manga is really an experiment," Shizuka fiddled with her fingers. "It's based on some real life events that happened about 11 or 12 years ago. Of course, there is a fantasy aspect to the story. It follows the adventures of one Takahashi Yugi and his friends, after Yugi completes an ancient puzzle called the Millennium Puzzle. Many of the supporting characters are based off people I've known in real life. My fiancé will be helping me write the dialogue. The first chapter will be out in this month's issue of Sum-Zero so I hope everyone can support me in this endeavor. Next question?"
The next reporter jumped to her feet. Honda recognized her instantly. Yamato Kimiko was from the same newspaper he worked for but her stories tended to be on the extragerated side. She lived to stir up trouble more than anything. "I noticed that your brother as seen in the painting greatly resembles an American-"
Honda cut her off. "This conference is over. I'd like to thank you for attending this function and for your show of support. Good night." Honda pulled Shizuka to her feet and led her away from table.
Shizuka stared strangely at him. "What's wrong, Hiroto?"
He shot her a brilliant smile. "Nothing's wrong, Shizuka-chan. Don't worry about it. You know that reporter. She's nothing but trouble."
She wasn't sure but she could only trust him as he led her away. "If you say so."
"Are you sure you're okay with this?"
Jounouchi nodded as he folded the last article of clothing. "I haven't got much of a choice. The producers really want me to do this. I mean, we're done with the filming but the movie's gonna be in the editing room for quite a while. Jennifer's doing her part in promoting the movie and I should too. Just think as it as a vacation sorta, Sophie."
Sophia Chang tossed her jet black hair as she crossed her legs. She was seated on his bed. "You're not just going anywhere. You're going to Japan. I can get the producers to change their minds, ya know?"
"Geeze, Sophie. Stop worrying. It's about time I went back anyway." He shut the suitcase. He stood there for a moment, his hands resting on top of the suitcase and staring at the void black. "I have to face Shizuka sooner or later. I owe her that much..."
"Bullshit!" she spat. "You know you're lying to yourself. You don't ever want to go back. Stop lying to yourself." Her expression softened. "Besides, are you sure your sister's the only person you have to face?"
He turned to face her. They stared at each other for a few seconds. Her gaze was steady and inquiring.
"I don't know what you mean." He turned back away.
She sighed and pushed her hair back. He was always like this. "Remember last week, we had that party with the crew to celebrate the end of filming and you got drunk? I mean, totally wasted. And I had to bring you home 'cause you couldn't drive."
He blanched. "Oh shit, we didn't sleep together, did we? Because there goes the whole platonic relationship thing."
She rolled her eyes. "No. Besides, I'm not your type. I know you prefer guys."
He paled even further until his face was as white as sheet. "What?" He squeaked.
"You told me all about Kaiba Seto, Katsuya."
He froze. Part of him vaguely wondered when and how she has gained the privilege of addressing him by his given name. "I told you?"
"When you drink, you talk," she shrugged. "So yeah, you told me everything. How it started with the Red Lady, your dad, Battle City, Duel World, everything."
He sank down onto his bed next to her. He ran a hand through his unruly blond hair. "I can't believe I did that."
"That's besides the point. What are you going to do about Kaiba-san?"
He stared at the carpet and traced the swirls in his mind. "What's there to do? They probably won't even know I'm there so I don't have to worry about seeing any of them." She slapped the back of his head hard. "Ouch! What the fuck was that for?" He rubbed the back of his head.
"Jounouchi Katsuya, you're lying again. You're a coward."
She had spoken in his native language. In all the years since he had left Japan, he had only spoken to Sophia in that tongue. Her words struck a chord deep within him. It reminded him of how much he missed his home.
"I am," he whispered quietly in Japanese.
An arm snaked around his shoulder. "Don't worry. I'll be there with you. I'll help you see it through to the end." She winked. "I'll get to play matchmaker too. Lucky you, Katsuya, Kaiba Seto's totally hot!"
He felt a blush creep up on him. He pushed her away and she tumbled back onto the bed in a fury of maniacal laughter. "You're such a yaoi fangirl."
She smothered her laughter for a moment and waggled her eyebrows comically. "You know I'm right. You so need to get laid." She burst out laughing again.
His blush deepened. He grabbed a pillow and wielded it in the most threatening manner he could manage. He swung the pillow at her and it exploded in a snowstorm of down feathers. She sat there in shock as he snickered. Feathers were stuck to every part of her clothing and her hair was in complete disarray as a result of his attack. "You look like a chicken." He grinned cheekily.
"You just didn't." She growled.
His amber eyes twinkled with mirth. "Aww, honey, but I just did."
She grabbed one of the other pillows and lunged at him. He moved out of the way and she crashed onto the floor. "Make that an angry chicken." He taunted.
"Well, someone's going to be a dead dog soon!"
"Hey, I resent that remark!"
"You're gonna resemble it once I get through with you."
Honda pushed Kaiba into one of the backrooms while Shizuka was busy with some more guests. They were really working her haggard with this exhibit.
"What do you want?" Kaiba snapped with a slight flush on his usually pale cheeks.
Honda stared. Maybe Kaiba had had a little too much to drink... "We need to talk. You should really lay off the liquor, Kaiba." Honda seated the dazed man at the couch.
Kaiba glared at Honda. "Well?"
Honda paced back and forth across the room. Honda never paced, Kaiba noted, unless he was extremely anxious that is. "I didn't know who else to talk to about this. I can't tell Shizuka-chan yet. She can't take the shock right now. Yugi and Anzu will overreact and tell everyone. Bakura has enough to worry about with his research and his relationship with Malik. I don't want to add to that. I certainly can't tell Michi-san."
Kaiba finished for the other man. "So you come to me. What is it? Money problems? How much do you need?"
Honda stopped in his track and twirled around to face Kaiba. "It's not always about money! It's a matter of a certain 'who' rather than a 'what'." He went back to his pacing.
Kaiba's heart sank. It couldn't be...It couldn't be... He kept repeating and repeating in his mind to himself. He refused to believe that the entire evening had been a ridiculous foreshadowing to such a turn of events and cruel twist of fate. But on the surface, he wore his ever composed yet impatient façade. "Just spit it out already. I don't have time for this."
Honda reached under the coffee table and threw a magazine onto the tabletop. Kaiba leaned forward in his seat to read the title.
Kaiba raised a single questioning yet sardonic eyebrow. "Seventeen, Honda? I didn't know you were into American teenie bopper magazines."
"Just turn to page 26." Honda gritted his teeth in frustration.
On the left side was a large shot of a shapely blond-haired woman against the backdrop of a sandy beach at sunset. Kaiba scanned the accompanying article quickly. Jennifer Adams...romantic drama...bound to be a blockbuster... One paragraph toward the end caught his eye though.
"However, Matthew B. Jamerson, the director, has taken one questionable risk with this movie. Jennifer's co-star, the ever charismatic Joey Katsuya, is a newcomer to the Hollywood scene. 'I know it's highly unorthodox to cast such a beginner in such a major role,' Matthew commented. 'but we have great confidence in Joey. It was rough at first but he's come a long way. He has improved over the last year more than most actors do in five.' Joey spent two successful seasons on the primetime drama, Touch the Moon, before making the move to movies. Before coming to the United States, Joey spent a few years in Hong Kong, first working as a stunt double on various action movies and later in popular television dramas. He and Jennifer appear to get along very well. Their performance in this movie is bound to be powerful and heart-wrenching. So what's next for these rising stars? Jennifer looking into other projects to take on with Joey. Joey's returning to his native homeland, Japan, to promote Here and Now abroad. We'll have to wait until Then to see how this duo fares."
Kaiba turned the page slowly. His fingers were numb as the anticipation gnawed at him. Honda stared intently at Kaiba, looking for some sign of a response. Kaiba stared down at the magazine. There, grinning up at him, was a photo of Jounouchi Katsuya...
Jounouchi watched as Sophia bobbed her head up and down to the tune on the radio. The cast had gathered to watch a screening of their final product. It was the first time most of the actors had seen the movie in the way it had been intended for the audience to view it. Yet, at the last minute, something had went dreadfully wrong in the editing room.
Jennifer leaned back in her surprisingly not-so-comfy chair. Actually, Jounouchi's back was beginning to ache as well. "She's seems awfully unconcerned."
Jounouchi snorted. "Of course, Sophie's more of an optimist than she seems."
Jennifer shook her head and stood. She stretched and immediately received the almost every male's full-blown attention. "I'm going to grab a cup of Starbucks coffee. Want anything?"
"Ugh, no thanks, I don't see how you people can take that junk."
She laughed. "It's an acquired taste," she turned to his manager. "How about you?"
Sophia stopped her intense worship of the radio for just a second to answer, "Caramel Frappuchino!"
"Got it!"
Jounouchi stood too and walked over to where his manager was lip-syncing to some alternative rock music. "I really don't understand you Americans sometimes."
She looked up at him. "What?"
"Your music...it's so repetitive..."
Sophia rolled her eyes. "So sue us if our music isn't all deep and poetic like your J-Rock or whatever. Not that I'm bashing it or anything. You have to admit, there's a bit of charm to American music. We're simple people, not simple minded people. We say what's on our mind and we take whatever action we feel is right."
"That's also what gets you into so much trouble."
She shrugged. "I don't mind. My mind is my own and I speak it. My feelings are my own and I express it. I grew up in an Asian family. They were all feeling-repressive," her tone suddenly became very bitter. "Look where that got us. I vowed I would never be like that because nothing is accomplished that way. If that makes me obnoxious and loud-mouthed, I don't mind. Think how much easier your life would be if you were like that."
She threw him a meaningful look. "I don't mean that shitass happy mask you used to wear. As they say, 'honesty is the best policy.' The way I see it is that our music reflects our cultural persona. Japanese music is all circumvented and confusing because you have to look for the meaning. American music just says it plain out. If I'm hurt, I'm hurt. If I'm happy, I'm happy. You get what I'm saying?"
Jounouchi simply nodded. He was quite sure that Sophia had just invented a few terms in her little speech. Yet he understood what she meant. Perhaps there was something to her convoluted advice...
I'm gonna bust down the double doors
And when I stand on these tables before you
You will know what all this time was for
- "No Such Thing" by John Mayer