Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Jounouchirella ❯ Found ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Iris: ><;;; Mai gets uber violent this chappie.

That following morning, Tea and Serenity took their frustration out on the sleeping Joey. The blissful blonde was rudely awoken from his dream by the cracking of the whip against his back. He jumped up and cried.

"What the hell did I do?" he said.

"You were born a boy!" screamed Serenity, beating his shoulder with her metal leash, "Seto Kaiba's gay!"

"Really?" Joey replied sarcastically. Tea fumed and started whiping his chest.

"Girls! Girls! Girls!" Mai shouted, pushing the girls aside, "We can't blame this ignorant fool dor your lack of sexual appeal!"


"Shut up! Joey, get up and start cleaning." Joey rolled his eyes and sighed. Mai inhaled sharply, grabbed Joey's neck, and slammed him into the wall behind him, "Don't talk back to me, you dumb prick! Now get off your ass, fix that hole in the wall, and clean up the apartments, dammit!"

The three left and Joey pulled himself out of the wall. Tears were forming in his eyes, but he fought them back. He knew he won, they would never get with Seto and he got to go to the ball. The teen got up, got dressed into his maid outfit, and went to clean up. The night before was a victory. He never felt any better. ::But I feel... sad.:: he thought as he mopped the lobby floor. ::I really liked dancing with Seto.. wait! What am I saying!? Am I gay?!:: He felt a smile spread across his face.

"Ah, well." Joey sighed happily and absently danced with the mopping. He remembered every step between him and the brunette perfectly. A little too perfectly.

"JOUNOUCHI KATSUYA!" the hair on his neck stood on end as Mai stomped in and caught him by his neck, "You were the boy that kept us from the top last night?!"


"Don't lie!" Mai shrieked, throwing him into his step-sisters, "Lock him in his room! Seto is coming down here in an hour, we still have a chance."

Tea and Serenity carried Joey back to his room. They snickered and taunted as he laid quietly on the floor. Tears streamed down his face as he heard the girls barricade the hallway his room was in. ::Not again...:: he thought, ::Why do I keep losing?::


"Welcome, Kaiba-san!" Mai said as she and the girls bowed. Seto looked around the lobby, uninterested in the girls before him, "Can we get you some tea?"

"Isn't there suppose to be a young man living with you?"

"Y-young boy?" Mai stammered, "You must have heard wrong. There's no young man living with us."

Mai could feel Seto's ice cold glare go down her spine.

"I never hear wrong." he stated.

"Of course!" Tea jumped in to save her mother, "The young man who lived with us has moved away!"

"Hm. I would like a tour of your complex." Seto said, "I need to know what I'm marrying into."

Stars glimmered in their eyes as Seto walked past them and up the stairs. It was truly happening! Seto Kaiba was going to make one of them 'Mrs. Kaiba'! Oh, rapture!


Iris snorts at her computer... remembers her ice cream innuendos... and continues typing.


"What's all this?" Seto pointed at the assorted trash and stuff randomly placed in his way.

"Nothing!" Serenity said, trying to avert his attention, "Now, if you would look at this lovely floor!"

"I hate randomly placed junk." Seto kicked and threw the boxes and things away until he reached a door. He jiggled the doorknob and found it locked. His blue eyes narrowed and he clenched his fist, "This is UNACCEPTABLE!"

The CEO kicked the door in to find a familiar boy sitting on the floor, wiping the tears form his face.



"Uh, it's Joey."


Iris: :D Almost done.