Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Just Another Crossover...Or Is It? ❯ Prologue

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Priestess: Hmm…let's see what's next on my list of plotbunnies…::Eyes bug out:: A…A Harry Potter/Yu-Gi-Oh crossover?
Am I really planning to do something that cliché? There must be a hundred, and most are better than anything I'll ever write!
Wait a minute…::Reads all the twists I planned so it isn't just another run-of-the-mill crossover:: Hmm…I guess it could work…
Now, I haven't read Harry Potter in a while (five was such a huge disappointment) so just try and bear with me here, all right?
Also, in this version, five didn't happen (I liked Sirius!) so they're fifth-years. And that means it takes place a year after Battle City.
On with the fanfiction!




A tanned boy with lilac eyes and silky almost-white hair blinked as he got out of bed. "What is it, Isis?" he called to his elder sister.


"Remember that school of magic I told you I had been hired to teach divination at because the former teacher got kicked out for predicting the death of a student every year?" asked his sister, a lovely curvaceous girl with deep blue eyes and long black hair.


"Yeah, I seem to recall something like that…" he muttered sleepily. He never forgot anything when he was awake, but when he was half-asleep he couldn't remember his own name.




He blinked, suddenly wide awake as she handed him a thick envelope. In an emerald scrawl, it read his name, address, and…


"The ridiculously neat room with the huge windows?" he read, turning it over to see a wax seal. "What kind of person writes that?"


He broke the seal.


"Mister Ishtal, we understand you and your friends should be too old to begin schooling, but due to the circumstances we will overlook your ages and" he read the rest in a mutter, then looked up at Isis.


"I'm going to school."


//Is this such a good idea?\\ wondered Yami no Bakura from the back of Ryou's mind.


"It's a school," Ryou replied, shaking out his white hair. "A place to learn how to control and use your magic! What could be bad about that?"


//I have lived for 3571 years, I think I know how to control my powers!\\ the former King of Thieves replied indignantly. //Besides, they may have heard of me!\\


"Look, I hear the History of Magics teacher is an old dud," he replied.


//Oh? And how would you know, exactly?\\


"I've read about the place," Ryou replied.


//Ryou, my dear, you are speaking of fiction, not reality. Those stories are rarely truthful, I for one should know.\\


Ryou's interest was immediately piqued, but he knew Bakura would be…upset, to say the least…if he bugged him. "Well, at least some of it may be accurate," he tried, but was replied with only a disgruntled //hmph!\\ and his darker half retreating to his soul room.


[A place to learn about magic?]


Yugi smiled-as he'd hoped, his darker half was interested. "Yes, a place to learn about magic." He looked around, grinning at the place known as Diagon Alley. "Wow, this place is amazing."


"Hey, check out the hair! I wish I knew that kind of magic!"


"And look how short he is? Why's he walking around all alone?"


Yugi's smile vanished, and he had to tamp down hard on his darker half to keep him from sending whoever had mentioned his hair and height to the Shadow Realm.


"Hey, shortie! Are you a new student at Hogwarts?"


With a barely-hidden scowl, Yugi turned to see a freckled boy with red hair. "Yes, as a matter of fact I am. My name is Yugi Mutou, and I'm fifteen."


The boy looked surprised. "So you're a midget, then?"


"Yes, I'm a midget, now drop it," he said with unusual temper. "The only reason I wasn't here sooner was because I didn't gain my powers until a year ago."


"Hey, hey, Lightning! No harm meant. I'm Ron, by the way. Ronald Weasly. Wunnu be pals?"


His kind nature making it impossible for him not to smile, Yugi shook his hand. "That would be nice. But…would you please not call me Lightning?"


Seto Kaiba was scowling as the strange man with large, pale eyes tried to find a wand for him. Until a few months ago, he had gone against all proof and refused to believe in magic.


But then he started shooting lightning, and decided to forget his pride just once to keep himself alive.


"How about this? Ash, eleven inches, supple, contains one unicorn hair."


Kaiba scowled. While he wasn't about to use something with…basilisk liver inside it, he didn't need to know the length of whatever he was being handed-or if it was springy, whippy, pliable, or anything else!


Nonetheless, he waved it. A desk blew up.


"Well, that isn't right…"


"Good lord man, don't you have anything with dragon in it? I happen to prefer dragons to unicorns and phoenixes, you know!"


Ollivander blinked at him. "Humph. It's rare that the wizard chooses what to use, but if you insist…" he picked out another box. "Maple and dragon heartstring, twelve inches, good for channeling one's personal energy, swishy."


"I don't care," he muttered under his breath, grabbing the wand. It felt warm in his hands. He waved it, and a shower of blue and silver sparks cascaded out.


Ollivander clapped. "Bravo man!" he said, wrapping it. "Well, well…how interesting…you did know what was right for you…hmm…"


"Whatever," hissed Kaiba, handing him his seven gold Galleons and grabbing the wand. He wanted to get the Hell out of there!


Bakura's eyes narrowed as he noticed a familiar figure.


Weaving in and out of the crowd, somehow managing not to jar the white kitten he'd bought or any of his supplies (he himself had been impressed that the money he'd stolen in the past had somehow been turned into wizarding money) he soon found himself standing right in front of Malik Ishtal.




The Egyptian jumped at least a foot before recognizing the voice and scowling at the white-haired thief. "Yami no Bakura, if you ever do that again I'm going to take this mahogany wand and shove it-" Bakura had the foresight to cover his mouth before he could continue.


"Malik? Shut. Up. What are you doing in England, anyway?"


Malik scowled at Bakura's rudeness and tried to make a snappy retort-but, seeing as how the Spirit's deceptively delicate hand still covered his mouth, he had to be content with showing him the letter.


"Humph," Bakura remarked, removing a hand. "You, too, huh?"


"Yes, me too. Isis is the new divination teacher, so they made a 'special case' for me or something. I'm not sure, and frankly, I don't give a damn."


"Well, it couldn't have had that much to do with Isis," he replied, showing him his own letter. Malik opened it and saw that it was almost identical to his.


"Oh, fuck," Bakura said suddenly, either reading his mind or guessing. "If you're here, and I'm here, then that means-"


"Oh, lord, please no." They turned to see a familiar man with long brown hair, deep blue eyes, and a scowl. "If you're here then that means that Yugi is, too."


"You stole what I was going to say, except I was going to say 'the Pharaoh,'" Bakura replied. "And I thought you didn't believe in magic."


"I had to prioritize," Kaiba replied. "My pride or my life." Seeing their bewildered expressions, he raised decided to illustrate his point: He raised a hand and pictured Yugi. Immediately, glints of white lightning rippled in the air around him.


"You have good priorities," said Malik, eyebrow twitching slightly. "You think they're going to mind that one of my robes are purple instead of black? I couldn't afford to buy three when I had one already."


"I'm sure it's fine," Kaiba replied, frowning slightly. "You're lucky to be Egyptian-you're not embarrassed by wearing a dress."


"You wore a dress in Egypt, too," Bakura replied. "Just a blue one. I usually wore a skirty thing and these coats, but the Pharaoh wore a dress, too."


"Speak of the devil," muttered Kaiba, and they spun around to see what he was talking about.


Yugi, a red-haired boy, a black-haired boy, and a brown-haired girl were talking about…something or another. Suddenly the redhead pointed to them and muttered something which made Yugi whirl around.


"Oh. No." said Yu-Gi-Oh, appearing out of nowhere-though only they noticed, of course. He strode forward and placed his hands on his leather-clad hips.


"Tell me I'm dreaming. Not you again!" This comment was obviously directed towards Bakura, who he glared at pointedly.


"Nice to see you again too, your highness," Bakura replied, barely hiding a smirk as he gave a little mock-bow that made Yu-Gi-Oh's teeth gnash.


"Highness?" the girl asked, walking up from behind them. She had a slightly loud voice, and was shorter than both Bakura and Kaiba (Bakura was five feet eleven inches, Kaiba was six feet, but Bakura looked a bit taller because of his hair)


"Why are you calling Lightning 'your highness'?" chimed the redheaded boy. He was also shorter (who wasn't?) and a sprinkling of freckles dusted his face.


"I told you not to call me Lightning!" Yugi cried before turning back into Yu-Gi-Oh.


"Nice to see you," he snarled at Bakura, obviously having no stronger urge than to strangle him. "Killed any innocents lately?"


"If you must know, I've sworn off on that," he replied mildly. "Not like you."


"You? Give up murdering? Ha! Either it's a Ra-fucking miracle or you're a liar-which we all are already aware that you are."


"Go to hell."


"Bite me."


"Don't tempt me."


The three who had been with Yu-Gi-Oh looked from one spirit to another, clearly bewildered. Kaiba shook his head, rolling his eyes.


"There you are!"


Kaiba made a huge show of groaning before turning to face Isis. She was wearing a white silk dress with one flowing off-the-shoulder sleeve. It dipped gently from the shoulder of the sleeved arm to the other shoulder, so the other arm was completely bare (I have a dress like this, only light blue. It's really cool)


Isis predictably didn't seem surprised to see any of them, but Yu-Gi-Oh did seem surprised to see her. (Kaiba was too irritated to be surprised, Malik obviously knew, Bakura had been told by Malik, and the other three didn't know who she was) "Isis?" he asked. "Why are you here?"


"I'm the new Divination teacher, of course," Isis replied with a small smile. "What should I have been? Magical History already had a teacher."


Walking up to Isis, the girl stuck out her hand. "I'm Hermione Granger. I'm a student at Hogwarts, and I'm glad somebody replaced that old bat."


Ron and his friend exchanged impressed looks-they still hadn't gotten used to Hermione insulting any teacher, even Miss Trelawney. Then Ron asked, "Are you really a psychic, or just faking it?"


"Your name is Ron Weasly. You're fifteen years old, you come from a poor wizard family of seven, your father is obsessed with 'Muggles'-which is what a wizard calls a human. You used to have a pet rat, but it turned out to be an evil sorcerer. Your best friend is Harry Potter, and you're in love with-"


"All right, all right! I'm a believer, really! Please stop!"


Isis permitted herself a serene little half-smile. "I thought so."


Priestess: That was really just an introduction. The real plot begins in the next chapter, when they actually go to Hogwarts! Now, let's have a vote on pairings!


Option One:



Option Two:



Also, should Hermione be with Ron or Harry, or should it be a triangle? And if so, who should win eventually?