Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kages of the Pharaoh-Noah,Seth, and Ka ❯ Chapter 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Kages of the Pharaoh: Noah, Seth, and Ka

Well here is the forth chapter of the story. Shaina's gone somewhere, but they still have Ashery, Bakura, Marik, and Anatsu to worry about. Can Noah, Seth and Ka stay safe until the thieves are gone? I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh or Anatsu, but Ashery, Ka, and Shaina are my property.

Chapter 4: The Soul of a Hero

" Ka come on Ka wake up," whispered Seth as he shook Ka's shoulders. The smaller boy rolled over and looked at him.

" What is it Seth?" asked Ka sleepily. Seth sighed as Ka sat up.

" I just got the report from Namara," said Seth as he rested his head on his hands. " Ashery. . .she almost killed Nayama last night." Ka jumped up his hands clenched at his sides. " Calm down Ka. Queen Nayama is safe and Ashery has been locked away." Ka blinked as Seth smiled slightly. " Queen Nayama locked her away within the Millennia Saber." Ka sighed as he sat up and looked at Noah who was sound asleep.

" Well. . .that's a good thing," said Ka as he stood up and grabbed his robe from a peg and tied it around himself. His skirt fell to his ankles as he walked out of the room.

" Ka where are you going?" asked Seth as he stood up. Ka smiled as he looked at his older twin.

" To talk to Telsis and Mirror. They will know what to do with the Saber," said Ka and kept walking. His Pendant of Life shone and suddenly he spun around and jumped out of the way as Malik came running down the hall. The platinum blond looked scared out of his mind and soon Ka found out why. Seconds later Marik came running down the hall. Ka growled and suddenly a blast of white light sent Marik flying through the air. Malik turned around and stared in amazement. Ka nodded and the two ran toward the Throne Room. They ran in and locked the door.

" Thanks Ka," said Malik as he sat down. His deep purple eyes looked around and rested on two female figures standing on either side of the throne room. " Hi Telsis and Mirror." The two ladies nodded as they walked out of the shadows. Ka and Malik stood up as the taller of the two ladies smiled.

" I see that Marik is really trying to get you Malik," said Telsis as her dark hair flowed down her back. Mirror nodded as her own green dyed hair glowed in the dark. Ka and Malik nodded as Telsis slowly took something out from behind her back. " Malik. . .I am one of the many guardians of the Millennium, Exodia, and Millennia items. I think it would be for the best if we sent you back to your own time." Malik blinked as Telsis took out a golden eyes shaped pendant. " Malik. . . we brought you here from your own time. We will meet again in the future. . .so keep us in your thoughts. Telsis handed the pendant to Malik and nodded slightly." Suddenly Malik disappeared in a burst of golden light. Ka looked in shock as Telsis nodded slightly to him.

" Where'd Malik go?" asked Ka. Telsis and Mirror smiled as they looked at him.

" To a place. . . a time where Marik won't be able to get him. We hope," said Mirror as the two disappeared. " Remember Ka. . .the future will hold many trials. . .many pains. . .many dangers."

" Trials. . .pains. . .dangers?" asked Ka as he walked back toward his room. He looked up and saw Seth standing there. Ka smiled and ran to Seth and hugged him. Seth returned the hug and the two walked back to the bedroom. Noah sat on the bed chattering away and Ka laughed. Suddenly a burst of white light illuminated the room. There before them stood Shaina. The three took a step back, but then Shaina just nodded and looked at Ka and Seth.

" Lock me away in the Angel," whispered Shaina. Ka and Seth blinked and suddenly the Rod and Pendant of Life started to glow and Shaina disappeared. " I only wish that this would end differently." Ka and Seth blinked as the Angel fell to the floor. Ka picked up the angel as Telsis appeared and took it away.

" Exodia Angel, Millennia Saber. . .it has begun," whispered Telsis and disappeared. Ka sighed and laid down on the bed. Seth laid down next to him and the two fell asleep. Noah sighed and also fell asleep.

" Ka. . .Ka. . .come on wake up," said Noah as he shook his older brothers shoulders. Ka blinked as he sat up in bed and then looked at Noah.

" Hey Noah what's wrong?" asked Ka as he rubbed sleep out of his eyes.

" Namara came running in here and said that the time has come," said Noah quietly as his green hair fell into his eyes. " In other words Pharaoh Yami is going to start locking the holders away so that the power won't fall into the wrong hands. Ka I don't want Seth to get locked away." Tears rolled down Noah's face as he looked at Ka pleadingly. Ka sighed and hugged Noah as tears rolled down his own face.

" I know Noah. . .neither do I. . .but we can't help now," said Ka as he looked at Noah and sighed. " Now dry those tears Noah. We have to stay strong." Noah nodded as he stood up and Noah nodded and stood up next to him. They both looked at Seth who lay asleep on the bed. " If we have to give Seth up. . .then lets make a pact." Noah nodded as Ka took the Pendant of Life and placed it on the floor between them. " I saw Telsis and Mirror send Malik to the future. His own time I guess. Well I was thinking. . .they said they'd see him in the future so that means that. . .they will eventually be locked away. So I was thinking. . .we could do something like that." Noah blinked as Ka closed his eyes and took a sharp piece of metal out of his pocket and pocked his finger with it. Blood started to flow down and Ka picked up the Pendant of Life and opened it up. Inside a diamond glimmered in the light. He let his blood drip into the inside of the item. He then handed the Pendant to Noah and Noah nodded and pricked his own finger. He looked at the blood and then let is drip into the Pendant.

" So what next?" asked Noah as Ka sucked on his finger. Ka took the Pendant and closed it and put it around his neck.

" Noah. . .promise me. . .if I die. . .that you'll protect the Pendant," said Ka his back turned to Noah. Noah nodded as Ka walked toward the balcony. Ka walked onto the balcony and looked at the rising sun. " The sun rises on a new day Noah. Let us go in peace." Noah nodded as Ka walked out of the room and toward the Throne room. He walked in and noticed Isis and Telsis standing on either side of the Throne. Queen Nayama and Pharaoh Yami looked up and nodded. Ka nodded as Noah walked in.

" So Ka. . .I heard that you protected Malik last night," said Nayama. Ka nodded slightly as Nayama cradled Ali in her arms. " I am very grateful and also I heard that you saw Malik get sent to his own time." Ka nodded slightly and Nayama sighed. " Hence the sealing has begun." Ka nodded again as the pendant around his neck caught the sunlight. Noah nodded as Mirror walked in carrying both the Angel and the Saber. The guardian smiled slightly as she placed both items in boxes and put the boxes in a hiding place under the throne.

" In five thousand years the items will again be needed. We will also be needed when that time comes," said Yami. Ka nodded as he looked at the scarab around Noah's neck. He noticed how Noah ran his hand over the scarab. Blood fell into the grooves on the scarab and Ka sighed.

" So that means that sooner or later all of the Millennium Items will be locked away. Shaina and Ashery were threats, but in five thousand years they will be changed I hope. Bakura and Marik, well I'm not to sure about those two." Ka sighed as Seth walked into the room his Rod held at his side. Yami nodded and so did Seth as he looked at everyone.

" I guess that means that one of these day's I'll be locked away," said Seth and Yami nodded as the sun glinted off the Millennium Puzzle. " I understand." Yami sighed as Noah and Seth turned and left the room.

" Ka. . .what are you doing?" asked Nayama as Ka stood in the throne room. The sunlight fell onto him and glittered off the Pendant of Life. Ka looked up at Nayama and smiled slightly.

" Just remembering the Throne Room," said Ka as he turned and walked out of the Throne Room. " Just remembering it." The Pendant of Life glittered in the sunlight. Ka's hair blew in the wind and he smiled as he walked toward Princess Shiroka's room. He smiled as he walked in. Shiroka looked up at him as Zeke lay on her lap. " Hi." Shiroka smiled and nodded and patted the bed. Ka sat down and Shiroka smiled slightly.

" What brings you here?" asked Shiroka. Ka smiled and looked at Zeke.

" Just coming to see if you were alright and checking up on my little friend here," said Ka as he pointed to Zeke. " Is he going to become prince?" asked Ka. Shiroka smiled as she looked at Ka.

" He could if Queen Nayama doesn't have a son," said Shiroka quietly. " But knowing Queen Nayama she will have a son sooner or later, but Zeke will be in line for the throne." Ka smiled as he picked Zeke up and looked at the baby.

" Well I think I'll just call him Prince Zeke. How does that sound?" asked Ka. Shiroka laughed as Ka took off his silver bracelet and placed it on Zeke's head. " Yeah, Prince Zeke. . .or maybe I should call him Pharaoh Zeke." Shiroka smiled as Ka took out one of his bandana like headdresses and puts it on Zeke. " Or maybe High Priest Zeke." Shiroka laughed and Ka stood up and looked at Zeke. " Just keep him safe. . .just keep him safe." With that Ka walked out of the room and walked toward his own room. He walked in and looked at Seth who sat on the bed. His Rod lay on the bed next to him.

" Hey Ka," said Seth as he looked up. Ka nodded and sat down next to Seth. " Where were you?" Ka smiled as he untied his hair and let it fall down his back.

" Talking to Shiroka. Seth if anything happened to Ali wouldn't Zeke then be the heir to the Throne?" asked Ka. Seth blinked and nodded slightly to his younger twin.

" Yes. . .or if Queen Nayama didn't have a male child. . .Zeke and Ali could be married. So yes, Zeke could become Pharaoh," said Seth. Ka smiled slightly and looked at Seth.

" Seth. . .I really don't want you to be locked away," whispered Ka as he looked at his older brother. " I want you to stay here. . .with Noah and me." Seth looked at his twin and tears welled up in his cool blue eyes.

" I don't want to go either Ka. . .but. . .but I'm the holder of the Rod. I have to," said Seth and looked at the Pendant of Life around Ka's neck. " Can I see your Pendant?" Ka nodded and handed the Pendant over to Seth. Seth popped open the Pendant and stared at the diamond inside. " How did it get red?" Ka blinked as he stared at the diamond.

" Blood," whispered Ka quietly as he took the Pendant and looked at the diamond. " Mine and Noah's blood. We made a covenant that if you were locked away that we'd come to the future with you. It's our way of proving to you Seth that we will never desert you."

" Noah's and your blood," whispered Seth as he looked at the Pendant. He slowly took out one of his metal pins and pricked his own finger. He took the Pendant and allowed his own blood to drip onto the diamond inside. " Then I will add to the covenant. In the future we will all meet again." Ka nodded as Seth closed the Pendant and handed it back to Ka. " Now little brother rest. . .I have a feeling that tomorrow will be a long day." Ka nodded as he closed his eyes and feel into a deep sleep. " Good Night. . .Ka."

Next Morning

" Seth. . .wake up," said Ka as he shook Seth's shoulders. The taller boy rolled over and in the process fell onto the floor. Ka laughed slightly as he looked at Seth. Seth looked up and growled as he looked at his two younger brothers who were laughing at him.

" Ka. . .Noah. . .you are so dead as soon as I get untangled," said Seth as he tried to get untangled from the blankets. Ka laughed and grabbed his robe and fled out the door with Noah on his heels.

" Noah. . .I want you to do something for me," said Ka quietly as he looked deep into his brothers eyes. " I want you to. . .cover for me. . .I'm going down to the dungeons to have a talk with. . .a certain person." Noah nodded understanding what Ka meant.

" Sure thing Ka," said Noah and Ka smiled as he walked toward the dungeons. " Is it who I think it is?" Ka nodded slightly as he walked down to the dungeons.

" General Ka. . .what a surprise," said one of the guards. Ka nodded and the guard let him into the dungeons. " Who have you come to see General?" Ka sighed as he walked toward one of the cells. His dark blue eyes looked through the dark and came to rest on the form of a man sitting on the floor.

" So father it's been a long time," said Ka to the man. The man looked up and met the eyes of the General. His eyes widened in shock as he looked at the fifteen year old boy before him. " Yes father it's me Ka." Ka sneered slightly as his voice took on a superior and cold note.

" I'm surprised that you remember me, but then again who doesn't remember someone they beat up." Ka growled and the Pendant of Life around his neck glimmered and cast light in the darkness of the dungeon.

" Ka. . .little brat. . .worthless little brat," said his father. Ka hissed and stuck his tongue out at his father. " You're probable still working as a little slave to that brat of a prince Yami." Ka laughed slightly and looked at his father.

" Actually father. . .Yami is Pharaoh. . .I am General and Seth is High Priest," said Ka as he turned on his heel and walked toward the entrance.

" You lie. . .you've always been a lying little brat," said his father. Ka smiled slightly as he turned around. White energy emitted from the Pendant around his neck.

" Yeah. . .I used to be a lying little brat. But father. . .listen here. . .I am not lying. Ask one of the guards. I am General Ka," said Ka and turned on his heel. His robe blew out behind him as he heard his dad yelling curses at him. " Be quiet you old fool. I believe in the one true God as do Seth and Noah. You can't bring curses on us by shooting the names of the old gods at the top of your lungs. Anubis, Isis, and all the others were made up." With that Ka walked out of the dungeon and toward the palace. He smiled slightly as he clasped the Pendant of Life in his hands. " Old fool . . .stuck in his old ways." Ka shook his head and looked up and saw Seth.

" He still the same old fool?" asked Seth. Tears rolled freely down Ka's face as he nodded slightly. " Come here Ka. . .that must have taken a lot out of you." Ka smiled slightly and just shook his head.

" No actually it was sort of fun. . .he was more then surprised to see me. He thought I was lying about being General," said Ka and laughed slightly. " The world is changing and that old fool is to stuck in his old ways to understand." Seth nodded as he watched Ka and sighed.

" You sure you're OK?" asked Seth. Ka nodded as he started walking toward the room. " I mean. . .it's just. . .I'm worried about you Ka." Ka looked at Seth his deep blue eyes holding Seth's cold blue eyes for a fraction of a second.

" There is no reason to worry Seth. . .I'm fine. . .I promise," said Ka as he looked out over the city of Thebes. " Seth. . .how long has it been?"

" How long since what?" asked Seth in confusion. Ka smiled slightly as a hot desert breeze caught his hair.

" How long since the day you proposed to me?" asked Ka still smiling. Seth blushed at the comment and started counting on his fingers.

" Ten maybe eleven years. . .we were just really little kids back then," said Seth still blushing. Ka nodded quietly as he looked out over the city of his birth. " Why did you ask?" Ka smiled slightly at the memory.


" Hey Ka! Wait up!" shouted Seth as he ran after his little brother. Ka smiled and waited for Seth.

" What is it big brother?" asked Ka smiling. His young happy face was a pale color from not getting enough sun. Seth smiled and held out a silver ring with a diamond heart on it to Ka. " Where'd you get that Seth?" Seth smiled and looked at the ring.

" Ka. . .will you marry me?" asked Seth. Ka smiled and laughed slightly. Seth then broke out in laughter as the two twins smiled.

End Memory

" That was one of the best times of my life," said Ka quietly and looked at Seth. " Why did you do that in the first place?" Seth smiled and then laughed.

" I was four or five years old. . .I don't really remember," said Seth as he looked out over Thebes. " That was before our father. . .beat you. You were so pure. . .unscarred by evil. . .so kind." Ka sighed as he turned and looked at Seth. " It was just the whim of a child." Ka smiled slightly as he looked at Seth. He walked up to Seth and leaned against him.

" Seth. . .you're so strong big brother. . .wish I was like you," said Ka as he fell asleep leaning against Seth.

" Sleep well Ka. . .sleep well," said Seth as he picked Ka up and carried him to the bedroom. Noah looked up and smiled.

" Ka fell asleep. . .that makes such a nice scene," said Noah as he looked at the two. Seth glared at the thirteen year old and shrugged.

" Whatever. . .lets all get some sleep," said Seth quietly. Noah nodded as he looked at his two big brothers and smiled.

" Okay. . .good night Seth," said Noah as he nodded off to sleep. Seth nodded as he crawled into bed.

" Ka. . .I wonder what would you say if now I asked you to marry me?" thought Seth as he drifted off to sleep with images of his brother in his head.

So how do you like it? I think it's sort of cool. . .don't know how many more chapters I'll write.