Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kaibas Thoughts ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

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Krazgurl:Heres another Yugioh story. If anyone is looking for my first story(Tea Comes Back) its on mediaminer.org. Enjoy. ^_^
doesn't own Yugioh, and never will.
it Kaiba.
young Seto Kaiba sat at a large black desk. Across the table was a middle-aged women, in around her forties. She watched as the boy shifted in his seat.
Seto Kaiba what do you think of Yugi Motou and his friends?
I have to answer?
would be nice to know.
but were out of time. He walked to the woman and placed her money next to her and existed the room. Kaiba walked out the building,a black limo was waitng for him.
would you like to go Mr. Seto Kaiba sir?
think I'm going to take a walk. Wait here.
turned and walked until he reached the park. He walked through the rusty iron gates,watching the small kids run to there mothers. Kaiba sat on a wooden bench. Minutes later the park was empty.~What do I think of Yugi and his little friends?~

thoughts on Yugi-that bastard,taking my title away from me. He's always wanting to help me. All his friends,but especially him. Him and that women are always talking about magic and the past. Then he changes into a taller Yugi. This taller Yugi is actually a good duelist. What am I saying, Yugi is just a snot nose brat.

thoughts on Joey and Tristin-a dog. No serioushe is a begging dog. I do have to amit he is a pretty good duelist. But not even in my league. He's such a punk. He thinks he's tough,he ain't nothing. Tristin there's nothing to say about him. No-one doesn't even notice him.

thoughts on Mai-is a unique duelist. I can say she is one of the hottest duelist I encountered. With her short purple mini-skirt,her curves of her breast showing. Many people would say she's a slut. Hell she called that psycho Marik sweety and honey.

thoughts on Serenity-I first saw her she had bandages covering her eyes. I felt really sorry for her,she couldn't see anything that was going on. She was really brave when she jumped in after Joey. She's my kind of women. Her courage is her strength. I don't think she has any weaknessess. Man, listen to me,I sound like I'm in love with her. Maybe I am.

thoughts on Tea-friendship girl. I wouldn't really say she is a friendship girl,they all talk about that stupid stuff. Tea is much more braver than Serenity. She stood up to me at duelist kingdom. Then at that vitural world,and even saved Mokuba. I heard she wanted to be a dancer,she could make it as a dancer no doubt about that. But she likes that so called Pharaoh. I don't think I could spend my life with her. She might drown me with friendship speeches.
stood and walked back to the gates. He looked back at the bench.
guess me and Mokuba will always be alone.
you enjoyed. Review,Flame,do whatever you want. On to other stories. BFN.