Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ KIDNAPPED ❯ scandal ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 2

"Yugi are you alright" Yami asked the semi conscience Yugi "Huh hmm… yes I'm fine… Yami what happen where are we…" that was the last time Yugi woke up for quite sometime. He was in a coma for 6 weeks.

~6 weeks later~

"Hummm Where am I oh man I feel like I was asleep for weeks" "you have been Yugi" Bakura said in the doorway "AHHHHHHH Bakura what the hell… where the hell… YAMI WHERE ARE YOU"

"Yugi wake up Yugi come on…" Yami yelled trying to wake up Yugi "AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH… YAMI" Suddenly Yugi sat up gasping for air. "Yami what happen where am I" "Yugi your awake finally Oh by all the gods we were so worried that you would never wake up" Yami said hugging Yugi "what do you mean never wake up and who is we???" Yugi asked hugging Yami back. To Yugi's surprise Yami was crying Yugi looked at Yami "Yami what do you mean where am I and how did I get here and………. HOW LONG HAVE BEEN ASLEEP FOR" yelled Yugi " Yugi you've been in a come for 6 weeks after Bakura took you I got you back you went into a coma the doctors said that you might never wake up and that's when I got really worried. Everyone's been here to check on you even Seto for some strange reason" Yami said trying not to cry. "Hey Yug how ya's feeling I could hear ya screaming down the hall so's I figure I come and see how ya are" Joey said from the doorway "Joey you're here but I thought you were in the U.S with you friend Kai and helping him with some things" "I was but then Yami called so I pack up everything and came to see you I just got in a couple of days ago to see if your ok" Joey said. Suddenly a little flash of black hair ran past Joey yelling "Yugi your awake your awake your awake your awake your awake your awake your awake" Mokuba said over and over again "Mokuba where did you go" Seto said going into the room his brother had just ran into "Mokuba what…. YUGI YOU'RE AWAKE… I mean your awake bout time" Seto said trying as hard to keep in the tears that threaten to spill at any moment " oh so I guess you didn't miss me while I was gone Seto" Joey asked holding Seto around the waist and putting his head on his shoulder to give him a kiss on the neck. "Mutt your back I was really starting to get lonely without you around" Seto said giving Joey a kiss on the lips "Don't I know it your all he ever talk about he kept mopping around the house saying I want my `puppy' it was starting to drive me nuts" Mokuba said releasing Yugi "awww did my `Money bags' miss me that much" Joey taunted "I'll show you how much when we get home pup" "um guys do you mind?" Yugi said with Mokuba still on his lap "oh sorry Yug" "ya really I am glad to see your awake won't Tea be happy" Seto said sarcastically "what did you say about Tea oh please don't tell me she's back to" Yugi sighed "ya but you ain't gotta worried about that she's with Tristin, started going out bout a 1 week after you went to sleep" "oh really ok then I guess I wanted to talk to her about something but ok as long as she ok" Yugi said happily. "Yami Mutou May I please speak to you for a moment" The doctor asked, "I'll be back ok Yugi" Yami said following the doctor to the hall "Mr. Mutou If it is aright with you I would like to give Yugi a Cat scan" "it's ok with me but you'll have you check with him as well" Yami said "ok I get

things ready and then come back in a hour or so" said the doctor as he turned to leave.

~ The next Day~

" Mr. Mutou you can go home now if you want" the doctor said. "Ok" Yugi said cheerfully. "Yami get my stuff were going home" Yugi said jokingly " are you sure you want to go home chibi?" Yami asked holding his hikari tightly "yes I sure I really don't like hospitals that much I've been in them way to much and everytime it's for something different" said Yugi getting out of bed and getting a black sleeveless shirt on and baggy blue jeans on "ok as long as your sure Yugi" Yami said.


"OH MY GOD WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY ROOM IT LOOKS LIKE IT WAS HIT WITH A BULLDOZER AND PUT BACK TOGETHER IN A HURRY" Yugi screamed "um well that's almost what happened anyway" Yami said "you see after Bakura took you I kinda tore your room apart looking for you at first I thought you were playing a joke on me but when I found out your weren't here I rip your room apart. But me and the guys put it back together sort of" Yami pointed out "oh ok but why did you paint my walls red you know I don't like red that much but after looking at it for awhile I'm starting to like it." Said Yugi.

~10:30 pm~

After seeing everyone going to the mall and meeting Joey's friend Kai, Yugi was getting a little tried. So Yugi and Yami said their good byes and good nights to everyone and went home. "Hey Yami I have a question for you" "what is it Yugi" Yami said as they reach home "do you love me or do you just like me?" Yami was taken aback by this question "Yugi I love you with all my heart and soul and I would shout that from the very tallest of mountains and the deepest of sea's why do you ask sweet one" Yami said with pride "I just wanted to know that's all but for now I'm going to bed so good night my dark half sleep well"

~Yugi's room~

~Yugi's Pov~

" man I'm beat I hope Yami was telling me the truth I really love him by what cost do I have to pay in order for me to tell him. Man I wish I never woke up No wait scrape that idea now that I think about it I'm pretty lucky I woke up at all what was it that Yami said Oh yeah no I remember he said that the doctor's said that I might never wake up well I guess that nightmare is over for now anyways but right now time for bed *yawns* but what about Tea do I still love her after all this time I mean seeing her today with Tristin I got kinda jealous oh well I'll sort this all out tomorrow oh man I'm soooo tried well night who ever is listening…………."

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Yugi's dream~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Suddenly all I see is black, when I finally come to all I see is a dog with a human body then I realize it is the god ANUBIS. "YOUNG ONE RISE THERE IS NO NEED TO FEAR ME I'M HERE TO HELP YOU AND KEEP YOU SAFE FROM ANY HARM THAT MIGHT COME TO YOU NOW OR IN THE AFTERLIFE" he says with a commanding voice "what do you mean in the afterlife I'm not dead yet am I oh by the gods and goddess tell I'm not dead my lord Anubis" I plead with him " I ASURE YOU THAT YOU ARE NOT DEAD YOUNG ONE BUT IF YOU KEEP ALL THOSE YOU LOVE AT BAY THEN YOU WILL SURELY PARISH AND BECOME AN EMPTY SHELL NOW I'M SURE THAT YOU DO NOT WISH THAT EVEN ON YOUR WORST ENEMY BUT I WILL TELL YOU THIS YOU ARE ASLEEP RIGHT AT THIS MOMENT AND THAT THIS IS JUST A DREAM BUT YOU MUST HEED MY WARNING IF YOU DO NOT TELL THIS PERSON THAT YOU LOVE THEM, OR THEN AS I SAID BEFORE YOU WILL PARISH" and with that he was gone and I was awake in my cell or what appeared to be a cell………………..

~~~~~End of Yugi's dream~~~~~

"YAMI" I scream "YAMI" I scream again " What is it Yugi what the matter" he says crashing through my door for a second time " hold me please" I say with out stretch arms in his directing "what the matter Yugi it's like 5:00 in the morning" he says "I love you Yami I wanted you to know that." "I know that Yugi you didn't have to tell me I already new but I suppose somewhere in my head I've always wanted to hear you say that" he says holding me in his arms "Yami I want you to make love to me" I said in a pleading voice "Yugi are you sure you want to do this"

~Yami's Pov ~

Ok this is just weird to me anyway I've always dream of this happening to me but is he ready "Yugi are you sure you want to do this" I say as I lie him down "yes I'm sure Yami" He pleads with me Man is sure is cute when he begs.

~~~~ Normal Pov~~~~

Yami laid Yugi down on the bed and started to kiss Yugi. This was a new thing for Yugi he had never done this with a guy before he kissed Tea a lot but that was only to release the sexual tension on the way to battle city. But this was different Yami lips were soft and he tasted like chocolate but a bit sweeter. Yami was thinking the same Yugi was soft and he tasted like cherries. Yami was only wearing silk black boxers so it was easy for him to take them off. Yugi was wear shorts so it was kinda hard to take them off. Yami kissed his way down Yugi chest making Yugi moan in pleasure Yami them started to undo Yugi's shorts he pulled them down to his knee's and kiss hi way back up to Yugi's lips and claiming them for this own he snake his tongue into Yugi mouth and Yugi suck on Yami's tongue and bit down on it a little making Yami moan he learnt that from Tea it always work on him so he thought it might work on Yami and it did. Yami kissed his way to Yugi neck and suck on it making Yugi moan when Yami was finished there was a purple mark on his neck. Yami kissed his way to Yugi hard dick and sucked it into his mouth Yugi moaned ever louder Yami suck a little harder the swirled his tongue around the knob. Yugi was moaning he had never moan this loud when he and Tea fucked. Why was he always thinking of Tea? He was with Yami and he was enjoying himself "oh…God… I … Don't…. Want… this…. To…. STOP… AAAAAAAAHHHHHHH" Yugi screamed and came in Yami mouth. "Yumm that was good don't you think Yugi" said Tea "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH TEA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE AND WHERE IS YAMI" "Yugi I'm still here Tea's not here are you ok" Yami said shaking Yugi " Oh sorry Yami I thought I saw Tea but I guess I was seeing things "are you sure you want to keep going Yugi" Yami said a bit concerned "Yes I'm sure" "ok as long as your sure Yugi" Yami said getting up and getting a bottle hand lotion "what's that for" Yugi asked "you'll see soon" Yami said pouring the lotion into his hands and then bring the bottle to the bed with him "ok Yugi this might hurt a little but you just have you try to relax" Yami said. Yami pushed 1 finger into Yugi's entrance and Yugi yelp but tried to relax Yami then put another finger into him and stay there for a moment so Yugi to get used to it then he started to move them in and out so Yugi could get use to the feel then he put in a third finger and moved them even faster "Ok Yugi Just like I said before relax and I'll go slow" Yami said as he took of his boxer's and put lotion on his member and slowly put it inside of Yugi. "Ow Yami it hurts" cried Yugi "it's ok Yugi just relax like I said and soon you will feel better" Yami said as he pushed further into Yugi. Suddenly Yugi push back and all of Yami was inside of him Yami then move and hit the spot he was aiming for Yugi's prostate "oh yes god that fells good Yami do it again" Yami did as Yugi asked and hit the spot again. "Uh Um Oh Yes Please Yami Faster I need you" Over and Over Yami drove himself in and each time getting the same response from Yugi. Yami started to rub Yugi's member to mach his own speed. With a grunt and a groan Yugi came yet again Yami wasn't to far behind him he slam into Yugi one last time and came inside Yugi he then slip out of Yugi and cuddle close to him and fell asleep in each other's arms.


Beep beep beep beep beep "uh" Bang thud "Yugi did you just brake the clock" "uh huh" "ok just as long as I know it was you and not someone else well any way it's time to get up" Yami said nuzzling Yugi's neck to try to wake him up only to put him to sleep again "come on Yugi it's time to wake up were going shopping at the new mall" with the mention of shopping Yugi was Up in a flash "ok ok I'm up when are we going" Yugi said getting dressed "right after you eat" with the mention of food Yugi was downstairs in a flash eating a banana and getting his shoes on "come on come on I want to go now I ate now can we go please" Yugi said trying to hurry Yami up " Yes ok we can go now where do you want to go first?" asked Yami "well I want to go see if the guys wanna come with and then will go to the mall ok Yami" Yugi said with a big smile on his face "ok where to first?" "Well Tea is closer so why don't we go there first and besides I have to talk to her about something" "ok then to Tea's we go" Yami said somewhat sarcastically.

~~~`Tea's house~~

"Oh Hello Yugi how are you today" tea said in her usually happy voice "oh hey Tea I'm doing ok right now but I have to talk too you about something if it's ok" Yugi asked leading Tea into her room "what is it Yugi?" "Oh just this" Yugi said throwing Tea to the bed and pinning her on it he grab her wrist and kissed her on the lips ((( AN/YAMI: NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT WITH THAT BITCH TEA PLEASE NO SAY IT'S NOT SO PLEASE ALEX IT CAN'T BE … ALEX: YAMI SHUT UP OK )))

"MMM did you miss me that much in 1 day" Tea said as she kissed Yugi back "umm I no this is wrong but I can't stop it Tea I love you so much do you no that" "yes I no that but I think Yami will get worried about you if we don't get out of here soon but if you want we can do this later but that's only if your still in the mood later." Tea said getting off the bed "Oh I'll still be in the mood oh did I tell you I slept with Yami last night" "you did was it good" "oh yes" Yugi said with a smirk "really how big is he?" "Oh about 10in and really thick 10in oh it was like I died and went to the afterlife" Yugi said with a grin "anyway we were wondering if you wanted to come to the mall with us were going to get the guys and go to the mall" "ok but first let me get change" tea said as she kissed Yugi once more and close the door. Yugi went into the living room and looked at Yami he was sitting on the couch looking at a book of Egypt "hey Yami Tea's gonna come with but she has to change and then we can go" Yugi said as he went and sat on the couch with Yami and pulled him in for a kiss // Yugi you taste different // Yami said through there mind link /oh I must be from the banana I had this morning / "no I don't think it's that" Yami said pulling away from Yugi " you taste like butterscotch and peppermint mixed together" /oh no/ "oh no what Yugi what's the matter" Yugi had forgot to shut his link so Yami could hear what he was thinking "huh oh sorry Yami I forgot that I had on of Grandpa's Butterscotch and mint candies that's probably it" Yugi said hoping Yami would fall for it and of course he didn't but he left it all the same, he new that if Yugi wanted to keep something for himself then he would and there was no way Yami would find out unless he search Yugi mind when he was asleep "but I can't do that to him can I sure I did it before but that was when I new some wasn't right but now I'm just not sure" Yami thought "ok guys lets go who's the next person on our list?" Tea said cheerfully as she came out of her room. She was dress in a short blue skirt and a tube top that show almost everything. "Well were going to go get Joey and then Tristin the Seto and Mokuba and then after that Mai." Said Yugi as he stared at Tea / man she so fucking…/ // she's so fucking what Yugi// Yami said as he caught Yugi through their link / Oh yami she so fucking sluty.