Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kim's Birthday Karaoke Party! ❯ Karaoke Fun ( Prologue )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh! or any of the songs in this fic.

Joey: I think we know that.

Duh, but I have to put in the stupid disclaimer, and since I cleared everything up, I don't have to say it again every chapter^^

Joey: Sometimes, even I don't understand you...

Ok, my first shot at a Karaoke fic. This should be interesting... Please, no matter how much it sucks, no flames ^^0


Kim Kaiba rushed around her house making sure everything was ready. " Ok, food... check. C.D.'s... check. Drinks... check. Everything else... check." Just as she was finishing running around like a mad woman, the door bell rang. Kim rushed to the door, trying not to have an asthma attack ( yes I have asthma). She threw open the door and saw standing there her best friends,Yuugi Mutou, Yami Yuugi, Tea Gardner, Tristan Taylor, Ryou Bakura, Yami Bakura, Marik Ishtar, Hope Obliis and Marika Tairys and her beloved boyfriend, Joey Wheeler.

" Hi guys, come on in, " she said smiling at the crowed gathered at her door. " Happy Birthday! " they all said as they walked throught the door. last to come in was Joey. " Hi sweetie, Happy Birthday, where's the food?" Joey said, spotting the huge table full of food. " JOEY WHEELER CAN'T YOU THINK ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE?!" she yelled at she watched him run over to the food.

"Yami!!!!!! " Yamie appeared from the Millenium Heart and glomped Yami. " Miss me? " she said smiling up at her past-life husband. " Riiiiight..." Yami said praying no one had saw that.

Kim walked up to the mic. of her brand new Karaoke machine that her brothers bought her from her birthday. " Ok, who wants to do some Karaoke?" she exclaimed with a smile. As she looked around, she saw that no one was even listening to her. Hope, Marika and Tea were fighting over Yuugi, again, Tristan and Joey were pigging out, again, Yuugi was trying not to be ripped in two by Hope, Marika and Tea, Yami was attempting to pry Yamie off of him and Marik, Bakura and Ryou was just standing there watching the fun. " OK! LISTEN UP!" Kim yelled getting annoyed. Nothing bothered her more than being interrupted or ignored. " MY BROTHERS PAID GOOD MONEY FOR THIS DAMN MACHINE SO WE'D BETTER WELL USE IT! " she yelled in a huff.

Everyone turned in shock at her sudden anger, never seeing her this mad before. Except for that one time when... nah, I won't get into that. Anywho, they all decided that it would be best if they listened to her adn besides, it might be fun. " Now, who's going first?" Kim said with an evil grin. Everyone just slowly backed away from the mic. " Fine, if no one wants to go, I'll do it myself, " she said turning the mic. on. " Please no! " someone yelled. " You can't sing for beans!" This got Kim mad, though she herself had said it before. " Fine then, I'll choose who goes first. Let's see, I think it will be...."



Yep^^ I love torturing my readers^^

Joey: Well, they just have to look at you to do that. Besides, you probably just don't know who's going first.

Actually, I do.

Joey: Then, you probably don't know what they're going to sing.

Once again, I do.

Joey: :: getting flustered :: well then... prove it!

Fine. :: writes something down on a piece of paper and hands it to Joey ::

Joey: :: reads over the paper :: good idea...

I know^^ R&R^^