Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kim's Birthday Karaoke Party! ❯ Joey Sings Oldies ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

I still don't have to do the disclaimer^^ :: dances around ::

Seto: She doesn't own anything.

Awww.... Seto..... you're so mean V.V

Ok, so the song in this chappie's pretty old, but I don't care^^ I love oldies^^ Enjoy^^


Kim: Joey? You actually want to go next?!

Joey: Yup^^

Kim: Ok.... :: reluctantly hands Joey the mic. ::

Joey: :: swipes the mic. :: Ok, I know this song's pretty old...( we've already covered this V.V') ... but I was listening to the radio one day and it reminded me a lot of... well... me^^

Voice from the audience: JUST SING ALREADY!

Other voice: Actually, he's prolonging our suffering. I doubt the Joey can sing!

Joey: Hey! I heard that! And I'll have you know that I can too sing! Ask Kim!

Everyone: :: turns to face Kim ::

Kim: He actually can... surprisingly enough. -._-.

Joey: :: smug look :: exactly^^ Now... music, if you please...

Music: :: starts up ::


Uptown girl

She's been living in her uptown world

I bet she never had a back street guy

I bet her mama never told her why

I'm gonna try for an uptown girl

She's been living in her white bread world

As long as anyone with hot blood can

And now she's looking for a downtown man

That's what I am

And when she knows what

She wants from her time

And when she wakes up

And makes up her mind

She'll see I'm not so tough

Just because

I'm in love with an uptown girl

You know I've seen her in her uptown world

She's getting tired of her high class toys

And all her presents from her uptown boys

She's got a choice

Uptown girl

You know I can't afford to buy her pearls

But maybe someday when my ship comes in

She'll understand what kind of guy I've been

And then I'll win

And when she's walking

She's looking so fine

And when she's talking

She'll say that she's mine

She'll say I'm not so tough

Just because

I'm in love

With and uptown girl

She's been living in her white bread world

As long as anyone with hot blood can

And now she's looking for a downtown man

That's what I am

Uptown girl

She's my uptown girl

You know I'm in love

With an uptown girl

My uptown girl

You know I'm in love

With an uptown girl

My uptown girl

You know I'm in love

With an uptown girl

My Uptown Girl. :: music fades out ::


Everyone's jaw dropped at how good Joey was at singing.

Joey: Told ya so^^

Kim: :: clapping :: Go Joey^^

Joey: :: blushes ::

Marika: Ooooh, looks like someone's in looove.

Joey & Kim: :: huge blush ::

Joey: Shut up! >.<

Kim: Yeah! I mean... we are kinda... sorta... going out... :: blush ::


Kim: Whoops^^0 Sorry Joey^^0

Joey: V.V' Well.. I guess they had to know sometime...

Malik, Bakura & Tristan: Damn...

Kim: Anywho... who's going next?

Everyone: :: sheer silence ::

Kim: Fine then... I'll choose who goes. I choose...

Seto: :: walks into the room :: HEY! WHO SAID YOU COULD HAVE A PARTY?!

Kim: Um... you did. Yesterday. Remember?

Seto: Oh yeah...

Kim: :: gets an idea :: Actually, I think I'm gonna sing next^^

Hope: Uh oh... :: inexplicably pulls out some ear plugs and distributes them to everyone ::

Kim: Ha ha, very funny...


Joey: :: puts in the ear plugs :: There^^

Hey! You're supposed to be on my side! >O<

Joey: :: can't hear her ::

Grr.... Anywho, please review^^

Joey: ::takes out ear plugs :: Did you say somethin'?

Nevermind V.V'