Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kim's Birthday Karaoke Party! ❯ Hope's Turn at the Mic. ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Haw haw! No disclaimer for me! No sir! Mwahahaha!

Random Reviewers: She doesn't own anything

Damn you random reviewers... anywho, here's da next chapter ^^ Enjoy.


Kim: Ok Hope, your turn^^

Hope: I better be getting paid for this... :: takes the mic. ::

Music: :: plays ::


I wake up in the morning

Put on my face

The one that's gonna get me

Through another day

Doesn't really matter

How I feel inside

'Cause life is like a game sometimes

But then you came around me

The walls just disappeared

Nothing to surround me

And keep me from my fears

I'm unprotected

See how I've opened up

Oh, you've made me trust

Because I've never felt like this before

I'm naked

Around you

Does it show?

You see right through me

And I can't hide

I'm naked

Around you

And it feels so right

I'm trying to remember

Why I was afraid

To be myself and let the

Covers fall away

I guess I never had someone like you

To help me, to help me fit

In my skin

I never felt like this before

I'm naked

Around you

Does it show?

You see right through me

And I can't hide

I'm naked

Around you

And it feels so right

I'm naked

Oh oh yeah

Does it show?

Yeah, I'm naked

Oh oh, yeah yeah

I'm so naked around you

And I can't hide

You're gonna (you're gonna) see right through, baby

you're gonna see right through,

i'm so naked around you,

and i can't hide,

you're gonna see right through, baby


Everyone: :: claps at the wonderful singing ::

Marika: *Humph*, I can do better

Kim: :: offers her the mic. :: wanna prove it?

Marika: Um... no, I think I'll save the best for last...

Hope: Then you obviously ain't goin' last...

Marika: Haw haw, very funny.

Hope: Wasn't it though? ^^

Kim: :: snicker :: Anywho, who's next?

Ryou: Me! Me!

Kim: o.0 Ryou? Ok... :: hands Ryou the mic. ::

Bakura: This should be interesting...

Ryou: :: thinking :: Indeed it shall, my yami. Indeed it shall.'


Oooooooh , what's Ryou gonna sing?

Joey: Like you don't already know...

Yeah, I know I do, but meh^^

Joey: -.-0

^^ Please R&R Everyone^^