Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kimi Ga Iru Kara Ne ❯ Kimi Ga Iru Kara Ne ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

"...You like him, don't you." It was not a question, and the expressionless voice coupled with a slightly raised eyebrow only served to reinforce it.

"Of course I do." Ryou walked past his aibou without looking back, and lay back on his bed gazing up at the ceiling. He tried his best to avoid looking at the dark presence who was standing nearby, but the heavy feeling of being glared at was too hard to ignore. Ryou sat up and leaned back against the wall, glaring back at his Yami with mock sincerity before finally crying out in exasperation,


"...You know what. Stop pretending that you don't know what I mean. And don't lie to me, you know you can't." Yami Bakura stood motionless in the middle of the room, his arms folded and looking severely at Ryou.

Ryou just smiled brightly and looked back at the other innocently,

"What? You asked if I liked him...and I said yes. I do, after all...he is my friend you know. That's what friends do."

Yami Bakura snorted in disbelief,

"What, look at each other's rear ends?" He smirked slightly as he saw Ryou's mouth drop open in disbelief.

"W-what?! I wasn't..." Despite his denial, a slight blush stained his cheeks and his aibou crossed the room to sit beside the white haired boy.

Ryou fell silent for a moment , just watching his dark side think.

"...But, you're right you know." He said quietly, studying his companion's expression as the other turned towards him. However it was not, as he had expected, angry or even bitter....he just smiled sadly.

"I knew it." Was all he said in reply. The silence that followed was somewhat uncomfortable, and Ryou found himself wishing in some ways that he was closer to the inhabitant of his ring.

It was an odd situation.

Both he and his Yami got along tolerably well these days, and sometimes it even felt like they were on the verge of being friends. But...

There was an underlying tension; a feeling that manifested itself whenever they were separate and could talk face to face. Neither understood it, and it seemed only Ryou wanted to make an effort to break down the barrier.

"I-is it wrong?" Ryou asked almost timidly, a feeling of apprehension building up inside as he waited for his aibou's answer. Yami Bakura shook his head, and turned to face his shorter self once more.

"No...it's not that. I..." He bit his lip and appeared deep in thought, while Ryou watched him curiously. "I..."

Suddenly he stood up and shut his eyes in concentration.

"Hey! Wait, why are you--" But his Yami was already inside the ring, and Ryou could sense that he wanted to be left alone. He frowned slightly in confusion, and held the now warm millennium item in his palm.

...Why is he acting like this...?

* * * * *

Honda frowned unhappily and watched the retreating form of Miho in confusion until she finally turned round the corner, out of sight. He sighed heavily and sat down in the grass, leaning back against a tree.

It was always the same old story...he would ask her out; she would make some kind of excuse and hurry off. She'd hardly even talk to him!

Having no-one else around to be pissed off at, he just glared at the tree opposite him for a while. This failed to make him feel any better, and so he just went back to staring glumly at the ground.

"...Honda? Are you okay?" Startled, he glanced up to find himself faced with a concerned looking Ryou.

"Yeah...I guess..." He muttered, dropping his gaze back towards the floor. What was wrong with him? He hadn't even heard Ryou approach...

Ryou seemed to hesitate for a moment, before finally sitting down in front of Honda.

"You seem very distracted....is anything wrong?" Honda looked up and sighed again; he really didn't feel like talking to anyone right now, but he couldn't just tell Ryou to get lost...the worry clearly showed on his face, and to be honest Honda was touched that he seemed to care so much. He frowned again and said just one word;

"Miho." At that something flickered accross Ryou's features, but was quickly replaced with sorrow for his friend.

"Aa...I'm sorry Honda..." Honda shrugged and got up, dusting himself off.

"It's alright...I mean, what's one more rejection to add to the list?" Smiling bitterly he shook his head, and continued to talk almost to himself as Ryou stood up beside him. "Guess I'm used to it by now, I didn't really expect it to go any different..." He paused and glanced at Ryou, noticing how attentively he had been listening, still with that original shade of worry showing on his features. The pale haired boy placed a gentle hand on Honda's arm, stepping forward slightly and looking up at him anxiously.

"But are you sure you--"

"I'm fine." He admonished, interrupting the question firmly. Ryou fell silent, and as Honda looked down at him he suddenly became aware of how close they were; how Ryou wasn't moving away...

At any other time he would have just walked away, but Ryou looked so innocent, so open. Something within him compelled him to reach out his hand, and gently lift the other's chin, looking into his eyes searchingly.

Inside he was still hurting badly from Miho's rejection, and Ryou....well, Ryou wouldn't reject him...he was so understanding, he was always there...

Honda lowered his head slightly, his eyes half shut as he felt Ryou stretch upwards towards him--

When suddenly he had been punched in the face and felt himself flying backwards towards the tree.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?" A cold voice asked him calmly. Honda groaned and sat up slightly, waiting for the world to come into focus again.

"Uh...Yami Bakura...?!" Honda watched a smirk make its way onto his face, but there was no amusement in it.

"That's right." He warily watched Ryou's Yami make his way over, until he was no more than a foot away. "How dare you!" The dispassionate voice was now slightly tinged with anger. "How dare you try and take advantage of him like that. Making him think you like him? I didn't think you were so cruel." The next words were spat out, thick with hatred. "You have no idea how he feels about you. He'd be heartbroken if he knew what I do; that you're just on the rebound from Miho, looking for a substitute." Honda sat frozen, unable to move while under such scrutiny from the Yami. "Well I won't let that happen. He is no-one's substitute, and he never will be." With a parting glare Yami Bakura turned and strode away, leaving Honda stunned on the grass.

Yami Bakura made sure he retained control of their body until they got home, even though he could feel Ryou's agitation and attempts to talk to him. He didn't respond at all, though, as he was still thinking deeply about what had just happened. What did it mean? How could Honda do something like that? And to Ryou of all people.

Once they got back, Yami Bakura reluctantly relinquished control of the body, and split off from his other. For a while they just stood there in silence, with Ryou looking at him curiously, but with a slightly hurt expression. Ryou knew his Yami would never break the silence, so he ventured forth a quiet question.

"...Why?" It was only one word, but it shattered the quiet and caused Yami Bakura to turn away and walk over to the window. He didn't answer. "How...how could you do that...?" Ryou felt tears start to rise up in his eyes, but blinked them away furiously. His yami hated weakness, and Ryou had vowed to himself that he would never let tears fall. "Even..." His voice started to take on a stronger note, "Even after I admitted to you. You knew. But you still..." He trailed off, and became frustrated as his Yami still failed to respond. "Talk to me! How can you just stand there and----"

"I don't like him." Ryou was abruptly cut off and stood, in stunned into silence. Then his expression became even more pained, and he bit his lower lip in thought.

"...but...but why?" Yami Bakura seemed to contemplate this for a moment before finally turning around and facing Ryou again.

"Because he doesn't deserve you." Ryou shifted uncomfortably under the intense gaze of his darker half, before suddenly walking over to him and glaring up at him angrily.

"But why should you decide that?! You didn't say anything about it before....you didn't say you cared, you hardly even commented! Or was it just that you thought that I'd never have a chance with him?! I just...I.." Ryou was too choked up to continue, and Yami Bakura calmly placed a finger on Ryou's lips to silence him.

"Ryou...it was none of those things. Believe me, I want you to be happy...but until today, I didn't realise how little Honda deserves you. You should find someone else."

"But I don't want anyone else! You say you want me to be happy, but..." He broke off, his mind in turmoil. Yami Bakura gently drew Ryou in towards him, and took him in his arms.

"Believe me, please. I don't say such things for nothing." Ryou sighed and relaxed his head against his aibou's chest.

"I don't understand you..."

* * *

Ryou lay awake late into the night, still pondering the day's events. He knew he would have to go and find Honda to apologise for his Yami, but it would be so awkward....

His Yami. That evening had been hard for both of them, he knew. His Yami had embraced him...

But even though they had been physically close, Ryou couldn't help but feel that they had been ripped even further apart by what had happened.

For quite a while after Yami Bakura had gone, Honda stayed in the park trying to comprehend exactly what had happened.

Everything that Ryou's Yami had said still echoed within his mind, and he knew that it was only because it was true. He felt so guilty...

However, Yami Bakura was wrong about one thing; he did care for Ryou, even though he knew he had behaved irrationally by acting upon those feelings directly after being rejected by Miho.

Honda flinched, remembering the expression of contempt that the Yami had directed at him previously.

"I should apologise..." He whispered, but knew it was too late to be doing anything of the sort; it would have to wait until tomorrow.

* * *

Yami Bakura awoke at about three am, and split off from his other self as peacefully as he could; trying not to wake him. He quietly made his way across the room to his favourite spot under the window; and sitting in the alcove looking up at the starry sky, he finally let himself relax. He shut his eyes and rested his head back against the wall, a small smile touching his lips as he allowed the memories to flood back to him.

Half opening his eyes, his gaze wandered over to the sleeping form of Ryou.

The resemblance is uncanny...coincidental?

No. He corrected himself, You know that's why you chose him...and yet I still did not expect him to be so similar in spirit. I...I love him too...

He grimaced slightly and turned back to the stars.

"Do you forgive me, I wonder?" He murmured, a slightly pained smile crossing his features. "...I hope so...for I don't think that I could change this now even if I wanted to. He is....too much like you." Suddenly he looked shocked, as the hypocrisy of his own words hit him, and he laughed bitterly."Now who's looking for a substitute...." Then he shook his head firmly. "No. He is more than that...if only he knew it."

Yami Bakura sat and watched the sky for a while longer, until finally the sun began to rise. He noticed Ryou shift uncomfortably in his sleep, and took this as a sign that he should return.

Ryou yawned and sat up, sleepily stretching his arms. He was about to get up for school when he suddenly realised it was still the weekend, so he snuggled back down into the warmth of the covers.

Even in his drowsy, half-awake state he still sensed when his Yami left him, and so he forced himself to sit up slightly and look around tiredly.

"I'm here." The quiet confirmation came from across the room, and upon hearing it Ryou relaxed back and burrowed under the covers again. As his Yami watched him doze, a rare tender smile slipped onto his face, softening his usually hard expression. However it instantly vanished when he heard someone knocking on the door. He already knew who it was, so as he got up to answer it he sent a thought to his Ryou telling him not to bother getting up.

"What do you want?" He said harshly, wrenching open the door.

"I wanted to talk to you."

"Me?" Faint surprise crossed Yami Bakura's face; that was something unexpected...."Why me?" Honda sighed, and looked slightly regretful.

"I...wanted to apologise for what happened yesterday. You were right...and I wasn't thinking." Yami Bakura looked at him suspiciously for a while, before finally smirking and inclining his head.

"Good. So you will stay away from him then." This time Honda looked puzzled.

"No...I never said that. I also never said that I didn't care about him. I just know I acted without thinking yesterday."

Yami Bakura snarled and took a step forwards, glaring at Honda threateningly. "Well, now I'm telling you that---"

"What's going on here?" A bemused looking Ryou entered behind his Yami, and smiled brightly at them both. "Good morning, Honda. I'm sorry for what happened yesterday." Honda returned Ryou's smile, and shook his head.

"It's alright, I know it wasn't your fault." He said, looking pointedly at Ryou's Yami.

"Ryou, go back inside." Yami Bakura spoke impatiently, wanting Ryou to leave so he could get rid of Honda more easily.

"I will not!" Ryou looked slightly hurt, and shook his head for emphasis. "Not until you apologise to Honda." He knew glaring would get him nowhere, so instead he just looked pleading.

His Yami sighed.

"No way in hell."


"No!" Ryou looked furious, but knew there was nothing that he could do.

"It's alright, he doesn't need to. I was just leaving, anyway." Honda flashed Ryou a last smile, before turning and walking away down the path.

"How could you be so rude!" Ryou exlaimed, turning and frowning at his Yami, before stomping back inside.

But Yami Bakura was still watching Honda leave, glaring at him in hatred. Why did Ryou have to come out...

Now he would seem perpetually evil, and Honda forever forgiving and wonderful.

"Bastard." He muttered darkly, before turning around and going back in, slamming the door behind him.

* * * *

"...Nahkti, why do you fight this? Surely you recognise the honour that this will bring; I am privileged to have been chosen--"

"It should not be. I will not let it be!"

"It is not your place. And it is not your decision. Nor is it mine, although I recognise now that this was my destiny, I have been chosen--"

"Ahmose... Why do you recite the same thing over and over like a mantra? You should not just submit to this; how can you want this--"

"It is the will of Osiris, passed to us from the Pharaoh. I will do my duty, as should you."

"...does our love mean nothing to you?"

"It is not comparable to the will of Osiris. You should know this."

"...Fine then. Go to your death. But I will not see you on the other side."

"No, Nahkti. The unworthy do not pass over."

* * * *

Yami Bakura smiled bitterly and rested his forehead against the cold glass of the window.

"The unworthy do not pass over..." He whispered, his voice catching in his throat. Those words still echoed in his mind even now, after all this time. He knew that this was not what Ahmose had had in mind when he said those fateful words, but still...

He was still here, in this plane of existence.

He grimaced and shut his eyes, trying to block out the painful memories. Why was he remembering all this now? Ryou was not Ahmose, and he never would be...although Yami Bakura knew, had always known, that that was why he had chosen Ryou. They were practically identical.

I'm sorry I hurt you, Ryou. But when I first found you, you seemed like a curse sent to mock me...I thought you were him. I...I was so bitter, so angry at you for leaving me....for being pleased to go to your death...

He jumped as he felt a gentle hand being placed upon his shoulder.

"Are you okay?" He turned, and with hardly even a glance he brushed past his other swiftly, exiting into the other room.

I'm sorry, Ryou....I...I can't even look at you right now...

* * * *

Nahkti frowned, a look of pain passing over his expression momentarily.

"...Why you?"

Ahmose smiled gently, reaching out to take Nahkti's hand in his own.

"Because I am so rare, and the first born of my family. It is fitting and honourable that this be my fate."

Nahkti's face twisted in anger and he pulled away, hating himself for his inability to accept the inevitable, and hating Ahmose for his sweetness. If Ahmose had not looked so different, perhaps this responsibility would have passed over him, to someone else. But no, of course Ahmose's hair was so white, so beautiful, so unbelievably rare that of course Osiris would want him.

"But you're mine."

"...I am the Gods' to do with as they will."

"Curse the Gods." At the look of horror that crossed Ahmose's face, he immediately regretted saying it.

"There is no hope for you...I am sorry..." And there was nothing that he could do as Ahmose backed fearfully away.

* * * *

Yami Bakura sat in the centre of the living room, trying to find some way to bring himself back to reality. Why....why now....

These memories had left him unhindered for centuries, but now...

Because of Honda.

Ryou is my everything now...I thought he was mine. There was never even any threat of him leaving me; he was so weak, and he would do whatever I said...

He was not supposed to fall in love with anyone else. He will leave me for Honda, as Ahmose left me for Osiris.


He won't. I will not let that happen.

He stood up and strode over to the window, noting how brightly the moon was shining in the sky, even though it was still daylight.

A sign...

He lifted his gaze and glared at the moon.

"A warning? You still have not forgiven me, have you. Things are different now. I won't let him go like I let you..."

And the moon turned blood red.

Ryou sat alone, cross-legged on his bed and deep in thought. Why was his Yami so difficult to understand? He had seemed so distant earlier...surely he couldn't still be angry about what had happened that morning with Honda? He hesitated for a moment, torn between wanting to leave his Yami alone when he was in this kind of mood, and wanting to go and find out what was wrong. His desire to help finally winning, he jumped off the bed and left to find his other.

As Ryou entered the living room, his Yami spun around to face him.


"What is it?....Are you alright?" He watched in concern as his Yami actually seemed to hesitate for a moment.

Ryou...he is so forgiving...even though I have hurt him countless times, and I 've hurt someone he cares about, he is still worried about me...

"Ryou..." His voice was stronger this time, and he gazed at Ryou longingly for a moment before walking over, and cupping Ryou's face lovingly in his hands. "I will not let you go..." He whispered, seemingly to himself as Ryou looked up at him in shock.

He gently ran his hand through Ryou's hair, loving the way it felt against his callused fingers. Pulling Ryou close to him, he spoke quietly into his pale hair.

"...and I love you, Ryou. I will not let you go..." Ryou was frozen for a moment in disbelief; his Yami had never acted like this--

Suddenly he had been pushed away in anger, and found himself on the floor, stunned.


"Don't say anything!" His Yami roared, his eyes filled with anger and self-loathing. "You..." His voice dropped until it was hardly audible, and Ryou had to strain to hear anything. "You would leave me, wouldn't you. You are just like him...your spirits are so similar....You would leave me, and in anger I would let you go. I blame myself." He bowed his head and turned away again

"...like him? Blame yourself for what?"

That voice....so soft and concerned...in that respect he is different.

"Do you love him?" Ryou jumped slightly, and found himself faced with the piercing gaze of Yami Bakura.


"I asked you. Do. You. Love him?" Ryou looked away in confusion. How could he ask him that?

"...of course I don't. You know I don't know him that well, I--"

"Good." Ryou's eyebrows drew together in confusion, and he drew back, slightly hurt.

"I don't really think that you---"

"I'm sorry." Ryou's eyes widened in surprise as he heard his Yami....apologise? "Just....just don't..." Yami Bakura bowed his head, his voice dropping to a whisper. "Don't...leave me again."

Ryou unsteadily got to his feet, and tentatively approached his Yami. He seemed in an especially volatile mood tonight, and Ryou wasn't exactly sure what was going on with him.

"...What...what do you mean, 'again'?" Yami Bakura shook his head hurriedly, as though to clear his head of all these conflicting thoughts.

"Never mind...I...I will talk with you tomorrow."

And then he was gone.

Ryou was left alone in the darkening room, confused and at a loss of what to do. He truly had no idea as to what that had been all about, and knew for sure that any attempts he made now to talk to his Yami were sure to be rebuffed. He sighed...it would have to wait until tomorrow, but he was seriously worried about his darker side. He had seemed so....disturbed.

Ryou awoke suddenly, jolted from sleep by something which it took him a moment to register. Blearily he glanced around the room, pushing himself up slightly into a sitting position to allow him a better view.


The green blinking digits of his bedside alarm clock caught his eye, and he groaned; it was only 4:05.

Finally fully awake, he realised what was different. His Yami was gone again....

Why has he been doing this recently?!

Slightly worried, he pushed back the covers and slipped out of bed, pausing for a moment to look around the room once more before heading out.

Again, he came across his Yami in the living room. Hovering in the doorway, Ryou stood just watching for a moment, curious as to why his Yami seemed to be meditating.

Yami Bakura sat cross legged on the floor, facing the open window. His head slightly bowed, he allowed the gentle breeze to caress his face. He always thought best at night time....

Perhaps it was the lack of light; he knew he was a creature of darkness and never tried to deny it.

His mind kept flitting backwards and forwards; overtaken by memories one minute, then consumed with thoughts of Ryou and Honda the next.

He muttered incoherently to himself, the internal struggle registering on his features with only a very slight twist of his lips.

* * * *

"...So I will never see you again, then." His voice was cold, but the slight tremor in his words betrayed the emotion he was so desperately trying to hide behind his pride. Ahmose inclined his head, the soft white locks of hair falling into his eyes.

"That is so." He looked at Nahkti sincerely, and took a step closer. "I know that you are forbidden to touch me now that I am promised to Osiris...but..." He frowned in confusion, gazing up at Nahkti with his dark green eyes, the hurt radiating visibly. "You do not need to act so cold."

"Why should I not?" Nahkti shot back bitterly, "If I meant so much to you then you would not have accepted this, let alone accepted this gladly." He shook his head, dark strands swaying by his cheeks in the still night air. He backed away. "Go then, Ahmose. Why do you persist in trying to make me want this? You think it will make it easier for me?" The pale haired Egyptian's expression softened, and he gazed at Nahkti, face full of regret.

"Yes...I do. But I know that you are too stubborn. All I want is your forgiveness...forgiveness for doing my duty." Nahkti turned away silently, not knowing how to respond.

"I...I can't do that." More silence followed, and when Nahkti finally turned around, Ahmose was gone, and the first pink streaks of morning light in the sky were starting to appear.

* * * *

"...and that was the last time I saw you...." Yami Bakura whispered softly, a shadow of pain passing over his features as he opened his eyes to watch the moon. "Ahmose....I am sorry. I do forgive you...you should know that. I only hope that you, and Osiris, have forgiven me. But I know that I am not worthy."

"...Yami...?" Yami Bakura's head snapped up, turning around to stare at Ryou in shock.

"What?" He questioned roughly, suddenly realising that he had been talking to himself. And who knows how long Ryou had been there...

Ryou timidly took a few steps closer, coming to a stop a couple of feet away from his darker self, and kneeling down beside him.

"Tell me....tell me about your past...?" He asked softly, not sure how his mercurial other would respond to such a request.

A conflict was raging inside his mind; should he, or shouldn't he? It was none of the boy's business, and yet he also had a right to know why he had been subject to such anger and punishment over the years.....

In the end, telling Ryou the truth won out.

Yami Bakura sighed tiredly, and looked at Ryou seriously.

"...You really want to know." Ryou nodded, waiting expectantly for his Yami to begin.

Although he began reluctantly, Yami Bakura soon became absorbed in the re-telling of his past, hardly ever pausing and never looking directly at Ryou.

Ryou listened silently; never commenting lest he break the almost hypnotic spell Yami Bakura seemed to have cast upon himself. His Yami's eyes were distant; unfocused as though his mind was somewhere else.

He talked for several hours, but with the dawning of the sun he seemed to become more reticent, and less willing to volunteer information. Yami Bakura finished abruptly, and fell silent, still refusing to make eye contact.

Ryou was shocked, appalled and overjoyed all at the same time; the former because part of him wept for what had happened to his Yami and his ill fated lover, and the latter because it seemed Yami Bakura had finally come to terms with it, and himself.

Of course Ryou didn't hold a grudge because of what Yami Bakura had put him through; besides the fact that he was naturally a very forgiving person, the tale that his Yami had told him let him empathise with him further, rapidly dispelling any vestiges of resentment that had been lurking.

Instead of saying anything, Ryou just moved next to where his Yami was sitting, and leant his head on his shoulder.

"Nahkti..." He murmured contemplatively, still awed that his Yami had shared so much of his past with him.

Yami Bakura looked surprised when Ryou seemed to come to him for comfort, but he reached out his arm and pulled Ryou towards him regardless.

"You...you don't hate me then." Ryou raised his head and looked his Yami in the eyes.

"No...I have never truly hated you....I used to...I used to wish that you would just let me be, that you would go and find someone else to control - I could never understand why you stayed with me when I was so weak and useless to you...but I'm glad you did." He shut his eyes and snuggled closer. "...Now I can't imagine being without you."

Yami Bakura gazed down in shock at the small figure clutching onto him lovingly, when a small smile played upon his lips, and he returned the hug just as fervently.

When Ryou finally awoke, he found himself alone on his bed with the distinct feeling that it wasn't where he had been last. Then he remembered with a faint smile, and realised that his Yami must have put him there before disappearing back into the ring.

No...Nahkti had put him there, he corrected himself. It was more than a little strange to be thinking of his Yami in this way, but Ryou was glad because he now felt that he was so close to truly understanding his other.

Suddenly remembering it was a school day, he jumped up and pulled on his clothes hurriedly, before visiting the bathroom to brush his teeth and drag a comb through his hair.

He glanced at the clock.....ten minutes to get to school. Not bad, really, considering he only lived a few streets s away. So it was at a more leisurely pace that he exited his house, and noticed Honda walking towards him. His expression of surprise was quickly replaced by one of happiness as Honda waved and then fell into step beside him.

"Good morning."

"What are you doing over here? You're house is on the other side of town!" Ryou looked curious, but Honda just rolled his eyes and smiled.

"I came to walk with you on the way to school, why else?"

"Oh!" Ryou blushed a little, but looked up at Honda nervously; not really sure where he stood with the taller boy considering the confusing events of a couple of days ago.

I told you I didn't like him.

Ryou jumped slightly; this was the first time his Yami had spoken to him that morning...

But...you obviously still do. Ryou.........

Ryou had been about to reply when he felt the ring suddenly go silent; he didn't know what Nahkti had done, but he felt like he couldn't contact him at all.

He felt torn. What was he supposed to do?! He knew....he knew now that deep down he did hold some love for his Yami, but what about Honda? Ryou still liked the brown haired boy, despite anything his Yami said, and yet that was exactly the problem. His Yami seemed like he hated--


"Huh?" He snapped back into focus to realise Honda was waving a hand in front of his face.

"You ok?"

"Uh...yeah...sorry." He smiled, a little embarrassed that he'd spaced out so easily like that.

They walked on, talking about random unimportant things, but Ryou found that he couldn't stop his thoughts from drifting back to his Yami. He didn't know what to make of him; he had always seemed so strong and derisive of others before, but now...he just seemed kind of insecure.

...Oh, so I'm insecure, am I?

Ryou almost sighed, he should really learn not to think so loudly...not only that, but he really didn't know how to deal with Yami Bakura when he was acting this....petulant.

No, I just meant...

...I know what you meant. Ryou could almost sense his Yami's resigned expression as he talked. And...I suppose you're.....right, in a way. He raised an eyebrow; Yami Bakura never admitted to being wrong!

But, he continued, it's only because I can see how willing you'd be to just give your heart away to someone like Honda--

It had to be that, didn't it? Ryou felt like stamping his foot in annoyance and despair. I don't understand what you have against him!

They arrived at school and headed for registration, Ryou trying valiantly to keep any of the internal battle from his expression.

Ryou smiled happily to himself as he sat perched on the edge of a large fountain, glancing around at the pretty greens of the spring foliage which adorned the trees. It wouldn't be too long now...

He glanced down at his watch for about the fourth time that minute, before becoming annoyed with its slowness and shoving it in his pocket where he wouldn't be tempted to look at it.

He could feel Yami Bakura's silence, and as time drew on it felt like the silence became heavier, and Ryou's obvious hurt and disappointment became the only thing holding back his Yami's inevitable 'I told you so.'

After about forty minutes, Ryou slowly stood up, the previously happy sparkle gone from his now dull eyes. As he made his way home, he felt tears start to well up.

Don't, Ryou. He's not worth it.

For the first time in hours, Yami Bakura had spoken, and Ryou almost cried with relief - for quite a while now his Yami's voice had become a familiar strength he could rely on.

But I...I thought...

I know, Ryou...

Ryou looked up and faltered a little as he noticed Yugi walking in their direction. He really didn't feel like talking to anyone...

But Yugi noticed him almost immediately, and waved in acknowledgement as he continued over to say hi.

"Hi Ryou, how come you're out? Have you just been..." Yugi and Ryou started to talk a little as Yami Bakura started questioning Yami Yugi.


{Hey what?}

[I need you to tell me something.]

{Depends what it is.}

[Where was Honda this afternoon?]

{Why should I tell you that?}

[Cause if you don't then I'll..*hesitation*...hurt Ryou.]

{You wouldn't. Why do you want to know?}

[...He asked Ryou to meet him this afternoon. He never showed.]

{...I see.}

[Damn right you'd better see, now tell me where he was!]

{He was out with Miho....though I can't believe he would do that to Ryou.}


{Calm down. You know I won't let you do that.}

[Like hell, there's no way I'll let him get away with doing that to Ryou.]

{*curious* He really means a lot to you now, doesn't he?}


{...*sigh* Just let it go. It was very wrong of him, but Ryou will get over it. There's nothing that can be done.}


{...why is it that you hate me so much?}

[I have every reason to.]


[Not that you cared back then, but I suppose I might as well remind you that it was because of you that the one person who meant everything to me was sentenced to death.]

{...? I don't remember.}

[Figures. Now piss off, I know what I wanted to find out.]

Ryou, let's go.

Ryou nodded, wondering why his Yami seemed so angry. He bid farewell to Yugi, noticing that the other boy also seemed somewhat confused.

...Were you talking to his Yami?

...Maybe. It doesn't matter.


They made it back to Ryou's home with the pale haired boy still looking somewhat despondant, and his Yami caught between the thought of telling Ryou what he had found out, and probably causing him more hurt than he was feeling right now, or not telling him and risk losing his trust if Ryou ever did find out.


Sitting, but not waiting. Sitting, but not doing anything.

Expressionless eyes seemingly watching everything, but taking in nothing.

Silence. Deafening silence.


"Ryou, for fucks sake just do something already!" Yami Bakura yelled as he manifested in front of his quiet other half, reaching out to shake his shoulders angrily. "Why are you being like this?! It was a couple of hours ago, aren't you over it already?!" He scowled and stood expectantly with his arms crossed, waiting for a response. His expression darkened when none came, and he clenched his fist instinctively.

I may have admitted that I love him...but that doesn't mean I won't hit him for his own good.

He drew back his fist, and had just been about to release the full force of his blow when...

Ryou looked up at him, large brown eyes glittering with grief.

Ah crap...

His arm faltered, and sighing he let it drop back to his side as he moved to sit beside Ryou, reaching out an arm and possessively pulling him close.

"Ryou....why are you still letting this bother you? That bas....um, Honda, is obviously not worth you wasting your feelings on."

"But I...I really liked him..." Ryou spoke dully, still stung from what had happened. "Why...I don't understand why he would do that...." His eyes suddenly lit up, and he looked up hopefully at his Yami. "But maybe, maybe he just got held up somewhere, or something really important came up that he had to do, or---"

"Ryou." His Yami abruptly cut him off, not wanting him to delude himself any further. "I....I found out where Honda was this afternoon."

Noticing the barely concealed anger in Yami Bakura's eyes, Ryou became quiet, the hope gradually slipping from his features as he realised that what would be coming next would almost certainly not be good news.

Taking Ryou's silence as a signal to continue, his Yami plunged ahead, needing to get it over with.

"He was out with Miho."

There; he'd said it. Not in the most tactful way perhaps, but it was done, and now he just had to deal with the consequences.

* * * *

Okay, he'd expected Ryou to cry a little, maybe bitch about Miho for a while, or even throw some stuff.....but he'd never expected this; Ryou collapsed in his lap, sobbing uncontollably, while all he could do was pat his back awkwardly and try to think of some words of comfort. Not really what he was best at.

"Ryou...it's okay...it's for the best..."

Shitshitshit he cursed inside, trying to keep any of the despair he was feeling from showing. Why wouldn't Ryou stop crying?!

It was very rare that Yami Bakura felt helpless, but this was one of those times...

He sat for over an hour, just holding the weeping Ryou tightly, hoping eventually he would run out of tears and would calm down. Finally, his tears subsided and he hiccupped pitifully, turning to gaze up at his Yami with a strange expression on his face.

Yami Bakura almost sighed in relief, just glad that Ryou seemed over the worst of it. Leaning down, he kissed him softly, rubbing Ryou's back gently. He had only meant for it to be a comforting gesture, and so the other's reaction took him completely by surprise.

Ryou clasped his arms around his Yami's neck, holding him tightly while he started returning the kiss desperately, tears still present on his cheeks.

Yami Bakura was struggling against his instincts; on the one hand he wanted nothing more than to suddenly pin Ryou down, savagely attacking his neck with kisses, and take him the way it seemd Ryou was now begging for...but on the other hand, he knew that he couldn't take advantage of Ryou like this.

The air constricting painfully in his chest, he suddenly remembered to breathe, hating himself for knowing that he had to stop this now. Reluctantly, he gently pulled Ryou away from where he had moved down to his throat, silencing Ryou's confused look with a loving kiss on his forehead. He led Ryou to the bedroom, lying down and then pulling Ryou into his arms.

"...You need to rest," he murmured, "I'll stay here with you tonight."

"...Thank you," Ryou whispered, warm brown eyes full of love, "For...for everything...for being here for me..." Yami Bakura just smiled awkwardly and shushed the smaller one, watching him slowly relax as he fell into the comforting embrace of sleep.


"Ryou....wake up, you have to get up for school." Yami Bakura shook his shoulder gently, trying to draw him out from his sleep.

"Mmph.." Ryou shook his head and turned away, rolling over on to his other side and snuggling back down into the warm covers.

His Yami frowned and shook him again, disliking being ignored even when Ryou had the excuse of being half asleep.

"Hey. I said get up!" At the slightly harsher tone of voice Ryou blinked slowly, yawning as he turned to face his other. As what Yami Bakura had said originally dawned on him, a shadow of depression descended upon his features.

"Ummm.....I really...I really don't want to go today." He sat up, sitting cross legged on the bed but looking down at the floor, away from Yami Bakura's accusing stare.

"Ryou. You will go in today."

Silence followed, broken only by the rhythmic ticking of a clock.

"Ryou, you can't avoid him forever." He looked down at the smaller boy in front of him, emotionlessly reaching out a hand and pulling Ryou up to stand in front of him. "Now get dressed."

The shorter pale haired boy bit his lower lip as though deep in thought, before finally looking up and shaking his head quietly.

"No...I...I can't."

Yami Bakura was about to start yelling at him to just do what he said, when he finally noticed the complete look of self loathing and dull pain echoing in Ryou's eyes.

"That's it..." He muttered, before gently pushing Ryou back down to the bed, and angrily striding away.

"Where are you going?!" He heard Ryou calling out behind him, but he ignored him and continued on towards the door.

Where do you think I'm going....I'm going to beat the shit out of Honda to for doing this to you! There's no way I could ever let him get away with this, no matter what Yami Yugi says.

{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~}~{~ }

Ryou sat numbly on the bed where Yami Bakura had left him,still gazing at where the door had slammed shut in shock.


Why had his Yami left him like that...? Had he really made him so angry?

Ryou felt his insides twist up as he remembered the flash of pure loathing he had seen momentarily on Yami Bakura's face; had that been because of him?

It must have been....

Because I am so weak....I know it makes him angry, but I thought....I thought he understood.

He said he loved me.

He must...he must hate me because I still care about Honda...even after what he did to me...

Curling up on his side, Ryou buried his face in the bedcovers, the material quietly muffling his sobs.


Yami Bakura left the house in a blind rage, immediately heading for the school where he was certain Honda would be. He barely even noticed the fact that he was walking across busy roads without looking, and knocking people out of his way thoughtlessly; he was only focused on one thing.

Finally, Domino Highschool came into view and he sped up, eager to give Honda what he deserved. Well, not totally what he thought he deserved; the damned Pharaoh would see to that, but it would be enough...

Not really caring as teachers tried to stop him to ask why he was so late, he just continued as though they weren't there, and automatically made his way to the room where he knew their class would be in this period.

He opened the door violently, causing it to slam backwards against the wall and leave a dent where the handle struck it.

Again, he ignored the protests of the indignant teacher who had been trying to teach the lesson, and made his way immediately to where Honda sat near the back of the room. Forcing himself to stop for a moment, he spoke, his voice deadly calm but with a cutting edge of pure hatred.

"So you like Ryou, huh? Well obviously not enough." He grabbed Honda by the front of his shirt and slammed him back against the wall, oblivious to the astonished shouts of Yugi and Anzu, as well as the warning threats of Jounouchi and Yami.

Honda looked like he was in shock, and Yami Bakura used this to his advantage by drawing back his fist and letting it collide at full power with Honda's jawbone. The sickening crack made the room fall silent except for Honda's whimpers, as Yami Bakura stood back and surveyed him coldly.

"...that's less than what you deserve. Be thankful that I didn't kill you; it was only for Ryou's sake."

Casually walking away, Yami Bakura didn;t even bother to look back at the scene of chaos that followed his exit.


When Yami Bakura finally returned, he noticed Ryou standing silently in front of the window, staring out blankly.

As he started to approach his aibou Ryou suddenly jolted, as though noticing his Yami's presence for the first time. He turned and gazed at him indecisively, thoughts warring inside his mind, each fighting for domination.

"Y-yami...?" Yami Bakura immediately became concerned; what could be wrong with him?!

"Ryou, what's the matter?" He walked to the other's side, frowning slightly when Ryou jumped as he put his arm around him. Ryou gazed up at him with troubled eyes, confusion showing clearly on his face.

"Y-you hate me...why are you doing this...?!" Ryou tried to back away, but ended up against the wall with nowhere to go. Now Yami Bakura looked confused;

"Why would you think that I hate you?"

"T-this morning, you left me....you were so angry...." The darker one's eyes widened slightly with realisation as it suddenly struck him how it must have seemed to Ryou.

Of course...I didn't tell him why or even where I was going....so of course he jumped to all the wrong conclusions.

Smiling ferally he narrowed his eyes and leaned forward, placing his hands either side of Ryou's head agaisnt the wall.

"Oh Ryou...I wasn't angry at you...let's just leave it at that..." Then without even leaving time for the other to reply, he plunged forward, kissing Ryou deeply.

He felt Ryou shift with surprise in front of him, but Yami Bakura just pressed his body closer, enjoying the feel of Ryou squirming beneath him before finally relaxing with acceptance.

Hesitant hands reached up to rest on the back of his neck, toying with the pale strands of hair.

The dark one continued with his kiss, smiling slightly into it as Ryou meekly opened his mouth, allowing the other to dominate it with his tongue.

A small whimper of pleasure escaped Ryou's lips, his eyes closing in rapture as he dug his nails into his Yami's neck, leaving tiny red crescents of passion.

Finally releasing Ryou's lips, Yami Bakura grinned possessively and watched as Ryou slowly opened his eyes, finding them clouded with lust. Not allowing the smaller one any time to recover, he immediately started moving downwards, pausing at his invitingly soft neck to nip and suck on the flesh.

With all of Ryou's half stifled moans sounds of pleasure only serving to arouse Yami Bakura more, he quickly withdrew his head and started tugging off the other's sweater, pausing for a moment to study the perfect milky-skinned form in front of him before grasping Ryou's shoulders and guiding him down to the floor. At this point Ryou opened his eyes, the look of longing clearly present as his brown eyes shone invitingly.

The taller boy straddled Ryou's hips, and leant forward until his face was hovering only an inch above the other's. He faltered slightly when he saw the trusting innocence in those eyes; an innocence which he had long since sworn to protect, but all his hesitation vanished as he felt firm hands buried in his hair, pulling his lips down with surprising force to crush against those in front of him.

Yami Bakura sucked on Ryou's lower lip for a moment, before unthinkingly biting down and feeling the warm sweet blood flow into his mouth. He immediately regretted it and started cursing, but looked shocked as Ryou let out a sudden loud moan. He liked it...?

Yami Bakura smirked and removed his mouth to increase the torment a little. A breathless gasp of loss came from the boy below him, and so obligingly he returned to his ministations, this time planting kisses down Ryou's front. Unexpectedly he felt hands slide up against the bare flesh of his back under his shirt, rubbing urgently.

"Mmmmm..." He mumbled slightly against Ryou's chest, the vibrations causing Ryou to wiggle pleasantly. Moving slightly, he circled Ryou's nipple with his tongue, then blowing lightly across it while enjoying his aibou's reaction. Abruptly he bit down on it, chuckling softly as Ryou's cry of pleasure filled the room. He had never expected Ryou to have a masochistic side...

Reaching down with one hand he rubbed relentlessly between Ryou's legs, his arousal evident through the fabric. Simultaneouly he dipped his head down, exploring Ryou's bellybutton with his tongue as his long pale locks caressed his other's sides.

"Unhh.....Yamiii..." Hearing Ryou's voice like that, thick with need, heightened Yami Bakura's desire to please him and he started pulling off his trousers, and then his own soon followed.

Yami Bakura's eyes glazed over with passion as he surveyed his lover before him like that - despite that fact that he loved Ryou completely, it was still an unbelieveable power-trip which he relished and had every intention of enjoying.

With one last sweeping glance over the beautiful boy in front of him, he lowered his head once more, loving the way Ryou trembled with anticipation. He held out for just a moment longer, increasing the tension until finally giving in and enveloping Ryou's arousal in the warm wetness of his mouth. The half choking-gasping sound which forced its way from Ryou's lips was inimicable as he found himself overcome by such pleasurable feelings. Sucking roughly now, Yami Bakura moved his head up and down swiftly, every now and then allowing his teeth to gaze lightly along the flesh.

Knowing Ryou wouldn't be able to hold out much longer, his Yami prepared himself for what was to come. Calling out for his Yami desperately, Ryou came suddenly and gripped his other's shoulder's tightly, gasping with longing.

The darker one swallowed quickly, lifting up his head to gaze at Ryou's contented expression with a small smile of his own. Crawling back up so he faced his lover once more, he gave him a gentle kiss on the lips, letting out a small noise of enjoyment as Ryou chose to deepen it.

It was almost automatically that Yami Bakura felt his hand slip down lower, brushing a finger softly against Ryou's opening. Receiving the small moan of approval he was waiting for, he gently inserted a finger, stretching the flesh to try and prevent Ryou from feeling too much pain.

Ryou had his eyes shut again, while trying to shift downwards upon his Yami's hand; obviously hoping for something more substantial than a finger. Yami Bakra smiled, but held Ryou still as he added another finger, determined not to let Ryou rush and then end up in agony.

"Y-yami....that's enough..." Looking up in surprise at the softly spoken words, he then inclined his head, "I need you now..."

Judging that Ryou would probably know best when he was ready, he complyingly removed his hand and positioned himself above his young lover, the tip of his neglected arousal hovering at the entrance.

With a desparate cry Ryou suddenly thrust himself forward, gasping with pain at the sudden penetration. Yami Bakura frowned and gently reached out a hand to wipe away the gathering tears.

"I told you to wait..." He paused until Ryou had recovered and was calm once again, before continuing slowly, only picking up the pace once he heard his aibou's blissful panting urging him on.

As he thrust, Yami Bakura felt Ryou grip his forarms tightly, the knuckes going white as pleasure took hold of his mind.

He knew he was coming close as his vision started to haze over, reaching down to grasp Ryou's arousal in his hand, stroking it in time with his own movments, then thrusting deeply one last time before releasing into his lover with an adulent cry of love. Somewhere in the distance he heard Ryou's shout of ardour, and then finally returned to reality as he carefully withdrew and slumped down tiredly beside his equally exhausted aibou.

"I love you..." Ryou whispered softly, his eyes sparkling happily as he looked at his Yami.

"Love you too." He gruffly replied, still not totally comfortable with moments like this. They lay peacefully in each other's arms for a while, but eventually Yami Bakura broke the embrace.

Reluctantly he started to stand up, then leaning down to pick up Ryou, holding him easily in his arms.

Ryou looked surprised, but then happy and certainly didn't complain.

"Come on....we need a bath."

Yami Bakura headed for the bathroom, Ryou still cradled lovingly in his arms.


"Hey Honda, are you alright?! What the hell was all that about?" Jounouchi stood by his friend, still occasionally glancing back at the door in disbelief through which Yami Bakura had exited.

Honda just grimaced in pain and carried on clutching the lower half of his face as everyone else in the class rushed over. The teacher finally made her way through to the front of the crowd and peered down at him in concern, Jounouchi helping him to his feet. Yugi looked up at him worriedly, noting the small trickle of blood which escaped the corner of his mouth.

"Jounouchi, I think his jaw's dislocated..." His blonde friend nodded slowly in reluctant agreement, and Anzu raised her hand, volunteering to take him to the Nurse's office.

The teacher murmured her agreement distractedly, still concerned with the fact that a total stranger had somehow managed to make it all the way into the school, come in and assault a student, and then leave without anyone doing anything!

The loud ringing of the bell broke the uneasy silence which had followed Honda and Anzu's departure, and Jounouchi looked down at Yugi in confusion as they headed out for lunch.

"Y'know, it's really weird the way Yami Bakura just came in and punched him...I mean what the hell for? He said something about Ryou..." Jounouchi rubbed the back of his neck distractedly, still puzzled as to what would have provoked him.

"Hmmm." Yugi stared at the ground as they walked, still deep in thought. He was pretty sure that he knew the reason...; after he had seen Ryou looking so depressed the other day, his Yami had related to him the conversation he had had with Bakura's yami. "Jou..." He said thoughtfully, suddenly turning and looking up at his friend curiously, "How did Honda feel about Ryou?"

Jounouchi looked at him a little strangely, then shrugged, speaking casually,

"I dunno....I know they were friends, if that's what you mean."

"It's just..." Yugi paused as he struggled to think of the right words, "I saw Ryou yesterday, and he looked really depressed...I didn't say anything to him about it, but apparently my Yami had a conversation with his yami, and, well...."

"Yeah?" Jounouchi pressed, looking curious now.

"...Honda stood him up."

"Wha?! You mean they were like...dating, or something?!" Jounouchi looked so shocked that Yugi couldn't help but smile a little.

"I'm not sure exactly, but the point is that that's probably the reason Yami Bakura came after him. But, I don't know...something doesn't seem quite right about it..."

"Damn straight," Jounouchi affirmed, "Since when does Yami Bakura give a crap about Ryou?! Knowing him, he probably just wanted an excuse to beat on somebody."

"....I guess...." The taller boy sighed good humouredly at his friend's unwillingness to believe the worst of somebody and responded in disbelief,

"What, you think Yami Bakura did it because he actually cares about Ryou?!"

Yugi bit his lip thoughtfully, and finally nodded.

"Yeah...Yami says he seems like he's changed, and I think I agree."

"Man...that's really strange. Great for Ryou, though, I mean having a bastard Yami like that is definitely not something that I'd want to go through!" Jounouchi paused for a moment before shaking his head again, "But I just can't believe that Honda....and Ryou....it's just weird, y'know? I mean I always thought that Honda liked Miho; especially since she finally agreed to go out with him the other day..."

Yugi nodded, looking rather subdued.

"But, I feel bad for Ryou though...I mean what he always like Honda but we just never noticed? And he looked really unhappy the other day." Yugi sighed and bit his lower lip in thought. "I think we should go and see him later, to check that he's ok. Even if his Yami is being nicer to him now, I still don't think we should just leave him....he must be feeling pretty bad if he didn't even come in today." The blonde nodded emphatically, pausing for a moment to lean against a tree while Yugi stopped in front of him.

"Yeah, you're right. We should go after school, do you think we should try and get Honda to come?"

"No...that would probably only make things worse; besides, if Yami Bakura's gonna be there it would probably just end up in a fight. And I don't think Honda would win."


Yami Bakura smiled down faintly at the younger one held carefully within his arms, a strangely weary expression crossing his features, making him seem older than the youthful appearance Ryou's body had given him.

It's been so long...

Ryou had turned slightly, his eyes shut peacefully as he unconsciously snuggled closer to his Yami's chest.

But....you make it worth it.

Gently setting Ryou down on the sofa so as not to wake him, the darker one continued through to the bathroom, kneeling down before the tub and then pausing contemplatively

After a moment's thought Yami Bakura reached out with one hand, grasping the china flower shaped tap and twisting hard. He frowned as nothing happened, glaring at the bath suspiciously.

I've seen Ryou do this a million times...

His mouth settling into a determined line he reached out again, muttering expletives as again anything failed to happen.

Yami Bakura looked up in surprise as he heard a quiet giggle behind him, raising one eyebrow in annoyance as Ryou started to walk forwards, now dressed in a t-shirt that seemed to be at least three sizes too big for him.

"What?" Yami Bakura crossed his arms and looked sideways, glaring at the taps. "They're broken."

Ryou couldn't help but laugh at the expression on his Yami's face, and shook his head, hair falling into his eyes. "Fine then...you make it work." Yami Bakura still didn't look the least bit amused, and stood expectantly as Ryou walked past him.

"Okay..." he said simply, and easily reached out and turned on the water. Then after glancing around him momentarily, he chose some blue looking bubble bath and poured it in under the steaming water.

Leaning forward to put the bottle back, he felt strong arms encircle his waist and was pulled back, Yami Bakura holding him tightly and resting his chin on the top of Ryou's head.

Knowing his Yami would be too proud to ask, Ryou tilted his head back and gazed up at the other innocently.

"Yami...you were just turning them the wrong way..."

In response the other just lowered his head and gently kissed Ryou's neck, causing the younger one to sigh happily and relax into his Yami's touch.

Abruptly and without any warning, Ryou found himself being lifted up and dumped unceremoniously into the half-filled tub of water.

"Hey!" He managed to splutter out in shock, lifting incredulous brown eyes to see his Yami just gaze stoically back. "Eh..." Lifting a hand to brush away the rogue strands of wet hair which were starting to annoy him, Ryou looked up at his darker half, pouting in mock annoyance. "Well...are you just going to stand there?"

Finally Yami Bakura allowed a small smile to touch his lips; Ryou just looked so adorable, his t-shirt was soaking wet, and the look on his face was too hard to resist.

But involuntarily, he felt his eyes flicker to a dark patch on the floor, staining the pale carpet near the wall. It had been so long ago, but...would there always be these reminders? The reminders of how much he had hurt his aibou....

His fists dropped to his sides, clenching convulsively as he remembered. Remembered...everything....

He suddenly blinked, brought away from the darkness by a gentle touch he felt clutching his hand. Ryou was gazing up at him worriedly, tugging on his hand slightly, reassuringly.

"...It's okay." He followed his Yami's gaze to the old blood stain, and shook his head firmly. "That doesn't matter anymore. It was a long time ago...and....and...I still love you." He held his chin up high, looking his Yami directly in the eyes.

Instantaneously Yami Bakura's expression was just lost and confused, then squeezing his eyes shut angrily.

"...But, why?" As his Yami opened his eyes, Ryou saw that they were full of unshed tears.

"...Does there have to be a reason?"

Yami Bakura just stared at him wordlessly for a moment, before bringing forward his innocent angel into a fiercely protective hug.

"...I love you." He whispered desperately, shutting his eyes and burying his face into Ryou's soft hair.

Grasping Ryou tightly he decided that Ryou had had enough of a bath, and with Ryou's legs wound tightly around his waist, he carried him back to the bedroom.


hehe....although, having done that i think there'll certainly have to be a short epilogue at least. ^^

sorry...that was slightly too sappy, ne? Bleh, need to go write some more angst...;)
