Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ King of Kings ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Luc does not own YUGIOH or it's characters!

[warning:YAOI and foul language?!]



3000 years ago, Ancient Egypt

{Unknown person's POV}

It was dark and cold, I don't remember how long it's been like this, but I can't bear it anymore. This was not suppose to happen, I thought it was just some make-up tales. I had never imagine that those tales were real, why I didn't listen to them when they warn me? Why do I have to be so damn blind? People are screaming and shouting again, of pain and anger, what had I done?!

I remember the day when I went into that place by accident, and saw those stone tablets, they were amazing. I asked mother afterward, she didn't want to tell me at first, but I managed to get her story out.

From what she told me, I found out that one of my ancestor, from 2000 years ago built those tablets. He was the greatest hero in our land, he sacrificed himself to save his people, and a few other royal members, but from what, she wouldn't tell me.

And forbid me to go back to that place. But I didn't listen. I went asking questions about the tablets and Pharaoh Yami, the greatest hero and most beloved ruler of our land.

Most of the old priestes and prietess knew about the tablets, but every body known Pharaoh Yami, he was a legend, I heard his stories when I was three.

I forced them to tell me everything about the tablets. And they were fascinating. Monsters and magic, what could be more exciting. I went back to inspect the tablets again, and I saw it, the scroll with Pharaoh Yami's portrait, and there was someone else, someone who looks exactly like him by his side, but shorter and more gentle looking. In the portrait, Pharaoh Yami had crimson eyes while the other one's were a soft violet, in his hands was an upside down gold pyramid with the Eye of Horus carved on it.

When I was done examine the scroll, I didn't put it back because the desk that the scroll was on, it had a print of a man's right hand. I put my right hand on the print with great interest, and the stone floor began to shake. An entrance with stairs lead down to the underground appeared. I stepped down the stairs, it was getting darker and darker, but I didn't care, I kept walking until there were no more stairs, and I saw lights ahead of me.

I run toward the lights, it was a tomb. The most magnificent tomb I had ever entered. In the center of the tomb, there lay a coffin, made out of gold. From the looks of it, the coffin belongs to a Pharaoh. The inscriptions on the walls told me that this was the tomb of Pharaoh Yami, all that in this tomb belongs to Pharaoh Yami and shall be Pharaoh Yami's only.

I found that funny, I even laugh out loud.

I continued to read the inscriptions, it talked about shadow magic, why the tablets were created, and how those monsters on the tablets had once roam in Egypt.

I stopped at the part where it said, '…..they served as slaves…..', I stopped there and never bother to go on. I wished I had now, because maybe this madness would have never happened if I had finished the whole inscription. I was so naive, I wanted to believe that what I had read was real, I wanted those monsters to serve me, to be my slaves. I thought that was why Pharaoh Yami was so famous. He had monsters as slaves.

How naive.

I searched around the tomb and discovered a trap door, I thought that must be where they had hidden Pharaoh Yami's treasure, but a little nasty voice in my head mention something about people always buried treasure inside the coffin with the mummified body, especially royal family members. I ignored it.

Inside the trap door, it was something like a bookcase, there were books I had thought they didn't exit.

'The Book of Shadows', 'The Book of the Dead', and 'The Book of the Living', and so many others I haven't even heard of. There were all here, all those books I heard in the legend of Pharaoh Yami, they were all here, they do exit!

I was overwhelm with excitement, I kept looking through those book, until a particular book called, 'The Gate of Shadow Realm and Spells of Summoning', caught my attention.

It tough you how to summon those monsters in the stone tablets! But first I had to reopen the Gate that was sealed by Pharaoh Yami, in order to summon those monsters. Monsters whom lived in the Shadow Realm.

I did managed to open the Gate. I did summon a monster, who was known as the Summon Skull. He disobey my order, and frighten to kill me for re-opening the Gate. I didn't understand then, but now, I wished he had kill me instead.

The news of the Gate had been open spread out in one night. Sorcerers came and like me, they summoned those monsters, whom were furious of being treated like a slave by whom had summoned them. And that was when the terrors began.

It was all my fault, if I haven't open the Gate, these sorcerers wouldn't had came into our land, and tried to control those monsters, and my people, they wouldn't had have been suffering. And me, the person who cause all these, was hiding in Pharaoh Yami's tomb, just like a coward.

What can I do? I can't fight those monsters nor the sorcerers, I can't do anything, except watching my people being tortured, and being hated by my people.

Oh mighty Ra, please save them, please stop this madness, or at least guide me, tell me what to do.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~

Present, year 20xx, Japan

{Yugi's POV}

I am very concerned about Yami, he seems to had a lot on his mind lately. Sometimes he would sit next me when I was doing my homework, he didn't say or do anything, he just, stared at me for a long time, and I mean a long time, without a blink.

Like this moment, he's doing it again, which makes me uneasy. He didn't even noticed I had finished my homework. I sigh and put my books back into my book bag.

Turning face to face with Yami, I look at him, tried to figure out what he was thinking. But it was no used, our mind link was shut. I know he wanted to get his memories back, and I wished I could help him in any way. It must be horrible not to had memories of your past, no memories about yourself. I really wanted to help, I wished he would talk to me.

I felt so useless, Yami was always there when I needed help, when I needed him, he never complained. And me, I will just get in the way, heck, I can't even defense myself.

Oh no, I think my thoughts are too depress, my tears coming, see what I mean, I am weak, I cried too much.

"Aibou, why are you crying?"

I heard him whispered beside my ear.So you finally came back to live, wait, Yami is a spirit, he doesn't count as alive, but he's here, he has feelings and all, and we are two halves of the same soul, and I am not a spirit, so that make him alive right? But he doesn't have a body of his own...oh what the hell, I am confusing myself.


I look up at him with watery eyes.

"What's wrong?" he asked, using his thumb to wipe away my over flow tears, "I am worried..." I said softly.

"'Bout what, little one?"


"Me?" he blinked.

End Yugi's POV:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:

{Yami's POV}

These few days, I kept having the same dream over and over again, in my dreams, people were screaming in pain, then someone calling for help, it kept flashing, I didn't get the whole thing, but I had a feeling so familiar, like I was there. It was very disturbing, not to mention the other problem I had.

I found it very hard to take my eyes off my little light. And I don't want to. He's like the most adorable person I had ever met, I am so glad that he is my light. He is always caring and forgiving. Sometimes I think he's too innocent for his own good.

(Yami: Yep, that's my light for ya! Mine! Luc: =___= yah, whatever.)

Just the sign of him make me happy. I know I am obsess about him, but, I couldn't tell him...well, okay, I am scare, what, spirit can be scare too you know. Yeah, I am a spirit, I can't tell him even if I wanted to. As long as I can watch over him, guard him, to protect him and see him smile, I am happy.

(Luc: Oh, that's so sweet ^^ Yami: *blush*)

Oh my! I think I am too preoccupy with my thoughts, Yugi is crying, it ache my heart to see him cry, "Aibou, why are you crying?" I asked as gentle as I can be.

He didn't answer nor did he look at me, he must be deep in thought, bad thoughts that is.

"Aibou...?" I called again.

He look up at me, crystalline tears in his wide innocent violet eyes, I felt myself melt at the sign, I bet even Anubis would too, if he had a heart.

(Luc: You don't have a heart either, you are a spirit remember? Yami: Then give me a body you blasted authoress!)

"What's wrong?" I asked, wiping a few tears away with my thumb.

"I am worried..." he said softly.

"'Bout what, little one?"


"Me?" I blinked.

He was worrying about me?! He was concerned because of me?! I think I am going to faint. Err...stop it Yami, you'll make yourself look like a fool in front of Yugi! Yes, you are right, thank you the little voice in my head. You're welcome!

"Why?" I pulled myself together and asked, gazing into those beautiful amethyst. I see sadness, concerns, guilts and...and love!?

Could it be...? Love?!

"Why wouldn't you tell me what's bothering you Yami?" He asked.

Oh, I am sorry Yugi, I can't tell you that...that I love you, despite how much I wanted to hold you, to kiss the tears away, I can't, I am a spirit, it's forbidden.

"So you hate me that much?" He whimpered.

"WHAT?! NO!" I can't believed I just heard that, me, hate Yugi?! "NO! NEVER, aibou!" I embraced him tightly.

"Then why wouldn't you tell me?" He sob onto my chest, "You had been acting strange lately."

I sigh heavily, I want to tell me, but I can't, however I told him about my dreams, hoping that will cheer him up. And it worked.

"Do you think they have something to do with your past?" He asked with his head rest on my chest, his eyelids were drooped in the most adorable manner.

"Maybe." I can't help but smile.

Suddenly I felt a shock run through my whole body.

"Yami, what is it?"

"I feel...weird."

End Yami's POV:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:

{Third person's POV}

Yami look at his hands strangely, he felt weak, but he shouldn't had. Usually he could remain in a solid form for 5 hours with the magic of the Sennen Puzzle, afterward he would just back to his transparent spirit form, never had he felt weak and tired.

"Yami, what is it?" Yugi asked, his voice full of concerned.

"I don't know...I think I am disappearing....." Indeed he was.

"What?! Yami? Yami!! NO, COME BACK! YAMI!!!"

"Yugi!?" Solomon burst into the room, startle to find his grandson crying, banging on the floor. "What happened?" he run to his(Yugi) side, holding the smaller boy.

"He's gone...Yami's gone!"


"He just vanished! NO, he can't be, he must be hiding, I have to find him." Yugi stand up, muttering to himself.

Solomon frowned, he was now worried about his grandson's condition.

"Yami, come out, this is not funny!" Yugi called. And yelled, then shouted until his throat got so sore that he could taste blood in his mouth. Finally, he collapsed, his tears never stop flowing, his body kept shaking with each whispered, "How could you Yami? You promised! You said you will never leaved me, how could you? You are a liar.....No, I didn't mean that, I am not mad, please come back to me....."

"Yugi..." Solomon look at his grandson with great sympathy, he wanted to comfort the broken angel, but he didn't know what to say. He saw him(Yugi) clutching the Sennen Puzzle like his life depends on it, his tears drip on the puzzle, to his(Solomon) great surprise, the puzzle began to glow.

End third person's POV:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:

{Back to Ancient Egypt, Unknown person's POV}

I can't believed it, it worked, the spell worked! After my prayer to the Sun God, a book dropped on my head, like it was fall from the ceiling.

"The Book of the Dead", I saw this one in the trap door, but why did it dropped on my head? Which hurts like hell!

I look through the book, it contain spells to bring back the dead. The idea hit me like a bolt of lightning. To bring back the dead, why I didn't thought of it sooner? I needed someone to help me, to stop all these madness, and that person was right under my nose this whole time! Who could be more suitable for the job then Pharaoh Yami himself? Who was the one to sealed the Gate 2000 years ago!?

This time I searched carefully for the right spell before reading it out loud. And it worked!

Right before me was the mummified Pharaoh, floating in mid-air surrounding by a golden glow. It become brighter and brighter every second, I have to close my eyes because the lights were hurting me.When I open my eyes again, the glow had die away, Pharaoh Yami was no longer a mummy, not dead, but among the living.

(Luc: There, you want a body, you got one! Yami: Yes! *victory dance* Luc: 0_o)

He was dressed in a sleeves-less silk robe, with a gold sash round his waist, jewels of fine gold and gems on his arms and legs, a golden crown with the Eye of Horus on his forehead, decorated with beautiful amethyst. His eyes were close. He look exactly like his portrait in the scroll!

"Ph-Pharaoh Yami?" I called in a whispered.

Slowly, very slowly, he open his eyes, stared at me, then blinked. He turn his head from right to left, from the ceiling to the floor, and back at me, his ruby eyes narrowed dangerously.

"Where am I? Who are you? And WHERE IS YUGI?!"

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~ *~*~

Yami: Where is Yugi!? What the *beep* are you trying to do baka?!
Luc: What? I gave you a body, you should be thanking me.
Yami: Thank you? Yes, thank you, I will award you by crushing your *beep* mind, or send your *beep* *beep* *beep* soul to the Shadow Realm!
Luc: Geez, ain't that a little too harsh...
Luc: Ok, ok, here...
Yugi: Err... what's going on?
Yami: Aibou! *hug Yugi very tightly*
Yugi: Help...can't...breath...
Luc: =_____= don't mind those two...okay, if you want me to continue, then please R+R! I need at least 10 reviews for this one before I have the spirit to continue, this is like the longest chapter I had ever written. 10 reviews in 10 day from 9/16/03, fair enough.