Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ King of Kings ❯ Chapter Two ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

luc: Okay, this is chapter 2, I kinna mess up the beginning-____-
I want to thank you to all my reviewer, thank you, thank you very much^^
And to those who had choose #2 for the poll, again, I am sorry, we are out voted.
So I have to do #1.
Please read and review, I know this chapter is not that good, but still…..

Disclaimer: Luc does not own YUGIOH or it's characters!

[warning:YAOI, violence, abuse, rape and foul language?!]



Ancient Egypt

{Normal POV}

He lie there, motionless, his once beautiful violet eyes that
were always had the shine of hope, love and innocent had gone, all gone.

He lie there, emotion less, not caring his clothes had been tore to pieces,
not realizing blood was dripping from his old and new wounds.

He lie there, motionless, crystalline tears flowing endlessly from his now,
dull and lifeless purple orbs, no light no reflections, nothing.

He lie there, emotion less, knowing his puzzle had gone, knowing he had
no way to connect with his Yami, he's gone, all gone.

(luc: I don't even know what am I writing about…..it's confusing really…-__-)


{The Royal Palace, Normal POV}

It's been five days since Yami had found himself back in Ancient Egypt, and back to the livings. Two days ago, while he was walking on the streets, being praised by the commoners, something familiar caught his eyes. It was the Sennen Puzzle, not his but Yugi's.

"Where did you get this?" He had asked. The stand owner claimed he found it outside the city, somewhere beside the Nile.

"Did you see a boy that looks so much like me, near by?" He asked hopefully.

"No, sire, I see no boy."

Yami had ordered his guards to the place where the puzzle was found, to search for his light. But two days had past, and still no sign of him.

/Wherever you are Yugi, please be alright!/

Holding the puzzle, Yami sat by the lotus pond, gazed at the full moon, thinking about his other half. He does that a lot lately.

In a corner hiding in the shadows was Unas, he stood, watching his role model intensely. With a heavy sigh, he came up to him and said, "Who is this boy that own this pendant sir?"

"Some one special, very special." Yami lower his gaze to the puzzle in his hand, his facial expression can't be gentler when he said those words.

"You did mention he looks like you, is there by any chance he has violet eyes?" asked Unas.

Yami turn his attention to the boy and said, "Yes, and how did you know that?" He asked anxiously.

"I think I had saw him somewhere before….." thinking hard, Unas tried to recall where he had saw the boy, "ah ha, I remember! I saw him the day I found your tomb, in a scroll, it's a portrait really, and you were in it, so was this pendant!"

"Show me!" Yami stand up suddenly making the boy jump a step backward.


{Now introducing Dark, Celtic, Chaos, Kuri and Mystic}

"Can we stop now? We had been walking in circles ever since." Celtic protested.

"Oh, Celtic dear, are you really that tired?"

"Yes! And don't add 'dear' after my name Mystic!" He snapped at the woman with long golden hair.

"Oh alright, Celtic sweetie. (Celtic: No sweetie either! Luc: LOL) I am a little tired myself, maybe we should take a little break, what do you say Chaos?" She turns to face the black hair magician.

"I am fine, and no breaks until we have find what ever we are looking for, the faster we find it, the better."

"Yeah, I know, and I agreed. But we had been pass through this alley for at least five times, and I am dead tired, hungry and thirsty," Celtic continued before Chaos had a chance to argue, "I know you are not, but what about poor little Kuri, I bet he's very tired too." He said with a hint of amusement in his voice.

The magician looks down to where the small monster should be, but he was gone. "Kuri?" he called. Turning around, he saw a little black dot behind them, way behind, moving slowly toward the four. With a loud pop he had disappeared.

Celtic smirked knowingly, another loud pop was heard, and Chaos reappeared with Kuriboh(in human form) in his arms.

"Dark, we are taking a break!" He shouted to his fellow magician, who was now ahead of them, way ahead of them.

(luc: hehehe...hahaha...hohoho... Lucifer: Hi-hikari????=_____=)

The five sat on the ground, Kuri was sleeping soundlessly on Chaos lap, with the magician stroking his hair like a mother,( Chaos: do u want to die? Luc: hey, I was just kidding! what I mean is...) Chaos was stroking his hair like a brother, (Chaos: 1...2... luc: ok...here you go...) the magician stroking his hair tenderly; (luc: there, better? chaos: hummph. Luc: sorry about that, let's continue shall we^^) Celtic was snoring loudly on the ground; Mystic was humming one of her songs and Dark was meditating.

"Did you heard something?" Celtic jerked right up to a sitting position his pointed ears moved slightly.

(luc: can you move your ears? I can't but my sister could.)

"I heard something too." Little Kuri said quietly.

"That way." Dark pointed his staff toward the source of their disturbance.


(The following maybe a little disturbing, firstable, I had never write rape scenes before, so it may be a little weird, and some part may even seems creepy too.)

In an empty alley, in a clay(?) hut, a small boy was being assaulted.A man with a dark tan, with his knees knelt on each side of the boy, his grasp tighten on the boy's chin, causing the boy to winced in pain.

"Open your mouth!" he scowled again.

The boy shook his head slightly, refuse to complied. His big violet eyes fill with tears of fear and helplessness.

"Guess we'll have to 'play' the hard way then..." Then man tighten his gripped 'til a crack was heard.

Unbearable pain send through the boy's whole body, his jaws were disconnected. And so was his left shoulder, when earlier he attempt to fought the man.

Now with nothing to stop the man, he force the boy's mouth to open with no difficulty and with a devilish sneer, he thrust his member into the boy's mouth.

Tears running down from the boy's close eye lips, he whimpered, wanted so much to vomit.

The man push harder each time, enjoying the wetness, hotness of the boy's mouth. With another push, he moan and released inside the boy's mouth. He pulled his member out and close the boy's mouth with his hand and smirked, "Swallow..."

The boy's eye widen, shooking his head violently, he felt extremely sick.

"Tck, Tck, now be a good boy and swallow what's in your mouth!" With one of his hand still holding the boy's mouth, he used his other hand to pinched the boy's nose.

The boy's face become a deep red cause by lack of oxygen, he open his mouth to breath and choke by the liquid inside his mouth.

Without giving him a chance to catch his breath, the man flipped the boy onto this front, and push himself hard inside the boy.

"AHHH! NO...Please...stop..." The boy plead, his thought began to dripped off, Yami...where are you...help me...somebody...anybody...help me.....

(luc: that is, this is the first and the last rape scene i am writing...*inhale* AAAaaahhh... Lucifer: Aibou, calm down, it's over. luc: *sniff,sniff* I am fine, let's go on...)

{Back to the duel monsters}

Five duel monsters, frozen in front of a clay hut, by the scene inside. When they arrived in this empty alley, to find their disturbance, they had never expected to find their beloved Master, being assaulted.

"GET OFF YUGI-SAMA!" The smallest monster was the first to react. He tackle the man to the ground.

Startle, the man land on his back with a loud dumb, but he quickly recovered and shoved the small boy of him roughly.

"What the *beep* are you p-- ARGHARHH!!!" He screamed. Just a second ago his right hand which he used to shoved the boy away was perfectly fine, now it was on the ground. Horrified, he did the only thing he knew and could do, scream, "ARHHHHHH!!!"

While the Dark Magician glaring at the man with his icy-cold blue eyes, the rest of them hurried over to their Master. (Chaos did snorted at he man before he joy them.) Celtic used his cape to cover up the unconscious little boy. Mystic standing along side of him, crying for her Master's misfortune.

"Oh dear, how could he do such a thing, oh...."

"Stop crying and heal him, Mystic!" Chaos demand, his arms around Kuriboh soothingly.

"Y-yes...*sniff*" She began to chant, a warm glow surrounded the little boy, a minute later, the wounds on his body were gone, all healed.

A loud boom caught their attention, they turn to find the man no where in sight, instead, they saw a pile of blood and flesh spread all over the place where the man once was sitting at.

"Do you have to do that?" Celtic asked, raising an eyebrow at his brother.

"He deserved it." Dark replied coldly.

"Well, yeah, but do you have to do it so loud?"

"How is he?" Dark asked, as he bent down to scooped the pale boy up away from the elfin warrior's arms.

"I was able to heal his wounds, but I am afraid, the damages that had done to his heart and soul, wouldn't be heal by any charm or spell." Mystic answered sadly.

A whimpered escaped from Kuri's lips, he whispered to the magician that's holding him, "Chaos-chan, can we leaved now? I don't like to stay here."

"Yes," He ruffled the small monster's hair fondly, then he turn to his fellow monsters, "let's find a better place to discuss what to do next, this place is filthy."

No need to tell them twice, in a blink of an eye, they had vanished, well, except.....

"Hey, not fair, did you guys forget I can't do magic!? Guy...? Wait for me!" (luc:=___=)

< br>

{The Royal Palace, Yami's POV}

Once again I came back to this temple, gazing at the portrait of my aibou and me. I knew he's here in Ancient Egypt, but my guards still can't find him. I can't help but worried, what if he's hurt? What if he's lost somewhere? What if he's captured?! Err...stop thinking so desperately, Yugi is fine, he just have to be.....

*sigh* When I do find him, I'll tell him how I feel, and we'll lived happily ever after! *grin*

'Dude, this ain't some fairy tale, what if he rejects you?'

Huh, I never thought of that...but why would he reject me?

'Well, let see, because he doesn't love you!?'


'For the sake of the devils, stop yelling inside your head!'

I thought you supposed to be good.

'Well, I ain't, I am evil, mwahahahaha.....'

What happen to the good one?

'*snickers* He's out for the moment.'

What do you mean?

'We are like the angels on your shoulder, one good, one evil, one light, one dark, you know...'

So I had two voices inside my head.


So...where's the good one?

'He's out, didn't I told you that already. Anyway, you can't talk to him, so buy off.'




. ....

Oh great, even the voices inside my head wouldn't talk to me. Man, I think I am beginning to crack, have I gone mad? I believed I wouldn't be able to stay sane, as long as my precious light is not with me.

Oh Ra, please bring him back to me, save and sound.

My thought were interrupted when one of the priest burst in, "Pharaoh Yami, please forgive my disturbance, but we are under attack!"

"Explain." The palace is under attack? This is serious.

"Sire, some monsters break into the Palace, and one of them, I believed he's the leader, he demand to see you, sire." He bow his head, waiting for my orders.

Huhm, some duel monsters wanted to see me...now this could be interesting.

When we were back inside the Palace, I saw the palace guards surrounded a tall figure dress in a long purple robe. The Dark Magician? I thought.

Then, I heard a giggle from above, so I raise my head, and saw the Mystical Elf, the Magician of Black Chaos with a boy in his arms, floating in mid air. The boy waved at me. He looks familiar, wait, isn't he the Kuriboh? I think he's the one who giggles.

I look back at the purple figure and called, "Dark Magician?"

He turn. Indeed, he's the Dark Magician, standing in the middle of all these guards, as calm as ever. What caught my breath was the small form in his arms. Not daring to take my eyes off the fragile boy, I gesture the guards to back away, and as I walk toward to the magician, I can hardly breath.

"Yugi...?" I whispered, brush a few bangs away from his pale face. "W-what happened?"

"What happened? That, I shall be asking you, Pharaoh."

I stared at him, his used tone was full of venom, which surprised me greatly.

{Dark's POV}

I think I surprised him, but I don't want him to be surprised, I want him to feel guilty, to be defeated, by me!

"You are his guardian, Yami, it is your job to guard him, to protect him, yet, you had fail, miserably. Therefore, you are no longer his guardian."

This hit him hard, cause I would be dead right now if looks could kill.

"This is none of your concern...I am grateful you had brough Yugi back to me, I--"

"I didn't bring him back to you," what a joke, like I am going to hand Yugi-same to him, not a chance!" I am here merely to get his puzzle, then we'll leave, I will find a way to send him back to where he belongs."

"Dark. Magician, Give. Me. My. Light."

I saw the Sennen eyes glowing dangerously on his forehead, but I am not going to give up that easily.

"No." I said, glaring daggers back at him.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~*~*~

Will they kill each other? And who will Yugi pick?
Yami: I thought this is a Y/Y fic.
Well, it ain't now, i change my mind, I think i'll have some fun before i decide which one of you should pair with Yugi-chan.
Yami:I hate you!
Love you too! If you want to know what happen next, then Please read and review.
Chapter 3 will be up soon, it's already done, I just have to change a few things
before I can update it. There is a surprise in chapter 3, i can't tell you yet, just keep reading, and you'll find out. ^^

luc: *cuddle with Yugi* I am sorry Yugi, it wouldn't happened again, I promised.
Yugi: Y do i alway got...hurt?