Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kinky Clue ❯ yami/joey ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Title: Kinky Clue - Yami/Joey
Author: Vamp468
Rating: NC - 17 (X or M, whichever rating system you go by)
Pairings: Yami/Joey
Feedback: Appreciated.
Author's Notes: I kinda made Yami über-seme, hope you don't mind.
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters of Yu-Gi-Oh.

"Yami and Joey in Billiards Room with the duct tape."

Joey took a deep breath before drawing back the door to the Kaiba Mansion Billiards room. He was almost relieved to see Yami just sitting cross-legged on the pool table, idly turning what looked to be a duel monsters card about in between his finger.

Yami had already removed his jacket, leaving him with a tight black tank top, leather pants and more belts then Joey was in the position to count. The blond felt his mouth go dry as crimson eyes raised to meet his own. He could of sworn he'd seen something faintly predatory behind the gaze, but it was quick as it had come.

Joey leaned back, closing the door with a dull thud. I may be in over my head, he thought as he watched Yami get off the table and slink towards him.

"There's no reason to be nervous," Yami assured with a chuckle, "I won't bite. Atleast not first thing. That'd be jumping the gun." The shorter slid his arms around Joey's neck, effectively lowering his head and allowing Yami slightly better axcess to his mouth.

Which he utilized to it's fullest potential. His lips pressed against the blond's and began to move, slowly, loosening Joey up abit to his blatant advances.

Joey's hands seemed to move on their own accord, sliding behind Yami and pulling him closer to alleviate any space that had been between their bodies. Whereas Yami's hands had moved up and tangled in the thick blond mane.

By this time both tongues were battling for dominance, tasting and pushing at each other. A moan rippled through Joey, allowing Yami's tongue to slip in. Having won the battle Yami pulled back and smiled. That grin widened considerably when Joey's lips tried to follow his own, seeking more contact.

Yami put a finger to the other's lips and gave him a look that clearly said; 'no'. With that he took Joey's hands in his own and led him back towards the pool table. He sat once more on the edge but this time he didn't cross his legs, he left them open so Joey could see the rapidly forming bulge in his pants as he leaned back slightly on his elbows. "Strip."


"You heard me perfectly well Joey, 'strip'." When this did not relieve Joey of the tension that had found it's way back into his shoulders, Yami sat up once more. "From what I've seen, you have nothing to be self conscious about Joey. Besides this is just a game and pretty soon I'll be just as bare as you."

"Yeah, you say it's just a game, but you're the king of games Yami." Joey sighed as the other just smiled. Knowing that this was a battle he would eventually loose, Joey took off his jacket and dropped it to the floor. It was soon followed by every other vestment of his clothing until he stood in front of Yami, exposed and a bit more than half erect. He'd never admit it out loud but striping while the other duelist just sat and watched had been a major turn on.

He looked up to find Yami watching him.

"Alright." Yami turned on the pool table and crawled to the other side, giving Joey a prime view of his leather clad ass. Also, for the first time he noticed that Yami was barefoot, but the thought left his mind and was replaced with the familiar nervousness as Yami reached into a backpack set in the corner of the room and pulled something out. Whatever it was he set it on the far edge of the pool table and made his way back to Joey. "So, you feelin' lucky?"

Yami reached up and brushed a few stray strands of Joey hair out of his face. Those same fingers then slid down to Joey neck, to the jumping pulse. Yami placed a tender kiss to the point as his finger renewed their journey downwards.

The blond let out a hiss of pleasure as Yami's took his neglected length firmly in hand. Yami squeezed it hard and waited until Joey's eyes lost most of the hazy look to speak, "Now I'm going to let go and you're going to do exactly what I say. Okay Joey?"

Joey nodded, and received a kiss as a reward. Yami's tongue slipped in easily this time, as the pad of his thumb ran over the head of Joey's arousal, spreading about the drop of pre cum that had gathered there. This action effectively rendered Joey mindless, allowing Yami to led him onto the pool table.

Once the blond was seated in the middle of the table Yami pushed him onto his back and reached for the object he'd pulled out the bag earlier, duct tape. Joey watched as Yami pulled away a strip, ripped it from the roll, and stuck it to the edge of the pool table in such a manner that it was left hanging, then repeated the action once more.

The smaller duelist moved so that he was straddling Joey's hips and kissed his blond prey once more, distracting him as he brought one arm up and pinned the wrist to the far corner of the pool table and fastened it there with one of the pieces of duct tape before the protest began. Then did the same with the other arm, so they were out of commission.

Yami smiled once more as he went and retrieved yet another item from the bag.

With Yami's body no longer touching his own, Joey's mind began to clear and the worry began to seep back in. He gave an experimental tug at his silver bindings but to no avail. Yami was being so precise in this whole thing that he wondered if this was not the first time the former pharaoh had done something like this. But he shrugged the thought away as Yami moved back into his line of vision, while he'd been in the corner he'd removed both his shirt and belts and unzipped his pants, giving his erect length alittle more room. In his hand he also held a bottle of lube, from what Joey could tell.

Yami once more mounted the pool table and crawled up in better Joey's widely spread legs. With alittle guidance the Puppy, moved his legs so each rested over one of Yami's shoulders. Then, slowly the shorter flipped open the bottle's lid and coated his fingers with a good amount, making Joey wish that his hands were free so he could speed up the process. But within his own good time Yami pulled down his own pants until they were about at hid thigh and leaned in closer to Joey's need.

Joey could practically feel the crimson orbs eyeing his length, before he opened his mouth and took in the head, driving Joey to arch up the tiny bit that he could seeking the heat of his temporary lover's mouth. And giving Yami just the extra room he needed to slide the fingers he had previously covered with lube into Joey's puckered entrance. These acts combined together, forced a loud groan from Joey's lips. One wrought partially of pleasure and partially of frustration.

He desperately wanted to curl his finger's into the other's tri colored hair to force his mouth lower, but that was made impossible by his bindings. His only other option was bucking his hips, but to no avail, since Yami easily subdued his efforts.

Yami's tongue swirled around the head of Joey's length before removing entirely, making a slight growl pass the disgruntled Puppy's lips. The smaller just chuckled before sliding his tongue up the slit on the bottom of his current partners shaft and thrusting yet another finger inside Joey.

When he was satified, and thought Joey had been prepped enough Yami got up on his knees and look down to meet Joey's unfocused gaze, "Are you ready, koinu?"
The blond nodded, and looked as though he was about to say something when he felt Yami's length, fill the void his fingers had left. But if felt so much better, than that.
He groaned once more as pleasure seemed to shoot up his spine, making his vision go white and blurry for a moment, "Yami!" the simple name meaning much more now.
But the other understood, neither of them would last long now. So he gripped Joey's weeping length and pumped it in time with his own thrusts.
Soon the blond came, his seed covering both their stomachs and his inner wall clamping down around Yami, triggering his climax.
After a few minutes passed, Yami's spent length slipped out of Joey, and his legs were placed back down on the pool table.
Yami pulled up his pants abit in looked over at the duct table, still holding strong. "... So... Should I rip it off?"
A/N: Next Chapter: It's Seto and Bakura's turn, with the whip... Either that or Ryou and Marik with the hancuffs. -shrugs-