Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kiss and Tell Hold 'Em ❯ Prologue: Game On ( Prologue )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

ML: All right, ML here, and with this, is now the start of a new era!
Yugi: What are you talking about?
ML: Since I am no longer working on FF.net related material—
(Everyone groans)

ML: Hey, I never say never. Anyway, I've got another one of my lemons.
Kaiba: So what? You're now a lemon master?
ML: For the time being, unless if I have any other ideas. Anyway, this story is basically a sequel to my successful “Yu-Gi-Oh Sexual Truth or Dare” fic. Anyway, I don't own YGO or any authors. There. ROLL IT!
Prologue: Game on
Yugi checked everything off his mental checklist. The pop was in a cooler, the pizza was coming. Perfect. He then heard the doorbell, and saw Joey, Tristan and Duke. Kaiba, Bakura, Noah and Marik would show up soon. As for Yami, he was watching Nagoya vs. Urawa. It was then Yugi decided to throw it in.
“All right guys. It's a five dollar buy-in. You in?” He asked.
Yami, Joey, Tristan, and Duke decided, “Oh yeah!” Each guy threw five bucks into the metal case that Yugi had on the table. You see, it was the weekly poker game, and each guy looked forward to it. It was when after Duke dropped in the five dollars that there was another doorbell ring. Yugi answered, and saw Kaiba, Bakura, Noah and Marik. He explained the terms to the new arrivals, and asked, “Are you in?”
Each one shook their heads yes. $45 was in, and Yugi explained the terms as he shuffled. He dealt the cards, and each guy looked at their hand. Joey decided to call the blind, while Tristan folded. Duke, holding a king/ace off-suit, called as well. Yami raised the pot, while Kaiba called. Bakura and Noah decided to fold. Marik was in, as he decided to call.
Yugi then threw in the flop. It was ace of clubs, three of hearts, jack of spades. Duke smiled. He had the upper hand, while Yami looked a bit neutral. Each player decided to check, and Yugi threw in the turn. It was the ten of clubs. Then Yugi folded, Joey folded too, as did Kaiba. It was now Yami and Duke. Yugi then threw in the River card. It was a four of diamonds. Yami called, and so did Duke. Both showed their hands. Yami had two aces, while Duke had the king of diamonds and the ace of hearts. Yami collected. It was then that Yugi decided to up the ante.
“Guys, I have an idea. First person who folds has to answer a question from the dealer!” Yugi said. Each guy said, “I'm game.” Yugi passed the cards to Joey, and he shuffled and dealt. While each person called, it was Yugi who folded first before the flop came up. After a few short minutes, Kaiba won the pot, and Joey then got the ball rolling, and asked the question to Yugi.
“So Yugi, other than the time Téa surprised you in the locker room, have you had any other surprises from her?” Joey asked, as he gave the deck to Tristan to shuffle.
“Well… now that you think of it…” Yugi began, with a blush in his cheeks…
Well, that's what's going on. R&R!