Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kokoro Konran ❯ Quit Playing Games With My Heart ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kokoro Konran

Inner Turmoil

Five: Quit Playing Games With My Heart


Read at your own risk.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!, or the song 'Quit Playing Games With My Heart'. Backstreet Boys do.

A/N: Way back when in Chapter One, I said that I probably wasn't going to put in many of the usual characters. After going over my notes, I realized I have to take that back. You will see (or at least hear about) all of our usual characters. Bakura, however, will not appear until Chapter 11 or 12, and YamiBakura? Nope, don't think he'll be appearing at all. ^_~

This chapter has minor angst, mostly around Yugi/Yami, so be warned.

Yugi: Read and Review... AND SAVE ME!!! *runs off*

Gatochu: ...

It was midmorning, the sun was shining beautifully, the birds were singing, and everyone was perfectly happy.

"Damn bitch... Why'd she have to go and get herself captured? Why'd I let her?" Rex growled angrily, kicking rocks. "And I suppose I'll have to go and get her, too. Damn it, she's going to get me killed. Serves her right if she does..."

Rex had left his old home the afternoon before, and had since then stayed in his new home, the home he felt more secure in. An alleyway. "Well it's not like she couldn't have tried to run away..." He grumbled, before feeling his waist get pulled into a tight grip.

"Well, maybe..." That same, deep voice whispered into his ear, said. "Maybe she couldn't have run away, little toy... Just like you can't run from me..."

"Let me go..." Rex whispered, his voice shaky.

"I don't think that's going to be happening..." Yami breathed, his lips too close to Rex for comfort. "You see, a friend of yours is lonely... Don't you want to see her?"
"Oh, yes... And you really shouldn't keep her waiting..."

His voice seemed to get even lower, more ...seductive... Rex thought, as he was slowly pulled through the alleyways to that cursed building.

"And so, that's how I ended up twisting my ankle. How about you, you do anything like that?" Kayla asked, her ankles chained.

"I broke my leg once... Roller skating accident... That's about it, though..." A small boy answered.

"Hm... Hey, do you hear something?"
"Yeah. It's Yami... He... He has your friend."
"Damn." She muttered, looking at the door.

"Now, now, didn't your mother ever tell you not to swear," Yami started, dragging Rex up the stairs. "Or did you get it from this trash?" He asked, pulling him towards the two.

"Bastard! Let me go now!" Rex growled.

"No, I don't think so..." He muttered, and chained his ankles down. "I'll be leaving now, I have some things to do." He told them. With one final glare, he turned around and left.

Rex heard a click. 'So he locked us in... Fine...' "So who the hell are you?" He asked, turning towards the boy.

"You... Don't recognize me?"

"You look a hell of a lot like that bastard Yami, that's all I know."

"Oh... I'm Yugi. Yugi Mutou."
"Yugi Mutou? ...Ah, yeah... I remember you now. Famous Duelist kid..."

Yugi chuckled. "Yeah, something like that... But that was a long time ago. I haven't dueled in ages."

"Why's that? And could someone explain dueling?"

"Duel Monsters. It's a card game that's pretty popular. And I haven't played because Yami doesn't let me out of my Soul Room often." Yugi explained.

"Oh... Okay."

"So what's the deal with Yami, anyway? Why's he doing all of this? And when did it start?" Rex asked him.

"Yami... Yami started this about two and a half years ago. I don't remember exactly when, it was mostly a gradual process. At first he just started getting a little moody, then he avoided talking to me..."


"Yami? Can I talk to you? It's important." Yugi asked.

"What's so important that you need to bother me?" Yami grumbled, turning towards his light.

Yugi flinched. "Sorry, but... You've been acting weird lately. And I'm worried about you."

"Well don't be. You have no need to be worried about me... yet..."

"What do you mean?"
"What do you think I mean, Yugi?"
"I don't know. You never talk to me anymore!"
"There's a reason for that."
"Why? What did I do?"
"It's nothing you've done. Now go away." Yami glared, turning.

"I'm not leaving this spot until you tell me what's wrong." Yugi put his hand on the spirit's shoulder. "What happened to you, Yami? You're not acting like yourself..."
"How would you know what my usual self is, Yugi?" He whispered, voice shaking. "You don't know anything about me..."
"Then tell me about yourself. Tell me so I could know..."
"You wouldn't understand. Things are different now. Nothing is the same as it once was."

Yami looked into his eyes, his own eyes strange. To Yugi, it seemed that there was every emotion ever felt within that gaze. "Everything has changed, Yugi... I can never be the same as you once knew me ever again..."

"But why, Yami? Why can't you be the same? Whatever is happening to you... It doesn't have to change your whole life... We can still talk... And joke, and play games... Nothing ever has to change everything, Yami."
"Yes, Yugi... Yes it does... There is something I heard, once... I want it so much... And for that, I have to change my entire life..."
"Why? I could help you get it, whatever it is."

"Ba ar pet sat ar ta. You can't help me with that, Yugi..."
"What does it mean?"

Another gaze that seemed as if it had every emotion ever. "It... It doesn't matter to you, Yugi... It's my business."
"If it's changing you, then it's my business as well. I don't like how you're behaving... It scares me, Yami."
"You have nothing to be afraid of. Not yet. Just promise me one thing, Yugi."
"What is it?"
"Remember this, for it is my last promise to you..."
"Remember what?"
"Ankh ankh an mit-k."

"What... Yami, what does it mean?"
"It means... Live life, not shalt thou die." Yami raised a fist.


"I woke up, hours later, very sore in my Soul Room. I didn't know what was going on. Later, Yami told me that I'd never be going back home... We haven't spoken much since... I hate what he's doing, it's not right."

"Did you ever find out what he meant?" Rex asked.

"'Ba ar pet sat ar ta' What did it mean?"
Yugi's eyes glazed over. "No... No, I didn't. Do you guys want to do something? To help pass the time?"
"You mean we can?" Kayla asked, amazed.

Yugi nodded. "Yeah. As long as everything gets cleaned up before Yami gets back... He hates it when I leave my stuff around..."

"But obviously he doesn't care about leaving his stuff everywhere." Rex added, seeing the trash, beer bottles, clothes, and chains lying everywhere.

"Yeah, I guess... Um... Let me get a puzzle..." He muttered, and walked towards a small shelf. Rex noted that the chain to his ankle was much larger than his or Kayla's, allowing Yugi to walk around almost the entire room.
Yugi walked back, his arms full of puzzles and games. "Here, this ought to help us pass the time. ...You don't know how happy I am to be able to talk to someone."
"What about your friends?" Kayla asked.

"Yami... He hurt them... Pretty badly. I doubt they'd ever want to come near me again, even if I could see them, for fear of what might happen to them... And to be honest with you, I think it's best if they did stay away... So that they don't get hurt again."

"Oh... I'm sorry."
"It's okay, Kayla. You didn't know. So... What do you guys want to do first?" He asked, trying to sound cheerful.

Yugi: *pouts* This isn't fair...

Yami: Tell me about it... And that's what I wanted?! Pishposh!

Gatochu: Oh, hush! Not everyone is going to know what it means, you know!

Rex: Yeah, not everybody knows Ancient Egyptian... So, uh... What is it?
Gatochu: *rollseyes* If I told you that, it would ruin the story!
Yugi: *puppy eyes* Pleaaseee?

Gatochu: ...*whispers*
Yugi: O.o! That's what it means? ...Well, okay. It's your story...

Gatochu: -_-! Meh. ANYways, I had a couple of good questions come my way, and I'm going to answer them as best as I can.

Q) Why would Rex and Weevil just randomly appear at Kayla's house?

A) Okay, that WAS kinda random. But Yami needed to have Rex tell someone, in order to get what he wanted to start going. That doesn't make sense NOW, but in the last or second to last chapter, it WILL make sense.

Q) Why would Rex and Weevil CONTINUE to stay at Kayla's house? Even after they get pants?

A) Okay, that one was a bit harder. So, I decided to interview them to see!

Gatochu: Rex, why do you think your character decided to stay at Kayla's house?
Rex: Aside from the big screen, stereo system, and DVD player?
Gatochu: ...Yeah...

Rex: Well, I think mainly he was searching for a friend. After living on the streets for almost two years, ya know?

Weevil: Or it was just the food.
Rex: Oh, yeah... Yeah, it was the food.

Weevil: Food good...

Gatochu: Ah hah... Well, there you have it, folks!

Kokoro Konran

Inner Turmoil

Six: As Long As You Love Me (PREVIEW)

The Demon is still lurking... Chains are still strong... Is there any hope..?