Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kokoro Konran ❯ As Long As You Love Me ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Kokoro Konran

Inner Turmoil

Six: As Long As You Love Me


Read at your own risk.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!, or the song 'As Long As You Love Me'. Backstreet Boys do. Monopoly, Clue, and Sorry all belong to their respective owners.

A/N: I suppose that this is one of those chapters that every author(ess) hates writing. It's a filler chapter. Blech. The title does NOT in ANY WAY mean that Kayla, Yugi, Rex, Yami, or any of the other characters are going to fall in love. It's more of a deep friendship.

And as for 'ba ar pet sat ar ta', you'll find out it's meaning in the last or second to last chapter. Or, you can cheat, and read up on E. A. Wallis Budge's works and try to find it there. ^_~

About what Tristan says about midgets running, it's really a lot more correct than you'd think. ^_^; I know, because a lot of my friends are Midget-people. Lol.

Oh, and for all the Joey and Tristan and Yugi fangirls out there... *hides behind Mako* Don't kill me! Pleasies? It's Yami's fault, really!

Yami: *sighs* Well, read and review... *whispering* Or, you could plan some way to break us out of here!

"So... What do you guys want to do first?" Yugi asked, motioning to the large stack of puzzles and games. "I've got just about everything. Monopoly, Clue, Sorry, and a bunch more!"
Rex turned his head aside. "I'm not interested in board games." He muttered, staring at a bloodstained portion of the wall. "What I'd like to know is how the hell did this place get so crapped up?"

Yugi sighed. "Yami has... A lot of fits of anger. And he's always depressed... Somehow blood seems to make him much happier. Every so often he'll drag some poor wanderer off the street and..." Yugi stopped, his point had already been made.

"Damn. What... Does he do with the bodies?"

"He feeds them to his... His pets. Spiders, gigantic ones. Almost as tall as me." Yugi answered, paling. "The only thing they'll eat is human flesh. But they only eat about once a month..."

"Where did the spiders come from?" Kayla asked, morbid interest rising within her.

"Yami created them. He took a few black widows, and found some way to cross breed them with tarantulas... Then he made them even bigger and stronger with Shadow Magic from the Puzzle... He almost always carries around the smallest one. It's his favorite. I think it's the only thing that gives him joy..."
"A boy and his demonic pet spider... Yeah, that's the next big hit." Rex snorted.

Yugi chuckled. "Well, it's better than him having nothing to keep him from causing complete chaos... Right?"

"I suppose that's one way of looking at it..."

He sighed, and looked up at the sky. The noontime sun was starting to eat away at the shadows, making them smaller. It was always hottest at this time of day, in Khemet. Egypt, he thought, was a far better place. The weather was predictable, and you could wander around all day, only thinking, and not be distracted by frivolous things. This modern age... He hated it. It was always loud, people were rushing, running, never stopping.


What he would give to go back. Ah, well. There was much more to be done here, in the present, than in a past that couldn't be changed. The future, though, was something he looked forward to. He could feel it... He wished for it with all his being. It plagued his every waking hour, and in his dreams it haunted him. Years, now, it had escaped him. But now... Now, it was but a moment away. He could sense it. He knew... It was close... It was taunting him now, teasing him... Egging him on as he struggled to grasp it. But not for long. In his mind, his hand was tightly grasping it, closing that hand into a firm fist more and more as the days slowly dragged by.

But soon... The days wouldn't slip by so slowly anymore. A tiny smile, genuine, too faint for most to see, fell upon the face of the former Pharaoh. Soon.

"So... Whatever happened to those friends of yours? I don't want to poke in your business or anything, but, I'm bored, and it'll keep me awake..." Rex said, rolling a pair of die.

"Well... It was a little bit after I had woken up in my Soul Room. Yami had taken control, and was just walking around the streets, looking. I didn't know it then, but he was trying to find a place to stay at the time. Anyway, that's when two of my best friends, Joey and Tristan came by..."


"Yami, hey!" Joey exclaimed. "What's up?"
Yami glanced at the taller boys slightly as he pushed them aside and continued walking down the street path.

"What's with him? Think he's mad at us?" Tristan asked.

"Uh... I dunno. He did give us a couple o' really cold stares, ya know? I don't think we did anything, though." Joey shrugged and jogged up to meet the Spirit. "Hey, pal? Did we do something wrong?"
"Leave me be." He growled, not looking at him.

Joey stared in shock, though kept walking beside his friend. "Didja get in a fight with Yugi?"
"There was no fight. Now go." He replied shortly, eyeing the empty buildings and warehouses.

"Well, then, can I ask where Yugi is?"
Yami gave an annoyed sigh. "He is in his Soul Room. And I'm not going to tell you again. Leave me alone." He met their eyes with his, cold and hardened.

"All right, all right. Just one last thing. Can we speak to Yugi? I mean, if you aren't going to tell us anything, maybe he will."
"You will not be seeing Yugi anymore. Ever."
"Say what? What the hell's that supposed to mean?" Tristan asked.

Yami stopped and turned around. "Let me try to put this in words easy enough for the two of you to understand. Yugi is in his Soul Room. And I'm making sure that that is his permanent home. He is in no harm. But if you continue to annoy me, I can assure you, that you will be."

"What the hell's the matter with you?" Joey growled. "'Cuz if you're keepin' Yugi hostage, and you're starting to make threats to us, somethin's gotta be seriously wrong. So spill. Now."

The smaller boy's eyes narrowed. "Don't give me orders." He hissed, the Puzzle hanging from his neck glowing faintly. His eyes suddenly shifted towards a tall, falling down building in the distance. "There, that building. The tall one. What is the fastest way there? Tell me." He asked.

Tristan blinked in shock. "Well now look who's giving orders."

He pointed to an alleyway. "Right there. Through that alley. But that's the worst part of the city. Nobody ever really goes in there without coming out in bad shape."
Yami paused, halfway to the entrance, and chuckled. "Is that so? What kind of bad shape?"
"Just about everything from what I've heard. Drug dealers, prostitutes, gangs, rapes, murders, burglary, and a lot of drunks." Joey answered. "Why? And what's with that look on your face? I don' like it."

"Good for you." He answered before running into the alleyway.

"Hey! Come back here!" Tristan yelled, and started to race after him. The two followed the former Pharaoh, watching him take twists and turns, always seeming to lead closer to that old building.

"Man... We really need to work out more..." Joey gasped as they followed him, never seeming to catch up to him.

"Well... You know what they say... Tall people can walk fast... But those midgets sure can run!" Tristan called out, forcing a smile.

"Heh... Yeah..." They slowed down, seeing Yami come to a stop at the front of the building.

"This building... What was it used for... And is it still being used?" He asked, examining the stone, the height, everything.

Tristan leaned on the cement wall, trying to catch his breath. "It uh... I think it was gonna be a hotel or something, a long time ago... Maybe around twenty or thirty years back. They uh... They stopped the inside construction, though. It's completely abandoned."

"Abandoned, hm..?" Yami muttered, half to himself as he turned the door knob. "It's open..." Amusement filled him. It was working just like he planned it. A large, building. And, he thought, seeing the inside, very spacious.

"Now. Back to the important stuff. What the hell were you talking about back there?" Joey asked.

"It doesn't matter. It's of no importance to you..." Yami told them, eying the ceiling.

"I think it does matter. Yugi's our friend. You say you've got him trapped in his Soul Room? Well, that's a bit of a problem. So listen up. You're our friend too, and if there's somethin' that's making you act all crazy, or whatever, just tell us. 'Cuz we can help you. But if you're not goin' to be reasonable, then-" Tristan started.
"Enough of your talking. I don't need lectures from you. Now, for the last time, get away. Don't talk to me, don't come near me, don't be in my sight. Go." He said, his voice eerily calm as he stroked a pillar.

"All right, that's it!" Joey yelled and grabbed Yami's coat collar. "Enough of your attitude!"

"You'd do best to let me go now." The smaller boy said with a twisted smile and a near-joyous tone of voice. "Or I'll be forced to hurt you."

Joey watched as the Millennium Puzzle started to glow. "Listen. No more threats. Now let's just settle this, right now."
"I think you should let me go."

"Yami..." Tristan growled.

The Spirit's eyes narrowed, and the Puzzle's glow brightened, filling the dark room.

"I said, Joseph, let me go. NOW!" Yami growled, and the blonde flew back.

"Joey!" Tristan called. "You okay, man?"
He pushed himself up off the ground, and brushed a thick layer of dust off his clothes. "Yeah... Yeah, no problem." He grunted.

Yugi watched in horror from his Soul Room. It couldn't be happening, could it? The fists hitting his best friends, they weren't his Yami's. The blood... It couldn't have been shed by the Spirit. But it was.

Yugi couldn't let his friends get hurt. He couldn't... He raced to his Soul Room door, and grabbed the handle. Locked... He concentrated, putting all of his mental energies towards opening that door.

Tristan hit a marble pillar, and slumped to the ground. Both the physical and magical energies of Yami combined were too much for the two teens. Neither of them could fight anymore, any moves they made were purely defensive. The brunette couldn't help but wonder why Yami was still attacking. He'd proved his point, whatever that was. He'd gotten the two down, they could barely protect themselves. So why was he still attacking..?

Yugi broke through the door of his Soul Room, and ran through the shadowed halls, and there, in the main chamber, his dark half stood.

"It'd be in your best interests, Yugi," the Dark One started. "If you'd went back to your room."

"You're hurting them."
"It must be done." He said, shrugging his shoulders.

"I won't let you do this, Yami!"
The other turned his head around to face him. "There is nothing you can do." He snarled, and turned back around.

'Oh yes there is...' He thought, and tackled his other half.

"You! What are you -" he was cut off as he realized his control was loosening.

Joey squeezed his eyes, awaiting the blow. He slowly opened them, surprised.

"J-Joey..." A voice muttered.

"Yug'! Yugi, what's goin' on?" He asked as the tight grip on his jacket collar was released slowly.

"Get Tristan... Run, ru-run far... Go!" He gasped, and fell to his knees.

"But Yugi... What about you?" Joey asked, helping Tristan up.

"I... Go! I c-can't hold him much longer..."

Yugi struggled to keep Yami down, and fought to keep control of his body, his actions. It was too much. The strain was great, and any second his mind would reject it, and it would be over.

"I... Go! I c-can't hold him much longer..." He forced the words to come, and felt beads of sweat forming on his brow.

"That's right, Yugi... You know you can't hold me back, it's impossible. I'm so much more stronger than you. Now, I'm going to count to five. And if you retreat willingly before I stop, I won't be too hard on you when I deal out your punishment... One."

Joey and Tristan paused, looking at their friend.

"See ya, pal." Joey muttered, and the two ran as fast as their sore bodies allowed them to.

"Four." Yami counted, slightly amused his light had not given up yet. But, then, he thought, it wasn't like Yugi to give up. No... He had the same love of challenges and determination as himself. "Five." The Spirit pushed Yugi off, and regained control.

Yugi lay on the ground, gasping. "Why..? Why are you doing this?" He asked, and found himself in hotel room. He looked up into Yami's eyes. "Why?"

Yami knelt beside him. "Ah, my little Yugi... So naive... You still don't understand, do you? After all this time, all the clues, all the hints I've given you. I have even told you why I'm doing this."
"In a language I don't know much about... Yami... Please stop this, and let me help you..."
The Spirit chuckled. "My little Yugi... You really think that you can help me? What would you do, hm? You can do nothing. Nothing!"
"I can try." He said, eyes firmly looking into the others.

"No. No, little one, there is nothing you can do... Nothing..." He murmured, and slid his hand up the small one's shirt.

Yugi's eyes widened. "Y-Yami..?"

"Hush, now... I did tell you you would be punished, didn't I?" He asked, and felt the smooth skin underneath. "And you've already gotten me very, very upset... You wouldn't want to anger me further, would you..?" He said, quietly, moving his hand lower, lower, until it slid down the younger one's pants.

"Please what?" He asked, rubbing his hand up and down Yugi's hip, his thigh.

"Please stop..." Yugi whispered, fear lacing his voice.

Yami pulled his hand out, and slowly unzipped both of their pants. Yugi's eyes were saucers, and fear was his only emotion. The Dark One pulled down their underwear, and rubbed the younger boy's penis. "But Yugi..." He answered, as he aligned himself just right. "Where would the fun be in that..? Stopping right now?"
"Please, Yami... Please don't... Ple-" He yelled as pain filled him. There was no other feeling. Just pain. Only pain. Lots of pain. Over and over it came as the Dark One pushed himself in and out of the Light. Too much... It was too much.

Finally it was over. Yugi huddled in a ball, half naked, blood and other bodily fluids around him. He closed his eyes and sobbed.

Yami: O.O!
Yugi: *faints*

Gatochu: ...Well, I think that went well!
Yami: WHAT?! *attempts to strangle the author*
Gatochu: ...Oh, come on! This chapter took a very long time to write! And those last few paragraphs were torture!
Yami: Yeah, sure. Right. Whatever. I'm going to lock myself in my trailer and never come out again.

Gatochu: ...*sighs* Fiine... Oh, guys! Wanna hear somethin' funny? When Joey says 'Yug!', my dictionary wants to replace that with 'Bug!' Lol. Spell Checkers are evil, ne?

Kokoro Konran

Inner Turmoil

Seven: Complicated (PREVIEW)

Chains can sometimes be broken... There is sometimes a light in the darkness... Sometimes...