Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ KUM ❯ Chapter One ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: KUM
Author: Dvorak
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Kaiba/Jounouchi, mentions of Jounouchi/OC
Beta: Jennie B, with the help of Rienna Hawkes
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, or any of its characters.
Summary: Jounouchi is just your regular, ordinary journalist, trying to make it in today's cruel world. But that world gets even crueler when he finds himself interviewing one of the most dangerous men ever known. Halloween is no longer a matter of tricks nor treats, it's a matter of life and death in Kyoto Underground Maximum.
Chapter One
To say that Jounouchi was scared was an understatement. Frankly, the young man had never been more terrified or excited in his entire life. This was the moment he had been waiting for, and the one he dreaded most.
The boss had given him the interview that would make or break his career. Jou couldn't mess up now; the young journalist was about to meet one of the most famous and powerful people in the world. This man was a living legend, and renowned for all the wrong reasons.
“Why am I doing this again? Oh yeah; money, prestige, a once in a lifetime opportunity…” Katsuya Jounouchi said as he hopped off the private jet, smelling the cool breeze of his native country, Japan. A sleek limo pulled up, and the driver stepped out to open the door for the blonde. Yes, Jou was a man of importance, and not a day over twenty two.
As his luggage was carried over to the car, Jou walked to the limo, and climbed into the backseat. Once in the vehicle, he spotted a manila envelope resting on the black seat across from him. The journalist opened the folder and read through the contents. After thoroughly examining them, Jou swallowed the large lump that had formed in his throat. It seemed that, due to a miscommunication and a problem with some security issues, the interview would have to be done immediately - not that his nerves weren't shot already.
“This is not going to be easy,” he said as the limo pulled into Kyoto Underground Maximum, the highest security prison in all of Japan. The young man had been studying the compound for the last week. It was a level 4, maximum-security men's prison, housing close to 3,500 men, all locked up for the most heinous of crimes—murder, child molestation, rape, assault…the list went on. Prisoners were kept in their cells for twenty-two to twenty-three hours a day, often in solitary confinement. Other resources stated it was a place where everything was all about respect, and inmates lived by a code of silence enforced by other inmates. It was another form of sensory isolation for the convicts. It was harsh, but just, considering their crimes.
Jounouchi almost felt bad for coming here. He wasn't in fear for his own physical safety, but for that of his love life. The relationship was already rocky, but the Japanese man loved his new, American girlfriend more than life itself. And that was why he was here, so that he could support her in the future. Though he couldn't help but cringe as he remembered how she took the news of his departure:
“You're gonna WHAT?!” The high pitched scream did little good for Jounouchi's sensitive hearing.
“Uh, interview someone?”
“Not just SOMEONE, Katsuya,” the redhead spat.
He felt bad, he really did. She was just concerned for his life. “Tara, please let me do this. I'll be fine!” Grabbing both of her hands, Jou began to kiss them tenderly. “Please?” he whispered.
The petite woman finally nodded her head in consent, still hoping that her lover would change his mind. “When do you leave, and when is this `meeting'?”
To the blonde, this was a good sign. Tara was asking questions, so she was considering it. Now all he had to do was go with the flow. “I actually leave Thursday afternoon. The interview is the next Monday.”
“Monday?” she questioned.
“Yes. Why?” The redhead immediately burst into a small fit of giggles. Katsuya became very puzzled by her behavior. `Maybe it's just to relieve stress?' he wondered.
“Oh, the irony is too good!” she said, seeing her lover's confused expression. “Monday is the 31st of October. Halloween.”
`I guess it would have been funny interviewing a mass murderer on All Hallow's Eve. My luck finally got better with this sudden change. But still, it could take a couple of days to make the video.' Jou thought. Turning back now was out of the question; Jounouchi knew that as soon as he had accepted the job, although a part of him still regretted putting his life in so much danger. It was said that his `client' usually struck on Halloween night because the bodies were usually found in early November - but those were just rumors.
The limo pulled to an immediate stop after driving to the back of the prison. Looking around, the blonde was shocked to find that the building wasn't all that big. `Well, I guess it ~is~ big. But I just thought it would be...bigger.' The design of the complex was simple enough, but Jou still felt a bit uneasy. `How could they fit over 3,500 inmates in that little shack?'
Jou felt the driver's door shut right a few seconds before his opened. As the blonde stepped out, five security officers began to pat him down, searching for anything dangerous that the prisoners could use against him. Shortly after, Jounouchi's brief case was opened and searched.
“Mr. Jounouchi, there are to be no paperclips, pens, pencils, or even staples. You must remove the ones you have once we get inside.” Jou nodded his head, understanding that the procedure was necessary. “You do not wear blue—that's for inmates. There are also no cell phones allowed—security risk.”
“Umm, is my partner here by any chance?” he asked, before things could get even more involved with the inspection.
“Yes, Mr. Taylor arrived twenty minutes ago.” Jou was relieved that his best friend was there to support him. If anyone could calm the Japanese man's nerves, it was the American Katsuya had come to know as his best friend and confidante. “A few more things before we enter the compound.”
After an hour, Jou had finally run through the endless series of metal gates and security checks, coming at last to a single, metal door. The officer he had been following stopped and cautioned him that they were about to enter the prison.
“Huh? I thought we were in the prison?”
“No, the inmates are actually kept underground. That is why we call it the Kyoto Underground Maximum. And if you are taken hostage, you freedom will not be negotiated if it means the release of a prisoner - so stay as far away as you can from the cells - especially now that they're getting all riled up for Halloween on Monday.” The officer actually felt bad for the young reporter. He was very good looking; too good looking for a place like this. The inmates would eat him up and spit him out in no time.
“Whoa!” Jou said as he saw the long flights of stairs leading to the underground compound.
“Don't be intimidated. We will have to pass a certain section to get to your room. Mr. Taylor is waiting there and the equipment is already set up.”
Jounouchi looked up at the taller man walking ahead of him. “What section are you talking about?” The officer didn't answer him, which made the blonde even more nervous than before. After the stairs ended, Jou was led through even more doors; each needing a key card provided by the officer and voice recognition.
“Hey, look at that piece of ass!”
“Fellas, we got a fresh one! Pretty, too!”
Jounouchi cringed at the inmates' vulgar attempts for entertainment. Soon after, the young man was escorted into a large room set up with a single table and two chairs. Tristan occupied one of them.
“Joey, what's up, man?” the American said, using Katsuya's adopted name from the U.S.
“I am so glad you're here. I thought the boss would pair me up with Kyle,” Jounouchi smiled.
“Well, with this guy, you're gonna need all the help you can get. You know I don't like you doing this. He will actually see your face and know your name.”
“Just my first name, Tris. No worries. I'll even use my American name.”
The brunette nodded. “How did Tara take the news? I left a week before you did for that subway accident in Tokyo,” Tristan asked, fiddling with his video recorder.
“Better than expected considering I'm here and we haven't split yet,” Jou smiled, remembering the bet Tristan had placed on him concerning his sexual preferences. Nope, Katsuya was straight for the most part; though he did have an appreciation for the same sex. Calling him bisexual wouldn't be the correct term for Jou. More like bicurious.
“Okay, well, let's set up. He'll be here in five minutes.”
“He?” Jou's heart skipped a beat and his veins ran cold as reality came crashing back.
“Yes, Joey. The murderer slash rapist you are interviewing, which will make you thousands once it reaches Prime Time. Remember now?” Tristan stated, nonchalantly. Jou just punched him hard in the shoulder.
After five, slow minutes had passed, they were ready. And apparently, so were the guards. Jounouchi and Tristan were escorted to the back of the room as two large men with guns stood in front of them. When they were able to look past the burly guards, they saw him. He was chained from head to foot, barely able to even walk into the room. There were three officers around him, making sure everything was secure enough for the interview.
The only thing that could be heard were the loud chains clanking as the murderer sat in the uncomfortable, wooden chair. Jou almost felt bad for him. “Poor guy,” he whispered to himself.
The blonde tried to study his face, but even that had a mouth guard over it. All Jounouchi could see were his amazing blue eyes.
After everything was situated, the mask was finally removed. “We are ready for you, Joey,” the guard said, knowing to keep everything on a first name basis.
As the guards cleared out, the three men were left alone in the room. Jounouchi signaled Tristan, who stood behind the recorder, ready to shoot. The blonde slowly walked over to the desk and sat in the chair. He looked up to find a blank face staring at him. `This man; he is so empty,' Jou thought, still admiring the other's facial features. `But good looking.'
“Umm, for the record, you still agree to do this interview, knowing it will be broadcast on network television?” he stated more than asked.
The other man only nodded his head.
“Then let's get started, Mr. Kaiba.”