Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ KUM ❯ Chapter Three ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Title: KUM
Author: Dvorak
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Kaiba/Jounouchi, mentions of Jounouchi/OC
Beta: Jennie B, with the help of Rienna Hawkes
Spoilers: None
Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh, or any of its characters.
Summary: Jounouchi is just your regular, ordinary journalist, trying to make it in today's cruel world. But that world gets even crueler when he finds himself interviewing one of the most dangerous men ever known. Halloween is no longer a matter of tricks nor treats, it's a matter of life and death in Kyoto Underground Maximum.
Chapter Three
The late October air caressed the goose bumps that had formed on Jounouchi's sensitive skin. He'd been restless, and the walk he'd decided to take at two am was doing little to help his nerves. Ever since he left KUM, he couldn't think about anything else other than Seto Kaiba. His intuition was telling him to quit; to run back to America and make love to his girlfriend all night long - but Jounouchi doubted that he could even do that. His mind had not only been bombarded with his fear of the murderer, but also of his lust for those deep, blue eyes. “This is going to get worse before it gets better,” Jou mumbled, kicking a stone thirty feet in front of him.
`I wonder what Seto's doing right now…'
Once again, Jounouchi and Tristan were led through the security procedures and checked for anything dangerous. It had not taken as long as the previous day, but, a good thirty minutes were taken from their young lives.
For once in his life, the blonde's heart was racing. He couldn't even catch his breath to speak properly. Tristan saw this strange behavior and knew that something had to be said to his friend. “Joey, man. I don't think we should do this. I mean, this is Seto fucking Kaiba for God's sake!”
Jou sighed, understanding why his friend was so concerned. His mind had to be put at ease in order for the interview to be successful. “Funny, I didn't think you believed in God,” the journalist teased, trying to make light of the situation.
“Don't be kidding around, man. This stuff is serious. I think we should bail. You know Kaiba has connections with the outside,” Tristan said.
“I doubt it; for some reason…I don't think he would want anyone else to do it. He would consider that rude, ya know?”
The American said nothing more once he and Jou were escorted into that familiar, cold room. Everything was just as they had left it; nothing had been touched. “Welp, let's do this, then. You know I trust ya, man,” Tristan enthused, patting Jounouchi on the back.
Little did he know, the blonde was scared shitless. He knew Seto Kaiba was a `hands on' kind of murderer. But that didn't stop the psychological torment that he was so good at. The CEO had been through years of discipline and training to be the best businessman there was. He had majored in several areas, some Jou had never even heard of. Kaiba wasn't stupid, that much was certain - but he was one crazy fuck with a good education. That in itself was a dangerous combination.
A loud speaker erupted into the room, causing Jou to jump slightly. “Gentlemen, the guards are going to open the doors to bring in Mr. Kaiba. Please step to the back of the room.”
As the two complied, the metal door opened. The same procedure was followed as yesterday; the guards left nothing to chance. Once again, the blonde heard the dead clanking of chains as Seto Kaiba walked into the room and sat in the chair.
One of the larger guards moved to undo the latching on the face mask at the back of the brunette's head. Pulling the leather garment from Seto's face, the man made sure to stay far away from his mouth. “There you go; have a nice interview.”
And for the second time, Jounouchi and Tristan were left alone with the stark, blue eyes that belonged to the one and only Seto Kaiba. “Mr. Kaiba, how are you today?” Jou asked, sitting in the seat across from the rapist.
“Seto,” Kaiba corrected.
Kaiba merely grunted, “I am much better now, thank you.”
Jou sweat-dropped, clearing his throat in attempt to save face. Tristan just laughed at him from behind the camera. “Well, let's just get right to the questioning.” Jou lifted his head to look into Kaiba's face, stopping short as he gaped at the pink tongue licking those flush lips. “Here is the breakdown of your life. You were molested by your parents, and then social services came to get you and your brother. Mr. Gozaburo Kaiba adopted you both - and then he dies, leaving you in charge of the largest military corporation in the world. Pretty fortunate turn of events for an orphan, wouldn't you agree?” Seto shrugged at the rhetorical question. “It was never proven, but did you kill Gozaburo Kaiba to have complete control over his company?”
The brunette narrowed his eyes, angry that this low-class reporter could dig up information as deep as that. The case was dropped almost fifteen years ago when detectives had no evidence to prove why Gozaburo would jump out of a window. They concluded it was a suicide. “I weakened the glass by placing small cracks along the base. Gozaburo had a habit of leaning on the window with his full weight. He wasn't a small man, so the window naturally gave in. But when it happened, I was far away in America attending Harvard, so the incident was never connected to me. You must have excellent resources, mister…?”
“Call me Joey.”
“Funny,” Kaiba pointed out. “You are full-blooded Japanese, yet you have an American name? I consider lying to be very rude. I have been nothing but honest with you. The least you can do is to be truthful with me, Katsuya.”
“How…?!” Jounouchi didn't know how this prisoner could have learned his name in such a short amount of time. He had thought his identity was safe.
“I knew your name long before you came to this dystopia. Believe me, Mutt, I have more outside connections than you could even imagine,” Kaiba smirked, flashing his trademark grin. He was satisfied with the fact that since they had met; the brunette had managed to outsmart his counterpart three times. “How has Kara been? Last I heard, you and she were having quite a few problems in bed. And I believe I know the reason.”
Jounouchi cleared his throat. He needed to take control of the situation and not let some chained maniac mess with his head. “My personal life is none of your business, Mr. Kaiba,” he remarked.
“But mine is?” Kaiba spat. “It was not my choice to do this interview. And yet, I have been totally cooperative with all of your questioning. I only ask for the same gratitude.”
“So, what you're saying is you won't share unless I do?”
“Exactly. I want to know everything there is to learn about you, Mutt. Not just the facts, the family, the lovers. I want to know your experiences from the primary source. Secondary references are below me, and not as entertaining.”
“Fine, one question…and then we continue the interview as planned.”
Kaiba nodded his head, knowing that there would be much more to come later. “How did Daddy treat you?” The brunette had recognized the `bad father' syndrome in Jounouchi as soon as the lithe blonde had opened his mouth.
And, as expected, Katsuya paled considerably. `How could he know? I-I have never told anyone about that, not even my own mother. But, if I don't answer him, I will never uncover his deep secret. I know that there is something he's hiding. And I bet it has something to do with his brother.'
“Are you going to answer? Are you ashamed of your father?”
“Yes, I am very ashamed of him.” Jounouchi knew he had to elaborate; Kaiba wouldn't be happy with just that trite answer. Jou felt the heated stare on him from behind. “He didn't treat me like a father should a son. And, for future reference, don't call me a mutt. I ain't a damned dog!” The blonde became furious as he finally recognized the cheap shots being made by the one-time CEO of Kaiba Corp.
Kaiba was pleased with the reaction; now all he needed to do was push a little, and the blonde would snap, ruining his future career in journalism. “Sorry, it's just that when I see a person, for some reason, they automatically remind me of some kind of animal. Your camera friend over there actually resembles a monkey to me. You…canine.”
`Hey, that was low. He's just lucky I need to film every second of this interview.' Tristan thought irritably, pointing the lens directly in Seto Kaiba's face. `At least that bastard is stuck in here and not out in society.'
To Kaiba's immense surprise, Jounouchi actually kept his cool. That was what made him the best reporter on the market. Young, good looking, determined, and talented; those were all qualities that this man possessed - and Kaiba admired him for it.
`I like him…' This sudden epiphany struck his cold heart like a ton of bricks. Seto Kaiba had never liked anyone he had known. Even Mokuba was a person the brunette had simply tolerated for the sake of his public image. But this Katsuya really struck a cord within the murderer. He didn't know if we wanted to break both of his pretty, frail hands or simply tie them together and fuck his brains out. While the latter seemed to be the better choice, Kaiba did not like this new weakness he was feeling. And because of this, Seto made the decision that he would take Katsuya Jounouchi into his arms before Halloween was over. He just hadn't decided what to do with him yet.
“I will ignore that last comment so this interview can proceed as smoothly as possible,” the blonde retorted. “In your life, who were you closest to? Did you actually have a lover? Or did your little brother hold that murdering heart of yours?” His questions were getting bolder, as if he were trying to antagonize the infamous Seto Kaiba.
“Mokuba meant nothing to me; no one did. I am just glad that brat is dead so I don't have to put him to bed anymore.”
“But you seemed to care a lot about him when you both made public appearances.” Jou entwined his fingers together, resting his chin on both hands.
Kaiba sighed, shifting in his uncomfortable chains. “And that's all it was, good publicity. He took no part in my life, I made sure of that,” Kaiba said, looking away from Jounouchi for a split second. `Damn it, I am letting my guard down. It wasn't supposed to go this far.'
“Younger siblings can be a pain, I know. But that wasn't any reason to hate him.”
“I did not say that I hated him. I felt nothing for Mokuba.”
Jounouchi laughed as if he knew something everyone else didn't. Even Kaiba was puzzled by his strange behavior. “I was wondering why you were brief and nonchalant about the death of Mokuba Kaiba. And now I know why. You killed and raped your own brother, didn't you? He got too close to the truth, so you had to silence him.”
Seto's eyes widened at the realization that Jounouchi could uncover something as deep as that. “You're wrong on one thing. Yes, I raped and killed my own brother. But your reasoning is not sound. Do not try to analyze me, Dog.” Kaiba's eyes narrowed. “I killed him because he made me weak. I started to care for him like a brother should - but that care became much more. I suppose it was from the molestation I experienced as a child.” Kaiba paused, thinking about that night when he had approached Mokuba for the last time.
“So you killed him because you loved him too much?”
“Exactly. When I initiated the sexual contact, he was very submissive. I didn't think he would actually concede to my wishes. I came to find out that he, too, was molested, but at an even younger age than myself. To Mokuba, what we did was not rape. He enjoyed my love to the fullest, and never looked back. But…” Kaiba waited for Jounouchi to make some comment on how sick he was, how filthy he should feel. But when Seto looked into those warm, honey colored eyes across from him, all he saw was compassion. “…But I felt like I ~had~ raped him, and I was no better than my parents had been. I had taken advantage of his naïve nature. He didn't deserve life, because life is pain. I had put him through too much already, so I ended Mokuba's hurt.”
“And you lived on with the burden,” Jounouchi stated, softly.
Kaiba's throat cleared. “Yes; I thought that I would redeem myself by killing other parents who had molested and raped their children. I decided to return the favor in full.”
“That's why you raped them all.” Kaiba nodded his head.
“After a while, it became second nature to me. I didn't feel anything, and I still don't. Do not think of me as some soft-hearted murderer, because that is not what I became.”
“What ~did~ you become, Seto?”
“I became life itself. And at the same time, I was the one to take it away. I am pain, pain is life. The cynicism of society has nothing on me,” Kaiba stated. In truth, he didn't care if people knew his secret or not. He just wanted to get the blonde's guard down so he could use it to his advantage later. His plan was working perfectly.
“I understand a little more of your reasoning. And as good as it may be, there is no just cause for raping and killing those people. You could have handed them over to the authorities and-”
“And what? They would have been out within months, back to molesting their children or possibly others,” argued Kaiba. “No, there was no other way.”
“Is it true that you killed all of your victims on Halloween, spanning over three years?”
“That is true.”
“Why Halloween of all dates?”
“I was celebrating the holiday, of course. Traditionally, people dressed up as evil spirits to ward off the actual ghouls and ghosts that would visit their towns. I simply altered the tradition. Instead of dressing up as a ghost with a white sheet over my head, I masqueraded myself as the rapists the parents had become. They were the evil spirits I had to ward off, and I made sure that they would never come back to their children.”
“So the children were essentially the town, and you were their savior from the demons that would damage them?”
Jounouchi looked at his watch, realizing that their time was up. He couldn't let the interview end here; he was getting so close to knowing everything about Seto Kaiba. And, even though he did ~not~ want to interview Seto Kaiba on Halloween, he found he had no other choice. “I am sorry, Seto, but we are done for the day. Our session ended two minutes ago. I am surprised that the guards haven't come to get you yet.”
Kaiba stood in his chair, showing security from the surveillance camera, that he was done. “I will see you tomorrow, Katsuya. And I would like to have a little interview of my own with you, so be prepared.” With that said, the guards came in, unchaining his bindings from the chair and escorting the brunette out of the room.
Halloween was going to be much different this year.