Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Last Goodbye ❯ Last Goodbye ( One-Shot )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

KnM(aka, Kel): Okays, this was a sudden inspiration. Don't flame at me for putting in Nityra, I'm very proud of her. Nityra is MY character and she ish wonderful ^_^

Nityra: That's right! ^_^ Kel-chan, however, does not own Yu-Gi-Oh or any of it's characters.

KnM: And I know what you might be thinking, but this is. not. a. romance. fic. It's just very close, treasured, and true friendship.

Last Goodbye

Yugi sat on the bench at lunch time, looking thoughtful and sad. Jounouchi walked over and joined his best friend at the bench, smiling at him gently.

"Hey, what's up, Yug'? Ya look kinda down in the dumps." Jou asked, concern evident in his voice.

"Hm? Oh, it's nothing Jou, I'm just sad because of an article I read in the newspaper today..." Yugi replied with a dejected sigh.

"Ya? What about?" Jounouchi blinked curiously.

"This poor girl I read about, she commited suicide. From Kyoto, if I remember right... Name was Nityra Kamuzi," Yugi looked down and bit his lip. Jounouchi gasped.

"N...no way...! Yug' you're jokin' right? Tell me you're jokin'!" Jounouchi looked at Yugi pleadingly, wishing, praying, that it wasn't true. Yugi shook his head sadly.

"No, that's what I read, Jou, I just can't believe someone would take their own life, there's so much out there! Jou....? What's wrong? I'm sorry, I didn't think it would upset you so much...!" Yugi looked at Jounouchi, worried and apologetically. Jounouchi looked down, his long, golden blond bangs hiding his expression, but you could easily tell he was upset.

"I can't believe it.... 'Tyra-chan..." Yugi blinked.

"Jounouchi, you knew her?" Yugi looked even more worried now, but curious as well. Jounouchi nodded, eyes shut tightly in a frantic attempt to stop the tears welling up in his eyes.

"Ya, back when I lived in Kyoto... No one had ever liked Nityra. She was always dressed in black and nothin' ever fazed her. She was always so stoic... Back then, everyone thought she was creepy and stayed away from her, including me," He admitted guiltily, "but then, one day when I was in detention..."


Jounouchi sat in the desk, fiddling with his pencil. (A/N: Not THAT way you hentai's!) He had detention AGAIN, and it was getting boring. Just then he heard the door click and looked up on instinct. It was that freaky girl, what was her name? Oh, right, Nityra. Nityra walked over and sat in the desk next to him, leaning into her chair and looking at the roof. Jounouchi fidgeted.

"Um... hi," Jou said awkwardly, not wanting to seem too rude.

"Hey," She replied, not looking at him. Geez, Jounouchi thought, does this girl EVER blink? He then said the only thing that he could think of.

"So... what are YOU in for?" He asked with a slightly nervous grin.

And that's when it happened.

She laughed.

Nityra Kamuzi actually laughed.

The stoic, lone girl who no one had ever seen so much as smile or blink, or show any emotion whatsoever, laughed. Her laughter was light and rich, echoing off the walls of the detention hall so carelessly that if Jounouchi hadn't seen her himself he wouldn't believe it was her. However, her laughter was so beautiful and cheerful it was contagious, and so, Jou laughed too. After they had calmed down, Nityra began to speak.

"Well, first I drew a painting in art class that was far too 'graphic' for the teachers tastes, and she told me to paint a new one," She snorted, "Yeah, right, I eventually ended of fingering her, so, here I am." She smiled at Jounouchi, and he returned the sentiment with a cheerful grin. "So?" she grinned, "What are you in for?"

"Um... I.. kinda, sorta tripped over my own feet and accidently pushed the door into the English teacher, knocking her out," Jounouchi replied, rubbing the back of his head smiling sheepishly.

"Wow, that must of been smooth," Nityra smirked, as her eyes glinted with amusement.

"Hey!" Jounouchi laughed, and smiled happily when he discovered how much he liked Nityra's company.

~~~End Flashback~~~

"Weeks went by and we got closer and closer," Jounouchi wiped at his eyes furiously, he wanted to finish the story and get out of there before he broke down, "And as weeks turned into months we became inseparable. She was amazin' Yug', she wasn't afraid of anything! And if anyone put her down she would just say, 'I'm having fun and that's all that matters'!" He tried to laugh, but it sounded more like a sob of hysteria. Yugi's eyes were sad as he placed a hand on his friend's shoulder. "But then, one day, my dad said we were moving in two days, just like that..."


"Jou-kun!!!" Nityra cried just as Jounouchi was about to step into the car, he looked at her and his eyes widened in surprise and relief. He had thought she wouldn't get there in time.

"'Tyra-chan!!!" He yelled as she reached him and he pulled her into a desperate embrace. She buried her face in his chest and sobbed.

"Oh, Kami-sama, I was so worried I wouldn't get here in time!" She cried, since Nityra had met Jounouchi she had become a lot more open with her emotions, and now she let the tears flow freely, "Onegai, Jou-kun, onegai! Don't leave me! You're the only friend I have! I NEED you!" Nityra was obviously going into hysterics.

"Shhh..." Jounouchi stroked her hair comfortingly, struggling to hold back his own river of tears, but a few slipped out of his grasp and landed on the soft indigo locks of his friend, "It's all right 'Tyra-chan, we can still write each other, tell you what I'll e-mail you everyday, 'kay?" He looked down at her tenderly, her tears had ceased and now she stood in silence. Silently screaming. Nityra, knowing she couldn't stop this, nodded and closed her eyes tightly, "Hey," Jounouchi put his fingers to her chin and brought her face up to look at him, "This isn't the last goodbye, 'Tyra-chan, I promise..."

"BOY! Get the hell into this car! We've got to go!" Jounouchi's father screamed. Jounouchi shook his head and looked back down at Nityra.

"Promise?" She looked up at him, a few new tears falling. He gently wiped them away with his thumb.

"Cross my heart and hope to not die 'til we meet again," He smiled tenderly at her before kissing her head, "Bye, see ya later." He got into the car and waved out the window smiling sadly before his father drove off, leaving him to watch as Nityra's lonely figure disappeared into the distance...

~~~End Flashback~~~

"That was it, I never saw her again..." Jounouchi said, his voice cracking. Yugi hugged Jounouchi lightly.

"I'm so sorry, Jou, I never knew..." Yugi whispered sadly and also shed a few tears at his friend's despair. Jounouchi's tears were finally falling now, in floods, as he sat there in silent agony at the loss of, apart from Yugi, his dearest and closest friend.


Yugi and Jou were silent as they walked home that day. Have you ever heard the saying you could cut through the tension with a knife? Well, take that, and replace 'tension' with 'silence'. They were both surprised to see a policemen run up to them.

"Is either one of you Jounouchi Katsuya?" The man asked. Jounouchi just raised his hand, "then this is for you," The policeman handed Jounouchi a note with his name signed on the front. Jounouchi looked at it and gasped.

"This is Nityra's handwriting...." Jounouchi took the letter as if it were the most sacred treasure in all the universe, he opened it slowly, carefully. It read:

Dear Jou-kun,

Thank you so much for being with me those months, my dear friend. I shall never forget you even if I'm dragged through hell and back. You could always brush the loneliness away just by cracking a joke, or saying my name/nickname. You were right, and you kept you're promise. That wasn't the last goodbye. This is.

I'll love you forever.


A single tear fell onto the paper, and Jounouchi managed to croak out a single thank you, before running off in the direction of his house. He knew Yugi wouldn't mind and that he'd understand his need to be alone.

When Jounouchi got home he read the letter over and over again, until the sun went down. He cried and he read, and finally, after he completely ran out of tears, he closed his eyes, "Goodbye... 'Tyra-chan..." Then, his exhaustion caught up with him, he fell asleep, and dreamt about the times when Nityra was happy, and they were together.


KnM: Love it? Hate it? Please review! ^___^ Consructive critism and praise are both welcome. Flames will be laughed at and deleted. Thank you. ^_^