Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Liberi Fatali ❯ Orchid ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Liberi Fatali
by Fat Cat Buyo (/Lionheart)

Disclaimer: In no way do I own Yugiouu or any of the characters. I don’t own Egypt or even any of the songs that I randomly insert into this story. Oh yeah, and I stole the title from Final Fantasy VIII. Got any problems? Please contact me and I shall try to change them as soon as possible.

Note: The new school year starts tomorrow and with all the fanfiction I have to work on for Christmas, I don’t think this one and Colour Me Blood Red will get updated very often T.T I’m kinda blanking on this fic, though I have ideas for much, much later~ but yeah. Hopefully, for Christmas, I can at least get one chapter of each fic up just for you reviewers/reads ^.^ Don’t kill me x.x

Also, if you’re bored and wanna do a Yuugiou RP through AIM or anything, or just talk to me, I’m almost always on AIM! Except not so much during the school year since I have marching band x.x Funfun.

*~*Chapter Three*~*

Morning came fast for Bakura. He actually slept quite peacefully snuggled up to the sexy Egyptian, but he would never admit to anyone that the Egyptian was in the least bit sexy.

Cracking his eyes open, he realized that he was going to fall off the bed at any second. Malik yawned (in an extremely cute way, might I add) and stretched, and since Bakura was busy watching a huge spider scuttle across the floor, he wasn’t able to catch himself in time. Falling down a mere three inches away from the huge spider, he immediately flipped and shot up, smashing the spider to death with the nearest thing he could find (which was a shoe).

“Told you there were spiders.” Malik mumbled, turning over on the bed so his back was facing Bakura. Sticking up his middle finger, he exited the bedroom, still wearing what Malik gave him to sleep in.

Isis stared him down as he sat down at the table and just sorta... fell asleep on top of his plate of fruit. Picking up her beloved knife, she poked him in the back a few times to try to “wake him up.” It did work, though. Very well, in fact. Bakura shot up and scooted as far away from Isis as he could. She was about to say something, when Malik happily bounced into the room.

“Morning, sis!” He said, before sitting down where Bakura had been sitting. Picking up a semi-squashed watermelon, he bit into it, and smiled. Bakura’s stomach growled and he punched it to shut himself up. “Oh! Bakura!” Malik said, turning his attention to the albino.

“Yeah?” Bakura responded, casually sitting down next to Malik, pretending not to stare at his very exposed legs.

“I have that list done. Just like I promised.” Taking another bite into the watermelon, he smiled brightly, almost causing the insane, coldhearted dark spirit to melt into a puddle of goo. Bakura noticed this and nearly shot himself.

“Really now?”

“Yeah! Let me go get it.” Malik said, jumping up to leave the dining room. Bakura openly stared at his bum and then slapped himself across the face. Ryou’s affectionate ways had probably rubbed off on him (he could almost hear Ryou laughing at him from their mind-link).

“If you hurt my brother, you’ll pay for it with your skin.” Isis whispered menacingly, tapping the knife on the exposed flesh of Bakura’s arm. Shuddering at the thought, Bakura tried to come up with a smart-ass comment in time, but she had already left before he could say anything. Looking behind him, he was slightly startled when there was a loud thunk in front of him.

“Got it!” Malik said, happily, taking a seat next to Bakura. There was a glass jar with little slips of paper inside of it.

“Creative.” Bakura said, sarcastically.

“Isn’t it? Every day, you have to pick three out of the jar. One in the morning, one when we get back, and one after dinner. And you gotta do all three before we go to sleep. Got it?” The Egyptian asked, still grinning like an idiot. Bakura felt a tad uneasy. Twisting open the top, he pulled one small slip of paper.

“From this day forth,” He began, squinting to read the small text, “I will take a bath every morning with Malik.” ‘Great.’ Malik tried not to look too pleased at this one.

“I thought I threw that away. Oh well! Let’s go bathe!” Malik said, grabbing Bakura and pulling him out the door.

‘Why me?’ The albino spirit whined inwardly, letting himself be dragged outside and toward the bathing pool.

What Bakura had forgotten was that it was a bathing pool with a waterfall, and later, when Bakura remembered that Malik said they would have to bathe in the afternoon, Malik answered that they wouldn’t be home in the afternoon.

Anyway, Bakura’s mouth dropped open when he saw the bathing pool. Greenery surrounded the waterfall and the pool and the sight... was just one he would never forget. That and the sight of Malik stripping down to nothing had made his heart speed up and the urge to commit suicide rose. Looking away quickly, he stripped himself down and quickly slid into the cool water.

The water felt so good on his dry skin. The sun was already up and it was going from cool to humid rather quickly. Sighing contentedly, Bakura let his eyes drift closed and leaned his head back, letting his hair drag in the water. There was a small splash as Malik entered the pool and when Bakura looked for him, he was nowhere to be seen.

“Damn sexy Egyptian.” He muttered to himself. Just then, Malik popped up beside him and smiled, his hair all over his face. Running his hand through his wet hair, he grinned stupidly. His hair was everywhere.

“Did I hear a ‘Damn sexy Egyptian’ or were my ears deceiving me?” Malik said, smirking deviously at a very flustered Bakura.

“Your Japanese obviously sucks.” Bakura muttered, before scooting away. Malik was just a little too close for comfort. The rest of the “bathing experience” was rather boring. Bakura sat under the waterfall, letting the water run through his thick, unruly hair and Malik kept disappearing under the water. It was a little nerve wracking for Bakura.

After they had finished, they had dressed and Bakura was surprised at how fast his hair had dried. Malik pestered him relentlessly about combing his hair and the albino gave in.

“So, what now?” Bakura asked, tilting his head.

“Well,” Malik started, running a brush through Bakura’s silver hair. “We’re going to take my horse and start exploring, yes?” Malik smiled and pulled the brush violently through a knot. Bakura winced.

“Is that it?”

“Basically. But that’s next chapter.” Malik chimed.

“Next.... chapter?” Bakura asked, raising an eyebrow.

“Your Japanese obviously sucks.” Malik said, shaking his head. “I said ‘But that’s in an hour.’ Silly Bakura.” Malik smiled, patted Bakura’s head and then rushed off. Bakura gave Malik’s receding figure the one-fingered salute and then grumbled, looking out the window. A knife came whizzing by his head.

“I saw that.” Isis growled.

“This house will never get boring.” Bakura whined, uncharacteristically. He was about to get up and go into the kitchen to pilfer some food when there was a loud crash from outside. “What now?” He muttered aloud, turning to find the source of the noise outside.

*~*End of Chapter Three*~*

Sorry I had to cut this short. I want to update, but their “adventure” will take a while, so I’ll conjoin the rest of this chapter with what I had planned with this chapter and make a long chapter.

I had this thing sitting in my hard drive for a while T.T so I added some retardedness to get some kind of update in. Sorry for the lack of awesomeness or yaoi XD

Band took over my life.

Anyway, I’ll get around to another chapter. I PROMISE one before Christmas. It’ll be hard x.x

Anyway! To my reviewers!!

Rachel Dracon: Thank you! I’m glad someone likes how I portray Malik. In the show, he’s obviously a lot more “dark” and “angsty”, but I’ve always portrayed Malik as this child, because after he gets everything off of his chest, he becomes more of a kid. I explain that later on in the story, though. Not gonna give it away now! Keep reading. I have big plans for this fanfic ^.~

Kotori: Wai~ BakuraxMalik is like... the only YGO fandom I write for. I read other stuff, but I write BakuraxMalik. I wrote a weird one once though o_O but that was before I saw the light.

Daaku!Malik: Well, I obviously made up most of this crap. The cities are a little bit more modernized and the villages are very, very poor this fanfic. They go into a city sometime later and the airport that Bakura arrived at is in a city. o.o I dunno... it’s a fanfic so I let my mind run wild XD Thanks. I totally made that up on the spot. <3 Keep reading!

Mina: For once, someone has said I do great work. This makes me eternally grateful. I love you people T.T People on AFF.net are SO MUCH NICER than people on FF.net T_T Life is good again!

Change of Heart: Whether you read chapter two or not, or if you’ll see this, the idea is definitely too good to go to waste. I have big plans for this one. Well, not really, but I have a cute idea for the end and I wanna finally FINISH a fanfic on my own after a long time. ^.^ For myself and what readers I might have. Thank you!!

IceAngel: Yay! More BakuraxMalik fans XD Yeah, I have plans for this. Including some sex, but I won’t rush that. It’s gotta be developed, but the list will eventually drive Bakura off the wall XD Malik’s got some pretty cruel things in store for our poor, poor albino. Thank you so much!! ^__^ <3

Anon: Well, I’m so full of surprises, so things will change, but I’m not gonna be too cliche and suddenly have everything go completely WRONG or something like that. I usually end up screaming at the telly/computer, so I don’t want my readers to go through that. Thanks for reading!