Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Life Hurts ❯ Pain Fades ( Chapter 2 )
^Pain Fades^
By Female Heero Yuy
~This is part 2 of life hurts, this is my image of what Yugi would write about Yami, in poem format~
Something has happened within me
It's something no one else can see
It keeps itself within my soul
It feels warm, and yet, cold
There's a feeling of love within
But it's in the darkness
Should I bring it to the light?
Or leave it in the dark?
I have come to my decision
I will embrace this being
For it's apart of me
When i'm lonely it's there
Holding me, with its ghostly embrace
Stay with me forever!
I don't care if your part of the darkness!
I shall show you the light
For the light is me
~I'm dedicating this poem to my first 2 reviewers, Sailor InuYasha and Angel Spirit, this is my thanx for them for giving me such lovely reviews and for being the first MediaMiner reviewers that i've gotten. Thank you both, you've made me very happy.~