Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ lil_Jinx's Yu-Gi-Oh! Song Book ❯ Strong Enough ( One-Shot )
~@I'm strong enough*~
Neia stared up at the bright light of day. He hadn't seen it like this in ages. He saw it swarm with little black spots.
~@To live without you*~
He'd lost the dual to Yuugi. Now he saw his own way of things before he died. He remembered all the promises Gozaburo promised. All of his lies. He was finished.
~@Strong enough*~
Neia stares at his fists. It had been a shadow game, now he waited his banishment to the shadow realm, but wait, he's still got 10 life points left. He can't let them down! He promised to win, now, he was going to prove Gozaburo's promises were all cheep toys of lies.
~@And I quite cryin'*~
'You promised me you'd help me! You were there! You gave me strength to carry on! You promised me things! I can't let you burn in the Shadow Realm, Seto! I will get you out! That's a promise! I won't let this Sagwa girl beat me and keep you as a mind slave!'
~@Long enough*~
His head snapped up, his eyes ever so sharp with rage.
~@To know*~
"Did you ever wonder, what happens when you loose everything, Sagwa? Did you ever stop to count your blessings? Did you?"
~@You gatta go*~
"No! I've never had blessings! I've never witnessed love!" Sagwa was waiting for his move. Her face was hidden and her cloths were dark purple, making her look like a silloughet in the misty Shadow Realm.
~@There's no more to say*~
Mokuba, Seto, Otogi, Joununchi, Yuugi, Anzu, and Isis were trapped. Neia didn't want to loose Malik as well. More life points, and he and Malik would join the others in the Shadow Realm, watching their small case of sand wind down to the wire.
~@So, save your breath*~
"Neia!" Mokuba and Seto yelled, their minds free for a split moment.
~@And walk away*~
"I won't let you stand in my way! I will get them out!"
~@No matter what I hear you say*~
It was all a blur. One moment he was begging her to let them go, the next, he was sitting in an ice cream parlor and Otogi had put and ice down his shirt. He smacked Otogi lightly on the shoulder after getting it out.
~@I'm strong enough*~
You have kept one promise, unlike your father. You try your best to stop shivvering with the cold water on your shirt. After all, you've only been in this body for two months.
~@To know*~
Seto slings his arm over your shoulder, you feel happy and hug him. He hugs you back and ruffles you aqua colored hair and smile. Your mind was freed and now you live among the living, just like Mokuba promised you! Your nick name is quite similar to your original name, but they gave it to you for the flooding pain you got. You new nick name is....
Noah. It's like the English version of Neia! It's just so much easier to say, now your all a big family....
~@You gatta go*~
Well, except for Joununchi, who's hopping on one foot, scratching his back, and yelling out....