Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ losing then finding ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter three

Ayha told the whole story to yugi and yami, yami finally came out in person and ayha could feel it when he was out and in front of her, "So ayha your saying the card you possess can defeat all three of my god cards with just one blow?" Ayha nodded but malik came forward a little.

"How come me and my sister and brother weren't informed of this card?"

"Because when we made this card you were controlled by the evil within you and we couldn't give you that kind of information." Malik nodded and sat back down by miu, not noticing how he scooted a little closer to her. But ayha did and she didn't like it that much, he could turn evil again and everything so she didn't want her friend getting mixed up with him she'd have to warn her when they were alone, she sighed.

"I'm really sorry if this inconveniences you yami, but I have to give you the card it's of importants to me and means a lot if you'll take it."

"Yes ayha I think I could do a lot of good with this card that you are going to hand me but answer me one thing, how do you know about me, I've only told these people in the room and Pegasus doesn't know about me so how do you?" They all turned to her and miu came to stand beside her quickly, duke stared at ayha waiting for her answer to come, but miu talked instead.

"yami, it dates back a long time when she found out about you, and well ayha doesn't really talk about it much, so could she just give you the card?" At yamis nod, ayha dug through her bag and brought out the mistake her and Pegasus made, she handed it over to yami and he looked over it, "Its called the thief of the gods, and that's only because it steals the gods souls and and devours them, then can launch a full blown attack when the next turn comes." She explained about the card a little while, then stood, "well I'm finished here, I just wanted you to have this card my… yami, and I hope you can protect it with all you have." She couldn't believe how stupid she was, she was about to say my pharaoh, she started walking away shaking her head when yami called from behind her, "I hope we shall see you again ayha." _He waved and gave her a smile.

"I think our paths might cross once again yami." She smiled softly at him and waved to everyone. Miu and malik were in the corner, they talked a little but as soon as miu saw ayha leave she said her goodbyes and gave malik her phone number, she told him she couldn't wait till they go out and followed ayha out the door, duke followed quickly afterwards.

"So ayha, miu, where are you guys going now?" He asked curiously wondering if he'll really see ayha again.

Ayha shrugged, "I'm going into hiding for awhile just to make sure no ones coming after me, and… miu I don't want you to get too attached to that malik guy remember he was once evil and all so I'm just warning you." Miu nodded but knew she wasn't gonna listen, she like malik and he seemed to like her, so she'd go for it. Duke laughed slightly.

"maliks as good as they come now, he just was consumed by evil when he was a kid, and if you wanna blame someone blame his parents, they forced him into what he didn't want." He said gently, then he nodded to miu and she smiled and got the hing, she said bye and see you later and she walked the other direction, leaving duke and ayha alone together, "so you said you were gonna hide, why not hide at my game shop it offers maximum security and you could work their with me since you know your games and stuff, and maybe we could get to know each other better?"

"I don't know I think Pegasus could find me too well and I don't think you would want to get into a relatonship with me, I'm not your everyday girl that will fawn over you." She told him with a hint of sarcasm.

He gasped, "you wont fawn over me!! The duke!!." He laughed, "come on this could be fun I don't think I ever had a partner who could probably play my own game better than me, so come on Pegasus wont be able to find you trust me."

For some reason she did want to trust him, and on impulse she sighed, "alright I'll do it, but no funny business." She warned.

He mocked a salute, " aye aye ayha."


Well theirs chapter three hmmm I think Pegasus shall come in sometime and I have a character who should make and appearance soon I hope ^.~ well please Review!! I needs them to continue.