Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Love Adjustments ❯ Chapter 1
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author(s): Anime-Blade and Kikyana
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 1/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 1/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
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Chapter One:
The raven-haired teen walked back to his brother, who he had left sitting in a chair in the lobby of the airport. He was carrying three plane tickets in his hands. "Alright, I got the tickets." He said cheerfully. "Our flight leaves in about 20 minutes." He sat down in the seat beside Seto's and let out a small sigh of relief. In the past few weeks, he had to do a lot of growing up. He had attended a few of the meetings, but only on his brother's behalf- Not as the new CEO of Kaiba Corp., though that title was bound to be given to him soon. He shook his head, pushing those thoughts from his mind. The only thing that mattered now was his brother, "Niisan...is there anything you need? A drink or something?" He questioned, looking up at him.
Seto shook his head, the sunglasses he was wearing slipping slightly and causing him to re-adjust them. He'd taken to wearing them lately... "I think Maya went to get something... She disappeared a minute or so ago." Another thing that had changed, the hazel eyed woman had taken to spending more time around them, helping Seto in his recovery. He was actually starting to regret going back now... Jana hadn't stopped calling him during the day, just to give him something to do. Of course, this meant there was a lack in her own work- he'd happily listened to the blonde slay insults against her brother because of it (the two didn't seem too fond over the idea that they had to share their father's company...). "We're leaving in twenty minutes?"
Mokuba nodded slightly, "Hai, 20 minutes." he said, keeping up a cheerful expression. He had taken to acting much happier around the older, trying to make him feel at ease. He smiled slightly, and grabbed one of Seto's arms with both of his, hugging it lightly. "I can't wait to get back home and finally sleep in my own bed." He said, before letting go of Seto's arm.
A smile crossed his lips briefly; it would be good to sleep in his own bed again, since he hadn't in weeks... At the moment he was silently thanking any and all that he was a neat freak- he had memorized his room layout long ago, and would have little problem getting around on his own. Truthfully, he knew the house layout just as well as he knew his deck... A sigh escaped his lips as he tilted his head to the side. Where was Maya anyway?
He stared out one of the windows for a few seconds, looking at the planes, before turning back to look at his brother. In the past few weeks, Mokuba had become somewhat obsessed with where Seto was and when he was there. He'd be damned if he let his brother get into any sort of danger again. When he had gone to meetings, he always took small breaks, just to call his brother and make sure he was fine. He sighed slightly and let his eyes slip closed, "Niisan, where did you say Tamashi-sensei went to, anyway?"
Seto shrugged slightly, he hadn't been paying much attention to where she said she was going. The brunette was more curious to listen to his surroundings. It always made him curious to know what others were talking about. "What about me and where I went?" Maya asked, walking over towards the two brother's. Seto tilted his head towards her, before she tossed a water bottle towards him. He caught it easily- it had taken them over two weeks to manage that, but it was something that made him feel a bit less unable...
Mokuba couldn't help but narrow his eyes at that, "You shouldn't do such foolish things, what if he hadn't caught that!" he said, sounding more like an over protective mother then a brother, or a lover. "And you left him alone while I went to get the tickets!" He said, looking to Maya.
Both of them sighed as Maya took a seat. The older Kaiba shook his head slightly and uncapped the bottle of water before taking a sip, before closing it again. "I caught it though, didn't I?" he asked.
Mokuba crossed his arms and frowned at that, "Onegai, Niisan....be more careful!" He said and sighed slightly, before running a hand through his black hair, and he looked at the watch on his wrist, "Gah....ten minutes still..." He sighed again and sat back against his seat.
Of course, they hadn't started the 'tossing game' with a water bottle- that had been an aim... No, Maya had gone out and bought a hacky sack- something small that made noise and wouldn't hurt if you missed catching it. Going into her bag, she quickly found it and, of course, threw it towards the brunette, who in turn tossed it back. Boredom was Seto's new friend- one he didn't wish to keep...
Mokuba stared off at the ceiling and sighed slightly. They had already checked there bags. Oh yes, that trip had been fun...another voyage with the suitcase from hell...He sighed heavily and then looked back to his brother and Maya, clicking his tongue in annoyance at their game, mainly because he was left out...
The two continued their little game, Maya not simply tossing it at him, but causing him to pay attention and even have to stand in order to catch the damned thing. Without giving it a second thought, Seto instead tossed the hacky sack towards his brother, instead of back to Maya.
Mokuba hadn't been paying attention to them any longer, and had taken to looking out the window again. So, when the hacky sack was tossed back to him, it whapped him nicely in the side of the face, "Oi!" He shook his head and his eye twitched slightly, "Baka!" He said and tossed it back to his brother.
Seto sighed and tossed it back to Maya, who silently put it back in her bag. "The announcement for our flight should be coming on any moment..." She stated simply, while taking to glancing around. The older Kaiba brother merely shifted, bored with the lack of anything to do...
And sure enough, about 5 minutes later the announcement for there flight to board had been called. He sighed heavily and stood up; adjusting his clothing...something he normally did not worry about. He grabbed his school bag, full of homework that had not been done. He held out a hand for his brother, watching him closely.
Seto knew very well that his brother was holding his hand out for him, but chose to ignore him. Instead, he picked up his own suitcase and bag before once again re-adjusting his sunglasses- they annoyed him at times... Maya sighed and grabbed her own things, watching the two silently.
Mokuba sighed slightly and pocketed the hand he had been holding out for his brother. He knew very well that Seto knew it would be there. And he couldn't help but be a little hurt when his brother didn't accept it, "Fine, let's just go." He said and decided to walk in front of the other's, towards the gate...Quite a lot of growing up indeed.
Maya fell in step beside the brunette, making sure he followed. "A little too far to the right..." She murmured absently, glancing at him for a moment before looking forward to the teen in front of them. "Your brother is too much like you." She said to him, Seto only smiling slightly and tilting his head to the side again.
As they neared the gate, Mokuba passed back two tickets to Maya and Seto, keeping one for himself. He handed his over to the man standing by the door and walked through the doorway and onto the plane. He was beginning to somewhat dislike Maya, or was it that he jealous that he couldn't be the one who helped Seto? He somehow managed to get the idea that since this was all his fault- hai, he still hadn't let that one go- he needed to be the one to help Seto recover, and that just wasn't happening with Maya around. But he also knew that his brother needed her...another thought that made him angry at the woman.
Maya had taken both their tickets, since it would do Seto little good to try and hand it to the man that would be accepting their tickets. He was dreading the flight... What was he supposed to do on a thirteen hour flight? ...It was thirteen hours, no? Seto sighed, remembering something so simple... Was it because he wasn't always set on doing work? That focusing on other things, in turn lessoned his abilities in things he was once good at? Another sigh escaped his lips...
He walked over to their seats, and sat down, taking the one by the window. He flipped down the little tray in front of him, and pulled out Seto...err...his laptop from his bag. So many things had changed in the past few weeks; it probably would have made his head spin, if he wasn't focused on other things. He still had to finish typing up one last report. Mokuba was a procrastinator through. He would have to bring in the report 'on his brother's behalf' the day after they got back to Japan. He ran a hand through his hair, before he began his typing. He prayed silently that he didn't end up a workaholic like his brother...
Once he was sitting beside his brother he leaned back in the chair, and then decided he hated laptops since the keyboard was flat and made no sound. He was curious to know if his brother's typing had gotten faster now that he had to actually work... He faintly took note to Maya storing their bags above them before taking the seat in front of him. This was going to be one overly long flight he hoped he'd be able to sleep through....
Mokuba stopped typing, and looked over at his brother. He smiled slightly before turning back to the computer screen. He typed a little while longer, and then decided he'd had enough of work for now. He sighed lazily as he opened up a game of solitaire, and began to play, bored with the game already. He looked back to Seto and reached over, grabbing his hand with one of his own, the other hand still idly dragging this card or that across the computer screen.
Seto smiled faintly when he felt his brother take his hand in his own. It was little things like this that he now took notice to, enjoyed the small moments. Wasn't it quite sad though, that it had taken losing his sight to start paying better attention to his surroundings? More then ever now he wanted to be able to see. Taking in every little sound was of course something he now enjoyed doing if he had nothing else to do, but now he wanted to take in every little sight that came with them. He laced his fingers with the other's hand, before tightening his grip slightly.
He smiled when he felt Seto's fingers lace with his own, and he sat back in his seat, ignoring his game now, "Oh, now you want to hold my hand." He teased. He squeezed the other's hand lightly before letting out a light noise of contentment.
He only smiled slightly before thinking for a moment, and then kicked the chair in front of him. Maya turned around slightly to face the two, a look between annoyed, amused, and the obvious want to say 'kawaii' written over her expression. "You know, Seto-sama... You're still able to speak..." He grinned, "It's funner to kick the seat, since I already know how you would react." He replied childishly before adding, "I did have a reason though... Can you open my bag and get my notebook?" She answered with a quiet 'hai' before getting up and going into the top storage compartments, fishing through the brunette's bag before setting the notebook down on his lap to make things easier, before closing it and sitting back down.
Mokuba blinked a few times, wondering what his brother wanted with his notebook, "Niisan?" his voice questioning. He suddenly felt bad, remembering how Seto liked to draw...something that would be seriously hindered by his lack of sight.
"You had wanted to see my drawings before, right? I had only shown you that one sketch of my dragons... I want you to look at the rest of it..." He murmured quietly, picking the sketchbook up and holding it out for him to take.
He eyed the book for a few moments, before taking it, "Niisan...You told me I couldn't see them..." He pulled back the cover, "But if you're sure..." He said as he flipped a blank page to look at the drawings.
Seto merely turned his attention towards other things, listening again. He knew the very first one was of Mokuba when he had been younger. It had been drawn during their first few days of being adopted, and it would be the last for years... The next one was drawn five years earlier from the current date, when he had taken to drawing again, of Mokuba playing one of his video games, sitting on the floor. It continued from there- his little brother in various activities that he had memorized and later sketched. Going further in the sketches... It started with ones where Mokuba was sleeping- maybe now the younger would realize why he had said he liked watching him sleep...
Mokuba smiled down at the book, as he flipped through the pages, seeing the pictures. He felt the familiar sensation of tears stinging his eyes, and he reached up to wipe them away. "Niisan...they're beautiful..." He continued to flip through the pages, stunned by how his brother had bothered to take in every little detail about him...
"Of course they are," He sounded much like his normal self as he carefully leaned closer to his brother, taking care not to knock his head against his. "They're of you, aren't they?" Seto murmured quietly.
He smiled, "Hai..." He muttered as he looked at his older brother. He wanted so badly to kiss him, but they couldn't do that on the plane and he sighed slightly. What he was really looking forward to was being able to curl up into Seto's bed with him, and sleeping together peacefully. Odd how when a tragedy strikes, ones hormones go down. Mokuba hadn't even thought about sex for well over a week now.
His face fell slightly, "I couldn't finish the last one..." Said last sketch was again of Mokuba, though this one looking far more recent then the others. He had drawn his brother while the younger had his cheeks flushed, love-lust clouded eyes looking up (to him obviously- though that wasn't drawn, naturally). Seto had managed to finish sketching the teens face and hair, shoulders and chest- nothing further then that...
Mokuba looked down at it, and smiled. "I think it's still great Niisan..." He said and held the book close to his chest. "They are all so wonderful...I never knew you had so much talent..." he said, happily.
Seto smiled again, "I'm just glad you like them..." He had planned on giving the teen the sketchbook for his next birthday, since he had wanted to get the last picture finished first. That wouldn't of course be happening... So he had decided that now was as good as any a time.
He leaned his head against Seto's shoulder, sighing happily, "How could I not like them. They're of me, remember?" He joked lightly, as his eyes slipped closed. Mokuba was also looking forward to getting home and seeing Kesi...he needed someone to talk to about his new job. He just couldn't talk to Seto about it, knowing it would probably be painful for the older Kaiba.
Seto carefully leaned his head against his brother's, the smile still on his lips. "Looking forward to getting back and finally quitting with this High School nonsense?" He asked, knowing his brother had been avoiding all subjects really concerning anything that could possibly relate to Kaiba Corp.
Mokuba sighed slightly, "Yeah...I guess..." He said, not really lingering on the answer for very long. He didn't want to discuss Kaiba Corp things with his brother, and once he took over he would try his hardest to not ask the other questions.
Seto sighed, "Mokuba... I know you're trying to avoid the subject... It doesn't bother me." His brother seemed to think he was made of glass now and would shatter at even the mention of anything related to it.
He sighed slightly at this and nodded slowly, "Alright...It's not as if there is anything important to talk about anyway..." He said and shifted slightly in his seat. Who was he kidding? He was going to be so lost on his first day at the job.
"Perhaps not at the moment, but you'll come across your first problem in less then three minutes of sitting down at the office and turning the computer on. We'll have to change all the passwords..." He murmured thoughtfully, "Though, that's why I'll be there with you, ne?"
Mokuba frowned at that, "No, you will be at home resting." He corrected, "I will be fine by myself at the office, Niisan...I am much more capable then you give me credit for!" He said and looked back to the lap top screen, solitaire still up on the screen. Yeah, he was a great worker...
"And what, per say, is the resting for? I'm fine now, aren't I? Plus, there wouldn't be anything for me to do, so for all you know I'll fall down the stairs... What happened to watching my every move?" He said, wanting to reply with something else, but he really didn't want another argument... this was already seeming to turn into one...
"Well, excuse me for caring!" he said, his voice a mix between angry and hurt, "You think I want to let you out of my sight again!? I worry about you constantly whenever we're apart. But you still need to rest..." His tone got softer as he finished what he was saying.
"Mokuba, you need to stop acting like I'm a damned china doll that will break from the slightest touch!" He hissed, pulling away from the younger and sitting back in his chair. Seto crossed his arms over his chest and went back to his listening game...
He looked down at that. Could his brother really blame him for being so worried? He still firmly believed that he was bad luck, but after the way his brother had yelled at him in the hospital, he hadn't voiced that opinion again. "Gomen, Niisan..." He said, his voice low. He hated it when his brother got angry and pulled away from him.
Seto sighed, "I shouldn't have used that tone..." He murmured, before going silent as the announcement came on- every one was buckle and remain seated while the plane took off. Silently going about the task, he tried to find the buckle.
Mokuba watched him for a few moments, before helping him with his seat buckle. He fastened his own afterwards and closed the lap top. He stuffed it back into his bag and sighed, wishing that damned thing would disappear. He wished Kaiba Corp would disappear. He didn't want to take over the company...he had to take over the company...God forbid he grow up like a normal teenager....who was he kidding, his life had never been, and never would have been normal, "Its fine...don't apologize....I'll just let you fall down flights of stairs." 'Fucking idiot...you see...this is why I hate you...' he thought to himself. 'Don't know when to just shut up, do you Mokuba?'
Seto merely stayed quiet, lightly gripping the armrests. He had never been one to personally like planes- since he had no control over it. Something else came to mind... he wouldn't be able to fly his jet again... Next to his bother, that had been the most precious thing to him, since it made him feel closer to his dragons... He sighed and breathed in shakily; trying to calm himself over something so unimportant... except to him it wasn't...
Mokuba crossed his arms and simply stared at the back of the chair in front of him. He sighed slightly. He really was being too mean to the older, but the way Seto acted some times...it just made Mokuba feel like he wasn't really needed...and maybe he wasn't...but he at least wanted to feel needed..."I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said that..." He said, gaze not shifting from the chair in front of him.
"It's fine..." His voice cracked at the end and he cursed to himself- how could he let himself get so worked up about this? Just because he wouldn't be able to fly... Seto shook his head lightly and sighed.
He reluctantly reached over, and placed his hand on top of Seto's. He gently held on to it, as he looked at him, "Are you alright?" he asked gently.
Seto forced a smile onto his lips, though it was depressed as he was now. "Yeah... I just realized though... that my blue eyes jet will be gathering dust now..." He murmured.
Mokuba shook his head slightly, "No it won't...do you know how long I've wanted to fly that thing?" He said and smirked slightly, "We can use that to fly when we go on our..." He leaned in close to the other's ear and whispered, "Romantic Vacations"
Seto had to smile this time, actually smile and not just force one. "Yeah... we still need to do that..." He said quietly, nodding slightly.
He smiled happily, and sat back in his chair, "And we will, niisan...as soon as I get things settled with the company...I actually intend to let the people do there jobs." He said, teasing the older slightly, "But when we get home, the only thing I am doing is crawling into bed with you." He said, his voice low.
He raised a brow slightly at the teen, before smirking slightly and shaking his head. He'd though it before and he was thinking it now- his brother was impossible...
Mokuba saw the facial expressions and he sighed heavily, "Iie niisan!" He said and shifted in his seat, "I wasn't talking about that. I just wanted to snuggle with you! You are such a hentai, niisan!" He said and giggled slightly.
"Hm... and like you aren't?" He said quietly, "I'm amazed you've managed to control yourself at all, Mokuba... Planning on jumping me when we get home?" He whispered, smirking.
"I am not a hentai." He said and sat up straight in his seat, "And I had no choice but to control myself...what else was I supposed to do, eh?"
Seto shifted in his seat, in a way that would block other's from looking at them he knew. One of his hands slipped down to find Mokuba's seat, running along until he trailed up his leg and thighs, only to caress his crotch. "I can think of a few things..." He murmured, before pulling back and sitting back the way he had been before.
Mokuba whimpered slightly, "Kusottare" He hissed. "This is a thirteen hour flight!!" He said angrily, "I can't believe you'd do that to me! I didn't do anything to deserve this..." He said and bit his bottom lip slightly.
"You should have thought about that when you ignored me for the last two odd weeks... Why do you think Maya bought the hacky sack? I was bored sick!" He shot back, whispering it to him.
He groaned slightly, and kept his voice just as low, "Niisaaaan...." He whined slightly, "I didn't think you would be...well...up to doing anything..." He said and sunk low in his seat, "I didn't want to make you feel like you had to do it…or something...."
"Yes... because every time before I didn't want to do it at all..." He muttered, having the urge to roll his eyes though it would useless. "I think I took more showers in these last two weeks then I have in the last five years..."
He sighed heavily, and sunk lower into his seat, "Well why didn't you say anything then!?" He said, his voice still low, "I would have done it if you had said you wanted it! I took plenty of showers myself...."
Say anything? He had thought the advances were enough... He had to practice them since he couldn't even see, dammit! He now knew how Mokuba used to feel when he was working and unresponsive... Seto sulked for a moment, before wondering if his brother would get back at him for the teasing... Smirking slightly he turned again to rest somewhat on his side. His brother was going to hate him later...
Mokuba squirmed in his seat slightly. His arousal wasn't so bad; he could certainly ignore it like he had many others for the past few weeks. He shut his eyes and bit his bottom lip slightly.
Seto once more found his brother's thigh, running his finger's teasingly along the other's pants, going up to the teens groin, only to go back down to his knee and then to repeat...
He tried to move away from his brother's teasing touch, and only found himself leaning against the wall of the plane...damned window seat! "Niisan...please...." He muttered.
Seto pulled back from him, wishing he could see his expression at the moment. He opted to simply sigh and sit back in his seat, wishing the flight was nearly over instead of only just barely having started.
Mokuba glared at the older, not that it mattered, he growled slightly, he knew the older could at least here that, "That was just low Niisan...about as low as you've ever gone." He said and sunk low in his seat again.
What he wanted to say to his brother was something about the fact that Mokuba had gone lower then that before when teasing him... He decided against that topic for the moment. "This flight is going to be taking way too long...." He muttered to himself.
Mokuba leaned back in his chair, trying to remain calm. The ache between his legs wasn't as bad as it had been at other times, but it was still annoying. He decided work would probably take his mind off of it, and he pulled out the laptop again.
Seto sighed and slouched in his seat, half a mind to kick the seat in front of him again and ask Maya to get that damned little hacky sack out again. What else was there to do except sleep?
He began to type and sighed slightly. He glared at the screen, obviously a problem with something on the forms he was filling out. The raven-haired teen shuffled through his bag, and pulled out a few work papers, glaring at those as well. He cursed and pressed down backspace button on the keyboard, and held it down. He had missed a whole chunk of something, and now had to redo the entire thing.
Seto finally removed the sunglasses he had been wearing, finding them just a little too annoying at the moment. His eyes were closed, since there wasn't a reason for him to leave them open. Leaning back in his, he decided on indeed sleeping for lack of what to do. "Wake me if it's important." He murmured.
"Right..." He muttered vaguely as he began to type again. He stared at the screen as his fingers moved quickly across the keyboard. Of course, he wasn't as fast a typist as the older Kaiba, but he would get there eventually.
It took a few minutes before the brunette was able to get to sleep, and he hoped he would asleep for some hours, since being bored again wasn't something that appealed to him...
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Review responses
Reviews from the last chapter of “A Brother's Love” will be answered here.
MalfoyRocks- But we are continuing! We just thought that twenty something chapters was enough for one fict, and to start with the next… lol.
Mandy925892002- Lol. Yesh… Sequel-ness, so it's like, not ending…
psycogirl234- Eh, it'll get less sad… I think Oo;;
Afiong Bassey- Yes, but there's a sequel!
Koi-Bara- At least I'm feeling better now, lol. And the sequels finally out!
Kikumaru-twin- Hm… Is he going to stay blind… Truthfully, we haven't gotten to the point where that's decided. Maybe he will, and maybe he won't. I'm not sure which to chose yet…