Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Love Adjustments ❯ Chapter 6

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author(s): Anime-Blade and Kikyana
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 6/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
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Chapter Six:
He raised an eyebrow again as he looked at his brother. He moved slightly so that there faces were on an even level, "Oh, am I sexy underneath?" he questioned, before lightly kissing along the older's jaw line, and then dropped down to his neck.
"Those shorts of yours only added to it..." Seto let his hand move to settle on Mokuba's waist, before slipping down to rest on his hips and moving to caress his thighs lightly.
Mokuba let his eyes slip closed as he switched from light kisses to teasing licks and nips, "Oh really?" he said, "I had no idea you would think that my simple outfit was sexy..." He said, trying to sound as innocent as possible...which always meant he was thinking not-so-innocent things.
"Simple and barely concealing..." He muttered, before shifting enough to move the younger on top of him, so that Mokuba was straddling him now. "Not that I'm complaining or anything..." He said, smirk still on his lips as he grinded up against the younger.
He felt himself become instantly aroused as the older began to grind against him. His back arched slightly before he moved against him, "Ah...I-I see..." He smiled again and continued his movements.
"Kiss me..." Seto asked quietly, still grinding against the other. That was one thing that was still bothering him about this... He wasn't able to simply kiss his brother anymore...
Mokuba nodded slowly and leaned forward. He gently pressed his lips to the older and kissed him. He knew it bothered Seto to have to ask to kiss him, but it was fine with him, as long as he was still kissing him...
Seto parted his lips slightly and ran his tongue along the other's lower lip, silently asking for them to part as well. He had stopped grinding against the younger, letting his hands once again move up to rest on his brother's hips.
He parted his lips, and brought his tongue out to touch the older's. His hands moved to the other's chest, and slipped up slowly to his shoulders, gripping them as he kissed him.
Seto slid his tongue along side the other's before running it over the inside of his mouth, tilting his head slightly to gain better access.
He moaned slightly into the kiss, as he continued to gently rock against the older. He gently sucked on his brother's tongue, as his hands slipped back down to run over the older's chest lightly.
Seto moaned as well, raising his hips slightly while the other continued to rock against him. He enjoyed these moments, where it wasn't pure need driving them, but more desire...
Mokuba pulled back from the kiss, and started to trail down the side of the other's neck. He shifted so he was lower, and showered kisses along his chest, stopping when he reached one of the older's nipples, and he took it into his mouth, sucking lightly while his hand trailed down to lazily trace over his length.
A soft moan escaped his lips, though what the cause was he couldn't be sure. Whether it was from his brother's touch or that enticing mouth, both seemed likely, or perhaps it was the two together that caused it.
He moved his kisses down, past his brother's stomach. When he came to the other's length, he removed his hand and then moved right past that, to trail teasing kisses along his inner thighs.
Seto hissed quietly, another moan escaping him. Some part of his mind kept bringing up the fact that this was once again a role reversal for them, not that he minded in the least at current...
Mokuba smirked slightly. His brother was going to pay for all the times he teased him. He was going to make the older as desperate as he could. He wanted to see him lose control. The younger moved slightly and began to teasingly lick his brother's arousal, as if it were a popsicle, never once touching his tongue to it for longer then a second or two.
He raised his hips slightly, desperate for more attention from his brother's mouth and teasing tongue. It wasn't like Mokuba to be this much of a tease though... he was up to something...
He smirked and did what the older always did to him, pinned his hips down to the bed. "Is there something you wanted?" He questioned, before running his tongue from the base to the tip. He moved back down and trailed feather-light kisses on his inner thighs.
Dammit... If his brother thought that was enough to make him ask, he had another thing coming. How long he would last though from this was something else...
Mokuba moved to sit beside his brother and sighed, what was going to make the older crack? As he thought of what to do, he moved two fingers to lightly trace up and down the older's arousal.
Seto mentally cursed his brother and bit his tongue. He was still wondering why exactly his brother was doing this, the teasing wasn't like him, it was more something he would do... Shit.
He moved the fingers in random patterns, not really paying attention to what the patterns actually were. He looked back to Seto, and yawned, "This is boring..."he stated.
"Tease!" He hissed, "Why are you even doing this?" Seto shifted his hips slightly, trying to gain a bit more contact, though he just wanted to grab his brother and take him on the spot.
He smirked, and stilled his fingers "Because..." He moved so he was straddling his brother, and he leaned down to whisper in his ear, "I've never seen you lose control." His tongue slipped out to swipe across the earlobe.
Seto immediately moved his hands to settle on Mokuba's hips, shifting slightly to be able to grind against the teen. A low moan escaped his throat from the much needed contact.
He smirked and moved away; he was amazed that he still had some control, "Ne, Niisan...tell me what you want..." He said with a smirk. He knew Seto hated to ask for anything.
He cursed quietly, why was his brother choosing now to do this? Asking still wasn't easy for him, especially now since he was forced to rely on others, it only made things more difficult for him. Seto only shook his head, refusing to comply and ask his brother.
Mokuba sighed and moved off of him. He lay down on his back on the bed, "Fine...be boring...just take me." He said, in an ever-dramatic, bored voice.
Truthfully, he didn't want to take his brother... He was aroused, of course, but he just didn't feel like it now... Seto shook his head again, reaching out and finding one of his brother's hands, moving it to his chest, "Just touch me..." he murmured, which was the closest he would get to asking anything.
He sighed and moved on top of the older, laying down on him, "There...I'm touching you. Now take me." He practically demanded. He himself had become extremely aroused in the process of teasing the older.
Seto once more shook his head, "I just want to be close to you right now..." How many times had something like this happened? Both were aroused and Mokuba decided that he just wanted his brother to hold him instead?
Mokuba sighed, a bit more heavily this time. Was it bad that he didn't really care about closeness at the moment? He just wanted the ache between his legs gone. "We can be close later..." he whined.
"Mokuba... How many times did I ignore my own need because you decided you didn't want to be taken and instead just be held?" He said, voicing his thoughts, "I don't feel like taking you, regardless of whether or not I'm aroused from your teasing... I just want to hold you..."
He sighed once more and shook his head, "Fine." He said and nuzzled against the other's chest. Why couldn't his brother just hold him in 15 minutes?
Seto wrapped his arms around the younger, ignoring the pain in his chest from his brother lying on top of him. At that moment, he didn't care if he re-injured his ribs, he needed his brother...
Mokuba moved his arms so they were folded underneath of his head as he laid on top of the older. He shifted uncomfortably on top of the older.
Seto winced slightly, though made no move to push his brother away. Maya was going to kill him if he damaged his ribs again...
Mokuba sighed heavily and sat up, "I need to take a shower." he stated and moved off of the older, "I'll be back..." he said and moved to the edge of the bed.
He only nodded weakly and turned onto his side, cursing quietly. "Mokuba... when you're done, get me an icepack." Seto said quietly.
He looked back at him, "Niisan...what's wrong?" he questioned, "Is it your ribs again? You idiot! If your ribs were hurting why didn't you tell me to get off!?"
"Gomen..." He murmured weakly. Part of him knew it would be best to lie on his back again, but he just didn't feel like at the moment. A slight whimper escaped his lips and he had to move onto his back, though he reached for the blankets and pulled them up around his waist.
"I don't know what I'm going to do with you!" he said angrily as he moved from the bed and began to get dressed, "You won't tell me anything!" He pulled on his shirt and walked to the door, "I'll go get your damned ice pack"
So now the younger was angry with him because he needed to be close to him, instead of worrying about his still re-healing wounds? Everything had seemed fine between them for the moment, and then he had to ruin it and give grounds for another argument...
He walked from the room, and headed down towards the kitchen. Why was his brother so stubborn? He couldn't even ask someone to stop hurting him! He growled slightly as he reached the kitchen and walked over to the freezer, After looking around a few minutes, he found a few icepacks and grabbed two, just in case.
Seto didn't bother to move, since it would most likely just cause him discomfort. He didn't think it was too bad, but Maya was sure to give him hell when she came by to check up on him...
Mokuba sighed as he walked back up the stairs and to his brother's room. He opened the door and walked over to him, "Where should I put them?" his voice wasn't very caring or gentle, it was more monotonous.
"Just give it to me..." He said quietly, head tilted slightly to better listen for his brother's movements. He felt better knowing he could still hear what was going on around him.
He held them out; "Here." he said and sighed, knowing his brother probably wouldn't be able to find where he held them out...was it bad that he was annoyed by his brother's lack of sight? He placed them down on the bed beside his brother.
If he hadn't been listening he wouldn't have known he had set them down next to him. It took a moment to find them, Seto only taking one and it down on his chest, hissing quietly at how cold it was.
He sighed and walked back over to the desk, and sat down at it. He opened the top of the laptop and re-opened his file. There was nothing better for him to do, so he decided he would finish the last bit of the report.
"Weren't you going to take a shower...?" Seto murmured. The chill that had bothered him a moment ago was very much appreciated now, soothing the ache in his chest.
"I don't need to anymore...when I'm annoyed it goes away pretty easily." He said, his tone flat, "Why don't you make yourself useful and tell me the password to this file." He was trying to open a file that held the sales reports for the last three months, but it was password-protected.
Wonderful... they were back to this again... "I don't even know what you're looking at..." He replied softly, wondering why he hadn't said anything... No, it was before that, the fact that he didn't take his brother... They were so screwed up he was amazed they were only using words against each other.
Mokuba sighed heavily, "The sales reports for July through September" He said simply, "They are password protected, and I'm going to assume you know what that password is." He said and leaned his elbow against the table, and his head in his hand.
Seto was silent for a moment, trying to remember what it was... "Your birth date." He said simply, moving the icepack slightly to a different spot. Once again he made a slight sound of protest to the cold before he welcomed the feeling.
"Alright." He typed it in, and sure enough the document opened. He began to scan through the pages, trying to find what he needed, "Try putting something underneath the icepack, like your shirt or something, so you don't freeze your skin off..." He said as he began to read what he needed to read.
Helpful... Since he had no idea where his shirt even was... Had he ever acted so cold towards the other before? Distant, yes, but this? Seto sighed quietly before setting the two icepacks aside, turning onto his side, despite the mild pain it caused.
He went back to typing again and shook his head slightly, he was pretty sure he had never done anything this boring in his life..."By the way, the cooks were starting dinner. Are you going to eat, or continue to starve yourself?"
"That depends... Are you going to stop acting like an ass or not?" Even he wasn't going to take his brother's attitude for long. Why the hell was he acting like this?
"I'm tired of the way you act Niisan! You're as stubborn as ever, and won't even tell me anything! I want to help you, but I can't if you don't help me! So I'm done even caring." He said and paused in his typing.
"So because I had a caring moment and simply wanted to hold you I'm stubborn? Dammit Mokuba... make up your mind... Half the time you're complaining I don't show that I care and now you're complaining because of it..." He muttered.
"You're an idiot, Niisan." He said flatly, "You were going to damage your ribs again." He went back to typing, glaring at the computer screen angrily.
"Wouldn't be the first time..." He muttered to himself, pulling the blankets up to cover his chest, since he was freezing now. Seto wasn't even going to try and look for his clothes...
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Review responses
MalfoyRocks- A heart attack isn't the intention no, lol.
Mandy925892002- Well, so far they're staying together.
Afiong Bassey- Hehe, that's just how things turn out sometimes.
Zack- Eh, you'll have to wait and see…
Kathy Smiths- He's the one… one what? Did I miss something in the last chapter? (That is never something the author should ask o.o;)
Koi-Bara- Falling out of chairs is painful x3 And it's no fun trying to get back up again xD