Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Love Adjustments ❯ Chapter 11
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author(s): Anime-Blade and Kikyana
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 11/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 11/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
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Chapter Eleven:
Now he wasn't quite sure on how much later it was... But he was sure that at least two hours had passed. Perhaps more, but he wasn't sure... Seto lightly shook the younger, trying to wake him.
Mokuba stirred slightly, but just rolled onto his other side, pulling the covers up and over his head. He was still very tired, and did not want to wake up now.
His brother had asked to be woken; he never said how he wanted to be... Seto moved closer to the teen, one hand trailing down his side before lower, fingers lightly brushing over that area...
He groaned slightly, and moved back against his brother, snuggling against him. "Nnn....Seto..." He wrapped his arms loosely around the older.
"You wanted to be woken up... So no going back to sleep..." He murmured, fingers tracing along the teens thighs before moving to go between them...
Mokuba nodded his head, and shifted slightly, "H-hai...I'm awake..." He said and moved again, trying to find some sort of contact for his rapidly growing arousal.
"Good." He said simply, before pulling away from the other, "Then I'd like to take a nap now..." Seto said, turning onto his other side to follow his words, wondering how his brother would react to that...
He sighed heavily, but said nothing about it, not wanting to cause an argument on a day that had been going so well, "Fine...I'm going to go take a shower..." He muttered and stood from the bed.
Banging his head against the wall seemed like a good idea... "Ne... I should take one too, nap can wait..." He didn't want to ruin the day so far. Even if they didn't say anything, he still knew...
Mokuba shook his head, "Nope, you are napping, lay down in that bed and nap!" He said and smiled slightly, "I'll wake you up later." He said simply.
He smiled slightly, "Fine, fine..." Pulling the covers a bit higher up, Seto settled against the pillows. True, it was odd that his brother would object to him taking a shower now and napping later, but he didn't let it bother him.
Truth was, he wanted to just finish his shower as quickly as possible, so he could start on the picture he was supposed to be drawing. He walked into the bathroom and stretched slightly, going over to the shower.
There were a few things he was able to think about, some of which he hadn't given any thought for weeks... until a few hours ago. Then again, there was always the next day to think about, or even that damned appointment...
He got in, and turned on the water. Not too cold, but not too hot. He grabbed the soap and began to bathe himself. He hummed a tune, and he wasn't even sure what it was. 'I wonder what Jana's planning...I still think I should get him a back-up present...'
-- -- --- --- --
He wasn't entirely sure how long he had been asleep for, but the prospect of getting anymore seemed nonexistent. Stretching, he pushed the covers away, letting them rest around his waist instead- where was his brother now anyways?
Mokuba was sitting at Seto's desk; the light scratching noise of his pencil on the paper should have been heard by the elder. It had been a few hours since he had sat down to start his drawing, and it was already turning out pretty good.
"Mokuba?" Seto tilted his head to the side, confusion written across his face, "What are you... drawing?" It didn't sound like he was writing anything, so that only left one option...
"Hmm?" He looked up from the paper, and turned to look at his brother, "Oh no, I was just writing something down..." He lied. He didn't want to spoil whatever Jana was planning.
"It doesn't sound like writing though..." Seto noted quietly, while moving the blankets aside completely. His mind forgot to remind him that he was naked as he stood and walked over to where his brother's voice was, still looking confused.
He smiled slightly, "You know how bad my Kanji is...I'd expect it to not sound like writing as well as not look like it," he joked as he watched the older.
"Ha, ha..." No, his brother was hiding something... What though, was the question. He knew what the teen's writing sounded like, and that wasn't it... "Help me shower?" Seto had managed to move behind the younger, touching the chair lightly before leaning down to wrap his arms around the other.
He placed a hand over his brother's arms and his smile widened slightly, "Of course..." He grabbed his brother's arms, and lifted them up, so he could move out of them, and stand up from the chair.
Good... His brother didn't suspect a thing it seemed... Seto only smiled slightly, hiding the grin that wanted to toy with his lips. Being able to disguise emotions was always a handy trick...
He yawned slightly, "It probably would have been easier to just take a shower with you before...I'm going to have to get wet again." He hooked his arm with his brother's and walked over to the bathroom with him.
"You're the one who told me to sleep... I was more then happy to join you before." Seto stated, shifting slightly so he could lean down somewhat and nip at the teens neck. Now, whether or not they would make it to the bathroom was something else...
He stopped walking, and turned to look at his brother, "Now...if you want to shower, I suggest you don't do that...unless you want me to bring you right back over to that bed."
Seto pouted slightly, looks like he'd have to wait until they were in the shower before trying anything... Dammit. This would be so much easier if he could see... "Fine..." He muttered, pulling back slightly from the other.
Mokuba smiled slightly and opened the door to the bathroom; he led his brother in and sighed slightly, "Hey...you want to take a bath instead? We haven't done that for a while..."
Hm... bath or shower? Bath would be easier, then again... "Sure." It would still work, even if they took a bath instead, beside, a change wouldn't be bad- when was the last time they had taken a bath instead of showering?
"Alright." He walked over to the bathtub, and turned on the water. He sat down on the edge, and crossed one leg over the other, "Bubbles, or no bubbles?" he questioned.
Odd question... what was the difference to him? Seto only shrugged slightly, not really caring all too much. Somehow this seemed to be taking longer then it should have been...
Well, he liked bubbles...so he poured a little into the bath water, before turning it off. "There we go!" He said and stood up from the edge of the bath. He walked back over to the older and grabbed his arm. “This way!"
Seto only shook his head and sighed, sometimes his brother just acted... odd. Though that didn't seem like quite the right word for it... Regardless, he merely gave him a slight smile and followed.
Mokuba led him over to the bath, and yawned slightly, "You slept a lot more then I did today." He noted. "Here we go!" He helped his brother into the large bathtub and blinked, "Oh yeah! All the soap is in the shower." He walked over to the shower and grabbed the shampoo, conditioner and soap, along with a washcloth and came back over to the bath.
Seto merely nodded absently, thoughts changing for a moment before settling back on his brother. Now he remembered why he didn't take baths. They tended to relax him, and that was never a smart thing to do- he'd managed to fall asleep once before... He sighed, wondering why he hadn't chosen to take a shower instead....
Mokuba smiled slightly and snuggled against the older for a moment, before putting the soap to the washcloth. He then moved the cloth to his brother's back first and gently rubbed the skin, "So...when do you think we'll be able to go on vacation?" He asked.
He stayed silent for a moment. Originally, he had said they could go once Mokuba had settled in with the work Kaiba Corp... "Sometime next month...?" He didn't really care when they went, but just to make sure... Another sigh left his lips as he felt himself relaxing further from Mokuba's gently touch.
Mokuba smiled slightly, and began to gently splash the soap away from the other's back, "I wanted to go sooner then next month...can't I just let someone else take over the stupid company." he said with a sigh, before nuzzling against the older's back. He only meant that half-serious, because he knew that he couldn't let anyone else take over the company, but that didn't mean he didn't wish it wasn't true.
"You need to get caught up in work... As soon as you do we can leave." He said quietly, leaning slightly towards the younger when he nuzzled against him. Okay, the bath wasn't an entirely bad idea... shower would have been better; he would be awake that way...
Mokuba wrapped his arms loosely around the older, keeping in mind the fact that his ribs were still damaged. He opened his mouth to say something, but shut it again. He had no right to complain in this situation. "Hai..." He said with a sigh.
Seto turned slightly before resting his head against the younger's shoulder, kissing his neck lightly before letting himself relax slightly more. His mind was no longer sure on whether the bath or shower would have been better... "Aishiteru..."
He leaned against the older a little more and closed his eyes. The washcloth slipped from his hand, and landed into the bathwater, and probably for the first time ever, he didn't say 'I love you too'
It should have bothered him that his brother stayed silent, but at the moment he wasn't thinking about it really. He just wanted to be near the younger at the moment... 'Hopefully our lives can go back to normal...' They really couldn't work things out while his vision was almost entirely non-existent...
He moved so that his cheek was pressed against the elder's shoulder, and he nuzzled it lightly, "Niisan...Are you alright?" he questioned.
"Hm? Yeah... Just thinking..." He murmured quietly. He'd been thinking more and more lately it seemed, which bothered him… Seto moved once again before kissing the younger's neck, and slowly moving up to finally kiss his lips.
His eyes slipped closed as the older kissed him. He brought his arms up to wrap around Seto's neck loosely, and he toyed gently with the hair at the nape of his neck. He made the quick mental note that Seto's hair was getting long. He leaned closer to the elder, trying to deepen the kiss.
Seto as well tried to press himself closer to the younger, letting his arms snake around his brother's waist. He was mindful of his chest, making sure not to pull the other against him too tightly.
Mokuba broke the kiss once the need for air arose, "Niisan..." He nuzzled into the crook of the elder's neck, a light sigh escaping his lips.
Seto smiled softly, content with simply holding the younger for the moment, and forgetting the fact that they were even in the bath. Moments like these had become rare, another thing that bothered him.
He closed his eyes and another sigh escaped him. He knew that they barely shared any moments of closeness, so this was a nice change of pace. He didn't want to move from the spot he was in, and unless the elder said something, he wasn't going to either.
He shifted slightly, his mind telling him that they were still in the water. "We should finish up and get out of the bath..." He murmured, though Seto made no move to follow his words.
He nodded and grabbed the bottle of shampoo. He flipped the cap open with his thumb and poured some of the soap into his palm, before rubbing his hands together. He ran his fingers through the older's hair gently, massaging the soap into his hair.
Seto sighed quietly, waiting patiently for his brother to finish washing his hair- he still needed to get it cut... eventually... Maybe he'd let it stay at the current length it was...?
As if reading the elder's mind, Mokuba stated, "I like how your hair has grown out a little...I mean, you'd look really weird with hair as long as mine...but I like your hair like this." he said and smiled slightly, removing his hands from the chocolate locks, "Lean back in the water and rinse your hair out.”
The brunette nodded and complied, moving to rinse his hair out- it would've been better without the bubbles in the bath, but he would live.
Mokuba pulled himself out of the bath, and once again, yawned as he walked over to the shelf where the towels sat. He grabbed one, and wrapped it around his waist, before grabbing another, and bringing it back over to his brother.
Once Seto was fairly sure his hair was rinsed, he reached over to drain the bath, before standing, one hand pressed against the wall. He waited for his brother to come back, while wondering if Mokuba would go back to what ever it was he had been working on.
He smiled and held the towel out to him. He gently pressed it against his arm, to show him it was there, "Here you go." He said and sighed slightly, "I've got something I need to finish up, but after that we'll eat dinner, okay? And yes, you are eating dinner tonight."
Seto took the towel and smirked slightly, "I'm going to have to eat tonight, since tomorrow you're cooking..." He teased, wrapping the towel around his waist before carefully stepping out of the tub.
Mokuba twitched, and his eyes narrowed, "I said don't say anything about that!!" He said and removed his towel from his waist, and threw it at the elder's head. "Gah!"
"Gomen, I'm only joking, Mokuba..." He wasn't sure whether his brother was actually mad at him now, or just annoyed. Seto bit his lower lip lightly, taking the towel that had been thrown at him and handing it out for the other to take again.
He nodded and grabbed his brother's arm, "I promise I won't screw up dinner tomorrow...it's something really easy to make, so don't worry..." he said as he led him through the bathroom. "Kesi-chan is supposed to be e-mailing me the recipe."
Seto nodded slightly- at least his brother wasn't upset with him, right? "Are you sure you have to finish something before dinner?" He asked quietly, tilting his head slightly to the side. Why exactly he was in the mood to _cuddle_ of all things he wasn't sure, but none the less he was...
He thought about it for a few seconds, "Well...no... It can wait I suppose." He said and smiled slightly as they walked into the bedroom, "Was there something you wanted to do?"
He let his arm wrap around the other, pulling him slightly against him, "I just want to hold you for a while..." Seto murmured, leaning down slightly to nuzzle his brother's neck.
He smiled again, and wrapped his arms around the older's neck, "Alright, that sounds fine...a lot better then what I was going to do..." he said and let his gaze shift to the almost completed dragon sketch.
"What were you doing?" He asked, trying to figure that out still and having little luck. The brunette tugged on the younger to move, though he only took a few steps, lest he manage to collide with the bed.
Mokuba moved with him to the bed, and sat down gently on the edge, "I already told you, I was writing something." He yawned slightly, "I made a mistake on some of the paperwork, and I was fixing it...I've still got a little bit left."
Seto only nodded slightly, before moving more towards the middle of the bed, pulling the teen with him. Normally he would have pulled Mokuba on top of him, but since his ribs were still healing, he opted for letting him lie next to him.
He smiled slightly and snuggled into the older's side. He eventually moved so that his head rested against one of the elder's shoulders. He laid one arm across his chest, and draped a leg over his brother's legs.
Toying with the younger's hair, Seto smiled softly at his brother. They needed more of this, and maybe that vacation would help. Maybe without having to worry and stress over everything, they could work it all out.
He nuzzled his cheek against the elder's shoulder, and a soft noise of contentment escaped his lips. It would be nice to get away, and go to a place where they could act like a normal couple. Not having to constantly worry about who saw them doing what.
"When's dinner going to be ready, anyways?" He didn't even know what time it was. Near dinner was about all he knew, other then that, he didn't have the slightest idea.
Mokuba shifted his gaze over to the clock, and yawned again, "In about 15 minutes." He said simply. Dinner was always made to be eaten at 6:30, and it was now 6:13.
"Alright..." He murmured, relaxing slightly. He had fifteen minutes to be with the younger, not nearly enough in his opinion, but it would have to do for now. There really wasn't much else he could do- Mokuba wanted him to eat...
He shifted slightly and sighed a little, "Is there anything you want to do after dinner?" he asked, "If not, I want to finish up what I have to, and then I still have other work stuff to do.”
"No, I suppose not..." He said quietly. What he wanted to do he couldn't do, but hopefully he would be able to again with time...
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Review responses
Pharaohs Little Sister- I have no idea how to respond to this… erm… arigato?
MalfoyRocks- We've already had one accident, don't need anymore at this time!
KT- Gomen, but I think I need a translator for your review T-T I really bad when it comes to chat speak…
Afiong Bassey- Erm… Isn't it 19 or something? And just a note, it's 16 for beer and wine in Germany (I think it's wine…).
Zack- Wine is so yummy… And I'm allergic to it… -cries-
Koi-Bara- o.o; I'm inclined to ask if you were on a sugar high when you wrote this, lol. School is evil… I have a website due on Friday for my computer class- no time for role-playing and getting more done on this ficcy then from what we have already.