Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Love Adjustments ❯ Chapter 14
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Author(s): Anime-Blade and Kikyana
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 14/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 14/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
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Chapter Fourteen:
"I don't giggle Mokuba..." He sighed, how was he going to live through the next day?
He nodded slowly, “Hai...I know...But you really should..." He yawned slightly, “you know...frowning and scowling gives you wrinkles....with how much you do it, you'll look 80 in two years" Mokuba exaggerated. He had no idea why he was in such a happy mood all of a sudden...he just was.
"I highly doubt that..." He muttered, and thus turned to once more burry his face in the pillows. One might think he was trying to suffocate himself or something of the likes, but of course that wasn't the case.
"You really are no fun..." he said and smirked slightly. He moved, and tried to worm his way underneath one of the elder's arms.
Seto made a sound of annoyance, turning his head ever so slightly to speak to the other. "No, I'm not fun, but we knew that already." He muttered.
At this, Mokuba frowned, "Niisan...I was just kidding around..." He said and sighed slightly. His brother always seemed to get so annoyed with him.
"Yeah, I know." He stated simply, smirking for a moment before going back to seemingly cutting off his air supply.
Mokuba blinked at this and sighed slightly, "You can kill yourself after tomorrow" he said, smirking slightly, before cuddling into a pillow of his own.
Seto turned again to pout slightly, "But why not now?" He whined, grinning after a moment- he was still in a good mood it seemed... odd, yes, but good...
He shifted slightly, and snuggled up against him, "Because...Tomorrow I have big things planned..." He said and smirked at his own ideas.
"Sou ka?" He murmured, turning onto his side slightly and wrapping an arm around him lightly. "Plan on burning the kitchen down when you make dinner?" He teased, nipping at the other's neck playfully, before flicking his tongue across his earlobe- teasing was fine, but he didn't want Mokuba upset with him...
Mokuba twitched slightly, "Fine...I give up on trying to cook you dinner." He said and sighed heavily, before turning his back to the older.
"Then I refuse to eat for the next week." He stated simply, nuzzling the younger, even though the teen had turned around so that he wasn't facing him any longer.
"Tch..." He did nothing to reject the elder's nuzzling, "I'm tired of hearing crap about it from everyone." He said and sighed again.
Seto nodded absently, before nipping lightly at the teen's neck, trailing kisses onto his back and moving down slowly.
His eyes slipped closed as he felt the elder's gentle kisses. He smiled slightly and slowly turned around, placing his arms around his brother.
Seto trailed up the teen's chest now instead, finding his lips after a moment and kissing him gently, before pulling back, only enough to mumble against the other's lips. "Make me dinner tomorrow?"
Mokuba smiled slightly at that. Maybe his brother really did appreciate the offer. "Hai...of course." He said and moved to kiss him again, lightly.
Seto smiled against his lips before returning the kiss gratefully. "Good." He murmured quietly, before letting his tongue flick out and run across his brother's lower lip teasingly.
Mokuba's eyes slid closed and he wrapped his arms around the elder, holding him close. He opened his mouth slightly, allowing his brother access to his mouth, if he wanted it.
Licking the other's lips lightly for a moment more, Seto slipped his tongue into the younger's mouth, running it alongside Mokuba's own before re-exploring the rest of his mouth. He brought his hand up to tangle into the teen's hair, bringing him closer still and deepening their kiss.
He clung to his brother, holding onto him tightly, as if he would disappear if he didn't. When he needed to breathe, he pulled back slightly, and took a breath, leaning his forehead against the others.
There was a slight smile on his lips as he returned the tight embrace for a moment before relenting slightly. He had kept his eyes shut, since there was really little use in leaving them open. Beside's, he knew, even if his brother only thought it, he probably preferred it.
He smiled and ran a hand through Seto's hair, "I love you, Niisan." He said softly, before giving him one more quick kiss. He snuggled against his chest, just wanting the elder to hold him close for the time being.
"Love you too..." He murmured, fingers running through the younger's hair. Holding his brother was something he usually only did at night when they were more then ready to fall asleep, never getting the time to enjoy it, although in the past few weeks and with all of their arguments- the number of embraces had increased greatly.
He smiled, pressing himself against Seto as much as possible. All the arguments, and near break-ups seemed to not even matter when he got to hold onto his brother like this, and be held in those arms...None of it mattered, when his brother said `I love you'.
The silence of the room and the comforting feeling of the teen in his arms was enough to relax him, both physically and mentally, to allow sleep. Whether or not he truly wanted to follow with that, it didn't seem he was being given much choice in the matter- his body apparently needed the rest.
-- -- --
The next morning rolled around, and Mokuba was up early, getting things ready. He had to make sure that everything was going to run smoothly today, and be as stress free for his brother as possible. He smiled as he walked up the stairs, carrying a small tray of food. Pancakes and eggs. A cup of coffee sat beside the plate of food on the tray. He placed the tray on the ground in front of the door, and opened it, before picking the tray back up, and walking into his brother's room.
There were three reasons as to why Seto was still in bed. One, was that he still felt a bit tired- he was fairly sure he'd over-slept. Two, was the sheer want to rather stay hidden under the covers then face the slight morning chill the warmth of the bed chased away. Lastly, he wasn't about to try anything such as moving around unless someone else was in the room with him.
Mokuba smiled slightly, walking over to the bed. He sat down on the edge, keeping the tray in his own lap, "Niisan...are you awake?" He questioned, before leaning over slightly, and kissing his cheek.
"Hai." He replied, before turning his head slightly to catch his brother's lips in a kiss. "I think I woke up a few minutes after you left." Considering the spot where the other had been lying was still warm when he'd awoken.
"Oh...Sorry If I woke you." he smiled slightly, and lifted the tray up, "I brought you breakfast" he said happily, "Don't worry, I didn't cook it, I just made the coffee" He said, poking fun at himself.
"It's fine." Seto said simply, though the mention of breakfast had him making a face. "Do I have to eat something now?" Eating in the mornings always had a way of making him feel sick.
Mokuba sighed heavily, and moved, placing the tray on Seto's desk. "No....You don't have to…” He really did want his brother to eat the food...but he wasn't going to force him to do so...
He knew very well that Mokuba wanted him to eat; Seto just knew it wouldn't settle right with him though. "What is it anyway?" He asked quietly. Maybe he'd manage to get a few forkfuls down, if only to please the teen.
Mokuba brightened slightly. Seto was asking what it was, so that was a good sign, right? "Oh...just Pancakes and eggs...and a cup of coffee." He said, watching the older.
Pancakes were too sweet for his liking, and knowing Mokuba there was a high chance of syrup being on them. "Maybe some of the eggs then, but... you'll have to help..."
He smiled brightly, and grabbed the tray again, bringing it back over to the bed. He sat down beside his brother, smiling, "Alright...Thank you..." he said gently. He knew his brother was probably only doing this for him…
Seto only nodded slightly. Maybe if he didn't think about it, he could manage to keep his stomach settled. It would be so much easier if Maya would just prescribe something for him... Make life hell of a lot easier and Mokuba less concerned.
He smiled brightly, and placed the tray in Seto's lap carefully. "Don't make yourself sick though...if you can't eat them, you can't eat them...but at least drink the coffee...it'll wake you up a little. And I made sure not to have anything added, so it's black." He said, and watched him happily.
He bit his lip lightly, unsure exactly where what was... The tray, yes, he knew where that was, but... "Mokuba, I..." Hadn't this been the problem the day before at dinner?
Mokuba's smile didn't fade; it just changed to a slightly sad one. "It's alright Niisan...I know..." He grabbed the fork, and looked at him, "Do you want me to..." He didn't finish his sentence; it just seemed so...weird to actually ask if Seto wanted him to feed him...
"Hai... I don't have much of a choice, do I?" He asked quietly, head tilted towards his brother. Odd as it was, the past few weeks had been as well. It certainly had been a change he was getting used to, slowly...
He scoped up some eggs, and brought the fork up to his brother's mouth. Mokuba knew Seto hated asking for anything, and probably hated having to be helped even more.
Seto parted his lips when he felt a slight pressure against them, taking the offered food into his mouth as he removed it from the fork. Asking for help was still something he barely tolerated, actually being helped... It wasn't quite so bad since it was his brother.
He took the fork away, and repeated his actions from before, "Are they okay?" he asked.
"I suppose." Well they didn't taste burnt or anything, so that was a good thing... He once again took the fork into his mouth before letting it slip out again.
He smiled again as he picked up more eggs for the elder, "I never really liked eggs myself....but I like the omelette the cooks put in my bento box for some reason..."
He merely shrugged, wondering why he hadn't stopped after the first bite. "I don't particularly like much of anything when concerning food..."
Mokuba frowned, and wondered if this was a way of asking him to stop. So, he set the fork down on the tray, "Yeah I know...Just thought I'd try”
Mild confusion swept across his expression when he heard the fork being put down, he shrugged it off though, not caring too much about not eating anymore.
"Don't you want any coffee?" Mokuba asked, wanting to make conversation before silence swept over them.
"No... There's more then one way to wake up properly..." He murmured, carefully moving the tray off of his lap, needing his brother to move it off of the bed.
Mokuba nodded "Alright..." He grabbed the tray, and got up, moving to set it on Seto's desk again. He came back over to the bed, and sat down, "So...are you at least some what excited about dinner tonight?"
"Hm... I think I'm more curious as to what it is you're making then anything." He shifted over until he was right next to him, before wrapping his arms around his waist.
He smiled, and placed a hand over one of his brother's arms, "I'm sure you'll like it...at least I hope you like it..." He said and sighed slightly, "But you already said you don't like much of anything..."
"I don't tend to think about what it is I'm eating- just the fact that I need to take in something lest I collapse and wined up in the hospital with Maya lecturing me..." That had happened once, a repeat wasn't needed.
Mokuba frowned again, hoping that Seto would actually like what he cooked for him, but doubting that would happen, "Alright...but hey, maybe you'll like it..." He looked around the room, and spotted the picture he had drawn, and began to wonder again why it was he had drawn it in the first place...That had yet to be explained to him,
Ringing..? "Where's my cell?" He asked, head tilted slightly to the side as he listened for where it may be coming from. At this hour... There was only one possibility as to who was calling, the only question- why?
Mokuba looked around for it, and finally found the source of the ringing; the phone was still in his brother's pants. He quickly answered it, lest it go to voice-mail, "Moshi moshi"
"He- ...Mokuba-kun?" A faintly confused voice was the response given from Janice. She had been expecting Seto to answer his cell...
"Hai....I was grabbing Seto's phone for him, and didn't want it to go to voicemail, hang on, here he is..." He handed the cell phone to Seto, "Its Janice-san." he said.
Seto took the cell from him, "Hai, Jana?" True, she had been calling him nearly ever day, but that had been before when he'd been bored beyond belief since Mokuba had been going to the meetings in his place. "Herzlichen Glueckwunsch zum Geburtstag, Seto!" A slight smile pulled at his lips when the cheery voice greeted him- her accent was so much thicker when she spoke in her native tongue. "You for some reason remembered..."
Mokuba smiled when he saw his brother smile, and he sat back down on the bed. He'd probably have to go and start baking his cake soon....
"Of course I remembered! Oh, and I'll be stopping by soon too, thought I'd warn you ahead of time." Seto was inclined to ask why, but decided not to. For one reason or another, he felt it had something to do with the fact it was his birthday... "Hm... You're also to come tonight for dinner or something, along with Kesi and Nahkti- Mokuba's insisting on it."
Mokuba smiled slightly and lay back on the bed, watching his brother talk on the phone. He moved slightly, and curled up against the elder, hand gently caressing his thigh. He always found it amusing to tease his brother while he was on the phone...
Seto had cut himself off in the middle of his sentence, shifting slightly, though unsure if he wanted his brother to continue with his actions, or if he wanted to move away from him. "When exactly did you plan on wanting to come by?" He asked, which earned him a light laugh from Jana. "An hour or so... I'll leave you then, bai-bai, Seto." He heard the click of the phone being hung up before turning his own off.
Mokuba smiled and moved so he was seated comfortably in Seto's lap, "How about I give you a little part of your birthday present early?" He purred seductively in his brother's ear.
A slight shiver ran down his spine at his bother's voice, arms moving up to wrap around the younger. "Mm... We have an hour before Jana drops by, for whatever her reason may be..."
Mokuba nodded slightly and kissed along his brother's jaw line, and then moved down to his neck, "Plenty of time..." He murmured, and continued kissing him, hands running over the elder's chest.
Seto's hands slipped down to rest on the teen's thighs, nails raking across the skin lightly before being followed by feather light touches as his finger tips played over the skin.
"Ah!" He shifted slightly, and continued to kiss at his brother's neck, eyes slipping closed slightly. He moved, and lay on the bed, pulling the elder down on top of himself.
Seto continued with his touches, playing along the teens thighs only though. Their teasing with one another always seemed to be paid back in some form...
Mokuba nipped at his brother's neck; silently begging for him to do more. He shifted slightly, and raised his hips, "Onegai..." he muttered, voicing his need.
"You need to stop your little habit of teasing me when I'm on the phone, Mokuba..." He murmured, giving in for the moment to his brother's want and ceasing the teasing.
Mokuba smirked slightly at this, "Hmm....why would I want to do that? It's so funny seeing you squirm and get nervous..." He said and moaned a little as he continued to kiss at his brother's neck.
Seto only let a smile cross his lips- he was up to something... "If you say so." He said simply, before moving to straddle the teen, grinding against him. "You may want to re-think that later though..."
He bit his bottom lip slightly, and looked up at his brother. He got the feeling Seto was up to no good... "Niisan..." he muttered in between two small moans.
He began nipping at the younger's neck while undoing Mokuba's pants as he continued to rock against him. The evening was definitely going to be interesting...
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