Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Love Adjustments ❯ Chapter 17 ( Chapter 17 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Author(s): Anime-Blade and Kikyana
Rate: M
Pairing: Tabloidshipping- Seto x Mokuba
Warnings: yaoi, incest, occ-ness in characters, language.
Disclaimer: We don't own anything except the plot! And all OC's
Status: 17/---
A/N: This is the sequel to “A Brother's Love”, so I suggest reading that lest you wish to be thoroughly confused.
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Chapter Seventeen:
Seto wasn't planning on a few things to happen as they did next... First of all, he had somehow forgotten that the insane blonde had a key, given for emergencies, but like she would actually listen to that... Second, he had forgotten why he usually never sat on the edge of the couch as he was now... So it was no wonder when he heard Jana call out a teasing "Se-chan", followed by peals of laughter, that he jumped in surprise and nearly fell off the couch...
Mokuba blushed a brilliant shade of read, and immediately pulled back from his brother, “What the hell!?" Well, now he was extremely embarrassed. He hadn't planned on Jana and Kesi just walking in and seeing them, "Don't you people know how to knock!?"
Of course, the two had still been in the front hall, but that had certainly gotten their attention- which had Seto redoing his pants as fast as anything before slipping down to sit on the sofa. A lovely shade of red was now staining his cheeks.
Jana came into the living before Kesi, who was still laughing about the blonde's nickname for the older Kaiba brother. "What's the point in knocking if one has a key? Besides, I didn't expect you two to be down here anyways..." Jana explained, a slight grin on her lips.
Mokuba turned to his brother for a split second, giving him a look that just screamed, 'You're an idiot for giving her a key!' and then he looked back to Jana, glaring slightly, "It's our house and we can do what we want whatever we damn well please." he said and sighed slightly, his cheeks still a brilliant shade of red.
Jana blinked, before forcing back her laughter. "I have no idea what you are speaking of Mokuba..." Though now she had an even better idea as to what he was. Kesi mean while was trying to breathe through her stifled laughter... And Seto was simply silent and praying the colour would drain from his cheeks.
Mokuba sighed slightly, and stood from the couch, brushing off his clothes. "Anyway." he said, in a firm tone, "Should we go and start working on dinner?" He questioned, looking at Kesi.
The teen only managed to nod as she tried to stop laughing, though failing badly. Kesi really was trying not to laugh, but the sheer thought of Kaiba Seto being called "Se-chan" was just... and the comment from Mokuba that made things a bit too clear only made things worse.
Mokuba glared again slightly, before turning back to Seto, “Now do you see why I didn't want you to call her! She can't control herself!" Like he was one to talk about control...
This of course had Jana laughing quietly, and Kesi trying to stop laughing long enough to scowl at Mokuba- which didn't quite turn out as planned... Seto merely stayed quiet and truly hated at that moment that he couldn't see shit all.
Mokuba frowned, seemingly the only one who wasn't amused by this situation. "Like I said, Can we just get on with the cooking!?" He said, his tone annoyed.
Kesi again nodded, "Yeah, we should get started..." She wanted to add 'before your brother dies of embarrassment', but thought better of it.
Mokuba nodded, and leaned down, giving Seto a quick peck on the lips. He hadn't even thought about this action when he was doing it, as it was something he normally did. "Ah shit." he muttered as he pulled away from his brother, knowing he was going to get more crap for it from the two insane women.
Kesi had calmed down and mentally squealed like the fan girl she was as she watched. "Kitchen... cooking..." She would have added 'this year', but that would be pushing her luck.
Jana only smiled and moved over to stand next to the couch, watching the brunette next to her.
Mokuba nodded, and walked to the kitchen, "Always a fan girl, never part of a fandom, eh Kesi?" He said, mocking the girl. "It's alright, I'm sure one of these days you'll eventually get a boyfriend, that's maybe half as cute as Seto...Damn, you would be so lucky." he said as he walked into the kitchen.
"Ha, ha..." She muttered, setting the bag down she had brought. "Now, to start on dinner... How would you like to go about doing this?" Either she would simply be telling him exactly what to do, or they could work together on it- though that seemed impossible...
Jana sat down on the couch next to Seto, letting her head rest against his shoulder. "I'm amazed you two didn't argue about the cooking disaster." She murmured quietly, smiling faintly when she received a slightly chuckle from Seto.
Mokuba shrugged slightly, and was glad to see that the maids had in fact, cleaned up everything, "Whichever is easier for you...I suppose..." He didn't really feel like cooking again, "You can do it all if you want, I'll be lazy and just watch."
Kesi shrugged, "Fine by me, be lazy and watch, but pay some ounce of attention for possible future reference, ne?" With that said, she went about boiling rice, since she wasn't once to use a rice cooker, and set about getting the chicken cooked along with chopped onions occupying it in the frying pan.
"There wasn't anything to really argue about, since he knew he'd been wrong and should have followed Kesi's instructions." Seto said quietly.
Mokuba sat himself up on the counter and crossed one leg over the other. He looked around boredly, not listening to a word Kesi had said about that whole 'paying attention' thing, "This is fascinating, really...but if you don't talk about something I'm going to go insane..."
"Great way to tell me you didn't hear a word I said..." She muttered to herself, deciding to make a salad as well. "Go back to the living room then."
Jana slipped under Seto's arm to rest against his chest, which earned an amused laugh from the brunette. "Someone's awfully 'cuddling' today, hm?" The blonde poked him in the side, mindful of his ribs, "I've been deprived, so sue me." She murmured.
Mokuba rolled his eyes, “Fine..." He muttered before hopping off the counter. He opened the kitchen door, and walked out, heading back to the living room. "Kesi's just gonna co-" he stopped what he was saying when he saw just how close Jana and his brother were. He twitched slightly and coughed loudly, “Excuse me!" He walked over to the pair, and managed to worm his way onto Seto's lap, pushing Jana away in the process.
Seto blinked, head tilting to the side in question. Jana blinked, before laughing quietly. "Mighty possessive, aren't we?" She asked, smiling slightly and moving away from the pair, simply because Mokuba looked ready to kill her...
Mokuba continued to glare at her slightly, until she was at a distance that Mokuba found reasonable. He was acting much like an animal would over it's mate in the middle of mating season.
Seto sighed, shaking his head slightly, "Mokuba... was that really necessary?" He questioned quietly, wondering if he should have worded that a bit different...
Mokuba looked up at Seto, and clung to him loosely, not forgetting about his ribs, "I didn't like the way she was looking at you..." he muttered, and snuggled against him slightly.
Both Seto and Jana had a perplexed look. "And the fact that she was leaning against my chest had nothing to do with it, hm?" He questioned, an amused smile playing over his lips.
"Well...that too..." Mokuba muttered, not letting go of Seto, "She looked like she was going to take advantage of you or something..." He said, still holding onto Seto protectively.
Jana tried to keep a straight face, but found it rather difficult... "She's engaged Mokuba... And I may be blind, but I'm not defenseless." He muttered, smirking slightly when he heard Janice finally crack and start laughing.
Mokuba glared slightly at Jana when she started to laugh, "So what if she's engaged....and I know you aren't defenseless...but maybe you would have liked it, and then you would have left me for a woman " he said, emphasizing the word as if they were some foul type of creature, "And then I'd be heartbroken, is that it, are you trying to break my heart?" he said in an over-dramatic tone, now he was actually joking.
Seto chuckled, "Yes, I'm sure that's exactly what was supposed to happen." He said, shaking his head and sighing. Jana smiled in amusement, "Besides, Mokuba, if I really did want to go for your brother, I would have done so a few years back and not now."
Mokuba opened his mouth to say that technically, they had been together even a few years ago, but he shut it and decided it better to not say anything like that, "Hmpf...Like Seto would go for someone like you..." He said, sticking his tongue out playfully.
This had Jana hiding a grin, "Actually, we were talking about that a week back or so... Not a clue as to how it came up..." Seto was smirking now, "We figured that, had I been straight, we would have most likely ended up together."
Mokuba's face fell at this, "What!?" He said and sprung from Seto's lap, glaring down at the both of them, "You mean I was this close to being shoved aside for that!" He said, gesturing towards Jana.
"Technically no, since your brother isn't exactly straight, or even Bi for that matter..." Jana murmured. Seto wasn't nearly as calm as the blonde, a concerned look playing across his features. "Mokuba..."
This whole situation was just beginning to tick him off, "I'm going to my room." he muttered darkly, and headed for the staircase.
"Mokuba-" Seto was cut off though. Janice had stood to follow after the teen, touching the brunette's shoulder lightly, silently telling him to stay and that she should deal with it. He sighed and nodded, feeling rather useless once again as he heard the blonde leave the room.
"Mokuba." Janice had followed him out, at the stairs and looking up, since he had already begun heading up. "Go back in there and reassure him that you two are fine."
Mokuba looked back at her, rolling his eyes slightly, before turning back around and continuing up the stairs, only making the slightest 'Hmpf' noise to let her know that he had in fact heard what she had said.
She gave him a dark look before going after him, "You know how fragile he is at the moment, so don't you dare leave him like that."
Mokuba sighed slightly, "He'll live." he muttered, before continuing up the stairs. He hated the way Seto always teased him, and how was he not supposed to be just a little bit angry about this?
She stared at him, backing down the steps. "Your love for each other will mean nothing if you drive him away first..." She said quietly, her gaze dropping before she continued down the stairs and went back into the living room.
Mokuba stopped, and sat down on the highest step, watching the blonde walk away. Was he really driving Seto away? Mokuba ran a hand through his hair before standing up, and heading downstairs. He stood outside of the door leading to the living room, debating on whether or not to go in...
Only one set of foot steps... Seto immediately cursed to himself, grateful for Janice's embrace once she was sitting beside him again. "He's going to end up truly hating me..." He said quietly, all but clinging to the blonde. "He can't hate you anymore then you can hate him, and last I checked, that wasn't an emotion you felt towards him." She said quietly.
Mokuba bit his bottom lip; did Seto really think he was capable of hating him? He opened the door, and walked in "I could never hate you..." he said, looking to his brother.
Seto was still clinging to Jana, though pulled away ever so slightly when he heard Mokuba's voice. Janice looked down worriedly at the brunette, before giving the younger a pleading look to comfort his brother.
Mokuba ran over to his brother, and quickly embraced him, doing so as lightly as possible. "I'm sorry for overreacting...Aishiteru..." he whispered.
Jana moved away from them, giving the two a sad smile before she left the room, going into the kitchen to keep Kesi company.
Seto had taken to clinging to the younger the moment he embraced him, disregarding his injuries and holding him painfully tight.
Mokuba was the voice of reason this time. "Ne, Niisan...you'll hurt yourself..." He muttered. It wasn't that he didn't want to be close to Seto or anything; he just didn't want the elder to be in pain that wasn't necessary; like all the pain he knew he put Seto through. "I'm so sorry...." he mumbled.
Seto relented a bit in his hold, nuzzling against Mokuba's chest and acting very much like the other would. It wasn't about wanting; he needed to know that his brother was with him, that he wasn't leaving the room in anger, that they were still okay.
Mokuba smiled sadly, "It'll be okay Niisan..." He said, and ran his hand gently up and down the elder's back, "I promise I won't leave you again..." he said softly, holding his brother in his arms tightly.
He only nodded against the younger's chest, staying silent for a moment before speaking. "Don't leave he room like that, I can't go after you... if you're upset then yell at me, then I'll know where you are..."
Mokuba nodded slightly, "I'm sorry...but I don't want to yell at you..." He gently kissed Seto's forehead, "I hate the way we fight..." he said, tightening his grip on the other slightly.
Seto shifted until he was lying on his stomach, still mostly uncaring to his chest at the moment as he kept his arms securely wrapped around the younger.
Mokuba gently stroked Seto's hair, and closed his eyes. He leaned against the back of the couch, sighing slightly, "I'm sorry…" he muttered again, hating to see his brother look so sad.
There really wasn't anything for him to say, so he remained silent, clinging to his brother as the younger had before.
Mokuba gently kissed the top of his head one more time. Hoping that Dinner would be done soon, and that Seto would also perk up a little, "Are you feeling hungry at all?" he questioned.
There was never a time when he felt hungry, but Seto nodded slightly anyways, not wanting anything else to start up between them.
Mokuba smiled slightly, feeling just a tad bit better now, "Well, that's good...Kesi's a really great cook, so I'm sure you'll like dinner tonight." If Seto ate more then a few forkfuls, Mokuba would be amazed...he didn't think he'd ever seen his brother eat a full meal before...
The brunette stayed silent, having little idea as to what to say at the moment, but thankfully the silence didn't last long. Jana stayed in the door way as she peered at the two, smiling slightly. "If you two want to eat, dinner's done."
Mokuba smiled slightly, and managed to stand up, waiting for Seto to join him, “Yeah, it's a miracle; he's actually hungry for once." Mokuba said, smiling slightly himself. He held out his hand, waiting for his brother to take it.
Seto stood as well, taking the younger's hand and holding onto it tightly, twining their fingers as he did so. Janice only smiled at the two, watching them for a moment before turning and going into the dining room.
Mokuba looked down at their hands, and smiled again. He leaned up and lightly kissed Seto, before leading him from the living room, and into the dining room.
A slight smile came to his lips briefly as he felt the kiss, following the other as he led him into the dining room.
Mokuba lead Seto over to his seat, and let his hand go, "On your left." he said casually, referring to the elder Kaiba's chair, as he made his way around the table to his seat across from Seto.
Seto was hesitant for a moment, since there was still the problem of eating and not being able to see what he was doing... It wasn't until he felt a touch on his arm and Jana speaking that he sat. "Chicken's on the left, it's already cut, and the rest is only rice covered in sauce." She murmured quietly, watching the brunette sit before walking over to Mokuba, asking about the drawing in a whisper.
Mokuba blinked; he had completely forgotten about the drawing, "Nn...it's upstairs." he muttered, "I'll go get it." He said and got up from the table. He left the dining room, and headed upstairs, towards Seto's room where he had left the piece of paper.
A frown found Seto's lips, "Why did Mokuba leave?" he questioned. "He'll be back in a moment, no worries." Janice assured.
Mokuba grabbed the drawing from the desk, examining it closely. He hoped it was what Jana wanted; he had tried to leave out details like she had asked. He came back into the dining room a few minutes later, and brought the paper over to Jana.
She silently thanked him for the drawing, looking it over and grinning- it would be perfect. She took her cell out as she went back into the kitchen. Seto had a confused look on his expression, but remained silent as he ate.
Mokuba seemed confused as well, as he walked back over to his seat, "Jana is a strange woman..." He muttered as he started to push his food around on his plate, "Did you try any yet, Niisan?" he asked.
Seto smiled slightly and answered with a quiet 'yes', before swallowing another forkful.
Mokuba smiled as well, and took a bite, "Wow...This is great..." He said and took another bite. He was glad he had let Kesi just cook, otherwise it wouldn't have tasted half as good.
Seto was trying to figure out what exactly the sauce was, and all he could place so far was that it had white wine in it. At least it had him eating...
Mokuba frowned slightly, wondering what Jana was doing with the picture he had drawn. "Soo...You like it?" he asked, trying to make conversation.
Seto ignored his question, instead asking one of his own, "Did you read what exactly was all in the sauce?" It was driving him insane not knowing...
Mokuba thought about it for a few moments, "Wine...Sour cream, onions I think...and maybe some other stuff…" he mumbled before taking another bite of his food. He looked at his plate and sighed; now it was his turn to not be so hungry.
It seemed Seto had found a bit of his appetite though, eating without complaint for once.
Mokuba smiled slightly, happy to just watch Seto actually eating for one, "I'm glad you like it." He said. "I don't think I've ever seen you eat this much..."
The brunette paused for a moment before shrugging his shoulders slightly. "I'm not entirely sure myself why now of all times I seem to have found my appetite..." He said simply.
Mokuba smiled again, and watched his brother, "Well, whatever the reason...It's a good thing that you have..." He said, before his gaze shifted to the door, and then back to his brother.
Not knowing what to say, a silence hung over the room, though it wasn't an uncomfortable one that left him shifting now and then. It was broken though with Jana coming back into the room, saying that she and Kesi were leaving and they would be back later again. Seto silently bid the two good bye before the silence returned.
Mokuba smirked slightly, and silently slid under the table. He crawled over to Seto, and ran his hands up the elder's legs, "How about we pick up where we left off?" He questioned, hands pausing at the button to his brother's pants.
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