Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Pain ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: Uh….. Yes? I do own this?

A/N: I was in a bad mood and I needed an excuse to write an angst.

WARNING: Yaoi and attempted suicide.

Jou's POV

I'm standing here on the Domino City bridge that separates us from the next town over. There's a pretty darn big lake under here so I'm gonna choose this place to end it all. What do I want to end you may wonder? Well, my life. I'm tired of it all. My so-called otousan beats me, my friends don't even know the real me, I'm in love with a man who hates me. Yes. You heard me correctly. I said I'm in love with a man who hates me. I Jounouchi Katsuya, am yaoi. Surprising ne? Well, as the saying goes, you learn something new everyday. My last beating is still fresh in my mind and I wince at the pain that is still there though I know it will never truly leave.



I tried to close my eyes and ignore it as I crawled deeper under my covers trying to act asleep. He kicked down my door obviously drunk and angry. I whimpered slightly though it was a mistake.

"Oh, there you are." He smirked and yanked away my covers.

He picked me up by my shirt choking me and started punching me mercilessly.

"Otousan!" I cried though I knew it would do me little good. It never did. He through me down onto the ground and looked at me with disgust. I had thought that would be the end of tonight's beating though I knew better to think so. He began throwing things at me that he had found on my floor. So far, I had been choked, punched, slammed onto the floor, and had a Calc. textbook thrown at my head. I'm also not as stupid as everyone thinks I am. I'm in Calculus math class and I'm doing quite well. But enough of that, back to my beatings. He began kicking me in the side only adding to the numerous bruises I already have thanks to that no good baka yaro.

"Oh, what's this? No pictures of your dear sweet otouchan?" he said as he looked at the picture of Shizuka on my desk. Wait, did he just call himself "otouchan"? I turned my head and spit.

"As if I have any love for you, why would I keep a picture of the one I hate more than death?" I winced. I should not have said that. He picked up my picture of Shizuka and ripped it up into 20 little pieces. That's right, I counted.

"That should teach you not to talk back to me!" he yelled. Then, he began destroying my bed. "Now get out! I don't want you here anymore!"

I stared at him in disbelief. I hated the man with all that I had and more but I never expected to be kicked out of my own home! I quickly stood up wincing in pain, grabbed the pieces of the picture, the blanket off my bed, and my poetry book and ran out of the house.

*End Flashback*

So that's what happened. My otousan kicked me out and here I am about to take my final step. Damn. Even my final thoughts are poetic. Oh well, it wont matter in a little. But first, I'm going to take a little time to remember my friends. First, there's Yugi. Short and spiky haired Yugi. Innocent and caring yet dark and mysterious. Unfortunately, he's also clueless. Next, there's Ryou. Except for the spiky haired thing, he's the same way. Then, there's Honda. My best friend since kindergarten and clueless as a newborn baby. I guess I can count Bakura and Yami as friends. They seem more aware than the others but then, they still don't know the real me. You may think I'm forgetting about Anzu. Well, I'm not. Anzu is a bitch and we all knew it. I think I only put up with her because Yugi said there was good in everybody.

"Hmm?" I had suddenly heard something behind me. I decided to shrug it off and start having my final thought about my chestnut haired love. Though I knew he would never be mine. He hated me more that anything and I knew it as well as anybody that he and I were destined to be rivals until the end of time. I started to make a mental picture of him before I go. Ok, lets see. He has the most beautiful chestnut hair that comes down a bit right between his eyes, which makes him sexy as hell. He has icy blue eyes that just seem to stare right into your soul. He's about 6"0' or so. Uh… what else? Oh yea? Did I mention he's dead sexy? Yea, I did didn't I? Now I know what some of you are thinking. I'm only in love with him because he's rich and hot as hell? And the answer is: OF COURSE NOT!!!!!!!!!!! HE IS THE MOST CARING, COMPASSIONATE, AND KINDEST MAN I'VE EVER MET!!!!!!!! SURE HE MAY ACT ALL TOUGH AND HEARTLESS ON THE OUTSIDE BUT YOU HAVE TO LOOK DEEPER THAN THAT!!!!!!!! Well, now that I've shouted and given myself the biggest headache in the history of mankind, I might as well tell you who the mystery man is. Well, brace yourself. Seto Kaiba. Yes. That's right. I Jounouchi Katsuya am in love with Seto Kaiba.

"Nani? Whose there?" I turned around only to see no one. I had heard the noise again. I guess it was a squirrel or something. Oh well, it doesn't make a difference anymore. Hey, I have an idea, I might as well tell the whole world who I'm in love with before I die. I start to think about it. Yea, why no? I'll die in a second anyway so I might as well die with a clear conscience.

"I, JOUNOUCHI KATSUYA, AM DEEPLY AND UTTERLY IN LOVE WITH SETO KAIBA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Well, I did it. Time to die now.

"Oh no you don't!" someone said behind me. Before I could figure out who it was, I blacked out still in my blanket, still holding tightly onto my ripped picture of Shizuka, and still holding onto my poetry book. As I blacked out, one word crossed my lips.



Here's a key to the Japanese words I used in this story.

Otousan- father

Otouchan- father, but more loving, like dad or daddy

Baka yaro- jackass

Yaoi- gay, male/male relationship

Ne- just ensures understanding, like "huh"

Nani- what


Hine: Well? How was it? This is my first angst so please be nice!

Kyle: Wow. I didn't know you could write something so sad Hine.

Hine: Yea, neither did I. Oh well, I don't know if I should continue this so please review!!!