Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Love and Trust? ❯ What Caused Yugi So Much Pain ( Chapter 2 )
Nicole: First of all let me say thanx for all the great reviews I got. Also I'm sorry it took me so long to get this chap up, cause I've been busy working on two other fics I'm getting ready to post and I've also been writing the next chap of Not a Little Kid, and New Guys. All that and I had to do three reports over the past few weeks and a test in almost every class both weeks, so if you can't tell, I was sort of busy and stuff. Anyway I use the following things in this fic………
~~~Flash back~~~
//Yami to Yugi//
/Yugi to Yami/
Also Malik is Malik and Yami Malik is Marik.
Well on with the…
Y. Bakura: Aren't you forgetting something?
Nicole: Umm, no I don't believe so.
Y. Bakura: You need to do a disclaimer so your ass doesn't get sued.
Nicole: What should it matter if I did get sued, all they would get was eleven cats, three dogs, and my junk that no one I know would want.
Y. Bakura: Just does it!
Nicole: NO!!! Yu-Gi-Oh is mine, and I don't care what any of you say!
Y. Malik: *pops out of nowhere* She's lost it again hasn't she?
Y. Bakura: Yes, do you want to get the strait jacket or should I?
Y. Malik: Don't worry I already got it.
Nicole: Shit! *Runs away*
Y. Bakura: Oh well that's the end of that.
Y. Malik: Yeah, anyway Nicole doesn't own Yu-Gi-Oh.
Nicole: LIAR!
Y. Bakura and Y. Malik: *glare*
Nicole: Eep, never mind I don't *runs and hides again*
Y. Bakura: Well on with the chapter two I guess……….
Chapter Two: What Caused Yugi So Much Pain
While Yugi made his way back to the game shop he had back slumped over a bit, and his neck bent down so that he kept his gaze fixed on the ground. When he did make it back to the game shop, he just put on a fake smile and then opened they door.
"Aibou? Are you ok? Where did you disappear to earlier?" Yami asked when he saw Yugi walk through the door.
"Oh hi Yami, I'm fine and don't worry I just went for a walk to clear my head earlier." Yugi lied while he tried to hide his nervousness.
"If you're find then why are your eyes so blood shoot?" Yami asked concernedly, but when Yugi didn't answer Yami advanced his position so that he was right in front of Yugi. He then asked with a gentle voice, "You've been crying haven't you aibou?"
"I……… a………" That was all Yugi said before he ran past Yami, then right up the stairs to his room and locked his bedroom door. He then flung himself down on his bed and once again started to cry. Yugi then replayed the whole horrible incident that had caused him so much pain………
~~~ Yugi, Yami, Ryou, Bakura, Malik, Marik, Joey, Tristan, and Tea were setting around Yugi's living room talking, well Bakura, Malik, and Marik weren't really talking, but if they did they just making smart ass comments and stuff like that. After they had all been there for awhile, Yugi went to the kitchen to get himself something to drink. Tea had followed him into the kitchen instead of going to the bathroom like she said she was.
"Yugi, I need to talk to you." Tea said seriously with a frown planted on her face.
"What is it Tea?" Yugi asked in his normal cheerful tone while ignoring the look Tea was giving him and the tone of her voice.
"It's over." Tea stated camly.
"Wha……… What?" Yugi stuttered out in shock.
"I'm leaving you for someone else."
"But, why?" Yugi said as his eyes began to fill with tears.
"Because, I'm pregnant with someone else's baby." Tea said with out showing any pity on poor Yugi.
"You, You cheated on me?" Yugi asked with his tears now streaming down his face.
"Yes, I have been since the very day you asked me out."
"Why?" Was all Yugi could say while tears streamed down his face.
"Because Yugi," Tea began with a cruel smile planted on her face, "You are just so naive, I couldn't help it cause It was so easy to do, and besides you actually think I'd want to go out with a little shrimp like you?" Tea then let out a little laugh.
Yugi couldn't even say anything now, he just took off right out the door while he cried his eyes out."~~~
Yami was standing outside Yugi's bedroom door. He would have been tying to get in, but he was in shock because he had just received Yugi's memory about the incident with Tea through the mental link they shared.
//Aibou, please let me in.//
/Huh, Yami? I don't feel like talking right now./
//I already know what happened//
/What!? But, how?/
//I just received the images of your memory about what happened between you and Tea through our mental link.//
Yugi then slowly pulled himself off of his bed and went and unlocked the door, then opened it for Yami.
Once the door was opened Yami said, "Don't worry aibou, it will be ok."
At this Yugi basically threw himself into his yami's arms and just cried. Yami then scooped Yugi up into his arms and walked over to Yugi's bed and laid him down.
"Yami." Ygui said while he hung on it Yan's shirt as if he woul ddie if he let go of it.
"What is it aibou?" Yami asked gently.
"Don't leave me please, lay down with me." Yugi pleaded, not wanting his yami to leave him alone.
Yami thought about Yugi's request for a second before he decided that he would because of the pleading look in his aibou's eyes…. Yeah that was it, it wasn't because he had any feelings for him or anything… He then laod down in bed nect to Yugi without saying one word to him in reply.
"Thank you Yami." Yugi said as he gave Yami a smile, though his eyes were still filled with tears.
"You're welcome aibou." Yami said as Yugi snuggled into his chest. Yugi then soon feel asleep on his yami's chest. Yami was left still awake thinking to himself, <That bitch is going to pay for ever hurting my Yugi, wait my Yugi? No, he isn't mine. He could never feel the same way, wait no I don't have any feelings for him.> He eventually stopped arguing within himself and feel asleep like his aibou did.
This two then slept peacefully together. While they were asleep Yami subconsciously wrapped his arms around Yugi. Yugi had a rather please expression on his face because he felt safe with his yami being so close to him, though the small teens dreams were plagued with the memory of Tea dumping him.
Well, at least Yami knows now, it is just to bad it was not Yugi who really told him, though I'm somewhat sure that he would of told him eventually. Maybe this once pharaoh will be able to help little Yugi get over that bitch Tea and help him learn to love and trust again. You ever know what might happen, or if it shall be hard or easy for Yugi to get over Tea, that is if he does. Thought I'm sure we all hope he will be able to get over her, and hopefully move on to someone better for him and will someone who will truly give the small teen the love he truly deserves.
Nicole: *Looks around for Bakura or Marik before coming out of her hiding place* Well I hope this chapter didn't such to must.
Bakura: It's about time you come out of hiding.
Nicole: O.O; Umm, I, a got to go now, I hope you all review. L8ERZ.
Marik: Hmm, I didn't think we had her that scarred.
Bakura: Oh well at least we don't have to worry about her doing anything else insane.
Marik: At least not at the moment anyway.
Bakura: that reminds me, Nicole will welcome any and all flames, though it is not a good idea to give her any…
Marik: Yeah, last time she was mad she used the flames she got form her other stories to catch fire to random objects.
Bakura: Oh well, that's just her I guess.
Marik: Yeah, so make sure you all review, cause I think she wants at least ten reviews to continue cause she is still really busy.