Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ love throught the time ❯ Chapter 3

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Hi! it's me again!! here the chapter !! i hope you will love it!! i wait for your review so please do it i appreciate!!
i would to thank you my reviewers :
Thank you so much!!
Excuse me if there are some mistake!!
i let you read it!!
After a good rest, Atem woke up fresh and well. Sat down in his bed, he remembered the last events, what it was did and said. He stayed like this without moving for a while.
Through the curtain, he could heard the same noise he had heard the day before, the life taking back its right on the town.
Atem listened this familiar noises. Then he stood up, went near the window, hauled the curtain and opened the window. A light breeze swept in the room and made twirl around the curtains. His spiky hair brushed on his face. He let himself impregnate by his breeze which stroked his tanned skin. He closed his eyes to savour this stroking. Then, he turned around, after looking the town and began to dress up.
On the other side, Ishizu xent to wake up too and dressed up. She , thought too at the last twenty four hours, which was rich in emotion and surprises. She smiled thinking again at the reaction from Marek. She wondered what was the reaction of Odion, when he learnt the truth? Even though, he was someone more calm and mature, he had have a surprise with this news. Having thoughts about him, a light smile was puting on her lips. She was in a hurry to come home and see their reaction.
She closed her bag on this thought and stepped out of her room luggage in hand. She fixed the door of the room of Atem by wondering if this one was woken. Hardly she had asked the question, that she saw the door to open on him.
Surprised both, they stared during some seconds, then they smiled mutually.
« Hello! What coincidence? I wondered exactly if you were raised! » began Ishizu always smiling « As you can see it, I have packed my luggage for our departure » she eventually said more seriously.
He approved silently fixing her with his intense and deep eyes, and he approached her.
« By the way ! Did you sleep well, Atem? " She asked seeing him approaching.
« Hi Ishizu! Yes... I slept well, don't worry! I began to got used with the idea that i'm alive even if it's a strange feeling!! » He siad with his lowe and hot voice, lowering his eyes.
Everything go too fast. One month ago, it was only a spirit sharing the body of his friend Yugi. He fought to save his country and the world of a total chaos and had finally found his name. Now, he was there, lliving in an another time totally oppoite of his past life, without his royal title. Here he was only a man and he began to appreciate it. He never considered as a royal bloody person, for him, there was no difference between the men, who was of royal blood or not. Of course he had to become accustomed to this new life and his new emotions he felt. And he had difficulty expressing them.
Ishizu looked at him carefully, she seemed to follow the course of his thoughts and approved. If she lived the same situation, how would she react.
They decided to go down to have breakfast before going to the train station.
A ten hours, they arrived at the train station and headed towards the reception to take their ticket. Ishizu had reserved two seats in the first class to be quiet. They waited, seated, the time of their train.
Atem watched in the distance a group of friends who were chatting happily. It reminded him his own friends who were in Japan. To say that without these adventures, he had never really experienced the true meaning of friendship.
Of course, there had been people who had cared for him, but it was more for his status and power. It was more a reverence than a true friendship. And the few person he really cared, he had never said or shown them. It was a feeling that he did'nt knowt, he had certainly learned to respect and love his fellow man and his people, but also to be dignified in all circumstances and therefore never to show his feelings and emotions even less, a sign of weakness. So he had showed a little his feelings, even if he had enjoyed some of the people who loved him. It's only when he was as a spirit, without remembering his origins and getting acquainted with Yugi and his friends, he learned to open up a little more.
He sketched a smile remembering his first meeting with Yugi and the path made. He has been in the hurry to see them, he wondered how they would react. The separation was so difficult for everyone.
Lost in his thought, he does not see the time of departure arrived. It was only when Ishizu jogged him, he realized it.
They stood up and headed towards the dock, to board the train. They settled in their seats after it cancelled their ticket and put them in their luggage compartment.
They heard the whistle of the Controller and felt the train was set in motion slowly, then faster and faster.
« That's it! The trip for our reunion begin » thought Atem. He had rushed to arrive and to see again Marek and Odion. More importantly Yugi and his friends. He knew that it wasn't for today, but with his calm (in general) and patient personnality, he would find the courage to wait.
And throughout the journey, he remained calm, despite his desire to reach. Only the glimmer in his sparkled eyes and a smile on her lips bretayed him
Ishizu looked at him and also sketched a smile. The trip took place in a calm ambience.
At the same time, in Cairo, someone else was also impatient that the train arrives.
Since he got up, Marek exulted at home. Although the day before, he stated to the contrary, and despite the disapproval of Odion, Marek had decided to stay at home. He had warned Bakura in the morning that he didn't go at school, claiming he was a little ill, and preferred to stay at home for a good rest. Surprised by this, he wished him a good recovery and reassured him saying that he would take his duties for him. Marek thanked him, although he was a little embarrassed to lie.
He was so nervous he barely touched his plate and fixed everything that indicated the time, every ten minutes.
Odion was somewhat exasperated, but he understood what he felt and to calm him down, he proposed to go on to wait their return.
They walked around the streets and stopped in all the places that might amuse them. After walking for miles in alleys and have lunch, they came to the station by car, before the scheduled time. They settled on the terrace of a cafe and ordered something that could quenche their thirst.
During this interlude, Marek also thought about he had experienced, the good as the bad. He was saw again the harm he could do, manipulated by his dark side, which has manifested itself since his introduction as guardian of the tomb.
Indeed, for centuries, his family was the guardians of the tomb of Pharaoh from father to son. When he reached the age to succeed his father, he had other aspirations, the one to live a normal life. But he respected and feared his father and did not dare to disobey him. This duality has created a dark side in him, which was amplified when he had in his hands one of the items of the millennium, and especially when Odion had fainted at the tournament.
Meeting the Pharaoh, and facing him, he succeeded to fight the evil side and could learn to live, taking his own decisions and live as he wanted. He was eternally grateful to the Pharaoh of his new life.
Sitting in front of his coffee, he savoured the life which was offered to him. Immersed in his thoughts, he did not see that the time arrived until Odion stood up. They headed towards the dock to await the arrival of the train.
At the microphone, they heard a soft track announce the imminent arrival of the train from Luxor and Cairo destination. A few minutes later, they heard the distant sound of a train. They looked in the direction from which the noise was, and they saw the train arrive, which had slowed to stop along the wharf.
« Hey! They come! It's not too early! » Exclaimed Marek pointing with his finger at the train arriving.
Odion said nothing and merely watching also the train with a smile on his face.
The train slows down more and started to stop along the wharf. A deafening noise that was heard during braking, followed by a jerk which announced that the train had to stop.
Marek waited that the doors open and began to look for where his sister and Atem went out. He had to juggle the people who were leaving the train and those who, like him, were there to look for them. He wondered whether he would find them one day.
Odion looked for then toofrom afar and saw them stepped off the train. He tried to call Marek to prevent him, but he didn't hear him. He therefore went to meet Ishizu and the pharaoh to join them and salute them.
« Hi Ishizu! Pharaoh! How are you? The trip went well? »"Asked Odion appearing in front of them smiling.
« AH! Odion! Hello! I am fine, thank you! And the trip went well, do not worry! Thank you for coming to look for us! » Answered Ishizu also smiling.
« Hi Odion ! But please call me Atem, like I told Ishizu I am no longer Pharaoh! » Said Atem greeting him too.
"I am glad to see you all both! You need to be tir ... "He did not having the time to finish his sentence, because Marek came from the spot and interpellate them.
« Ishizu... Pharaoh! Finally ... I found you ...! » Retorted Marek trying to resume his breath. « I thought I would never find you! Well! Welcome! » He said happily.
« Yes! Thank you little brother, but takes back your breath we have time! "Began Ishizu maternally « And then I think he would prefer that you call him Atem, don't I? » She said looking at him with a smile on her face, so that he didn't have to repeat a third time what he had said the previous day .
Atem looked at her smiling also understanding the message. Then he turned to Marek and looked at him mid amused, catch his breath.
« Marek are you ok? »
« Huh! Oh yes do not worry ATEM! » He said, smiling and emphasising on his first name. He understood very well that he wanted to be called by his first name instead of his title. That suited him perfectly.
« Ishizu! If you want to have the time to prepare you for your appointment, it is better to go now, you do not believe? » Said Odion looking at his watch, then Ishizu.
She approved smiling and looked at him shaking her head to approve of what he had said.
They went to the exit, then to the car. They settled on the inside, Odion and Ishizu front and behind Marek and Atem. Besides all the way, Odion and Ishizu could hear them talk, especially in fact Marek. He told him the life he had, but also asked some questions to Atem. He answered smiling.
They came home and went up the stairs to show Atem' room and let it rest. He placed the few things he had at the foot of the bed and went to get in front of the window to watch the city.
Ishizu, she went to her room, defeated her luggage and went to cool off a little.
Odion and Marek went downstaires and prepared a snack for them to drink. Twenty minutes later, Atem and Ishizu went downstaires too to the living room to discuss with Odion and Marek. Atem told them his adventure, like he had done the previous day with Ishizu. Marek and Odion listened him with their eyes open (especially Marek). They had the same reaction that Ishizu had before on the chance he had been offered reliving a second time.
« Well, I think I will go because it is almost time for my appointment with Mr Poulos! Odion you could to come with me! "Asked Ishizu.
« Yes, no problem! I will prepare the car! » Answered Odion standing up.
« Thank you very much, I' ll come! » She answered him smiling.
Odion also smiled and left the room. Ishizu turned to his brother and said:
« Well! During my visit I count on you to take care of Atem, but does not bothering him too much, okay! » She said to Marek.
« Yes don't worry!... Eh! But can I take him out to show him the city a little! » Asked Marek, who had just had this idea.
« Well ... » She began a little bit indecisive.
« Don't worry Ishizu! I don't mind, on the contrary! Walk after this trip will be good! » He replied with a smile and standing up.
Reassured, Ishizu nodded and headed for the door. Marek and Atem looked her walk out, and then they lookedat each other.
« So, since you would agree we could go on a tour in town! » Said Marek.
« Okay let's do it! » Said Atem.
Marek approved and they went to pick up their attires and came out in the city closing the door behind them.
Ishizu and Odion arrived at the Ministry of Culture and came to the secretary.
« Hello! I am Miss Ishtar! I have a appointment with Mr Poulos, please! » She said nicely.
« Hello, Miss Ishtar! Yes Mr Poulos wait for you! You can go there! » Said the secretary, smiling too.
Ishizu and Odion thank her and headed to the office of Mr Poulos. They knocked at the door and waited that he tell them to enter.
« Ah! Ishizu! Odion! » He exclaimed joyfully, when he saw them enter « I am delighted to see you again! But What is the honor of your visit? »
« Mr Poulos! It is a pleasure to see you again! And I thank you for receiving us! » She answered.
« Mr Poulos! Hello! "How are you? » Asked Odion politely.
« I am fine, thank you Odion! » He answered watching him with a smile.
« Well if we get down to business! Your brother told me that you needed help, didn't he? I hope I could help you! » Said Mr Poulos returning seriously.
« Yes! Listen I adress myself to you because you know our history, and I have a complete confidence in you. So this is what happened » Began Ishizu.
She began her story thus not omitting any detail, because she had full confidence in him and only him could help. After a long time, it stood up from his chair, went to the window removing his glasses. After what he had heard he needed to think. Oh, it is not he didn't believe them, but the news was intrigued him. He stayed a few minutes like this without moving.
« It's very interesting what do you say! So a great pharaoh, who saved the world is alive, well well! » He said in swinging on himself.
Ishizu and Odion looked at him a little anxious, because they understood very well that this was very puzzling. Even if he believed in a lot of things, there were limits.
Suddenly, Mr Poulos turned around and drew a smile on his lips.
« Listen I believe you, and I would be very happy to help you! I would love to meet him also, if it possible! » he said delighted, because the curiosity took him more than the .bewilderement.
Ishizu and Odion were also pleased, they stood up from their chair and thanked them for his trust.
« I am eternally grateful to you for your help! Do not worry, you can meet him, let's say... tomorrow! Does this suit you? » She asked.
« Yes, yes I am free tomorrow morning, let's say thalf past ten, it will be fine? » Asked Mr Poulos, delighted to meet someone important, a little bit like a child who was offered a nice gift. Because Mr Poulos loved everything that had sued at the time of the Pharaohs, which was his favorite period of history, with all its myths and legends.
They shook their hands with gratitude. Then they left, leaving him in his thoughts. Hewas a little surprise yet but he was pressed to be tomorrow. 'Father, mother, I am sure that you would have been much interested by this, I would do what I could to help them and the ancient history of our country to endure' He thought touched.
Ishizu and Odion came back to their appointments and found Marek and Atem in the living room income from their tour in the city. She told them her appointment with Mr Poulos. And she also said she had made an appointment for tomorrow morning at half past ten.
« But are you sure we can trust him? » Atem ventured to say.
« Do not worry! Like I said earlier is someone good! » Ishizu said with a smile.
« Ok! I trust you! » Answered Atem reassured.
They decided to go to dinner and go to bed because the hard work would begin tomorow and the other days.
Atem nodded off confident and fast. During his sleep, he found himself in a place he did not know. A bright light was present but far from glamorous, it was something soothing. He ventured to move forward and all of a sudden, he saw something, or rather someone who was standing. It did not distinguish much, because of the light, except a silhouette. He could say that it was a girl, but would not see clearly. He could only see her eyes which was deep blue and warm. She seemed to stand in front of a building whose architecture reminded him of something. But he focused on her, as she handed her arm like asking him to join her. His feet were walking alone, as if he was hypnotized. He felt at peace, and happy, as if his place was there simply. Yet when he was about to reach her, the light began to fade and it disappeared without being able to touch her.
He woke up the next morning wondering who was this person. Sitting in his bed, he wondered questions because it was the first time that he was experiencing such feelings, and he did not know how to explain what he felt. Indeed he had always been preoccupied with his duels and nothing else, then he too did not understand what he was experiencing. 'Is this… my destiny? '. He thought perplexing. He decided to stand up and prepare for his appointment.
He came down and joined Ishizu, Marek and Odion in the kitchen for breakfast. He decided not to tell them his dream, and to focus on what would follow. Marek left to go to high school and left Odion, Ishizu and Atem alone.
At ten past twelve, they came to the ministry and went to the secretary who took them in the office of Mr. Poulos. It got up and greeted his guests, and then began to look at the young man carefully, because in fact he remembered seeing the tablet representing the struggle between the pharaoh and his priest, before it would be sent to Japan. He was therefore surprised to see how it looked like the same.
« Oh My God! How you like him, it is unimaginable! If Ishizu does not told me your story I would never have lived such a beautiful moment! » He said pleased « But sit down, please! » He offer them.
A little embarrassed by this attention, Atem sat in the company of Odion and Ishizu and waited the course of events.
« So! Well my boy! I am amazed! So according to Ishizu, you returned of the realm of the dead while you lived there several thousand centuries ago. It's wonderful! » He began to say delighted « But do not worry I will tell nothing to no-one, or they will think I'm crazy! » He said laughing.
Atem looked at him a little surprised, but he could see that Ishizu was right. He was a man sincere and honest whose people could trust in.
« But, please tell me, between us, how was the after life? » He asked curious coming close to him.
« Well ... I do not know what to say! » Atem began to say embarrassed.
« Ha Ha Do not worry! If you do not want to say it, it's not a big deal!! I asked it like that! » He reassured him.
« Okay back to our affairs! Ishizu said she had thought of something about your back! I admit that it is pretty found! Congratulations my dear Ishizu, I would expect no less of you, my child » He said warmly watching her.
« Thank you Mr Poulos! I think that is perfect to explain his presence here! But the hardest is the story of his life, you do not believe? » She asked watching him, and then watching Atem.
Atem in fact said nothing because he did not know what to say.
« Yes I see the problem » Said Mr Poulos rubbing his chin « I know! We have only to say that he lived in a remote village of any civilization in the south of the Egypt. I know someone out there who can help us. Do not worry there come » He said her lifting his thumb as if to say that there will be no problem.
« Mr Poulos, thank you! Because you see I am in the hurry to join my friends who live in Japan. So thank you again for the help you bring us » Said Atem truly speaking for the first time since the beginning of the apointment, and displaying a serious and determined face.
Mr Poulos carefully looked again and saw such a determination that forced compliance.
« But it 's nothing young man, I am delighted to help you! Now you have to worry about your paper. Ishizu, Odion, I count on you to load this! I deal in his story! It's ok? » He said watching Ishizu and Odion « But if you have any problems do not hesitate to tell me and keep me informed of the progress of operations! »
« Yes, we deal with that! Do not worry! And thanks again! » She said with a smile.
« Yes, I also thank you, Mr. Poulos » Said Atem standing up.
He exchanged a handshake with the big hearted man, who had agreed to help him without really knowing him. They looked briefly with a trust and mutual respect.
Then they came out of the office of Mr. Poulos and returned home. Marek returned in soon and asked how it had happened. After the telling of the conversation that they had had, they decided to leave to begin the administrative process of Atem. They spent the day and returned home exhausted. After a good dinner, they went to bed exhausted but happy.
Day was rising in Japan and gradually the life came back. People were leaving to go to work, children to go to school, in sum the life reflected its rights.
Anzu was lifted early, as every day and yet she felt different today. Indeed in her sleep, she had a most curious dream. She could not remember much, but what she remembered was the presence of a young man who was waiting for her and shooted his arm down. From him, she distinguished only his silhouette, but above all it was his eyes that had marked her. A serious and strong
look. And its color, a purple intense and warm eyes. She had the feeling thatt she knew him, but she was unable to find out whohe was. And for the first time since one month, she felt well and happy, as if a good omen had come true.
She therefore prepared to go to school and came down in the kitchen welcoming his entire family with a cheerful and serene face. Everyone looked surprised, her parents and her cousin Kazumi, because for a while, she wasn't well. Although she smiled at them, they saw that it was forced. They were therefore surprised and delighted at the same time to see her like before.
« Hello, Anzu! How are you doing today? » Her mother askeg gently.
« Hum! Yes! Do not worry, now I feel happy! like released from something that weighed me, I do not know how to explain it, but i'm going fine! » She replied, smiling.
« How happy I am, my dear! You see, your mother and I were worried for you! » He got up and approached her daughter to take her in his arms, under her mother look, who was touched, and Kazumi « You had looked so unhappy ! And you do not tell us anything and you struggled to be happy! But if all goes well It's the best, my daughter! » He exclaimed pleased to find her daughter like she was before.
Anzu hugged his father in his arms to express her gratitude for all the love her parents showed her. She felt at peace within herself and had regained her joy of life. Then they parted from one another and went to sit in their place.
« Do not worry daddy! I am fine and I wanted to thank you for your help and support, really thank you! » She said watching all three.
Then she sat down at her place and swallowed her breakfast in record time. They looked happy and eventually they ate their breakfast. Anzu and Kazumi stood up from the table and laid their dishes in the sink, before leaving.
« Okay we went at school! See you soon and have a good day! » She said leaving the room and rushing to the front door.
"Yes, we shall go there! Have a nice day my uncle and my aunt » Said Kazumi gently and went to join her cousin who had already put her shoes and waited.
They looked each other and looked them leave with a smile, happy for their daughter because she finallystarted to enjoy life again.
Anzu and Kazumi went to the Yugi's home to go to school with him. In fact, since she had came to Domino, Anzu introduced her to all his friends and was fully integrated into the band.
When they arrived at Yugi, the latter was not yet ready. Anzu sounded to indicate that they were there. Yugi wondered who it could be and continued to prepare. His mother went open.
« Anzu, woah it was a long time since I didn't see you? Are you alright? » She said her.
« Hello Ms Mûto! I am fine thanks! Let me introduce you to my cousin Kazumi! » She Said watching her cousin.
« Hello! Kazumi, welcome! I am delighted to meet you! » She said welcoming her warmly.
« Hello! Ms. Mûto! I am delighted to meet you too! » Kazumi Said returning the welcoming.
« Thank you, Kazumi! In fact Anzu you came looking for Yugi? But as usual he is not yet ready! » Exclaimed Ms. Mûto shaking her head and sighing.
Anzu began to smile in understanding what Ms. Mûto felt.
"Well! I will go and lookfor him if you won't be late! But enter please » She finished to say climbing the stairs.
She climbed on the floor to prevent Yugi for the arrival of his friends. The grandfather of Yugi, hearing voices went out of the kitchen and went to greet the visitors.
« Oh! Anzu! What a surprise to see you again this has been a long time! Yugi going to be happy » Began to say joyfully. Then he noticed the girl who was standing behind her and asked "But tell me who is this lovely girl? »
Kazumi began to blush hearing this.
« Ah! Grand father I present to you my cousin Kazumi, who will continue her studies in Domino! » Answered Anzu with a smile while watching her cousin.
« Hey! Well I see that beauty is hereditary in the family! What charming girls we have here! » He said laughing.
Anzu began to laugh also to the conduct of Mr Mûto because she knew him very well and was not surprised with what he said . She laughed too seeing her cousin blush even more.
At the top, Yugi was surprised when his mother told him the coming of Anzu. He was hurried up to dress and runned in the stairwells. When he saw her at the bottom, talking and laughing with his grandfather, he felt his heart overflowing with joy and hurried up to come down. But unfortunately it missed a stair fell. Everyone rushed to him and asked him if everything was fine. Suddenly,a laughter was heard. This laughter came form Anzu. The four others looked at her laughing merrily, a little surprised, then general giggles was heard. They laughed of all their heart glad to be here together as before.
When the calm was income, Yugi, Anzu and Kazumi went to school together. On their way Anzu chatting like before and Yugi listened her to talk, happy and thoughtful at the same time, because he wondered what had happened. In fact, before yesterday she was all sad, providing barely speak and she was chatting as if nothing had happened. He wondered what had been happening. He pushed a small sigh of relief and smiled.
At school, Jono uchi and Honda noticed the metamorphosis of Anzu and they also wondered the same thing. They talked about this with Yugi and Kazumi, during Anzu went in the principal's office after he called in her.
« Well what a sudden change! I never believed that we could see her like beforel? It's so great » Said Jono-uchi.
« I agree with you man! We really didn't know what to do and without her, our group wasn't the same » Said Honda.
« This morning, when she came to join us at the table, she was happy again like before! It was a real pleasure to see her like this! » Said Kazumi with a smile.
« You see! I had said that she would be better, we have just to wait! » ExclaimedYugi, who had regained all of his optimism and joy of life. Because from the three of the boys, he was the one who had the greatest concern with the fact that he was experiencing feelings for her in secret ever since he was small.
In the office, Anzu knocked, came in the office and greeted the director. What was not her surprise discovering another person sitting in front of the director, who watched her with a smile. Because she came to see an old acquaintance in the person of Rebecca. They looked at each other and exchanged a friendly smile.
« Hello Miss Mazaki » The director got up and went around his office to greet the visitor , then appointed her a chair and returned to his office "I would like to introduce a new student. Her name is Rebecca Hopkins and she has the level required to be in your class, despite his young age » He said.
Indeed, Rebecca is now 14 years (it can be younger but I prefer to give her this age for the suite!), And she had always had a competitive edge over young people of her age, making the pride of his grandfather.
They are welcomed under the watchful eye of the director. He asked Anzu toaccompany and facilitate the integration of Rebecca, as well as to answer questions if need be. She accepted with pleasure that task and, with the agreement of the director, they stood up nd went on of the office. They could finally speak freely while going to the class.
« So how you come here to pursue your education? It's great! » Exclaimed Anzu, happy to find a friend. That way we will match the boy, because you know my cousin just arrived, too! I will intriduce her to you! » She finished to say it in the tone of confidence, which made them laugh both.
« Hey! well! Me too I am delighted to be here and to see you all here » She said after she regained her calm « Although initially my grandfather did not agree that I come here alone » She stopped in the hallway an moment and looked at Anzu in the eye « You know! He was worried for me. After all I am the only family he has! But hey! He is always traveling, so I have decided to come here and be with you! » Concluded Rebecca wanting to show that she was independent and strong.
Anzu nodded because she understood the feelings of Rebecca, but also those of Mr Hopkins. It should be hard for them, because they had always lived together, and despite what Rebecca said, she should be a little sad. She decided to do what she could to help and comfort her if she was in the need.
But for Rebecca, the real reason for coming here was, of course, Yugi. Because since they met, she had fallen in love with him and wanted to be with him. And that Rebecca would have done anything for that! That's why she had battled farm with his grandfather to finish her schooling here, despite the difficult separation for both and tearing it procured.
They continued chatting happily, when at the turn of a corridor, Rebecca saw the one that was in her mind.
« Oh! Yugi! How are you going? You are happy to see me? » She exclaimed happy rushing into his arms.
Yugi looked surprised, not uttered a word, stunned by this apparition, and they all eventually both ashore. If he expected that. He thought 'Rebecca here, no way?'
The others looked on the floor and were equally surprised. A silence ensued in the hallway.
« Rebecca, what are you doing here? » Asked Honda, which was the first to recover from his surprise and thus regain the speech.
« she will pursue her class here from now on! That is why I called in a moment! » Made clear Anzu, smiling, which was amused by the situation.
« You will continue your studies here! But it's not going to be too hard for you? » Said Yugi regaining his senses, then gotting up and helping her to got up well.
« No it's ok, i have the capacity » She shook her skirt that was a little dirty and took his arms again shaking Yugi against her chest happy to be there « And I am so happy to be with you, … it's not? » Asked Rebecca worries all of a sudden, looking in their eyes and dropping the arm of Yugi, as they had not shown much of their joy to see her here.
« But no! It is great that you are here! » They went around her and patted on her shoulder as a sign of friendship « We were all very shocked by your arrival. That is why we did not react immediately, but don't worry, we are happy! » They allexclaimed.
« Ah! In fact I will introduce you Kazumi, my cousin! You know I talked about her earlier! » Said Anzu turned toward Kazumi, who had watched the scene a little behind.
« Nice to meet you! » Kazumi said warmly.
Rebecca looked a short time, then returned her the smile.
« Nice to meet you too Kazumi! I »m Rebecca Hopkins! Eh! But you had right Anzu! Now we will be able to match the boy! » She finishe to say laughing.
« Huh! What! It is not because you are three that you struggle! The men are the strongest » Retorted Jono-uchi.
Anzu gave him a blow on the head to show him he was wrong.
Others began to laugh at that scene. Then they returned to class as the bell ring and had time to go into the class.
Rebecca was presented to the other members of the class who welcomed her. Then she was placed not far from Anzu and able to follow the first lesson in the same class of Yugi and his friends. She thus began the lesson with a smile and happy.
At the break, many of her new classmates asked her questions about her origins, where she came from… and she answered the most gentle possible way. But her desire was to be with Yugi and his friends. She had to wait patiently for lunchtime arrives to find them. They went on the roof of the school for lunch and chatting quietly.
« Well! You have had a great success! Note, this is normal, after all, a young American in second year high school here, it can surprise » Said Jono uchi eating with good appetite.
« It's true that it is not common for a little girl ... » Began Honda.
« Hey! I have fourteen years since four months I signal you » Replied Rebecca.
« You are in high school at that age! Congratulations you must to be a genius! » Stated kindly Kazumi, surprised.
« Yes absolutely! But even though I am younger than you, I am still a young girl! » She said bulging her chest, because she did not want to appear a little girl in the eyes of Yugi. And she looked to see his reaction, but it was happy to eat and listen what they were saying. Disappointed she declined her head on her meal and pushed a small sigh.
Anzu noticed the disappointment of her friend and wondered what was going on.
« Yes! This is not common, but it's great that you were here! We should celebrate that after class, what do you think? » Jono -uchi.asked after having swallowed his sandwich and almost choke.
They all accepted the idea of Jono-uchi and decided to meet at Yugi home after class. Indeed he asked Anzu and Kazumi whether they should go to work today. Anzu looked at him and said no. He looked too and he smiled a dazzling and accomplice look, as if they were only just both. But it did not escape to Rebecca. 'Please i wish he wasn't in love with her' She thought for a moment. She tried to reassure her by saying that it had to be her imagination. Yet she decided to take a word to Anzu, to be sure.
At half past three, at the end of the class, they returned home to change and went to Yuig home, after they buy some stuff for the party. Arriving at home, they settled in the room and prepared the party. The grandfather of Yugi was extremely surprised and pleased at the same time to see them together and most of all Rebecca, because he saw her as her granddaughter, because of the friendship he had with her grandfather. He questioned, however, on him for news. Touched, she gave him his news and what exactly he was doing. Then she joined the others and began the festivities.
In the evening, Rebecca taken Anzu separately to talk to her. She looked baffled, but agreed. She offered her to go into the kitchen to be quiet.
« Does…… finally something happens with Yugi? "She asked him embarrassed.
She was amazed,and looked at her for a moment. Then she began to laugh.
« But no! What makes you say that? It is a friend to me! While very important, but nothing more I assure you! » Anzu answered looking straight into the eyes of Rebecca to reassure her. "Will you… be in love with him ? » Asked Anzu bending over her for Rebecca confess.
« Bah! … well … yes, and I ask me questions! But… then it's great! » Answered Rebecca, who was so embarrassed blushes more than before.
Anzu looked longly happy for her and embrace her.
« Yes do not worry I am not at all in love with him » she said. 'But instead of…' She began to think, but stopped not to become sad. Driving away that thought by shaking his head, she smiled to reassure her again.
They returned to the room and they continued to have fun with everybody. They all split up and returned each of them satiated and happy. On her way, Anzu wondered if she would again make this strange dream.
She returned to her home and slept. A few minutes ago she fell asleep. Besides a smile came to appear on her lips because she found hersel in the same place as the day before. She walked toward the light and soothing distinguished again, this young man standing in front of this monument, which seemed so familiar. This time, she decided to approach for a better view. But the more she approached closer, the more the light was intense and bright. She had to leave, but she still saw those eyes that fascinated her. She could also hear him say something, even if it was not distinct. Moreover, she had even more the feeling to recognize that person as well as his voice, but she was unable to find out who he really was. Then the light began to falter, and the young man began to disappear. She did not want her dream stops. But alas, it disappeared more. She had just enough time to say: "But who are you? ".
So what did you thik!!
I wonder who is the person tehy saw in their dreams!! but i guess you know who they are!!