Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Lover's Duel ❯ Things Seem To Get Only Worse ( Chapter 11 )
Things seem to only get Worse
Yugi woke up first and decided he was hungry. Looking out the window he found that he still had a good hour before dark fell and he had to be in the room.
He left quickly, and putting his pants on, to go retrieve something to eat for himself and his Pharaoh. Before he made it to the kitchens though he was grabbed from behind and his mouth was covered; he blacked out a minute later.
When Yami woke up and found to be the only occupant of the bed he looked around the room before his eyes settled on the window and found it to be dark out, and had been for a while now.
`If Yugi did leave he should've been back by now. He knows what it looks like when it starts to get dark and there's plenty windows in the palace to miss it.' Yami thought as he sat up and stood on the cold floor. He put on his pants and gold and silver outlined cape and left the room to look for the boy.
He first went to the room where Kyra would always sing to Yugi. In not finding him there, he checked the kitchens since Yugi was usually hungry after a long day and he didn't really eat that much.
He began to worry as he walked through the deserted halls. A light flickered in the corner of his eyes and he looked up to see the white flicker down the walls of one of the hallways.
He followed it down more halls and steps as he found himself in the lowest part of the castle and in front of a familiar door. It was the door to the game room where he played the Shadow Games and, when he was alone after Kyra had been dismissed after her beating years before, spoke to his loyal Duel Monster, the Dark Magician, since it was the only room in the palace where the monsters were allowed to be summoned unless stated otherwise; but that was only in case of an emergency or special reasons.
Taking a deep breath he stepped in and feared for the worse. He had never shown Yugi this room and never intended to since it was a very dangerous room, the most dangerous in the entire palace. What greeted him shocked him and also made fear creep through his veins.
Yugi was tied down on a stone table in the middle of the battlefield for the games. Seto was standing behind the table petting his monster, the Blue Eyes White Dragon, looking up at hearing the doors behind Yami close.
Seto smirked at Yami as he played with the silver dagger tied at his waist.
Yami gulped silently. `Please let him keep that knife where it is.' He wished to himself.
At the familiar presence of his friend and master, the Dark Magician materialized behind him. Immediately sensing his master's distress and why, the sage went beside him and glared at Seto with his ice like eyes much like his master was doing with his own crimson ones.
Seto's smirk only got bigger and all the more cocky looking as he removed the sharp dagger from its hold and twiddled it in his hands, his dragon growling slightly at the newest visitor to the room.
Yami stepped forward slightly in worry when the weapon was unleashed, but with Seto's quiet taunting, stepped back and stayed there.
"What do you wish with Yugi?" He asked with a strained voice.
The former priest stared at him intently with icy eyes of his own before answering. "I think Yugi is a wonderful partner, much to innocent for his own good I must say. I admit I'm very drawn to him and only got much closer while we were bonding and you no where around to interrupt our fun." He licked his lips.
Yami growled loudly at Seto and at himself. `I'm so stupid! How did I not realize Seto wouldn't give up Yugi so easily and would try to rape and hurt him again? Even I am drawn to innocence and beauty but at least I make sure he wants what I give him.' He quickly stopped his self-punishing though as his eyes widened and tears formed against his well as he saw Seto's knife making red trails appear over Yugi's stomach.
"All the more beautiful when in pain, don't you think Pharaoh?" He spat the last word out of his mouth in disgust. Yami only watched Yugi and cursing himself at not protecting him better like he promised.
At the stinging contact on his bare skin, Yugi awakened with a gasp and flinched back as he saw Seto, not realizing what had happened to his stomach except for a dull throb that was trying to bring it to his attention.
When he saw Seto smirking at someone Yugi looked to see whom. Hope flared up in him as saw Yami. `Yami'll help me; he promised. He'll get Seto away just like he told me he would.' "Yami! Help me, Yami!"
However, he failed to see the two monsters also in the strange and unfamiliar room and was scared out of his mind as he saw the dragon when it roared at the suddenness of his voice and how loud it had been. He struggled against his bonds but failed miserably as tears stung at his eyes as he finally felt the stinging of the large design mark on his stomach and whimpered in fear of the pain and the white dragon.
"Seto, stop this!" Yami called out at last. "Can't you see it's scaring him? Release him at once!"
Seto pretended to think about it in a teasing manner towards the Pharaoh. "Let's see, it's a good possibility I might actually." He smirked. "What am I saying? Why would I listen to a fool like you when I can have all the fun in the world I want by watching you two call for each other in vain?" His dragon sounded as though it was snickering with its master next him at the words.
`Please, please let this be a dream somehow. Any moment now I'll wake up in Yami's arms so I can tell him all about it and Yami will hold me and tell me nothing of the sort will happen as long as he's there protecting me.' The pain from where the dagger drew the small patterns on his stomach though told him different; he began to cry as quietly as he could.
Yami didn't blame Yugi for being scared either when he saw the shiny tracks leading from his eyes. Heck, he was scared out of his mind too, though he would be damned before he admitted it in front of Seto; only Yugi.
Seto laughed once more at the two's antics at trying to get to the other in some way and returned his knife to Yugi, only on his abdomen this time.
Yugi screamed loudly as the knife went deeper into his skin; he could faintly hear Yami yelling for Seto to stop in the background as the ex-priest laughed manically.
Finally, Yugi got a breather and looked back at Yami with sweat on his forehead and tears blending in as the beads slid down his skin. He saw another monster holding the Pharaoh from lunching at Seto. He was scared at first, but eased back only a little bit as he realized this monster wasn't hurting Yami, but only straining him back and helping him from forcing himself at Seto.
After calming down the most he would the sage released his master and Yami nodded his thanks at him, for if he had lunged at Seto he knew Yugi would probably end up dying either by Seto or the deadly dragon next to him.
Yugi was shaking, but not from the cold as he continued to stare into the eyes of the White Dragon standing beside the former high priest. The dragon just houghed a bit and stared back as he stretched its neck out a bit.
Out of no where though something suddenly unexpected happened before Seto could make more designs on Yugi's bleeding flesh even lower since he was beginning to remove the tiny bow that tied his pants up.
A flash of white could be seen from somewhere in the shadows on the left of the room as Seto began tugging on the waistband to take them off before it landed on Seto with full force, slamming him to the ground before he could remove Yugi's satin gold pants completely.
Yami stepped forward and took his opportunity while he could. "Dark Magician, try to release Yugi from his bonds if you can."
The spell-castor obeyed quickly as he rushed down and used his magic to break the strong bonds that already had the flesh raw and had cut into them from Yugi pulling hard against them.
Yugi scooted away when he could, but not so much he would fall off the alter he was put on.
"Do not worry, little one. I'm tied to the Pharaoh Yami and I would never hurt you against his words. He is my friend, a very close one."
At hearing this Yami clung to him as he let the magician pick him up and he refused to let go unless he would be put into Yami's, and only Yami's, arms.
The being that had purposely crashed into Seto now revealed themselves to be Kyra. She had Seto's knife and was holding the priest from behind with the over-sharpened weapon at his throat.
"Yugi, are you okay?" She called after him.
The boy nodded shyly before his purple clad rescuer turned and walked up the short steps to his master.
The Dark Magician kneeled down released the frightened teen.
Yugi stepped out of his embrace and ran into Yami's; crying harder than he ever had before in his life. Yugi then gasped and pulled away from Yami. "I-I'm so so-sorry, Yami. I didn't mean to…" He stopped as he continued to look at Yami's blood covered chest.
Yami shook his head and pulled Yugi back to him and allowed himself to cry silently into Yugi's shoulder as the other cried into his chest, placing his cape around the other in comfort.
Kyra smiled at the two before she remembered her other surprise that she brought with her since she knew the Dark Magician would be out.
"And now I know you'll love this little treat since it's my personal favorite and also another one of my best friends." She whispered. "Come on out now. You can have some fun with this dragon just like you wanted. Black Magician Girl!"
The female magician appeared from the rafters when Kyra had come in from and held her staff up to the Blue Eyes.
Kyra knew that with the Dark Magician also out it made both monsters stronger, making the Black Magician Girl, and vice versa, a force to be reckoned with if put to the test.
Kyra nodded and the Black Magician Girl smirked before waving a small goodbye and winking at the dragon with her illegal green eyes before destroying it. Then, as if the two had planned it, which they probably did, Kyra removed the knife from Seto's neck and the female magician's staff quickly replaced it.
Yugi looked away at this since he didn't want to see it and Ra knew he had enough blood occur with him this night than in his lifetime and didn't want to see much more of it anymore anytime soon.
Kyra growled angrily into Seto's ear as she held him tightly with both of her hands. "You've cause both Yugi and Pharaoh Yami enough pain in both their lives already. You're the sickest man I ever met and you deserve to rot in the depths of hell. However, being Yami's friend, I'll leave this to him since he is the Pharaoh and this is really more his fight than it is mine plus it is his rule to give permission before punishing anybody. And one more thing: one wrong move you jerk and my friend right there won't hesitate to blow your twisted head off."
Yami stepped forward holding Yugi still close to him. He didn't want to regret this decision if he let Seto go, but what if he tried to hurt Yugi again; he couldn't take that. He looked into Yugi's eyes, silently asking what the younger wanted to do. He certainly didn't want Yugi to see Seto die since he knew he's seen enough in one night if he chose what Yugi might've.
Yugi let the tears fall and he hugged Yami closer to him once more before tugging on his arm, getting him to come down so he could wrap his arms around the Pharaoh's neck. Yami wrapped his arms around Yugi, being careful of his still bleeding injuries, and held him closer.
"I don't want to get hurt anymore, Yami. I want him to go away. Please, please Yami don't let him hurt me again." Yugi whimpered and pleased into Yami's neck.
Yami moved his arms and swiftly picked Yugi up as he stood. He nodded a thank you to Kyra with a small smile before adding a serious one for his and Yugi's agreed answer.
He walked over to the Dark Magician. "Thank you for your help, my friend. I wish for you to join us in my room. I'd feel much better sleeping tonight if you did so."
The monster easily agreed and the three left as the Black Magician Girl smirked at Kyra.
Once in their room again Yami disappeared into the other room to retrieve some bandages for Yugi's injuries. The frightened boy was sitting in the magician's lap that was obviously Yami's friend as well. The magician was trying to calm Yugi to stop his shivering by playing with his hair and rubbing his back through the soft cloth of Yami's cape.
Yugi did calm down, at least for him to stop shivering, but was still nervous and a little tense when he couldn't see Yami and stayed that way until Yami came back.
Yami tended to Yugi's wounds as he tried to be as careful as he could to not hurt Yugi more than what was needed and then dressed them in the white bandages.
Once finished he sat next to the Dark Magician and sighed heavily. He felt like he was at a complete loss, but now he knew Seto was taken care of and that his Yugi was going to be ok.
"Thank you for coming with us, Dark Magician. I do feel much safer sleeping already with you in here. Please, protect Yugi for me."
The sage nodded as he happily agreed with Yami once more for staying in the room. He stood with the boy in his arms before placing the sleeping once into the bed, having gone to his dreams as Yami was cleaned him up.
Yami smiled and climbed into the bed and covered both of them up. He saw the Dark Magician move to sit by the door, staff close by in case it was needed.
Before going to sleep he whispered to Yugi the words he'd been feeling for the longest time. "I love you, Yugi." He softly kissed the boy on the cheek,
Yugi snuggled closer in response and Yami smiled as he heard that the `sleeping' Yugi was only half conscious and on his way to being asleep. "I love you too, Yami."
Both fell asleep after getting comfortable and knowing they'd be watched by Yami's favorite and most loyal monster and friend as they slept. Yugi lay on his back with his head resting gently on Yami's chest, hugging him close, as Yami was holding his arms loosely around the smaller's waist.
Yami woke the next day to a cold bed, him being the only inhabitant. He gasped and shot up in the bed as he looked around his bed frantically for the younger.
Hey everybody! Don't worry Yugi's fine and nothing bad happened to him. That much I'll tell you, but I don't want to give too much away seeing as how I can be as evil I want to be right now and just let you people rack your brains to try and find out what happened to Yugi this time.