Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Magnificent Bastard ❯ Chapter 1

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Magnificent Bastard

  Author: Setosgirl Pairings: Seto x Mokuba Disclaimer: I don't own Yu-Gi-Oh!. I don't own Seto. I don't own anything, because I'm a communist ( ^^ ) Summary: Just a little darkness to lighten up your day. Words: 584 Rating: PG-13   ~   *   ~   *&nbs p;  ~


I love you so much, Seto. You have no idea how much. And you must love me back. Why else would you let me do everything I do?

Everything I do to you?

You're a hardass, a bastard. A magnificent bastard. To everyone else, you're cruel, heartless, but when we're alone together… You're unbelievably gentle. So kind. So easy for me to hurt.

So willing to let me.

And when you have tears in your eyes, from the pain, the physical and emotional pain you allow me to inflict upon you… you're beautiful. It makes me just want to take you, make you mine. Now I know why he liked to hurt you - you don't like to talk about him, even to me, but you've told me enough. He must have loved you. Like I love you.

Blood looks good on you. It makes me want to lick it off of you, sink my teeth into you to draw more. That's just the least of it, though. You don't care if you bleed, and that almost takes all of the fun out of it. Almost.

Pain looks good on you. It's why I love you so much; you can take so much pain and still come back for more, almost as if begging me to hurt you again. You're a glutton for punishment, as though you feel you've failed somewhere and have to be made to pay for it. That's why you keep coming back to me. I don't care why you need to be hurt, though. Just so long as you keep coming back.

Tears look good on you. On those rare occasions when you actually let them fall, tearing clean streaks through the blood on your face or falling onto your trembling hands, I can't help myself. You're irresistible when you cry, and I have to take you.

I know it hurts you when I take you, and that only makes it better. Sweeter. Sometimes it makes you bleed, and that's good. Sometimes it makes you cry, and that's best. I don't think anyone else even knows you can cry, but for me… that's my goal, each and every time. To see those beautiful drops fall from your deep blue eyes. I know then that I've done as much to you as I can. You're so controlled, though, even around me. I can usually only get them to well up in your eyes. If I can get them to fall - even a single tear - then I know I've actually hurt you.

You never resist me, never even think of fighting back. I can control you utterly, and you almost like it. Only once did you ever come close to trying to fight me. The first time that hurting you wasn't enough and I had to have you. You fought back only enough for me to feel that I was taking you by force.

That night, for the first and only time that I have ever known, you screamed.

And afterward, as you lay bleeding and in pain, your eyes were blank, the blue of dead ice, not the blue of the tumultuous sea or the turbulent sky, and I knew I had to do something. Something to keep you from being permanently dead on the inside. So I kissed you and told you I loved you.

Your eyes came slowly back to life, and you cried.

You believed me that night. I don't know how you could possibly have believed me after what I had just done to you, but you did, and it was true, and the desperation with which you latched onto that only made me love you more. And I still love you, Seto.

My beautiful, magnificent brother.

The End  

  Copyright © Setosgirl