Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Malice ❯ One-Shot

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Another yami bakura poem. . . uh. . . with a very unhealthy obsession with blood. . . *shudder*

Please R&R! Thankies.

DISCLAIMER: I don't own yu-gi-oh. *sobs* I hate reality. . .


Tare human and mortal skin

Steal the blood of my kin

Empty the blood into a chalice

Wreak havoc on souls, trusting my malice

Lips of crimson

Chalice half full

Grab the horns of the blood bull

Overpower it and empty it dry.

There's more blood here than meets the eye.

Tare human and mortal skin

Steal the blood of my kin

Empty the blood into a chalice

Wreak havoc on souls, trusting my malice

Crimson red sky

Sky of the devil

The scenery in which I bask and revel.

Negative bolts of others pain.

Corrupt new world, the leftovers of the slain.

Tare human and mortal skin

Steal the blood of my kin

Empty the blood into a chalice

Wreak havoc on souls, trusting my malice

Power in veins

Red and black; my true treasure.

Dare to drink, and receive immortal pleasure.

Slice the skin, taste blood of greed.

To their screams, you shall pay no heed

Tare human and mortal skin

Steal the blood of my kin

Empty the blood into a chalice

Wreak havoc on souls, trusting my malice

Blood for a king

I feast tonight

Feed on the blood, as well as fright

Empty the sacred chalice

Into the mouth of my malice.