Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Marik's Insane Plot or Bakura gets pissed! ❯ Marriage Proposal and Cream Puffs ( Chapter 22 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: None of this is mine. If you hate shonen-ai, live in Disney Land, have no sense of humor or are a die hard fan, this is not for you.



Wow! What a night! Marik's limbs felt so sore after Conga lessons. The Borg Queen had thanked him, paid him nicely…hehehehe…and then left. Smoking the cigarette, Marik exhaled thinking of the new way of sex that he experienced. Whoa.

Of course, the insane spirit craved Ryou! Oh yes…he forgot about the little minx, but just for the moment. He would marry Ryou and then take over the world! First, he would have to find Pinky…where the hell was he? That little mouse was always looking to romance horses for some reason. Insane really…

Marik finished his cigarette on the last drag as he walked along the mountain side. He decided to take a walk in Europe of all places. All he had to do was teleport himself there and poof!

As he neared the ocean, Marik noticed a blond woman in her teens looking out over the horizon. She seemed to be sad and the insane Egyptian wondered if he could comfort her…or send her to the Shadow Realm.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeerooooo!!! Come and KILL MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" She suddenly shouted as Marik got closer.

Kill her? Oh yes! That was an invitation if he ever heard one! Oh yesyesyesyes! Nearing the pathetic blond, he stepped behind her as he grasped her shoulders from behind.

"I'll do it for you since this Heero guy hasn't shown up!" Marik grinned as Relena's eyes widened.

"No! Don't do this! I didn't mean it…" She started.

"Oh yes you did! Your heart is screaming for the release of this disease we call life! You will rest forever in eternal bliss and hopefully your soul won't get devoured!" He pushed her off the cliff as she screamed all the way down. "Her scream is like a symphony!" He laughed maniacally. "I wonder if Bakura could top this!"

"Hey! Thanks for getting rid of her. She was compromising my missions!" A voice sounded behind Marik.

"Oh, you're welcome, glad I could be of…." He turned around as his eyes got wide as saucers. "KAIBAAAAAAAA!!! KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBA KAIBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!" He screamed on the way down from jumping off the cliff himself.

"What's with him?" Duo asked as he and Heero looked down the cliff face.

"I guess he thought I was someone else." Heero shook his head. "Let's go back to Quatre's. Hopefully he and Trowa aren't screwing in the living room again!"

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The sun broke through the dark curtains. The birds were singing their lovely melodies…if we could ever figure out WHAT they are. Then a sound of shoe hitting its intended target was heard as the bird stopped singing.

"HEY BUDDY!!! WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR!!!" The bird shouted as a sleepy Bakura walked up to the window.

"It's too fucking early! Go sing somewhere else or you'll become pheasant under glass!" He growled as the bird quickly took off. "Stupid good for nothing bird." He grumbled as he dragged himself back to the bed and into his bunny's embrace.

"Bakura." A sleepy voice sounded. "What time is it?"

"7am. Why?" Ryou quickly got out of bed and then ran to the bathroom. "School…fuck…" Bakura fell back to sleep.

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Med school totally sucked at times. Ryou was so tired of dealing with the hypochondriacs that entered into the university's medical center. They were inventing things as they went along. One time Ryou had to explain to a man that there was no way humanly possible that he could be pregnant! The man, though, insisted he was and demanded that he take a pregnancy test. That made Ryou so mad, that he found a wind up rabbit and told him that if it died, he was pregnant. Of course the stupid man was still waiting.

Today though was just lecture day. That was when all the students went into the auditorium and either listened or fell asleep. Most fell asleep, but Ryou listened intently. Of course, hearing half the stuff made him want to run to the restroom to throw up, but he knew he had to deal with this for the rest of his life. Sometimes the medical field could get really disgusting!

Ryou was so happy that his father was helping to pay for his education since his good for nothing wife lost him his scholarship! Served her ass right! Of course, living with Bakura made things easier so he didn't have to face his father everyday…of course he loved Bakura.

Last night was the most passion filled night he had ever experienced. Bakura was the most skilled lover he ever had…the only one he ever had. They had gone at it since morning and never stopped except when nature demanded it. Now Ryou felt a bit tired, but strangely energized. He wanted to experience that again…but just not all day…he had a hard time sitting as it was.

"Boyfriend give it to you good last night?" A girl giggled beside him.

Ryou just blushed. He was too obvious for his own good. The girl just smiled and then focused her attention back on the teacher. Of course there were so many girls in there with hentai thoughts. Sigh…

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Yami watched Yuugi work behind the counter of his grandfather's shop. His other had dragged him back after finding out what he really wanted…a threesome! After Yuugi had literally kicked his ass around the block, the pharaoh learned quickly that bigamy was not the rage in this time.

Yuugi did deserve better than that though. He was almost perfect in every way, except for his temper when he was tired. The duelist sat there studying while Yami stocked the display cases. Business was always slow until 5pm. That was when the little brats would come in with or without their parents demanding for new booster packs. Some of them tried to intimidate Yuugi, but the pharaoh always made sure to be there for him incase any of them got out of hand.

"I can't stand this. What is the point in taking Math when I am not going to use it in life?" Yuugi sighed.

"You haven't even decided what you wanted to be yet, so how could you complain?" Yami sighed. "Yuugi, are you going to go out there in the world, or are you going to stay here and run your grandfather's shop?"

"I want to go out there, but I just don't know as what." Yuugi closed the book. "I always wondered where I fit in the grand scheme of things."

"You'll fit out there somewhere. Whether it is in your grandfather's shop or somewhere else…" He trailed off.

"What's wrong, Yami." Yuugi asked.

"That reminds me of something." Yami started. "Where do I fit in the grand scheme of things? I mean, I know I was pharaoh and I know about my past, but where do I fit in?"

Yuugi smiled, closed his books and then walked over to his other half who was still stocking the store. Wrapping his arms around his other, Yuugi became thoughtful.

"Oh Yami, you fit in with me." Yuugi declared.

`Oh great…' Yami thought to himself as he rolled his eyes.

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School came to an end for that day. After showering in the locker room, Ryou headed for the night club to spend the rest of his time with Bakura. Maybe he could earn some money doing the books. God knows the bookkeeping needed to be done.

Walking inside, the music almost blasted his ear drums making the youth wince. The pulsating music vibrated throughout the club and the patrons were dancing their hearts out. The hired wenches were dancing in their steal cages and as usual, there was a crowd in the waiting room off to the side waiting to be "punished" by the Dominatrix.

Ryou only nodded to the staff with a soft smile as he searched for his lover. Who knew what Bakura was up to? Reaching his main office, Ryou knocked, but it went unheard. Bakura was screaming at his bouncers. What had they done now?

"How could you let those guys in here! Don't you remember what happened the last time they came into this club? They almost raped one of the dancers. I will not have them here again and if I see them here, you both will lose your jobs! Do I make myself clear!?" Bakura demanded.

"Yes sir!" The two muscular men snapped to attention right away.

"Good! Now get out of here!" The ex-Tomb Robber growled as they ran out lest they feel his wrath!

Ryou wondered if it was a good time to face his other. He did not know what he would be in for. Nodding to the two bouncers, the albino slowly made his way in.

"Bakura?" Ryou's soft voice broke the silence.

"Not now, Ryou. I have too much work to do." Bakura's voice snapped. "Why don't you go home and relax."

"I came here to work." His voice became timid.

"There's no need to." Bakura stared at his desk. "I have an accountant doing that now." He looked up at Ryou, his eye lids ready to droop. "Ryou, just go home. I'll see you tonight."

"But…I thought you were going to let me earn some spending money. What am I going to do?" Ryou asked almost in a panic.

Bakura tensed. Why the hell was his other even worried about that? Ryou lived under his roof and the ex-thief didn't even need anything from him. Why was he so worried about that!

"Ryou, understand me when I say this. I purposely hired someone so that you could devote your time to your school work. Being a doctor is a hell of a lot better than working as an accountant part-time in this dump. From what I understand, your studies are going to get more intense and you are going to have to spend hours on end at a teaching hospital. You cannot work. If you are worried about money for the bare necessities, I ain't hurting, so don't worry about that!" Bakura had to keep his temper under control. "Right now, I want you to go home and rest. I will see you later and we'll talk about this. Tell the cook to make you dinner and leave me some also in the fridge. Okay?"

"Sure `Kura." Ryou whispered as Bakura walked toward his love.

Taking his other into his arms, Bakura hugged the lithe form against his body, inhaling the intoxicating scent of the albino. Gods, he wanted to take his bunny right there, but there was too much work to be done and too many heads to roll!

"I love you. Always remember that." Bakura whispered.

"I love you too." Ryou sighed.

Their lips met in a chaste kiss. Bakura let his other reluctantly go smiling. There was no way in hell he could ever lose his temper with his love.

******************* ************************* *****************

After saying good bye to Bakura and a few of the dancers, Ryou began to walk home. A nap sounded good about now. His eyes were drooping like Bakura's were. They both needed to take some time out for themselves.

Bakura was right. His medical career would demand more of his time. It would all pay off in the end though. Then he and his other could enjoy life more.

"Cream puffs! Get your cream puffs!" A voice shouted as Ryou stopped walking.

Cream puffs! Lovely, delicious cream puffs! Soft little pastries filled with cream with a nice sugar coating! They were his weakness. Yes! He had to have one! He must fill that cream puff craving!

Ryou ran across the street toward the cream puff stand. Stopping in front of the beloved cart, Ryou dug around for money in his pocket.

"Hello little boy! Would you like a nice delicious cream puff?" The voice asked too sickingly sweet.

"Oh yesyesyes!" Ryou's eyes became wide and a wide smile came to his face. "One please!"

"Here you go!" The voice answered as Ryou found himself handcuffed.

"What?" The albino was broken out of his cream puff trance. "What's going on?"

"I did it! I actually did it and it was so easy!" Marik ranted as he threw down his cap. "I won! Do you hear me Bakura!! I won! MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" Ryou sweat dropped at the embarrassing display.

"Marik. What do you want? I need to go home and study. I have no time for this!" Ryou growled. "WHERE THE HELL IS MY CREAM PUFF YOU DEMENTED MANIAC!!!"

"There are no cream puffs my dear Ryou-bunny, but there will be plenty where we will be going!" Marik smiled.

"What do you mean!" He demanded.

"Please marry me!!! Pleaseplease please please please!" Marik practically begged.

"No! Why would I want to marry you? I'm with Bakura!" Ryou pointed out.

"So?" The psycho blond continued. "I could make you much happier! IcouldIcouldIcoud!" Marik protested like a child. "Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease?"

"Marik, let me go. I'm not interested." Ryou sighed. "I need to get home."

"Let me show you how much I want you! Please! I even named our unborn children!" Marik's clasped his hands together and his eyes were chibi wide. "They will be so cute and we'll have 20!"

"I CAN'T GET PREGNANT YOU IDIOT!!" Ryou shouted as Marik threw him over his shoulder and then ran off leaving the cream puff stand behind. "BAKURAAAAAAA!!" Ryou screamed.

Someone walked up to the stand. They had walked for miles and they were very hungry. The poor business man looked around wondering where the vendor had gone off to.

"Hello? Anyone there? I need a cream puff! You know? The cream puff with the creamy center? The creamy creamy center? With the sugar coating that I oh so love? COME AND GIVE ME MY CREAM PUFF!!" The man shouted insanely as he ran around in circles.