Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Marik's seach for sugar ❯ Malik's back ( Chapter 7 )
Disclaimer: Bla bla bla I don't own yugioh but it's on my Christmas list.
Malik pov
Wow it had been nice to get out of the house for awhile; things have been so hectic at the moment. I hope Odion got Marik something to eat which wasn't sugar I can never deal with him on a sugar high. That's strange the front door has been left open I've got a really bad feeling about this. I push the front door open and walked in to the living room, there I was greeted with utter chaos. Marik was head first in a jumbo bag of sugar, the only life signs I could pick up was him crunching the sugar. I grab him by the hair and drag his head out of the sugar.
"No my sugar. Malik you evil bitch let me go I was eating that." He moaned.
"the way your eating it your going to choke by inhaling sugar, you have to breath remember. Anyway we all need to use that sugar, we don't need your slobber in it." I grab the bag of sugar and let his head fall to the floor with o bang. When I went to lock the sugar away in the kitchen, I found Bakura and Yami wrestling over a camera. Destroying my kitchen as they went. I tighten my grip on the sugar and smacked the sugar bag around their heads.
"What on earth is going on here?" I demand, I glower gravely at both of them. "Bakura give me my camera back. NOW." He flinches and does what his told. Ha I'm so scary for a Hikari. It's really handy when you have a crazed Yami like mine.
"You see Malik," Bakura explained, "Yami and Odion were screwing each other in Marik's bed. So we thought poor poor Yugi not know the truth about his beloved Yami, he should know. We didn't think he would believe us so we thought seeing is believing so I took a picture and then Yami out of the blue attacked me no provocation or nothing." Bakura looked innocently at me.
"Apart from take pictures of him with Odion and blackmailing him. Of course no provocation at all." I said sarcastically to him. "And Yami… In Marik's bed that's just discussing. I have to… I mean Marik has to sleep in that."
"Oh so getting a bit of action from Marik, aye." Bakura mocked.
"Oh shut up Bakura everyone knows you and Ryou are at it like bunnies. And don't make me tell Ryou the trouble you've cause me or you wont be getting a sniff for at least a month." Yep that shut him up quickly, I don't think I'll be getting any trouble from him in a long time. "Anyway where is Odion?"
"In the bathroom reapplying his makeup to his heavenly face." Yami sighed deeply and got a glazed look in his eyes. Bakura stared to make sick noises.
"ODION" I bellowed, pretty much the whole neighbourhood could hear me so I guess he did.
"Yes Master Malik." He came bounding up to me like I puppy dog in drag. "Hey that's my eye shadow and my lip gloss. What have I told you about using my stuff without asking? Anyway look at this mess what happened? I leave you alone for a couple of hours and all hell breaks loose. Actual I don't want to know, I'm am going to see Ryou before I have a nervous break down and this place better be clean before I get back or you are in so much trouble."
"Wow we're lucky he didn't see Anzu in my bedroom." Marik said with relief. "Ops his still here isn't he."
"Yes I am." I take a deep breath and start counting to 10 I get to 3 "WHAT THE HELL IS SHE DOING IN MY HOUSE?"