Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mariku's Quest: Yu-gi-oh meets Mario! ❯ The Quest begins! Meet Joey the Master Theif! ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mariku's Quest
By Nakuru Akitzuki

Disclaimer: I Do NOT own Yu-GI-Oh so could you please stop HOUNDING me about it?

Mariku arrived home to a worried Malik. "What happened? Why were you summoned?"
Mariku rubbed the bruise Ryou had given him. "I must go on a mission tomorrow morning."
"Why? What happened?" "A) Father must be avenged. B) Dearest Pince Bakura has been kidnapped
by the Koopas. I'm going to need to take Rashid with me." "But brother! Rashid is MY Yoshi! You can't just
take him!" "Sorry, but it'll go faster if I can ride Rashid." "Oh FINE! Take the Damn Yoshi." Malik muttered.
"Language, Malik." Mariku teased. Malik rolled his eyes. "This coming form Mr. Perpetual Soap
In the Mouth?" "Ha. Ha. You little Twerp. Ha. Ha." Was the Reply.

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~**~*

At 8 in the A.M sharp there came a pounding on Mariku's door. "Oh. It's you. I was hoping you
wouldn't show." He sadi when he realized that Seto was the one making the noise. "Very funny. Sir Jackass
now can we please get going?" "Sure. But first I have to get the Yoshis ready."
"Lazy bastard can't even walk to town." Seto muttered under his breath as they went out back to the
Yoshi house. "Rashid! Kaori!" Malik called. There was a Yoshi squeal and a Black Yoshi and a blue yoshi
running up.
"Ok you two. We're going to town. Kaori, sorry about his but Jackass needs to ride you. "
The blue yoshi gave an indignant sound and sprayed Seto with juice. Mariku laughed "That's enough of that
Kaori. Now. Let's get ta ridin'!" He said as he sat on Rashid's back. Rashid made a happy noise and
started off. Seto fallowed close behind on Kaori.
They rode into town just ass Joey the spell caster was about to sotart a show in the street and got
off of the yoshis.
"Step right up! See the Amazing Katsuya Jounouichi preform!" He said. "I thought you name was Joey!"
SOmeone shouted from the crowd. Joey sweatdropped. "That's what people call me, ya got a problem wit
dat?" He asked. "Naw. Not really. Just curious." The person said.
"That Joey's hopeless. He's the worst spell caster ever." Someone said. "Yeah. He can't
even pull a Funny Bunny out of a hat." "Though who would WANT to is beyond me!"
Mariku shook his head. "Plebian fools. you can hold their attention with a piece of Shroom dung."
"For once, I comepletly agree with you." Seto said in awe. "Hey! Katsuya! Get over here!" Mariku shouted.
Joey looked up and grinned. "Mariku Ishtar you Bastard! Where have you been hiding!" He said
as he ran over to them. "Oh, everywhere. Still trying to play Magic tricks on the Fools?" Joey grinned
even broader and held up some wallets full of blue coins. "Hey, gotta do SOMETHING to distract 'em,
eh Mariku?" Mariku laughed. "Right, Right. I forgot. Anyway. You seen the prince around? Or maybe Tea
Koopa?" Joey looked thoughfull for a second. "Right. Yesterday afternoon. They stopped by ta see my
show. His Highness didn't look too happy ta be here though. I swiped this offa Tea herself." It was a key.
"Oh Joey I could just hug you right now!" Mariku said. Joey blushed. "Yeah well, here. You lookin'
ta rescue da Prince? Take the key. I dun Need it." Joey said handing him the key. "Oh Joey. You don't
know how Lucky I am to know you!" Mariku said as he hugged Joey. Joey blushed. "Uh, It's Ok man.
What'er friends for, right." "Thank you." Mariku whispered. "I'm guessing he's an old friend of yours?" Seto
asked. "Maybe. Joey. Which way did they go?" "That way. Towards The ocean." Mariku nodded.
"See ya Joey!" He said before riding off with Seto behind him. "COME BACK AND VISIT ME
SOMETIME YA JACKASS!" Joey hollard grinning broadly.

A/n: Well, now they have a Key. Where does it lead to? Wat'll happen now? IS this story any good? Will
I EVER stop rambling? THe answer to those last 2 are: Probebly not. ANyway. MEGA SHOUT OUT TO
CRYSTALDRAYGON98! You ROCK! And Thanks for the 'Them being Rivals Idea.' I wa just gonna have
them not like eachother in the begining but you idea is better. C-ya! Oh and do to problems beyond my
contoll, I'll only be able to update on Mondays and sometimes on Weekends. DOn't worry though. I'll
think of Ideas for the rest of the week! ^_^ BYE!