Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Mariku's Quest: Yu-gi-oh meets Mario! ❯ Tea Lies! Mariku enters the castle. ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Mariku's Quest.
By Nakuru Akitzuki.

A/n: Second chapter written in one day. I'm ona roll here people. for disclaimer see other chapters.

Bakura sat on the cold, rock floor of his cell with a vacent expression on his face. "Seto....." He
whispered. A single tear slid down his cheeck unnoticed by him. Tea Came prancing in. "Hello dearie.
Why, whatever could be wrong?" She asked. Bakura snapped his head at her. "You bitch." he growled.
"What?" She sputtered. "You Bitch. YOU did this. You KILLED my Seto!" He said calmly. "I would do no
such thing Bakura Dear. It was one of your Dad's army men. You know, he never DID like Seto, now did
he?" she half lied. She wasn't the one who killed Seto. It was a group of 70 Koopa Troopas.
"NO! No..Dad would.... Dad would NEVER! He... Knows how much Seto means to me!"
"Ment, honey, ment. He's gone now. Your Dad had him killed." "No. Father would stop him.
Father would stop him. Father cares. Father knows. Father..."
"Isn't able to controll your Dad's vicious tendencies any longer." "What Doyou mean?
Father's always..." "Father isn't there anymore." "What are you talking about? Father's always there." He
asked with amazing childlike innocence. "Your beloved Father.... is no more." She lied.
"You lie! " "No. Your DEAR Daddykins had him executed for treason." Bakura shook his
head. "No. No. No No No NO! Dad wouldn't... COULDN'T! He loves father. Father was a calming
influence. Father was the voice of reason. Father...isn't dead." "Would I lie to you?" She asked.
"Yes." He answered simply. "Your Father summoned Mariku Ishtar to help Seto rescue you.
Against you Dad's wishes. Now see where they are? dead." Tea lied. She knew King Ryou was alive and
well Sitting next to Yami. Though very distrought over his son. "Don't you lie to me anymore Tea! I know. I
know you're lieing and I won't fall for it!" Bakura yelled. Tea sauntered up to him. "I suggest you start listening
Bakura dear, or one day. It will be your Demise." She hissed softly in his ear. Bakura glared. "I. Loathe. You.
Get. Out. Of. My. Sight." He growled.
"Ah, ah, ah. You are in NO position to tell ME what to do, my delicious little pet. I shall give the
orders around here." She said before leaving. Bakura smirked. and sat back down. 'Father summoned
Mariku Ishtar? Was that true? I just can't tell with Tea. I hope that if it is true. He rescue's me soon.'

~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~**~*~*~**~

Mariku looked at the stars. "There's so many of them." His gaze shifted to the moon. "Yue.... " He
whispered.[1] He shook his head. "I must rest. For I have a long journey ahead of me in the morning." He
said. Mariku closed his eyes and awoke with the sunrise in the morning. He rode all day and at noon he
saw the dark, spinning castle in the sky. [2] "Oh, Great." He muttered. He walked along the trail. There was
a laugh. He jumped as a Boo came floating by. He did a padented Trowa Barton backwards,staight legged
spinning jump and landed on the Boo's head. The Boo shrank and dissipated. "Gods those things are
freaky when they sneak up on you. Almost as bad as Mimes and clowns. " He said shuddering. He
continued towards the castle.

~*~*~*~*~*~~*~*~**~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~ *~*~*~**~*~**~*~*~**~*~**~*~**~*~**~**~

Bakura's head shot up as Tea came back in. He didn'tmove from his position on the floor.
"What do you want?" He spat. She smirked and walked up to him. "What I want. Is You." She said as she
pinned him to the ground. His eyes widened and he struggled, but Tea was deceptivly strong. [3] She
kissed him viciously. His head hit he floor and he groaned in pain. She took that instant to stick her tounge
down his throught. She move one of her hands downwards as one hand kept his trapped above his head.
Bakura squirmed, Praying for something to Stop this nightmare. Just them the door opened.
"Miss Tea! There's an intruder" a bob-omb said. Tea growled but got up. "Very well. We'll continue this later
right, love?" "Go to Hell!" He spat as she left.

[1] I'm SORRY I couldn't resist! 20 points and a mention to whoever guesses where this is from correectly!

[2] 60 points and hug from Chibi Malik if you get THIS right and no! It's NOT the Castle of Dark Illusions
or whatever that card is.

[3] I figured I owed it to the Coolness that was Anzu before 4Kids got their hands on her.

A/n: Well, How was it? Malik's in the castle now. What's gonna happen next? Join me next time On
Mariku's Quest!"